Home » Some thanks NeverTrumpers get for helping the Democrats out


Some thanks NeverTrumpers get for helping the Democrats out — 32 Comments

  1. I thought the last debate was funny. All the democrats were promising voters free stuff. Not only that but Bernie is now promising illegal aliens free stuff too. Keep in mind that the government has no warehouse full of free stuff and the only way the government has to get stuff is to take it from somebody. As Margaret Thatcher pointed out, socialists eventually run out of other peoples stuff, like in Venezuela.

  2. And part of the reason they run out of other people’s stuff is because those other people start hiding their stuff. Just think of how creative those hyper-rich are going to be if Bernie get’s elected, much less nominated.

  3. If you want to understand the NeverTrumpers, compare them to Stephen Miller (redsteeze) on Twitter.

    Miller is very anti-Trump but there are two things that distinguish him from other NTers:

    1. He doesn’t jump on every liberal smear of Trump that comes down the pike.

    2. He virtually never trashes the people who support Trump.

    Why NeverTrumpers felt compelled to do both of those things to excess is the real problem.


  4. neo writes, “[t]he writing’s been on the wall for quite a while that the far left is exactly where the Democratic Party has been heading.”

    In fact, it’s what large numbers of Democrats have long believed in their hearts, but dared not say out loud. Now, thanks to the Gramscian march, there is no longer a need to discreetly whisper just among “us” friends: the masks are off.

  5. How does this conundrum differentiate NeverTrumpers from EverTrumpers?

    You guys have to support a President who thinks the Soviet Union was right to invade Afghanistan.

    His campaign welcomed the help of Russia in 2016, as Mueller outlined. As President he’s done Putin’s bidding: he tried to kill sanctions until they were shoved down his throat, for example.

    He is the moral equivalent of someone who denies Al Quada attacked us on 911. He’s done Russia bidding by denying that they are helping him in 2020.

    In contrast, when Bernie Sanders found out Russia is helping him, he condemned Putin in no uncertain terms.

  6. “As President he’s done Putin’s bidding”

    The #1 thing Putin wants is an end to American fracking. Guess who wholeheartedly supports that?


  7. The idea that Trump has somehow done Putin’s bidding is not simply stupid, but proof of a complete inability to view reality on the basis of facts and evidence. I shall quote from a recent article by a leftist in Jacobin (which is further left than The Nation): “In power, Trump has been the most aggressively anti-Russian president since the Cold War.”

  8. Manju:

    I have no idea why you continue to come here and embarrass yourself with statements like the idea that Trump has done Putin’s bidding.

    It’s risible.

    Are you paid to do this, or is it just some sort of labor of love, or do you just like attention?

  9. Paul Mirengoff of PowerLine is not quite a NeverTrumper, more of a Trump Disparager.

    He has a new piece up defending himself and others like him who refuse to excuse Trump’s crudity.

    There are over 200 comments … I can’t bring myself to read through them … or to leave a response myself

  10. Hatred makes people crazy. And crazy people lose the ability to reason. Saw it from those who hated Nixon, Reagan, Rush, W and Trump. The spittle flies and with it comes their brains.

    Nevertrumpers just joining a long line of haters who lose the ability to reason. I’ve often wondered which comes first — the crazy or the lying. The resort to lies and slanders generally accompanies those whose hatred makes them crazy. Curious about causation.

  11. If NeverTrumpers still support Hillary or Bernie (or any other Democrat), then they were never conservatives in the first place.


    LA Times: Trump Has ‘Flipped’ the 9th Circuit, ‘Shockwave’ of New Judges
    Posted at 1:00 pm on February 24, 2020 by Nick Arama

    The Ninth Circuit has been known as a bastion of liberal activism for years.

    It was perhaps the best example of everything that President Donald Trump was elected to try to correct, with a return to what the Court is actually supposed to be doing, adhering to the Constitution and not to political activism.

    One of the places where Trump has been most effective, with the aid of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has been in getting judges approved, including those in the Circuit Courts of Appeal, where Trump has made 51 appointments.

    Can you imagine the difference between a Trump court and a Bernie Sanders influenced court?

    Trump has kept his promises on the judiciary and will help do even more in a second term. Sanders, Bloomberg, and other Democratic candidates would only set back any positive movement that has been accomplished.

  12. “He has a new piece up defending himself and others like him who refuse to excuse Trump’s crudity.”

    If one of your major complaints against a political candidate is “he speaks crudely” then you should probably retire to your fainting couch and leave the rough work of democracy and politics to people with a stronger constitution. Of course, considering how many of those horrified at Trump’s crudity have no problem at all with George W. Bush’s record of war, spying, and torture, this may have little to do with delicate sensibilities and more to do with pure class bigotry.


  13. On that Guy Benson Tweet-thread, even in the Land of NeverNeverTrump, can this guy possibly be serious?!?!?

    Mike Kyvik
    Feb 22
    Replying to
    If the Republicans impeach Trump (which is getting more likely given Trump’s mind is more obviously faltering) then nominate Romney through a brokered convention, Romney will beat Sanders. That makes so much sense, I wonder if it is actually McConell’s plan

  14. The NeverTrumpaloos depicted here


    Are the remnant suffering a bad case of ‘I-can-never-be-wrong’ syndrome (and the ‘cut-me-a-check-Mr.-Omidyar-pretty-please’ syndrome). The rest of the people denouncing Trump four years ago have elected to take it one issue at a time. Dan McLaughlin is a securities lawyer whose investment in topical commentary is pretty purely avocational. Charles Sykes among them had an audience he’d built by din of his own efforts (in Milwaukee, I believe). The rest are courtier intellectuals (Kristol) or demi-intellectuals (Charen) with some consultancy-grifters thrown in. They’re inconsequential.

  15. this may have little to do with delicate sensibilities and more to do with pure class bigotry.

    I doubt Lucianne Goldberg’s son is all that concerned with Trump’s manners per se. Trump’s advent is another indicator of something disagreeable about our public life, along with a dozen other things that you see in presidential politics.
    Don’t care for his adulteries, but didn’t care for those of Gingrich or McCain, either. Mona Charen objected to Gingrich’s and overlooked McCain’s, AFAIK. What’s her sorting principle?

  16. Oh, and this from Charen:

    I am disappointed in people on our side for being hypocrites about sexual harassers and abusers of women, who are in our party, who are sitting in the White House, who brag about their extramarital affairs, who brag about mistreating women—and because he happens to have an ‘R’ after his name we look the other way … This is a party that endorsed Roy Moore for the Senate in the state of Alabama even though he was a credibly accused child molester. You cannot claim that you stand for women and put up with that … Speaking of bad guys, there was quite an interesting person who was on this stage the other day. Her name is Marion Le Pen. Now, why was she here? Why was she here? She’s a young, no-longer-in-office politician from France. I think the only reason she was here is because she’s named Le Pen. And the Le Pen name is a disgrace. Her grandfather is a racist and a Nazi. She claims that she stands for him. And the fact that CPAC invited her is a disgrace.

    She smears Marion Le Pen, smears Roy Moore, and certainly mischaracterizes Trump (and, if I’m not mistaken, grandpa Le Pen as well). Is ‘pecksniff’ the right word’? I do hope she doesn’t let the door hit her ass on the way out.

  17. “I doubt Lucianne Goldberg’s son is all that concerned with Trump’s manners per se.”

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen ol’ Jonah make that big a deal about Trump’s manners. That’s more a David French thing. Jonah just got the sign from the people who pay for his wingnut welfare that Trump was unacceptable and put about as much thought into it as he has most of his “work” over the last decade.


  18. Jonah just got the sign from the people who pay for his wingnut welfare that Trump was unacceptable and put about as much thought into it as he has most of his “work” over the last decade.

    Come again? Goldberg, ca. 2015, was a perfectly ordinary Republican in his views. He’s published a number of books over the years and a syndicated column. He hasn’t been on the staff of National Review for some time, though I assume he gets piece rates for his contributions. He has a syndicated column and has worked for AEI on and off. His syndicate distributes Cal Thomas’ column and AEI employs Michael Barone, neither of whom are hostile to Trump. I wouldn’t assume he was instructed by anyone to take the stances he has.

  19. “Failed Never Trump Pundits Don’t Speak for You, But MSM Can’t Get Enough of Them”

    Yes, these people are shills, even if they didn’t start out to be. That’s fairly blatant at this point. It is an indicator of how dishonest the legacy media is. It’s particularly galling in re PBS and NPR.

  20. “What’s her sorting principle?” – Art Deco

    A good question to apply to all the NeverTrumpers, AlwaysTrumpers, BernieBros, etc. And remember that the issue is never the issue.*

    Common sense about personality cults that the NTs won’t ever read.


    For all the caterwauling about Trump having a personality cult, the big knock against many of his supporters is that they’re too “transactional” – i.e. hypocritical, willing to set “principles” aside for specific policy gains.
    Meanwhile, the anti-Trump cult of personality is so strong that some nominal conservatives and moderate pundits are willing to either support a Marxist radical or passively accept his extremism by declaring they’ll sit the race out or cast a protest vote.
    If the anti-Trump cult of personality confronted the substance of Sanders’ statements or proposals, they’d have to start looking at the substance of Trump’s record as president instead of just carping about what he says at rallies or posts on Twitter.
    They can’t do that, because then they’d have to admit they were wrong. They can’t do it even when Sanders is pushing a doomsday collectivist agenda and vowing to attack every single conservative principle at its core. They can’t take their eyes off Trump’s Twitter feed.

    That’s the functional definition of a personality cult: only the object of the cult’s fixation matters. The virtues and motivations projected by the cultists into the Great Man they’re obsessed with matter much more than the real-world results of what he actually DOES.

    There isn’t much room for your precious principles in a land where Bernie Sanders becomes the “center-Left.”

    Some of that damage will be done by mainstream media networks that invite their favorite tame “conservative” pundits onto the op-ed pages and Sunday shows to validate Sanders as an acceptable alternative to the hated Trump.

    It will end as a complete inversion of the NeverTrump slam against conservative Trump voters. Those Trump voters have been pilloried for years because they supposedly compromised deep principles to accept Trump, but now NeverTrump will abandon EVERY principle to accept Sanders.


  21. Paul Mirengoff of PowerLine is not quite a NeverTrumper, more of a Trump Disparager.

    Mirengoff, Ed Morrissey, the insufferable Allahpundit. It seem like about 1/3 to 1/2 of the voices at prominent Republican outlets favor the viewpoint of < 10% of all Republican voters.

  22. “Come again?”

    The Wingnut Welfare Train is a pretty well established concept. It’s the morass or jobs, chairs, endowments, and assignments that get handed out to the mass of scribblers who know how to bark out the correct neo-liberal/libertarian cant about any particular issue the folks signing the checks care about at any particular time.

    A virtually identical thing exists on the Left, though it’s more noticeable on the Right how so much of its intellectual class have spent their careers NOT competing in the marketplace. Jonah’s like the Matt Yglesias of conservatism.


  23. The Wingnut Welfare Train is a pretty well established concept.

    No, it’s something that exists in your head only.

    It’s the morass or jobs, chairs, endowments, and assignments that get handed out to the mass of scribblers who know how to bark out the correct neo-liberal/libertarian cant about any particular issue the folks signing the checks care about at any particular time.

    Strange as it may seem to you, people commonly believe what they say. There’s nothing particularly unconventional emanating from AEI and it’s recognizable to anyone who has had elementary instruction in economics.

  24. So show me verified evidence djt supported the USSR invasion of Afghanistan or take your BS and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. Sheesh.

  25. JimNorCal on February 24, 2020 at 4:00 pm said:
    Paul Mirengoff of PowerLine is not quite a NeverTrumper, more of a Trump Disparager.

    He has a new piece up defending himself and others like him who refuse to excuse Trump’s crudity.
    * **
    Paul quibbles a lot over inessentials. It’s probably a lawyer thing.
    I think Hanson has the better arguments.

    Certainly, the current NeverTrumpers, for all the “character is king” lectures, remain inert, and without influence. Again, they have never squared the circle of opposing the implementation of agendas they spent their careers promoting.

    Instead, the rump that is left of the NeverTrump Right, more and more, is sustained by the Left, which finds them either useful idiot panelists on cable news, or eager website panhandlers of leftwing tech largess—always on the condition they write ever more contorted anti-Trump tirades.

    We can see glimpses of the NeverSanders Left dilemma in the confusion of the current NeverTrump right. For most of the primary season, they more or less praised Joe Biden, the front-runner and assumed likely nominee who ultimately supposedly would govern in the fashion of Bill Clinton, and thus was clearly preferable to the despised Trump.

    But now?

    Most are going silent on the question of 2016, given the embarrassment that the logical dividend of hating Trump in 2020 is the election of America’s first socialist, whose agenda makes his spiritual predecessors Eugene Debs and Huey Long seem tame in comparison.

    Note that Trump was not only more consistent with his party’s values than Sanders, but more representative of the views of American voters in general. One might object that Trump is crude and off-putting and thus cancels out the appeal of his record. But is Bernie pleasant and measured?

    His policy nostrums are frightening. He cannot take criticism, but becomes gruff and animated. And he is a different sort of septuagenarian than is Trump, who has a sense of humor and can be self-deprecating. Get-off-my-grass Bernie, like most true-believers and fellow travelers of mandated government redistribution, is serious 24/7. He never really addresses criticism, and his fallback position on any issue is always another predictable socialist bromide, a frown and two frail arms flailing in the air.

    Republicans rooting for Sanders because they don’t like Trump is something my granny would call “jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.”

  26. Bernie’s ascension should enhance the awareness of NeverTrumpers. Thanks to Bernie, the consequences of opposing Trump appear in stark relief.

    The question arises as to how they came to oppose policies they previously supported? The obvious answer, that they flipped for petty superficial reasons related to Trump’s personality, leaves them at a fork in the road. Either they get over their pettiness or remain in a lake of fire of their own making.

  27. I was NeverTrump in 2016 and I don’t regret it.

    Trump was such a bizarre candidate, he looked like a huge potential disaster. He would more than likely to lose to Hillary and put the Democrats back into power or he would win the general election, then screw up so badly that the Democrats would be back into power for decades.

    I didn’t care about how many women he slept with or his immoderate manner of speech. I saw the “character question” in terms of whether he would be a terrible president, therefore terrible for the country and the GOP.

    After Trump had been President for a year, I calmed down.

    I haven’t checked Jonah Goldberg for a while, but last I did he was still clinging to the notion that “character will out.” As in “The Frog and the Scorpion” story Trump was due to screw things up really big time because it was his nature.

    That’s still possible, just as a Sanders victory in November is, though I don’t notice any Trump supporters worrying about the former.

  28. The television was on and I was in the kitchen. It was either on CNN, MSNBC, ABC or NBC; I can’t seem to recall. I overhead one of the guests asking, “What’s so bad about socialism?” It was the same tone used by many of those who pushed socially “progressive” ideas. Once we get X it’ll be better or X won’t affect your daily life. In other words: Just let it happen. Shut your mouth. We know best, you plebs.

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