Home » The House will take up the stimulus bill on Friday


The House will take up the stimulus bill on Friday — 22 Comments

  1. Well, Nancy has already held it up for a week while attempting to insert lots of SJW crap into the bill. The word, “diversity”, appeared 22 times in the bill she attempted to foist on us.

    As somebody (in)famously said:

    “What difference does it make!”

  2. The Democrats have a strong voting base in NYC and surrounding areas. AOC represents a district there. If you ask me Madam Speaker will delay no further. She’ll just be virtue-signaling. Look at the stock market today; it’s up big time again. That’s not Ma and Pa buying stock, that’s the pros. They have a direct line to Madam. It’ll pass tomorrow.

  3. The Dems are preparing for the weekend talk show circuit where their enablers in the media will foist them up as great heroes of the people. If they don’t pass it then they are toast. Sorry but I’ve become cynical in my old age living near the city.

  4. She has already been on breaking her arm patting herself on the back saying it was all her that made this bill so great. Protecting the “workers”. Wonder where the workers will go when there are no businesses to hire them?

  5. I mentioned it on another comment thread here but I highly recommend the ‘Verdict with Ted Cruz’ podcast on YouTube. They recorded it last night after the vote and it’s a 30 minute dive into the bill’s pluses and minuses.

    Other episodes of it are worth a listen also.

  6. LYNN, never underestimate the resiliency of Americans nor the skill of President Trump to kickstart the economy. He oozes positivity. People respond to it.

  7. “That’s not Ma and Pa buying stock, that’s the pros. ”

    Well, my wife and I bought Delta and Disney two days ago. They were at a real bargain price. We figured Disney being the largest entertainment company, is on solid ground, and once the parks open up, Disney+ starts up in Europe soon, and people head back to theaters, it will recover. We also wanted an airline stock. It was a choice between SWA and DAL, but we went with DAL as we thought they could have a bigger come back once international travel starts up again. We are looking at holding for 6 months to a year, though as of today, we definitely have made out well.

  8. I’ll echo Lynn Hargrove,

    I heard Pelosi speak some minutes ago. She single handedly saved America from the terrible trickle down economics that Trump, Mnuchin, and McConnell built into the legislation. Her miraculous reworking of it (in a handful of hours no less) now ensures that the economy will bubble up from the bottom. I am so relieved and grateful for her work.

    All you media viewers are hereby commanded to forget that Trump and Mnuchin pumped at least $50B into the SBA and small and tiny businesses over a week ago.

  9. This is also scheduled to be a “voice vote” and not a “recorded vote,” so that there will be no record of how any particular member voted “yea or nay” that they can be criticized for.

    As they say, “success has a thousand fathers, failure is an orphan.”

    If this stimulus bill does it’s intended job, and paves the way for a successful recovery, everyone in the House will say that they shouted “yea” to speed it on it’s way.

    If it doesn’t do the trick, many House members will claim that they shouted “nay,” to try to stop the passage of a bill that they saw would be a failure.

  10. Woman accuses Joe Biden of assault

    Wait, is that Clarence Thomas I hear belly laughing across the known universe? Has LIGO detected any serious gravitational wave action today?

  11. My congressman Thomas Massie is threatening to object to unanimous consent, forcing congress to reconvene and delaying things further. He’s a libertarian and very deficit-conscious so it’s consistent with his past statements and actions.

  12. Why would a college whose campus is shut down need 13 million dollars to “help prepare for and respond to the coronavirus outbreak”?

  13. Convenient (for Cuomo and Party elders) how this MeToo stuff is reheating now.

    If Joe is discarded, is it only Bernie who’s waiting in the wings? Or are there other campaigns which are dormant but still technically alive?

    (Aesop, great links. It is truly a Golden Age of Humor with the Bee).

  14. Ohio’s Government’s top doctor has said recently- that Ohio’s new coronavirus cases might jump to 6000 – 8000 …A DAY.


    I think she just made those numbers up, as a cheap way to try to get people to work on the problem.
    You can’t just pull numbers out of the air.

    Please don’t give us numbers without the proper facts to back them up, doctor.

  15. “This is also scheduled to be a “voice vote” and not a “recorded vote,” so that there will be no record of how any particular member voted “yea or nay” that they can be criticized for.”

    Members have done that since the beginning of time, Snow on Pine. That’s why you have voice votes. That and to save time. Roll call votes take a long time. Particularly in the House. And this is not a situation where you want to take a long time, for multiple reasons.

  16. Pingback:Morning Reads for Friday, March 27, 2020 – GeorgiaPol

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