Home » Well, then there’s this about the Flynn case


Well, then there’s this about the Flynn case — 17 Comments

  1. The news about the Michael Avenatti convictions probably belongs in the early hominids thread, I guess, but could be this one too.

    Michael Aventatti, who rose to national prominence for representing porn-star actress Stormy Daniels against President Donald Trump was found guilty Friday of trying to extort more than $20 million from Nike, inc. with threats to expose defamatory information of the company.

    The case launched last year by the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan followed an investigation into a series of meetings with Los Angeles lawyer Mark Geragos and representatives for Nike in March of 2019. Avenatti was convicted by jury of all three counts charged by U.S. attorneys including extortion, transmission of interstate communications and intent to extort, and wire fraud.

  2. This is good and could lead to trouble for some of the liars, but it’s a shame it didn’t happen before Flynn lost his good name, his house, and all his money. Should he be vindicated, I hope he goes after the government for a billion dollars.

  3. If the Democrats didn’t have double standards….in re McCabe vs Stone, Flynn, et al.

    Doc Zero

    Donald Trump is a threat to the rule of law because he didn’t let the Democrats take him out with their silly impeachment gamble so everybody who cares about the rule of law needs to vote for the communist now.

    This “rule of law” talking point is the most absurd example of NeverTrump and Democrat desperation yet.

    By any objective standard, Trump is far less of a threat to the “rule of law” than Barack Obama was. In fact, the big reason the anti-Trump circus is squawking about “rule of law” right now is they remember how concerned conservatives were about it during the Obama years.
    Obama’s entire agenda was an all-out attack on the rule of law.

    No one willing to give “the Resistance” and Obama a pass on the Russia hoax can be taken seriously when they talk about the Rule of Law. They’re just tossing around loaded political terms without any commitment to what those terms actually mean.

    Worse, they’re perverting the Rule of Law to mean “the rule of the permanent administrative state.” The Rule of Law is meaningless, indeed inverted from its true meaning, if there are no laws to bind the administrative state, no accountability, no consequences.

    Argue the merits of Trump’s policies all you want, but let’s stop this charade that he’s some kind of unique existential threat to the Rule of Law. Every Dem running in 2020 is vastly more of a threat than Trump on his worst day. /end

    You want more Trump? This is how you get more Trump.

  4. This development may not be such good news for Gen. Flynn is is left “twisting slowly, slowly, in the wind” just that much longer. Time for Trump to issue a full pardon.

  5. I frankly think the pardon of Flynn will just come down to the timing of it. Before or after the election?

  6. I don’t know. It’s just a wild guess that maybe it’s because the FBI agents who interrogated Flynn wrote in their report that they did NOT think He was lying.

  7. If Sandy Berger were a Republican, he’d have gone to jail for sure. Might still be there. McCabe is walking. It’s a disgrace. Since Barr doesn’t seem to understand the depths of the depravity, I expect him to continue to get rolled.

    Democrats lie, steal and cheat. They don’t even bother to hide it any more.

  8. “Democrats lie, steal and cheat. They don’t even bother to hide it any more.” – Stan

    They learned some time ago that they were immune to consequences: Mayor Marion Barry of DC – drug convictions in 1990 – reelected;
    Rep. William Jefferson – reelected in 2006 during FBI corruption investigation after bribery money was found in his freezer – “On December 1, 2017, a federal judge reduced Jefferson’s sentence to time served: five years and five months“;
    since 2008 – too many who were “guilty as sin, free as a bird.”
    Note the date. What has changed since then?

    May 22, 2017

    Between Watergate and Contragate, Democrats charged 83 Republicans with criminal conduct. Today, Republicans have not held even one Democrat accountable for the high crimes committed by the Obama Administration. But the Republicans do get “participation trophies” for all the headlines that they generated throughout their wide-ranging but toothless oversight hearings.

    If Republicans really want to make Democrats pay for the crimes, they need to investigate these criminals themselves. Nothing prevents the Justice Department and Republican-led oversight committees from re-opening investigations into the IRS, Fast and Furious, and the Clinton Foundation/Servergate imbroglios. They should use their subpoena power and control of the executive branch to obtain documents that they could not secure under Obama. Indeed, as Judicial Watch’s legal watchdogs will confirm, Team Obama repeatedly broke federal law by hiding documents from congressional overseers. None dare call it obstruction of justice. It would be a crashing failure of leadership if Republicans cannot make anyone pay the price for eight straight years of Chicago-style malfeasance under Obama.
    Americans have lost faith in government because, frankly, had private citizens committed crimes remotely similar to those perpetrated by the Clintons, Abedin, Holder, Lerner, Rice, and the rest of these crooks, they would be making license plates. Unfortunately, Republican ineptness has contributed to this excruciating disappointment. This helps explain why so many Americans believe the elite operate with a rule book to which regular folks have zero access.

    Now that Democrats have declared total war on Donald Trump and his administration, Republicans immediately need to stop impersonating Labrador puppies who are desperate to play nicely with everyone who walks by. Unless the GOP wants to stand around while the left incinerates the political landscape, they need to get in touch with their inner Rottweilers and start jailing criminal Democrats.

    Fun facts:

  9. Congress isn’t the place for investigation of crimes. It’s the place for abolishing the CIA and FISC. Have we learned nothing from the feckless hearings on Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, and on and on? Nothing can be kept secret there, everything is leaked. No. They should focus on lawmaking, and if reform, then reform to faithfulness to the Constitutional framework for a change.

  10. Tom Grey on February 15, 2020 at 11:25 am said:
    Flynn’s case will be very interesting.

    Here’s a 2-week old story on 8 indictments from Barr that I missed before:

    Draining the swamp means indictments. And prosecutions.

    Funny (not really) sad on how little publicity these indictments got.

    I hope Durham surprises me, positively, with more indictments.
    * * *
    What did Schiff know, and when did he know it?

    No one was ever indicted for the illegal contributions to Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, amply documented by PowerLine at the time.
    Only the little fish get caught, as usual.
    Better than nothing.

  11. Aesopfan — Read Caro’s third volume on LBJ describing the jaw-dropping election fraud LBJ used to win the TX senate seat in 1948. That type of fraud in Texas and standard Daley fraud in Chicago stole the 1960 presidential election for JFK. [the book by JFK’s cousin about the phone conversations with Daley throughout election night is also worth a read.]

    The news media has been part of the lying and cheating since at least CBS and Fred Friendly edited their interview with Goldwater in 1964 to make him look crazy. The miserable John Harwood is the son of William Harwood. In 1992 he was on C-SPAN on a panel which discussed media bias (while the whole thing was fascinating, too long for here). He said the media had been biased his whole career (he was then about to retire as an editor at the Wash Post). He discussed his first assignment as a reporter for the Tennessean which consisted of writing a political speech for a Democrat running for the legislature.

  12. Perhaps the most dispiriting part of the Dem urge to cheat is the eagerness of their judges to participate in the trashing of the rule of law for blatantly partisan purposes. We’ve seen it over and over — Florida 2000 election, the NJ senate ruling to save that seat for the party, the voter ID rulings, and the active resistance to Trump from federal judges. Remember the phone call by Fed Appellate judge Gil Merritt calling Tennessean publisher John Seigenthaler to tip off corrupt sheriff Fate Thomas (D) that the FBI was on their way to raid his home. Federal judges are willing to commit felonies out of loyalty to the political party.

    Politicians, journalists, judges, prosecutors, academics — all are willing participants in whatever lying, stealing and cheating is necessary to win. Analyzing the moral retardation involved in all that would be an instructive look into the nature of how evil darkens the soul by appealing to the moral hell that ‘ends justify means’.

  13. Mormons should recognize clear analogs to the Gadianton Robbers: a corrupt conspiracy of lawyers, judges, and a criminal gang whose members protected each other.

  14. You want to see a blow by blow description about how the Deep State ensnared and framed Gen. Flynn?

    Here it is at–


    It’s worth taking the time to read all 19 pages of this motion, and to understand just how diabolical this all was and is, and that if they can frame Flynn—and get away with it–they can frame any one of us.

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