Home » “Enough is enough” – and so what?


“Enough is enough” – and so what? — 65 Comments

  1. If you’ve already “had enough,” no need to convince you. You agree.

    If you still need any justification, reason or event for you to “have enough,” perhaps you need a little encouragement.

    If you are afraid of taking a stand because you have mouths to feed, a reputation to keep, or a Golden Age to think about, this is also for you.

    Below is a picture of Men Who Had Enough. Men to whom you owe everything you have and are. Men who paid a Very High Price so YOU could live here, freely pursuing your own destiny. They paid that price because they publicly stated They Had Enough.

    If They Had Enough, so should you.

    At least, in their name, take a stand for once in your life.


  2. It would be hard to deny that leftists/progressives have conquered the culture. In Texas, a private Christian university (Hardin-Simmons) has, according to various reports, just expelled a young woman for posting (on TikTok) a short video on the hypocrisy of BLM’s concern for “black lives” only manifesting itself when a black life is ended during an encounter with the police. Even should Trump win again (increasingly doubtful, since he is following the worst advice from his worst advisers), the battle for control over the “hearts and minds” of Americans (especially the young)has already been won by the forces of “soft totalitarianism.”

  3. Provocative.

    I wish I knew what to do. Deep down inside I feel like some of this needs to be confronted directly–and, in the extreme, perhaps even violently. But, physically I can’t do that; and practically, politically, I am not sure that anyone can. The forces of society, and government, are arrayed against. There is a clear double standard that turns a blind or approving eye to confrontation from one direction; but, quashes it ruthlessly from the other. I have thought that may change; but, I am not sure any longer that there is the will.

    With regard to the upcoming election, I wrote in another forum that people who share complementary beliefs need to start speaking with one voice. Sadly, our side is divided, with some of the loudest voices on the “never Trump” side of the chasm. I commented that it recently sickened me, for instance, to read Carly Fiorina’s statement, “I could never support Trump”; because she is representative of a class of people whose words carry weight. They will be a strong voice for better or worse. I know that Trump has gratuitously insulted, and offended many people. To them I say, “this election is not really about Trump or Biden. They are essentially surrogates. This is a choice about the direction the country is going to take in the immediate future. This will be a statement of national intent.”

    It is essential that people who value a constitutional republic recognize this. The other side does.

  4. We have reason to suspect there will be massive vote fraud in November. It was recently discovered that 20% of the mail-in ballots cast in a local election in Paterson, NJ were cast fraudulently. Depending on how assiduously the voter roll is maintained, the avenues for there if ACORN types know where the relict entries are and where the people who were once registered there are registered now. It’s difficult for honest agencies to create valid sampling frames, so a great deal of polling is sketchy. I’m expecting some contrivedly sketchy polling as battlespace preparation.

  5. If you read the constitution with any sort of attention to detail, you might notice that there is no phrase like

    “ … and after a president signs a bill into law, or the congress overrides a president’s veto, the supreme court may, by majority vote, veto the bill, in whole or in part, if a case concerning the bill is brought before it, without either the president or congress being able to override the veto.”

    There’s a good reason for this, of course — it would obviously give the supreme court way too much power, establishing the republic as an oligarchy of judges. Yet this is how “judicial review”, a doctrine elaborated by the supreme court over the last several centuries, works in practice.

    Now the constitution as written allows the supreme court to rule any way it pleases on the cases that come before it. So if they want to find every person or group indicted under some law innocent — all the time — they can. However, without the doctrine of judicial review, prosecutors could still use that disliked law to indict, and lower courts could still use that disliked law to convict. Those violating the law would still be punished by having to pay lawyers and spend lots of time in court (until their case reached the supreme court of course).

    How did those who wrote the constitution think this sort of impasse would be resolved? Well, congress has the power to impeach and remove as many supreme court justices as it takes to get the court to see things its way, and the voters have the power to elect legislators who will be sure to remove those judges — or elect a congress and president who will change the law. Voters could elect a president who pledges to stop wasting the government’s time indicting people under the law — but they could also elect a president who insists on continuing the indictments. The voters, not the supreme court, would have the final say in what happens. In my opinion that would be the constitutional way. Judicial review is BS — worse than that, and ironically enough, it’s also (wait for it) unconstitutional.

  6. Oldflyer, on ” This is a choice about the direction the country is going to take…”

    Indeed. if you really want to turn the tide vs. the double standard, then Barr must be the one to lead the way.
    He has unprecedentedly-powerful evidentiary cards, in that the scale of the plot vs. DJT dwarfs anything ever launched in a major modern democracy.

    If Barr can bring enough busts, to show the public the scale of SparkleFarts’ assault on Const. governance, it’ll be the ultimate test of whether the U.S. public still has enough sense, to see why Const. governance is the best (if not the only available), bulwark vs. tyranny.

  7. It would be hard to deny that leftists/progressives have conquered the culture. In Texas, a private Christian university (Hardin-Simmons) has, according to various reports, just expelled a young woman for posting (on TikTok) a short video on the hypocrisy of BLM’s concern for “black lives” only manifesting itself when a black life is ended during an encounter with the police.

    Hardin-Simmons has acted to close its seminary, which was supposedly a locus of ‘progressive Baptist’ thinking. Don’t know about the college.

    What was distressing about that incident is that there was nothing notably wrong with her post. She told the truth, which is evidently in conflict with Eric Bruntmyer’s conception of ‘Christian values’. Another problem in our time is that NGOs generally are run by craven and dishonest people as a rule. Evangelical institutions are not exceptions to this rule.

    If you’re a faithful Christian, you have to look to the past for guidance. Clerical and lay leadership in our time is largely worthless. As an angry old-school Catholic of my acquaintance says, “Its a business for them”.

  8. I agree with Neo that evangelizing is not likely to be useful. If you’re good at it, for sure, continue. But I think a lot of attitudes are hardening.

    Donating is good. There are many excellent orgs that are tax exempt. Judicial Watch, Harmeet Dhillon’s center for american liberty and many others. Hey, contribute to a blog 🙂 🙂

    But for a lot of us, unless you’re in a Red area, I’d guess an appropriate level would be:
    1) find the others
    Make friends with, or at least make a point of talking to, any neighbor with a Trump bumper sticker or lawn sign. Put up something for yourself, if you’re not comfortable with a 2nd Amendment bumper sticker, go with an American flag.
    Mark yourself in some way, openly or more devious.
    2) keep informed
    I find I don’t need to rehearse all the issues anymore. I’ve chosen sides. I don’t need to follow every detail or dissect every nuance. But keep alert to what’s going on
    3) prepare
    Have food in your house. Have water. Get a gun and learn to use it. (It takes a long time and the Dem government bodies will continue to erect new road blocks to ownership). When you go out, put something in your purse or pocket: pepper spray or a clasp knife. You’re not looking for trouble. But practice the feeling of “if something happens, I’m not the WEAKEST target”. Be of the mindset: a pack not a herd.
    Blogger Teri O’Brien used to say “A Warrior needs first courage, then a weapon”

    We’ll be fine, I bet, till the election. And maybe longer. But … people get ready.

  9. Are people enjoying their popcorn fun or do they need the heat turned up by Ymar’s faction?

    As an angry old-school Catholic of my acquaintance says, “Its a business for them”.

    Similar to what Vigano wrote about.

    I also don’t support state religion for similar reasons. If Yeshua or Yehoshua came back to Earth in a Second Coming, many christians would decide to launch nuclear missiles at the asteroid threatening our living standards.

  10. The Democrats are telling Black voters what the latter must think and what they must NOT think as the Democrats are warning them in no uncertain terms NOT to stray off the reservation.

    This point must be hammered home.

    Tim Scott is being treated in a disgusting manner by the MSCM and the Democratic Party.

    Now it’s Van Jones’s turn:

    And of course, there’s Biden’s bombshell that a Black American cannot be considered Black unless he or she votes for a Democrat.

    But Trump (of course) and his supporters are the racists….

  11. I have dicsussions with my friends and trade emails and most of us are in our mid 70’s and older, my perception is the world is turning to crap and my reality is I am fairly well off, I have had a good ride, lived in different states and overseas I have a wonderful wife, grown kids with kids, not always easy raising kids but over all our family is doing well even with the virus stuff. The fact that I moved to a smaller conservative town here in Texas seven years ago helps my peace of mind now that we no longer live in a metro area. I have come to the conclusion that I need to take reasonable preparation for things that might happen locally and at this time I don’t see anything happening with our police except they would be standing with us were woke folk decide to come create some mayhem.

    As for taking action to stem the tide of liberal woefulness I have no idea how that could be done, to me this is like a forest fire where the time comes to stand back and build a fire break and let it burn itself out. We have a large part of the population here in the US who have exercised their second amendment rights, lots of police and a good deal of the military Non-coms and Enlisted and Jr. Officers who have strong core American values so I don’t see a repeat of the situations that occurred in Europe in the 1920 and 1930’s both in Russia and the Soviet Union. I hope I am right because this woke stuff is going to get worse before something changes for the better.

    Perhaps one of the first thing that will happen is the old beer drinking white guys will decide to quit watching woke athletes who are paid a ton of money to play children’s games and the revenue those sports generate will dry up. That would also have an affect on the companies who make shoes and clothes for playing children’s games and those brands will lose their perceived value, I don’t know, it could happen.

  12. RE: “I have said before, and I’ll say again: whether or not Trump is elected in 2020, the problem is huge and will remain huge.”
    I agree.

    President Trump has done well, but he hasn’t been able to stop the tide — much less roll it back. Consider, for example, the numerous felonies committed by the DOJ/FBI, and there are no consequences. High ranking officials broke numerous laws, and they will never be arrested. Also, many voted for Trump so that he would enforce immigration law, but the courts are preventing him from doing basic things, including rolling back DACA.

    Trump may very well lose in November. Even if he wins, as long as the DNC keeps control of the House, he has no way to make any real changes, and we’ll have to continue to put up with Speaker Pelosi, Rep. Schiff, and all her other clowns. The GOP may lose the Senate, too.

    Have I had enough? Certainly.
    1. Voting is a sham. The Left has a built-in 5% or so advantage through fraud. The alternative to the Left should be the GOP, but they are NOT the party of Trump. They are stupid, corrupt, incompetent, and cowardly. Furthermore, recent federal court decisions prevent meaningful change from Leftwing ideology or hand the Left major victories without legislation.
    2. The Deep State appears to be growing in strength and cannot be stopped. The union of the Deep State and the Left will guarantee the success of both — until the inevitable power struggle destroys one of them.
    3. The Left is organizing groups to use violence and economic sanctions to deprive individuals of their civil rights, especially the right to free speech.
    4. The idea of equal justice before the Law and due process is dead.
    5. The next generation of Americans is a basket case. A plurality of them or an effective, vocal minority are working to destroy western values.

    This will not end well.

  13. Note, however, that there may well be a surprise (or two) in November if the Democrats persist in encouraging war in the streets of America (in the bizarre belief that it is excellent political strategy).

  14. I agree with those who ask, “Okay, what are we supposed to do other than vote for Trump, donate to conservative candidates, work for the local campaign, and try to convince others to do likewise?”

    What else does a law-abiding citizen do?

    I don’t think it’s morally licit for me, as a civilian individual, to personally become violent towards the Antifa crowd. And even if it were, not everything moral is also prudent. And even if it were prudent, first you have to find and accurately identify the bad guy; otherwise, what you’re doing is neither moral nor prudent. (It is, of course, morally licit for the police, and possibly the U.S. military under the Insurrection Act, to exercise force against Antifa. But it still might not be strategically prudent. And I certainly hope the police and the military are already keeping track of who those folks are, who’s teaching them insurgency tactics, where their funding comes from, etc.)

    So: What other options are there, that fall in that big gap between exhorting folks I know and nuking Portland?

  15. I am not as pessimistic as others here.

    With few exceptions no one mentions our military. Does anyone think that if violent protesters storm the White House and Capitol that there will not be an overwhelming response?

    What if the violence spreads to the suburbs. Please be reminded that there are a lot of heavily armed citizens out here that won’t put up with this bull. The ranges are busy with concerned citizens who are preparing for this challenge.

    My prediction is that the violence will subside because there is no way for the Marxists to win through violence, and they know it, I suspect. The fight then returns to a political one of the type that we’ve been engaged in for decades.

    How you vote is incredibly important as is how you raise your kids and grand kids. Pull them out of public school if you can. Don’t give Hollywood your money. Don’t support Broadway. Cancel Twitter. Cancel Facebook. Don’t buy the products and services from “woke” corporations. Find palatable alternatives or go without like we did in the olden days. These are sacrifices that we oldsters can make.

  16. Neo said, “I know what I do, although it feels inadequate: I write for public consumption, and I’ve been doing it for over 15 years for many many hours a day.”

    What you do is NOT inadequate – it’s valuable and important. This blog is an island of sanity and reason in what is beginning to seem like an ocean of unreason and violence. One of the things that I will do is to continue to make contributions here whenever I can, to help you keep it going as long as you can.

  17. I suppose this is THE question of the times.

    I have certainly been surprised by some of the events of this year, and last, and the years prior, but I did a calculus sometime during Bush II’s second term and determined (barring an extraordinarily unlikely string of years of significant numbers of courageous and skilled strategic leaders at many levels of local, state and federal governments) we had been sliding irrevocably towards socialism, or worse for the better part of a century. I’ve written lengthy, detailed posts on it before, and I won’t bother to repeat the facts here, but we have not been a Democratic Republic for a long time. Trump’s brash, narcissistic nature has put it all out in the open, but what we see today has been going on covertly and overtly for decades. The “Deep State” was not birth’ed by the Obama administration. All of us live in States that regulate how we live, raise our children, hire and pay our employees, maintain our properties, feed ourselves, transact business… through controls our Founding Fathers would have never stood for. And it’s worse at the Federal level. I love this country. I love what the Founding Fathers erected and generations of Patriots, Inventors, Pioneers, Mothers, Fathers, Poets, Dancers, Reverengs, Priests, Nuns, Comedians, Athletes… nurtured and built. But we abandoned the foundation long ago. It was such a magnificent foundation that it continued to support us through many decades of misuse and non-maintenance, but it cannot continue to hold.

    We blew it. I am no coward, and am willing to fight, but I think the time for fighting passed long ago. When we allowed a court to rule that infanticide was “the law of the land,” and we did nothing. When we allowed governments to regulate who and how consenting adults marry, or partner. When we allowed the Federal government to stipulate our wages and levy taxes on our labor. We allowed a Department of Education to regulate the education of our children and subrogate the rights of parents. We allowed the federal government to control our money, to make payment in gold and silver illegal and demand we transact all business with notes issued by a private Treasury we unanswerable to us, or any official we can elect. To avoid fiscal difficulties our Politicians rob the Treasury to bankrupt our grandchildren. And we do nothing. We even vote them back into office. You can have signed affidavits from a team of respected physicians all sharing the identical opinion that you have a fatal illness and will be dead within a year, yet you can only seek treatments and cures approved by unelected bureaucrats in Washington D.C. We ceded our very right to life to Washington politicians. We sacrificed our freedoms for a false promise of security. For material comfort.

    Media, Entertainment, Sports… lie about us. Lie to us. Lie to our children. And we keep buying tickets. We keep paying our cable bill and adding new services; Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO… as soon as they are available. Politicians give our tax dollars to Universities and public High Schools and Grammar Schools to teach our children how to dismantle the Republic and we keep re-electing them. We keep donating to the alumni fund and we keep paying our kids’ tuition bills. We have not been asleep. We have not been idle. We have been complicit; full partners funding it every step of the way.

    What did we think would happen?!

  18. Ymar’s off his meds and off his chain again. But has apparently digested the Brothers K at some stage of his wanderings in the wilderness.

    Rest of the Commenters illustrate the historical inevitability of the great unpleasantness which is slouching down the pike (where’d I put those meds, now?) towards our Bedlam. It really *is* virtually impossible for the sane and decent people to fight this level of civilizational insanity until they themselves have been driven to such an extreme that the norms of civilized behaviour are blown apart. Then the game will be afoot.

    So it has always been. So it always will be. Interesting Times.

  19. I am with you OldTexan, except that I am kind of stuck in California. My personal circumstances are fine. I tell myself that the next generation will have to deal with what they wrought; or allowed to be wrought. But, it hurts.
    Brian Morgan; I am not sure that you are correct that they cannot win through violence. They are doing pretty well. No, I don’t expect an overt full out assault. I do expect them to continue to use violence to intimidate officials and unorganized civilians (that’s most of us). I expect threats of violence to shape society. I expect those we allow access to our young people to continue to indoctrinate and alienate them. I expect the feckless folk we have elected to govern us will continue to cower and pander. I expect that significant parts of the country will be subject to massive voter fraud; and I don’t trust the courts or anyone else to stand up to it. Other than that, there is no reason to be pessimistic.

    I cannot cancel facebook, twitter, etc. because I do not participate. I am severing my ties with “woke” entities like Amazon to the extent that I can, given my semi-locked down status. That and the fact that their numbers are legion. It would be nice to believe that there are enough of us to make a difference. I read that advertising is way down on social media sites; but, I suspect the overall effect will be minimal.

    The sad thing is that the law has neutered law abiding patriots, all the whilc letting the forces of chaos run free. The rule of law that we have long revered has been turned on us. I have commented about swinging pendulums. Our societal pendulum better be at its outer limit.

    I am open to suggestions on what I, as an individual, can do to help preserve our constitutional republic.

  20. I think that one of the things we can all do is stop being differential to the social and corporate bullies and tell the blunt unvarnished truth. When pushed to support BLM say I don’t support rioters who destroy black neighborhoods. When asked to support erasing history say the visual history of racism should not be erased. Those of us on the right tend to be passive because we are the true liberals. We believe others have a right to their beliefs. Where we went wrong is that they do not have the right to force said beliefs on us. I stopped calling Democrat liberals when Obama was elected. There is nothing liberal about progressivism. When they attempt to put you on the defensive hold nothing back and point out the truth of their crap. Personally, I have had enough.

  21. First, I enjoy reading your blog.

    I recently wrote to my daughters a lengthy explanation of why I will probably vote for Trump (“probably” only because vicissitudes happen). They are both liberal, and I live in the bluest of blue states and work with the bluest of blue colleagues. But I had to let my daughters know how I was feeling. They responded kindly. They are sweet and loyal but like so many they think that what they learn from the late night comedy shows is what counts for news. I guess I feel I would like to intrude where I can a little bit with some evidence and reasoning not generally available.

  22. Late night comedy shows stopped being funny when Johnny Carson retired and Arsenio Hall left a couple years later. You could always count on them to help you unwind and put a smile on your face. Today’s “comedy” shows are a travesty. How can someone sleep after watching that crud? It is truly frightening that people use it as a source of news.

  23. Everyone, I’m sorry for being such a hard-ass but I’ve had enough of the negativity. For several years I was a department director in a fairly large company. Believe me when I tell you that it was a weekly struggle to maintain enthusiasm within the group.

    With respect to our problem with the Left, we outnumber them 1000-to-1. If we could show just one-tenth of their enthusiasm they would skitter away. But no, we have to compound a difficult, albeit winnable, situation by being a bunch Debbie Downers:


    (no offense to the ladies out there)

  24. “a Black American cannot be considered Black unless he or she votes for a Democrat. But Trump (of course) and his supporters are the racists….”

    There are signs. Maybe that’s all it is. But some polling results. The Van Jones story. Some targeted Trump policies. Talcum X made a statement that I was shocked to agree with: that all these police killings occur in cities run by Dems, typically for decades. Kanye West’s conversion.

    Could this be the year? The year when significant numbers of black Americans sit it out, or vote against Dems?

  25. “Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof.” God knows the outcome of things, and he has commanded us to fight injustice and help the powerless. Abraham Lincoln faced confusion like we face in our day. With hundreds of thousands dead on both sides by 1864, he realized that although he could not know why God allowed such bloodshed (he suspected it could be Divine Justice for generations of slavery) he could trust God was working a greater good. Everything we are mourning today are things built or strengthened since those dark days. Who knows but that our own faith in these times of grief and confusion are not precursors of a purified country to come. And even if things are darker than that, I and my house will serve the Lord. If we are with Him, we will never be defeated. We are not called to give up- we are called to fight for the right as God gives us to see the right. Take courage, my friends. God is still in His heaven, and regards the pleas of His people.

  26. Yesterday, I too read that article, I’m copying my comment to that article;

    “The author related that, “…no one could name any response they were willing to take, except for voting.”

    That’s because speaking out, writing, donating money, demonstrating and voting… are all that can be presently done. Currently, we have to play within the rules, while they incessantly break them and prevent lawful consequence for the rule breakers.

    Yet for we on the right to go beyond the above measures would be for us to end our Constitutional Republic.

    At some point, our ‘disagreement’ will go hot. It will then be “politics by other means” because the Left and their enabling “useful idiot” liberals won’t stop until liberty is a dead letter.

    Make no mistake, that will happen because they can’t implement their progressive (Marxist) utopia without ending our most fundamental rights.

    The trigger wire(s) for armed conflict is when they move to confiscate guns, which is a necessity to successfully abolish our inalienable rights. But that will end (temporarily) our Constitutional Republic. The left imagines that rights are actually privileges and are revocable by the State, it’s a fundamental difference between us that cannot coexist.

    When the Left moves to end our rights is when the SWHTF and that… will be when the Left discovers that they’ve made their final mistake. They will have “chosen poorly”… as had the activist Left patience, they would have waited for another generation, when we on the right then consisted of far fewer as a percentage of the population. They could have then legally voted America’s fundamental transformation into the Union of Socialist States of AmeriKa. Instead, they’re prematurely pushing for America’s collapse too soon and that is why it will end badly for them.

    Consider, not only do we on the right have almost all of the guns but those on the Left live in urban and suburban environments. Enclaves that MUST IMPORT ALL of life’s necessities; water, food, gasoline, medicine… all of whose supply chains can be easily and severely disrupted.
    “Amateurs study tactics. Professionals study logistics.”

    “War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.” – William Tecumseh Sherman

    I do pray that it won’t come to this but I’m not hopeful.

  27. Brian Morgan,

    I’m not a Debbie Downer, I am a realist. I live my own life and manage my affairs in a positive and determined manner. But I live in a nation of over 300 million other people and a majority of them seem to want security over freedom and/or allow their lust for material objects or power over others to drive their impulses.

    Mene,mene tekel upharsin. If we didn’t fight to stop the killing of our babies, or the looting of our treasury, or the destruction of our families… why is toppling a few statues going to force people to look up from their screens and sacrifice their comfort for action?

    There are great people in this country today, and there will be great, freedom loving, courageous people here in 5 years, 20. But politically we’ve been on an anti-liberty slide for over 100 years.

  28. Rufus:

    “mene mene tekel upharsin”

    The phrase in Daniel 5, along with its translation. Some translations spell upharsin as parsin. The phrase appeared on a wall in the palace of Belshazzar, the acting king of Babylon. He is referred to as the “son of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 5:18, 22), although he was not Nebuchadnezzar’s immediate successor (Jeremiah 52:31). The biblical account of the mysterious and frightening appearance of the phrase mene mene tekel upharsin has given rise to the modern expression “the handwriting on the wall,” meaning “a portent or warning of inevitable misfortune.”

    Thanks to: https://www.gotquestions.org/mene-mene-tekel-upharsin.html

    Regarding abortion, I used to be one of those pro-abort people until the day that my wife miscarried. Fortunately she is Catholic so we went to a Catholic Hospital. The doctor and staff allowed us to say goodbye to little Gabrielle, a perfectly formed little girl albeit small perhaps 8 inches from head to toe, 17 weeks gestation. We laid her to rest at a cemetery with all the other little babies that didn’t make it. Since then I’ve been a rabid pro-lifer. Perhaps if more people had our experience it would change hearts and minds. Unfortunately we have pond scum like Roberts who sides with the pro-aborts.

  29. Rufus,

    I am not as well-read as you and most others on Neo’s site but I fall back on my sturdy upbringing. “God helps those who help themselves” was impressed upon me. I won’t sit by and wait for God to wield his might sword to smite my enemies. It is my burden with God’s help if he chooses.

    I can’t begin to tell you how much anger I feel that some would allow themselves to be rounded up and sent to re-education camps, or worse into box cars. “Arbeit Macht Frei” — no way am I going there — I will fight with every fiber of my being and die in the process of resisting if need be. I refuse to submit to the devils who would slit my throat for a photo op. It aggravates the hell out of me that some will go along with that without a fight. Totally unacceptable to me.

    So excuse me if I don’t along with it.

  30. Brian Morgan,

    God bless your beautiful daughter, Gabrielle! Our son Jack, dead at 40 weeks gestation, would have celebrated his 25th birthday this year. Like you, having children changed my view of abortion. Drs. who council mothers that the “procedure” will not impact the mothers’ lives are charlatans.

  31. I just wish my brother-in-law was still with us. He was the consummate hunter. His favorite weapon was a bow. He was expert at harvesting game. A perfectly aligned shot to the vitals brought the animal down fast. Sweet, sweet venison. Have you ever had venison? If it is tough and bitter tasting, it wasn’t a clean harvest. It’s the adrenaline that spoils the meat.

    The radical Leftists wouldn’t have a chance against my brother-in-law. He’d be in camo in a tree. They wouldn’t see him. Like I said he was humane when it came to animals but I am sure that he would make his aim just a little bit off to ensure that the Leftist had his come to Jesus moment before expiring.

    I tell you this because I want you to have hope. The radicals will meet resistance in the suburbs but take my word for it, they will wish they were never born if they step an inch farther. There are many, many hunters just like brother-in-law out here. They should be careful where they step and who they push around.

  32. Brian Morgan,

    I’m not sure if I’m more read than you, but I must be a worse writer, because I don’t seem to have made my point. Like you, I will fight for America. I can fight a foreign or domestic enemy, but how do I fight my fellow Americans who do not wish to be free? Who wish to vote in policies that take from the industrious and give to the idle? Who wish to segregate us by our skin color? Our fellow citizens are choosing this freely.

    I will speak up and out. I will protect my family. But how do I force Americans to live freely if they do not wish to do so?

  33. Americans are a generous people If those among us don’t like the system as founded then we can work with them to set up reservations in the heart of the country. We’ll make sure they are well educated in tool-making, growing crops, animal husbandry, constructing permanent shelters, etc. They can build their paradise and reign over it. Perhaps they will be successful. I wish them all the luck. In my opinion this is their best option. They should take it while we remain generous but I can’t guarantee that the offer will be available beyond August. We only have so much patience.

  34. This is all fine and dandy, BUT the Dems are going to do everything in their considerable power to STEAL this election.

    The question is . . .how can we stop them?

  35. Brian Morgan,

    Freedom will never die in America. There will always be patriots like your broth in law. I’ve worked in about 20 foreign countries and met brilliant, freedom loving natives in each and every country.

    But there are times in a nation’s political arc where individual freedom may wax or wane. We are not in an impossible situation, but I believe we are in a waning arc. The images of selfish, adult babies on my TV screen will not keep me from serving my family and God. I got on one knee to ask for my wife’s hand 30 years ago, and I kneel when I pray to God, but I will not bend for a political movement.

    As many write here, there are millions of armed Americans willing to defend themselves if directly attacked, but the inexorable march of Supreme Court decisions, and regulations, and devaluation of the dollar will continue. We are much less free in America in 2020 than we were in 1920. We also live longer and have much more leisure and thicker waistlines.

    As Juvenal said nearly two thousand years ago, “Pan et Circenses.” “Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.”

  36. How can we stop them from stealing the election? We educate ourselves on how our town is planning to conduct the election. If they give some cockamamie excuse about COVID-19 we invite ourselves into their office and explain the obvious: everyone wears a mask, standing six feet apart, with damned arrows on the floor to remind us which way the cattle can walk. If there is resistance then we contact our Congressmen and women, and the President. I suggest that the election should be suspended until a vaccine is found. The Left will squeal like swine but hey we’re used to their tantrums by now.

  37. My wife and I had two miscarriages and a still birth before our only live birth. It was only after the live birth that we truly understood all that we had lost. The second one, the still birth was the worst. My wife spent a week in the hospital trying to stop premature labor before she lost the baby. She gave birth in the bathroom. They rushed her first to surgery to stop the bleeding and then moved her to a private room away from all the new mothers with their live babies. After the third one, my wife said she just couldn’t emotionally take another pregnancy and we began considering adoption. Then came the miracle.

    My wife is part Native American and NA’s have rather low fertility. They had a somewhat static population which is one of the reasons they were decimated by white diseases.

  38. I do two things, engage locally and stay armed. I HAVE 5 RIFLES, 2 handguns, and 1 shotguns, and several thousand of ammo per caliber. Tread on me if you dare.

  39. Rufus, we need to go beyond “defend”. We need to let them know in no uncertain terms that they will be hunted if they cross the line.

    I’m ashamed to admit it but I am a great horror movie fan. If you look at all the movies you will find that a great majority of them involve some backwoods hick as the murderous devil.

    Urban dwellers have been conditioned by Hollywood to fear the country. If it comes down to it, a few carefully placed arrows to the buttocks or the Achilles heal will send the radicals home crying for mommy and daddy. Pavlov’s dog. Thanks Hollywood!

  40. We are in a world war with Comintern 2.0. Most of the world is against us. We have already suffered a mass casualty attack by commie China. The Demon party is a fifth column.

    On the other hand…

    Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan expressed outrage after Black Lives Matter protesters showed up at her home Sunday afternoon, despite her previous support and defense of the “CHOP” encampment.

    Protesters targeted her home after Durkan announced last week that the city would no longer support the Capitol Hill Organized Protest encampment and would seek to remove the concrete barriers that helped define the autonomous zone. But the CHOP remains intact.

    Durkan released a statement expressing her anger at the protest. She was especially upset that Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant had joined the protesters at her home.

    “Mayor Durkan and her family are in the state program to keep their address confidential because of the death threats mostly related to her work as Seattle’s U.S. Attorney under President Obama. Instead of working to make true change, Councilmember Sawant continues to choose political stunts,” read the statement from her office.

    “Tonight she did so without regard for the safety of the Mayor and her family. The Mayor was not even home — she was working at City Hall. Seattle can and should peacefully demonstrate but should not put families and children at risk,” the statement concluded.


  41. Chases Eagles, that is heartbreaking. I am happy for your miracle! We looked into adoption but the hurdles were so high that we decided instead to be the best darn doggy mom and dad. The only problem with pets is that they are here today and gone tomorrow so it seems. Losing the last two was devastating especially Tucker our Cocker Spaniel.

  42. Our greatest mistake was listening to the “moral supremicists” and “hand wringers” and bow tie wearers.

    When it was declared that under no circumstances would we resort to violence nor condone violence in defense against the depredations of the left, we set about ourselves limits on our maneuver and responses.

    The enemy knew this limit and was, therefore, ever after, able to out maneuver us and ensure we were constantly in react rather than act mode and preyed upon our own at will, through the cancel culture, knowing there’d never be any real repercussions that matter.

    So, we gathered ourselves up on separate and mutually non supportable moral high grounds, got surrounded and defeated in detail.

    We lost the schools because we wouldn’t fight to whatever degree necessary to prevent the loss of the schools. Now a great many of entire generations are produced as soldiers for the left through the schools.

    We lost entertainment and watched and often paid ticket prices in support of the social and cultural destructionism produced and broadcast to any and all.

    We’ve sat back and watched as our military leadership has been mostly stripped of leaders that were replaced with managers, and the military itself be subjected to ever growing SJW indoctrination.

    We watched as an entire wing of our politics went ever further into the irrational, and the other wing of our politics bend the knee and join them as Vichy.

    We watch our federal judges grow ever more obtuse in their rulings. Now expecting no more justification from them other than “because I want to”.

    and any time someone did try to stand up and fight back it was met with:

    “they’re making us look bad!”
    “they’re just as bad as the left now!”
    “that’s not who we are!”

  43. The AG post Neo linked was a response to this one —

    The comments were an interesting collection of where people drew the line at staying with the Wokerati. Some conversions stemmed from the same public events being eye-openers, others were more personal.
    Reminded me of the #WalkAway stories.

    JimNorCal – there seem to be more black people publicly pushing back against the Left SJWs, now that some of them are having their own lines crossed. Whether they will take the step of voting against the Democrats — well, that remains to be seen, but we will have to view it through a glass darkly if the fraud brigade has their way.

  44. As I wrote before, the old republic is dead. The Demon party has burned any bridges back to comity. This is what happened in 1860. There could be no reconciliation. What came after was a substantially different republic. Same thing here. What comes next will not resemble the past very much. I suspect if we win the war for example, the Democratic Party will no longer exist. Their leaders either dead or awaiting trail before a military tribunal and for a lot of them, a hanging. Since the Federal judiciary will bear a heavy responsibility for the fall of the republic, they might well have their own express lane to the gallows.

    Then what changes do we want to make to keep it from happening again for at least another 150 years. I think it is very important for every government position in America at every level to be term limited, career limited, age limited, nepotism limited and carpet bagger limited. No more senators for life and no more county clerks for life either.

  45. Chases Eagles, you may be right but I’d rather not have a repeat of the Civil War if possible. I’d like to see the Right grow a pair of fangs. The Left needs to be read the Riot Act and warned to cut the shit out (sorry Neo). We’ve had it!

  46. Given the deep rot in the Federal judiciary and DOJ departments, we may not be able to keep the Left from stealing the election.

    If the Democrats do manage to steal the election, then we will have become a one-party state. Inevitably, the Left will move to incrementaly confiscate guns and to continue to eviscerate our inalienable rights. Again, those are empirical necessities for the Left to be able to fundamentally transform America.

    When they direct the police to start confiscating lawfully owned guns and inevitably kill law abiding citizens who resist… that will precipitate a tipping point and that will be when civil war breaks out.

    It will not end well for them. Besides the logistical points previously mentioned, an additional factor is that the military’s enlisted are much more conservative than the officers.

    What the Left is literally incapable of grasping is that for those Americans who believe that inalienable rights, are self-evidently true… rights are not mere privileges and thus not subject to ‘cancelation’.

    Nor does the Left grasp that those who truly value liberty are not willing to live upon their knees and thus will if necessary resort to whatever degree of force is required to retain those rights.

  47. BTW, I don’t care what the polls are showing. The only way that Trump loses is if the Democrats successfully engage in fraud to steal the election.

  48. At the moment, the Democrats don’t seem to be able to offer much besides lies, indecency, insanity and violence against opponents (whether perceived, invented or I suppose genuine). Basically, an alt-universe. Or “ANTIRE.”

    On the other hand, if enough people out there are insane (or temporarily so?) and believe that violence is cool (or at least called for in the current circumstances), or are in step with the alt-universe that the Democrat are offering, then that could definitely be a winning ticket….

    (On the third hand, it doesn’t matter at all if there’s sufficient voting fraud….)

  49. Just bought 1000 rounds of .223 ammo. If it comes to that, I plan on being a one man welcoming committee.

  50. People, you would be well advised not to advertise on the internet how many guns and how much ammo you have.

    Just sayin…

  51. Personally I have a wide variety of subversive conservative t-shirts, and wear them regularly. At least in summer. The one I’m wearing now says “Make Orwell Fiction Again”. I get compliments on my shirts enough that I think I’m wearing what many people are secretly thinking. My favorite is the famous Lansdowne portrait of George Washington with the word balloon “WTF?”

  52. Of course things won’t get better even if Trump/Republicans are reelected. That will push the left to “resist” even more. Plenty of leftists will be insufferable either way, but the prospect of four more years of Trump and the specter of a future Pence presidency will make them more desperate and radical.

  53. you need to do more than say it, and more than vote in November:

    Oh please.. I gave up because I’ve been saying this was coming for 10 years.
    Been argued at, lectured on how to be liked (as if that was the important thing),
    getting yelled at, told I wrote too long and more as how to be entertaining.

    Now that its here, lets do something? Its over in terms of that.

    The core of the cancer cant even be discussed, the ability to communicate is blocked
    the ability to make cogent argument is derailed by the existence of the arguments point itself being a violation.

    You cant warn fools, and fools never think that is what they are until……..

    He who won’t be advised, can’t be helped.

    One of these days is none of these days

    its bottom of the 9th, nobody on, score is 100 to 5….
    [and the parking lot is more than half empty]

    No savior from on high delivers
    No faith have we in prince or peer
    Our own right hand the chains must shiver
    Chains of hatred, greed and fear
    E’er the thieves will out with their booty
    And give to all a happier lot.
    Each at the forge must do their duty
    And we’ll strike while the iron is hot.

    this was always an interesting line….

    They soon shall hear the bullets flying
    We’ll shoot the generals on our own side.

    I plan self-immolating love… how poetic… we will see if i can muster…
    The revolution has no place for me, the family is gone, and all else will be soon
    There is no work any more than if i wore a yellow star back when
    I am part of the evil that has to go and perhaps going on my own terms is better than theirs.

    I know what I do, although it feels inadequate: I write for public consumption, and I’ve been doing it for over 15 years for many many hours a day.

    that’s funny… you avoided so much of the key information!!
    We even argued over it… with the outcome a fait accompli given its content

    Where is your point as to which parts of the movement did what, putting blame where blame is due? Calling them out without hedging? Where is your detailed pointing of the invisible forces we ignore in discussion as almost a rule? (Even if they are not so invisible) Oh, and the books that would have helped know more? They were unread (and many of them are now gone, purged), so there was no discussion, the opposition has nothing to fear from such feeble and unworried action.

    Lets throw jello at them…

    Anything but learn the details to be empowered in language of knowing
    Anything but learn the mechanics to know where to put wrenches
    Anything but anticipate, hedging was so much better (just in case of what?)

    This is quite the humerous fantasy of inactive action…
    Completely impotent, but does barely allow one to say
    “I’ve tried and feel better for it, though twere enough.”

    That’s my (meaningless) opinion, guaranteed to piss people off.

    Look at the results, and look at where effort was actually focused
    It was never focused on the substance

    You think that rabble rousing crowd of idjits is so well organized by our own people internationally? Funded only by our own cast of stupid? Before you get upset or angry at what I said, explain these things comrade – who did what? Without even that, there was no actual target, no actual thing to focus on, no point to put action to.

    Everyone diddled so long they lost the people who knew more

    Its one thing to oppose the election of potential chancellors before the election
    Its another to oppose what the realized chancellors and educators created.


    At least Chases Eagles gets what is going on…
    This late in the game, all there is, is to sit and enjoy the comedy…

    Opinion is overrated anyway

  54. 1. Just a reminder: the Patriots of 1776 were also a minority. There were large numbers of people who were either loyal to the King or “didn’t want trouble”.

    2. Without being as pessimistic as Rufus, I think this blog skews older and we may be filling in the blanks with a remembered America that no longer exists.

    It is very difficult to really comprehend that an entire generation of young people do not share the knowledge or common-sense definitions that we were raised with. The Boomer radicals shared those cultural references, but rebelled against them. Subsequent generations have lost many threads.

    For example: I am not at all certain that police will side with the Patriots everywhere. They have undergone the same PC brainwashing as the rest of the gubmint and culture. Like the teacher’s unions, they are corrupt, cynical, and part of the Liberal machine in large cities.

    3. It will not be possible to Make America Great Again without directly embracing the Judeo-Christian values on which freedom is based, rather than blurring or obscuring the source of our founding political ideas.

    Some of the worst, most embarrassing stammering comes when (post)modern Conservatives must justify their values. Most college educated people have absorbed the Left’s cultural prejudices against the Judeo-Christian tradition. This pose – and the abject appollogia that results – will have to be explicitly renounced. The most effective culture warriors are those that are openly mocking and disdainful of the Left and its self-contradictory immorality.

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