The left announces the death of the Republican Party – again
On MSNBC, for example:
That was apparently today. I would like to find the segment that followed, but in a quick search I haven’t been able to do so. However, it’s not hard to imagine how it would go, and how different it is from the way the right sees it.
Of course, I’m not sure the left really sees it that way; perhaps they merely want their viewers to see it that way. It’s all about the narrative for the left, after all, and they believe their words can create a reality. And they do create that reality in the minds of a lot of people – I know some of those people – with the result (an intended result) that when actual reality contradicts the narrative, and the right wins an election as happened in 2016, the next narrative is already fully in place: the right only won because it cheated and the winner is therefore illegitimate and must be vilified and if possible removed.
This “death of the Republican Party” business is hardly new. Just do a search on YouTube, for example, and you’ll find a bunch of older videos such as the following three. The first and third are from about a year ago. The second is from about two months ago. (And apparently you have to go to YouTube to warch the first one, for some reason. The segment I’m talking about begins around 1:20.):
And then there’s this article from February of 2016, during the campaign.
In my gloomiest days I think they may be right about the party’s death, although not for the reasons they give and not because they have something better to offer. What they offer is much, much worse. But they might be correct that the right is not going to prevail for the simple reason that the Gramscian march through the institutions by the left is highly advanced and may already have done the right – and liberty – a fatal blow.
But that’s by no means certain. And I fervently hope it’s incorrect.
What I think is almost certainly correct is that they are mourning the demise of the pushover, gentlemanly GOP. They could count on the majority of Republicans in leadership to be of that ilk, and that was a big part of the left’s calculation when strategizing. However, I have to be careful about that, too, because I seem to recall a period during the 90s when a more pugnacious group of Republicans was in charge (“Contract With America”), and ultimately they got pushed out. They lacked the populist touch and wider appeal of Trump, however.
When Democrats claim something negative about Republicans, invariably the claim applies more accurately to the Democrats themselves, whether it’s colluding with Russians in the 2016 election, extorting from the Ukrainians, or this. It’s the death rattle of the Democrats now, attested to by their pathetic slate of candidates for November.
Just wait when Trump garners 40% of the black vote in November. That will be the true death knell of the Democrat Party.
Sadly, I think the “pushover, gentlemanly GOP” is going to be a problem the rest of my lifetime.
I seriously doubt Trump will garner 40% of the black vote, but 20% would send shockwaves through the dnc-msm axis. Smug, condescending people who are convinced of their innate superiority are in for a surprise. They kept forgetting its the economy stupid and pendulums swing.
If the Republicans are the Dead Party, that certainly makes the Democrats the Walking Dead Party.
Worth watching just for Harris’s expression.
Projection. That’s all it is. Think of it as an inadvertently honest insight into how they feel about themselves.
“What I think is almost certainly correct is that they are mourning the demise of the pushover, gentlemanly GOP.” neo
Yes, they are implying that the election and majority support of Trump illegitimatizes the GOP.
“I seem to recall a period during the 90s when a more pugnacious group of Republicans was in charge (“Contract With America”), and ultimately they got pushed out. They lacked the populist touch and wider appeal of Trump, however.” neo
Ronald Reagan had the populist touch and after his two terms, Bush senior returned the party to the RINOs. I foresee the same dynamic with VP Pence.
“I seriously doubt Trump will garner 40% of the black vote, but 20% would send shockwaves through the dnc-msm axis. Smug, condescending people who are convinced of their innate superiority are in for a surprise.” parker
“The latest data out of Rasmussen Reports has black support as high as 42% overall, with 29% “strongly” approving. One year ago today, Rasmussen had Trump polling at 21% approval among black voters, meaning that support has doubled in the past year.”
To paraphrase: Hubris goes before the fall.
Fernandez weaves lots of threads into his tapestry, but the picture is of the global elite that we elected Trump to push back against.
Amazon et al are still an arm of the DNC.
The GOP is dead (again).
Long live the GOP (again)!!
And in other news, it looks like the “Babylon Bee”, regarded by many as the nation’s paper of record, appears to have bought the “Washington Examiner” lock, stock and barrel:
And as if the death of the GOP wasn’t shocking enough, here’s news that likely to be even more shocking:
(That is, most—if not all—of the so-called, self-styled “experts” are shocked that the union lasted that long…. “Experts”! Heh…)
Barry – Sarah Hoyt works the graveyard shift at Instapundit.
She usually picks up things that require a snarky intro.
For those who are not yet acquainted with her, take a glance at her website, which has a tab to access her books (she writes SF and mostly publishes Indie now); and/or her column archive at PJM, which has been dormant for awhile, but had some good commentary.
The subhead on her blog is “Taking over the world and leaving it ruthlessly alone”
Barry – also in re domestic disagreements, this just in on the moral vacuity of the #MeToo fanatics.