Home » The Democrats’ race to the left: Warren, Pelosi, and company


The Democrats’ race to the left: Warren, Pelosi, and company — 20 Comments

  1. The faithless arguments Schiff looses on the world are unending, even to the last and in face of certain defeat. Nihilist? Yes indeedy.

  2. I think the real statement from Pelosi et al is that acquittal is not valid as there was no “fair” trial. They are just laying groundwork for continuing to press that Trump, and now the rest of the GOP are “Illegitimate”. The ultimate goal is to declare the November election invalid. Don’t ever think they are going to give up in this. The hate is strong in them. It’s just going to get worse from here on out.

    These people are on a path that is going to tear the country apart, and they don’t seem to care at all. “some men just like to watch the world burn.”

  3. Nancy Pelosi couldn’t even be bothered to consider or discuss the constitutionality of Obamacare and its individual mandate. Now she wraps herself in the constitution daily, and everything she doesn’t like she considers a threat to it. And not because of any logic, but because she says so.

  4. Yep, as stated above, the Dems will not give up. It will get worse, much worse. I would say until the election but if Trump wins again who knows what they will say or do. If Trump loses then they will prosecute/persecute him, his family and those in his admin. And you too if you voted for him.

  5. I hope it won’t tear the country apart, but rather that all this bad behavior will ensure a blowout Trump victory, and maybe taking back the House.

  6. I wasn’t a huge fan of Dershowitz’ “torture curious” pontificating of the past but I have to give him credit here.

    It’s also fascinating to see this as the completion of a decades-long shift in American intellectualism. When I was a boy, many decades ago, free-thinkers were almost invariably on the Left while stolid and staid conventionalism was the air and water of thought on the Right. As counter-culture became just culture, however, that started to change. The great Political Correctness wars of the 1980s are a good marker of when that change really started to pick up steam.

    Trump’s election appears to have completed the process where the Left now only has ONE approved opinion and anyone who deviates from such groupthink becomes a pariah and fair game for any and all abuse. Meanwhile, the Right is reconsidering some of its moldiest old conceits and seems to care about…you know…actual reality.


  7. Lawyers defending their clients should be disbarred? Elect more Democrats and maybe disbarment won’t be enough; firing squads, gulags, etc.

  8. “These people are on a path that is going to tear the country apart, and they don’t seem to care at all.” physicsguy

    “their hatred is a thing of great force, and they believe that the ends justify the means.” neo

    They have chosen… poorly. Having rejected key aspects of reality, they are going to have a very harsh encounter with that pesky Law of Unintended Consequences. It will not end well for them.

  9. We’ve already been told by the Bernie Bros what some of them intend to do if Bernie isn’t the Dem nominee. God only knows what they would/will do if/when Trump is elected for a second turn. For the first time in my life, I am afraid of what is to come from fellow Americans not enemies beyond our shores.

  10. physicsguy, Lynn, Ken & Meemsee:
    Yeah, these Dems are rather clearly taking the gloves off, aiming at nothing less, than the complete de-legitimization of the entire Const./ capitalist system, if not in minds of a majority, then in the minds of a large enough minority, that the Left can assemble Flash Mobs, etc., to threaten to kill this system from a thousand cuts (e.g. via terror, vs. a quite vulnerable JIT economy).
    After, they’ve killed the System, they’ll be able to set up the firing squads, gulags, etc., to their hearts’ content.

    See Jin Kunstler, at
    https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/tales-from-the-crypt/ :
    “As to the election of 2020, the Democrats are trying like hell, to set the stage for disputing, and negating it. In fact, that has mostly been the hidden agenda, behind this hot mess of an impeachment. They will at least attempt, to litigate it into a dangerous state of irresolution. Wouldn’t that be grand? When that happens, Civil War Two begins in earnest.”

  11. And now, things will become more interesting as this election year progresses, the fact that others have a difference of opinion makes them unworthy of having the ability to vote because they are definitely, “Wrong Thinking”. They do not deserve consideration and the rule of law should only work when it favors the progressive left. We are about two clicks away from some sort of a civil confrontation.

  12. OldTexan, all this strengthens the case for the view, that if Barr clutches from the challenge vs. the SpyGate etc. perps, the Left will be all the more encouraged to turn up the heat (e.g. w/ flash-mobs), until the U.S. falls into their hands like a ripe fruit.

  13. And, look for the Left to pursue M. Waters’ tantrum about “you’re not welcome anywhere”, i.e. for repeats of what happened to Scalize.

  14. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2020/01/what-to-watch-for-in-the-super-bowl.php

    Bloomberg will score well among Democratic voters who believe that 1) what America needs more than anything is more laws constraining gun ownership, and 2) the prisons should be emptied of thousands of violent criminals. Seems like a weird combination, but there are quite a few Democrats who thread that needle. And we shouldn’t forget: 3) What size soda containers you buy is the government’s urgent business.

    Be that as it may, I doubt that Bloomberg’s ad will come close to matching the proud, optimistic spirit of the Trump ad we have seen so far. Or, I am pretty sure, the top-secret second ad we will see on Sunday.

  15. Neo, this is one of the few times I would strongly want to see the actual Dershowitz quote … and you don’t have it. 🙁 🙁

    Usually your blog posts DO HAVE what I’m looking for!

    I’ll have to find it myself — but I love how you usually do all the hard searching for references (that I want) so I don’t have to.

    This normal mis-quoting of what Reps say, or Trump tweets, is why I now follow Trump’s twitter feed directly. And I’ve changed from thinking he tweets too much to liking his tweets and his twitter stream.

    There’s also a part of me that would like a bit more Rep pushback of what the Dems are saying: “If you run for President, your kids can’t be investigated for corruption no matter how many bribes they get.”

  16. This is the translation of what the Dems are really saying, “We are ‘Official Washington’ and we don’t care what the American voters think. Our power and privileges are ours by right. Only we will decide what is ‘truth’ and what is ‘constitutional’. Anyone who questions our power and right are our mortal enemies and we will destroy them to protect our right to rule and to steal. We will never yield to your ‘unwashed masses’.”

    I suspect that even if Trump gets reelected with 60% of the popular vote, they will still claim that he is illegitimate. We need to regain control of the House in this coming election and then start truly draining the Swamp.

  17. Lockhart knows Dershowitz is Jewish. What a cheap and terrible insult.

    Dems are dishonest and despicable.

  18. The Democrat Party of 2020 is extreme to the point of not making any sense. And dangerous- they will restrict free speech, open the borders and allow non citizens to vote, and tax you to death and spend your money as they see fit. They have the support of 95% of the media and 100% of the entertainment industry and all of academia. For them, the fight is never over until they win. Childlike as well, trying to change all the rules to ensure their victory like packing the Supreme Court and getting rid of the Electoral College. What a bunch of sniveling little baby sore losers. The idea of these people controlling America scares the hell out of me. If Trump is the way to stop them, I will vote for Trump.

  19. If Trump is the way to stop them, I will vote for Trump.

    In minor part, Trump (is kinda this).

    However, the truth of it is, it’s us the Americans, us voters who are the actual key to the problem. We have to do better than send our same old same old reps back to DC time after time, or be fooled into voting for the cool looking (but awful) black guy because he’s cool and black. We have to wise up. To reflect on ourselves, our own faults, weaknesses, misunderstandings, failures, etc. And as the lyric goes: don’t get fooled again.

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