Home » The left announces the death of the Republican Party – again


The left announces the death of the Republican Party – again — 13 Comments

  1. When Democrats claim something negative about Republicans, invariably the claim applies more accurately to the Democrats themselves, whether it’s colluding with Russians in the 2016 election, extorting from the Ukrainians, or this. It’s the death rattle of the Democrats now, attested to by their pathetic slate of candidates for November.

  2. Just wait when Trump garners 40% of the black vote in November. That will be the true death knell of the Democrat Party.

  3. Sadly, I think the “pushover, gentlemanly GOP” is going to be a problem the rest of my lifetime.

  4. I seriously doubt Trump will garner 40% of the black vote, but 20% would send shockwaves through the dnc-msm axis. Smug, condescending people who are convinced of their innate superiority are in for a surprise. They kept forgetting its the economy stupid and pendulums swing.

  5. Projection. That’s all it is. Think of it as an inadvertently honest insight into how they feel about themselves.

  6. “What I think is almost certainly correct is that they are mourning the demise of the pushover, gentlemanly GOP.” neo

    Yes, they are implying that the election and majority support of Trump illegitimatizes the GOP.

    “I seem to recall a period during the 90s when a more pugnacious group of Republicans was in charge (“Contract With America”), and ultimately they got pushed out. They lacked the populist touch and wider appeal of Trump, however.” neo

    Ronald Reagan had the populist touch and after his two terms, Bush senior returned the party to the RINOs. I foresee the same dynamic with VP Pence.

    “I seriously doubt Trump will garner 40% of the black vote, but 20% would send shockwaves through the dnc-msm axis. Smug, condescending people who are convinced of their innate superiority are in for a surprise.” parker

    “The latest data out of Rasmussen Reports has black support as high as 42% overall, with 29% “strongly” approving. One year ago today, Rasmussen had Trump polling at 21% approval among black voters, meaning that support has doubled in the past year.”

    To paraphrase: Hubris goes before the fall.

  7. Fernandez weaves lots of threads into his tapestry, but the picture is of the global elite that we elected Trump to push back against.


    Perhaps not just China but the whole uncritical notion of a globalized world has taken a hit. In an eerie parallel development, the chairman of Harvard’s chemistry department was arrested on charges of secretly receiving money from Beijing in exchange for American biotechnology.

    Even without conspiracy theory, the “Thousand Talents” program and the question of international conflict of interest will be in the dock with Dr. Lieber.

    What, then, is the Thousand Talents program? This was established by the Chinese government in 2008, and it has several divisions for both Chinese researchers and foreign experts. The general idea is to recruit scientific talent and expertise to China – encouraging Chinese nationals to come back to Chinese institutions after studying overseas, funding research collaborations between Chinese groups and institutions and foreign researchers, and so on. …
    There have also been concerns about outright espionage. Here’s a recent Senate report calling the Thousand Talents effort (and the many other Chinese-sponsored recruitment programs) a direct threat to US security. There have been cases of awardees taking proprietary information with them, of nondisclosure of Chinese funding (as with Prof. Lieber), and so on.

    The virus outbreak and the Thousand Talents affair will add fuel to arguments that naive globalization has been all about the elites making a killing at the expense of ordinary citizens. The amorality went both ways. If China had a Thousand Talents scheme in the U.S., the financial industry had “Sons and Daughters” program in 2016.
    Whatever the legal relevance of excluding Hunter Biden’s connection to Burisma Holdings from Donald Trump’s impeachment may be, the saga of a political scion getting a cushy foreign job on the strength of his name plays to the populist narrative of elite betrayal almost as if it had been written by a Hollywood scriptwriter. The 2019-nCoV outbreak poses a potential political threat not just to the Chinese Communist Party but the entire One World project. If virus spreads unchecked, the public will be looking for someone to blame and it won’t just be the Chinese apparatchiks.

  8. Barry – Sarah Hoyt works the graveyard shift at Instapundit.
    She usually picks up things that require a snarky intro.
    For those who are not yet acquainted with her, take a glance at her website, which has a tab to access her books (she writes SF and mostly publishes Indie now); and/or her column archive at PJM, which has been dormant for awhile, but had some good commentary.



    The subhead on her blog is “Taking over the world and leaving it ruthlessly alone”

  9. Barry – also in re domestic disagreements, this just in on the moral vacuity of the #MeToo fanatics.


    A leaked audio conversation between Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard is blowing up Hollywood. The audio reveals Heard confessing to committing physical violence against Depp. After BuzzFeed published photos of Heard with bruises and accusations of abuse against Depp, his life fell apart. Depp was implicated in the #MeToo movement and branded as a wife-abuser. He was dropped from “Pirates of the Caribbean” in 2018 and many speculate it was because of the allegations.

    On Sunday, a taped conversation between Depp and Heard was posted online. In it, Heard admits to “slapping,” “hitting,” and throwing objects at him. Her biggest frustration with Depp appears to be that he tries to get away from her when she turns violent. Depp is heard saying, “There can be no physical violence,” and Heard replies, “I can’t promise I won’t get physical again.”

    Now that this audio is out, #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser and #JusticeForJohnny are trending on Twitter. Suddenly, the world realizes that women aren’t always truthful or trustworthy. This is a subject that I wrote an entire book about after the Brett Kavanaugh fiasco, where half the country believed a Supreme Court nominee was guilty of rape or something because a mentally fragile woman accused him of a drunken grope 30 years ago that no one could recall and for which no evidence existed.

    History is full of stories of duplicitous and scheming harpies who destroyed the lives of men over false accusations. I detail many of them in my book, Believe Evidence: The Death of Due Process from Salome to #MeToo.

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