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I want to call your attention… — 7 Comments

  1. What did we learn today?

    We learned today that New Yorkers, aware that they live in the center of an infective cesspool and seeking means of escape, are now fanning out around the rest of the country, potentially taking Wuhan nCov-19 along with them, potentially to seed areas which until now are suffering from very little infection.

    Thanks, New Yorkers.

    We also learn that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, understanding the threat potentially infected New Yorkers pose to his state and its citizens has requested those in-migrants from the Empire State to self-quarantine for 14 days from the time they arrive in sunny Florida.

    Lock yourselves up, New Yorkers, we trust you’ll behave.

    We will? After what’s gone on in New York already? We’re going to trust these people? Hoo boy.

    So, thanks, New Yorkers, you special people you.

  2. I’d want to get out of the city, too. How are you going to shelter in place in tiny apartments with limited facilities for food preparation and storage, and where you have to take a community elevator to get out to buy limited supplies?

    But they’ll need to get to safe harbors in the South and behave like us, that is, keeping to themselves until they’re sure they’re not carrying the virus. And my daughter tells me that in Florida, sunshine not withstanding, it’s going to be tough to find supplies.

  3. Stay the fuck in New York, people. We don’t need more problems to add to what we’ve got, thanks. You wanna go to Buffalo, the Adirondacks, Ithaca, Long Island, wherever, fine. Have a care and don’t troop your junk into the rest of the country.

  4. sdferr,

    There already here in the Adirondacks. A friend who works for a regional grocery chain estimated that 50% of the panic buyers he saw were City People getting out of Dodge and going to their upstate camps.

    Not that we want them either. I’m sure there are some nice City People out there, somewhere. But I can’t seem to remember ever meeting one.

  5. I guess a key fact that I learned from Paolo P is just how concentrated the deadly infection is. Even 40 or 50 km from hotspots the cases diminish a lot. And down in the boot, things are not bad at all.
    That may have changed but was striking when I read his explanation some days ago.
    Yet Italian deaths have surpassed China.

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