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Late start today on posting — 8 Comments

  1. #Idlib

    Turkey lost 8 soldiers in a convoy bombed last week (by Russian flyers?) as it entered into Idlib, Syria. Many more were wounded. Today Turkey lost 5 more soldiers killed in a Syrian army artillery attack on an observation post in Idlib, and again many more wounded. Erdogan vows something or other.

    Assad and Putin continue the regime’s ethnic cleansing of Idlib, driving some 450,000 Sunni Syrians north from their homes in southern Idlib toward Turkish borders north. Turkey can’t take these refugees without breaking, they say. They’re probably right.

    Things are heating up fast, with no obvious brakes to stop the plodding to war, a war that Turkey cannot win. NATO? Ha! NATO. Sure.

  2. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/02/the_week_when_trump_was_reelected.html

    Taking their cues from their party leader, Democrat ladies dressed in white. [at the SOTU] Record low unemployment for women and minorities, rising wages, and a bunch of heartwarming stories in the gallery were not enough to get Democrats to their feet, demonstrating that making America great again is the last thing they are interested in.

    Instead, every issue that Democrats have championed and which Trump achieved left Congressional Democrats scowling, smirking, or checking their Twitter feeds on their phones. What an image! The campaign commercials are writing themselves.

    What did the great unwashed in flyover country think of the SOTU address? A CBS News poll reported 76 percent overall approval among speech watchers. Worse for Democrats is that 30 percent of Democrats watching the speech approved, and a whopping 82% of those precious independents, courted in every election, approved of what they heard from the President.

    James Carville once said, “It’s the economy stupid”. Only the seriously stupid will vote for candidates promising to tank the economy. Speaking of Carville, after the botched Iowa caucuses, he is “scared to death” of the November 2020 election. He warns, “This party needs to wake up and make sure that we talk about things that are relevant to people.”

    Notice that Carville does not say “do things” – consistent with the first excerpt.

  3. Actually, I usually wait until later to check Neo’s blog anyway to give these great commenters time to chime in.

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