Home » Law and order: Trump makes a speech and walks to church


Law and order: Trump makes a speech and walks to church — 22 Comments

  1. “Yeah, no one in public power has ever acknowledged the “sacred worth” of “people of color.” Right, got it.” – Neo

    And Lincoln never existed.

  2. Smoke canisters are similar, but not quite tear-gas. Fake News.

    Who cares? Not the Dem Tump-haters.

    When you call them “the Left”, you empower the Democrats.
    Democrats, not the “Left”, are on the ballots.

    Trump should be calling them the Floyd protests, and the Democrat Riots.

    And he should send in the Army, to detain rioters / make arrests. (Can’t the Army make arrests when acting to keep the peace?)

    Arrest and document who the rioters are.

    There should be dozens, maybe hundreds, of drones with cameras taking pictures of the rioters.

    The Army should mostly have paint-ball weapons, shooting paintballs. Hurt less than rubber bullets, but leave worse paint stains on the clothes, and identify those that flee more clearly.

    “They can’t arrest us all” — the gov’t has the resources to arrest hundreds, and they should start with that.

    The internal death of American civilization.
    So sad.

  3. The single most important fact concerning the political situation of our beleaguered republic is that leftists control all the commanding heights of the culture, from the MSM to Hollywood to Silicon Valley to professional sports to Wall Street and corporate America, not to mention K-12 and the universities and the publishing industry, but also including almost every major religious denomination. There is no center of power in our cultural life in which progressive ideology is not dominant.

  4. Bishop Budd left Christ long ago. Hell, the head of the church in England doesn’t even believe in God.

    And the MSM really does care — Trump trashed their meme about hiding in the White House.

    So they fall back on the old tool, most clearly illustrated by the “Fine People” Hoax.
    Twist the facts to match their Narrative. As Slow Joe said, “Fight the facts with truth”, i.e. THEIR truth.

  5. The president can under the law seize command of any state’s National Guard. Your source is in error.

  6. Tom – I like the paintball idea.

    Anyone else notice that when the President DIDN”T immediately commandeer all the executive power that belongs to governors and mayors he was a coward hiding in the White House, but as soon as he activates established legal procedures for protecting citizens he is a tyrant.

    If you can’t win with the DemLeft either way, then do what’s right.

  7. They literally live in an alternate reality. I am witnessing conversations like this on FB, between people I know in real life.

    There are people who are still absolutely welded to the idea that any action taken that is nominally undertaken for the stated purpose of something they agree with is justifiable.

    Nobody is against lawful protest. It’s one of the planks of our country. Bashing up stores, stealing stuff and beating store owners who attempt to hamper them is not “protesting.” They have words for that, like, assault and battery, and burglary, and felony vandalism. If you tied these “oh, the poor protesters” people to a chair and said, “Would you be OK with someone ‘protesting’ by smashing out your front window and beating you unconscious if you tried to stop them, because their upset feelings give them moral justification to rampage through your neighborhood,” they would equivocate. “Well, my house isn’t an insured business,” or something inane based on the idea that because they think correctly, they are immune. I honestly do not know what it will take, short of an angry mob with bats and bricks in their living room, to even reconsider.

    On the flip side, anything Trump says is something-ist. If he got in front of a camera and said that he believes in breathing air, or that he puts on pants one leg at a time, something completely different would be attributed as the entire leftosphere tells itself, “Racist Trump divides America.”

  8. As for ‘Bishop’ Budde, she’s a contemporary clergyman. For the most part, seminaries and divinity schools attract silly people nowadays. In Bp. Budde’s denomination, you have to scrounge to find people ordained after 1960 who are worth talking to.

  9. One Tweet I saw on the WH account, a reply to the Walk, buttressed my point about Trump’s no-win situation – it was by someone who would have screeched his head off if the President had immediately declared martial law to shut down the riots in the beginning.


    Kruiser, who I referenced above, embedded the Tweet below, and called it out as the lie it is, but a post at Red State today shows that Rhodes is, as always, twisting truth into his preferred narrative.

    Ben Rhodes
    It’s impossible not to notice that at least the protests we see always seem peaceful until the police show up.


    Things started out relatively calmly in St. Louis, yesterday. A gathering of several thousand people amassed in downtown St. Louis mid-afternoon, and marched from the Justice Center down to the Arch. By all accounts, that was a peaceful event.

    Afterward, some of the protesters did make their way onto I-64 and blocked traffic for a period of time. Even that, however, resolved relatively quickly and without serious incident.

    Another protest march was held yesterday evening in O’Fallon, Missouri, a western suburb of St. Louis. That, too, was peaceful.
    Once the sun went down, things took a decided turn south.

    Things really took a turn after midnight, when four St. Louis police officers were shot while standing in formation. Multiple shots rang out, and it was not immediately clear how many individuals were responsible for it.

  10. The irony of calling Trump a tyrant for threatening to send in the military to quell riots while New York is currently locked down to everything but rioters is lost on democrats!

  11. Yeah, it’s not my father’s Episcopal Church any more, or his father’s. Good to know that Budde’s version of Jesus is opposed to law and order and in favor of riots. Preach it, sister. That’ll really fill the pews.

  12. im sorry “Bishop Budde” but its my people who penned the book not yours and the President can use it

  13. Bishop Budde is a small part of the reasons The Episcopal Church, once a blueblood church, is literally disappearing, with its sexual and social justice hangups.
    The church has split, the old, still Episcopal, responsive to the Archbishop of Canterbury, remains the state religion of England. One of the British regent’s titles is “Defender of the Faith”.
    The new church is the Anglican Church, which adheres to non-revisionist Christianity headed by an African bishop, a continent where Christianity is growing by evangelical bounds.

    Division into two sects was a bit of a struggle since building and land titles were at issue. A congregation might wish to go Anglican, but the Episcopal Church owned building and land.

  14. A house divided against itself cannot stand. The Left is committed, not just to watch it burn down with joy, but forever set fires to ensure its destruction. These sinners deserve their own destruction, which is death.

  15. “Yes, Prime Minister” was an astute, hilarious political comedy show back in 80s England — back when the absurdities of liberalism could be laughed at and weren’t a noose around the collective neck.

    Today those shows are still brilliant, but don’t feel so funny.

    In case someone misses the connection, the Episcopal Church is what the Church of England in America became after the Revolutionary War.

    James Hacker:
    Humphrey, what’s a Modernist in the Church of England?

    Sir Humphrey Appleby:
    Ah, well, the word “Modernist” is code for non-believer.

    James Hacker:
    You mean an atheist?

    Sir Humphrey Appleby:
    No, Prime Minister. An atheist clergyman couldn’t continue to draw his stipend. So, when they stop believing in God, they call themselves “Modernists”.

    James Hacker:
    How could the Church of England suggest an atheist as Bishop of Bury St Edmunds?

    Sir Humphrey Appleby:
    Well, very easily. The Church of England is primarily a social organization, not a religious one.

    James Hacker:
    Is it?

    Sir Humphrey Appleby:
    Oh yes. It’s part of the rich social fabric of this country. So bishops need to be the sorts of chaps who speak properly and know which knife and fork to use. The sort of people one can look up to.

    “Yes, Prime Minister” (1986)

  16. A quick question: Are we still under a declared National State of Emergency? As far as I can tell, Trump has declared a State of Emergency for COVID-related concerns, under the Stafford Act, the Public Health Service Act, and the National Emergencies Act. Are those still in effect? Doesn’t he have special authorities under those? I wonder how they’re being used.

  17. huxley left out my favorite line, “It usually comes down to a choice between a knave and a queen.”

    I think that’s also the one where the PM says to a diplomat “You said it was impossible.” The reply: “It should have been, and if you’d left it to us, it would have been.”

    I was baptized and confirmed Episcopalian, and defended them until the late 70s. Then I realized it was hopeless. The line from Richard Hooker to Lewis and Eliot is dead. Except maybe in Africa.

  18. Eeyore: There were so many lines from “Yes, Minister” and “Yes, Prime Minister.”

    And, mirabile dictu, the shows were run on the BBC!

    Which even then was plenty liberal, but liberals of that era could laugh at themselves.

    Not today.

  19. The bottom line for the left is orangemanbad to the tune of Russia, Russia,Russia do da, do da. Beyond that they got squat. Unfortunately, 48% sing along in harmony out of key.

  20. AesopFan on June 2, 2020 at 5:26 pm said:
    One Tweet I saw on the WH account, a reply to the Walk, buttressed my point about Trump’s no-win situation – it was by someone who would have screeched his head off if the President had immediately declared martial law to shut down the riots in the beginning.

    * * *
    I bring this up because I found a reference later that claims the picture of the darkened White House is — I’m sure you are all surprised — a photoshop of a picture taken during Obama’s tenure.

    I’ll take Arama’s word for it, since pretty much all of the “damaging” photos produced by the Democrats and leftists to tar Republicans and conservatives have been faked or mislabeled.
    There is another photoshop going around as well, relating to the Bible being so outrageously politicized by Mr. Trump.

    The left is getting desperate with their ridiculous fake photos against President Donald Trump over the past day.

    First, as my colleague Sister Toldjah reported, the Democrats including Hillary Clinton and David Axelrod fell for a picture allegedly from showing the White House with its lights off. They called it a metaphor and bashed Trump for it, without noting the some lights are turned off every night, the picture they used was from 2015 under Obama and additionally it was made darker by photoshop. But that didn’t stop them from making themselves look silly for what then became an accurate reflection on how bad the Obama administration was.

    But Debra Messing decided not to let those Democrats be alone in utter stupidity. She seems to spend most of her time on Twitter obsessed with President Donald Trump. She’s an example of a celebrities who say they want Trump to go away but then are constantly fixated on him, making him ever present in their heads.

    Messing spread a picture of the president holding up a Bible at St. John’s Church yesterday that claimed Trump was just like Hitler.

    Messing attacked Trump for having a “photo op” at the Church and she called it a “dog whistle” to racists.

    Imagine first of all being so stupid as to fall for a photoshop but second imagine thinking holding up a bible is somehow a “dog whistle” comparison to Hitler. How anyone could be so twisted and have so little understanding of history or reality is difficult to imagine.

    The picture caption blared this is not an accident! No, it’s not an accident, it’s a photoshop that anyone could have figured out.

    Of course, no one under the age of 60 has any understanding of history.
    Even if Hitler had been holding a Bible, it would have been for the purpose of throwing it into a fire. He was notoriously and rabidly anti-Christian.

    As for detachment from reality, well, compare the media treatment of a Democrat in church —

    Posted on June 2, 2020 by sundance
    An interesting juxtaposition provides yet another example of how national media shape their narratives. Yesterday President Trump visited St. John’s church in Washington DC. Democrats and national media immediately declared it a stunt, a “photo op”.

    However, at the same time President Trump was visiting St. Johns’, candidate Joe Biden was visiting Bethel AME church in Wilmington, Delaware, and the media were very careful to avoid labeling this captured moment:

    Like the organized riots, looting and subsequent media political constructs, the Biden strategy is heavily scripted and not organic. From the moment representative James Clyburn aligned his network with Barack Obama’s Chicago machine there has been a strategy at work.

    The rest of sundance’s post is a very informative essay on the generational split of black Democrats into two major organizations that service different populations, but come together if there is any genuine threat to their ultimate goal: power over everyone in the country.

    JFTR, IMO, Trump really was blowing a dog whistle this time — to Christians.
    Although some have questioned his own religious piety and commitment, I don’t have any doubt that he knows where his base lives.
    The continued hypocrisy of the Democrats over essential businesses and lockdowns is not inducing many Christians to jump ship, and Trump is reaffirming his position as their protector.
    From John Roberts, if necessary.

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