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Who cares about the <i>actual</i> truth… — 18 Comments

  1. Another scandal at the Smithsonian. If that’s going to be the deal with the Smithsonian, we’re better off without it.

  2. Speaking of people who don’t care about the actual truth…

    I just learned from the always essential Victor Davis Hanson that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar. Along with Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker, Bill Clinton and Susan Rice.

    We gotta get ourselves some new elites.

  3. Not to mention the Common Core education initiative (2010) which has succeeded in reducing high school test scores, while making school more of a grind for teachers and students.

    Thanks Obama! Thanks Bill Gates!

  4. huxley is exactly correct about Bill Gates supporting Common Core.

    Pastor Pete Buttigieg isn’t setting school policy yet, but he did speak in front of a classroom full of kids recently and said, “The people who wrote the Constitution did not understand that slavery was a bad thing.”

    Ted Cruz responded on Twitter with 6 counterexample quotes by John Adams, John Jay, Ben Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton. Check it out here.

  5. Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar. Along with Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker, Bill Clinton and Susan Rice.

    At one time, you had to demonstrate a love of sports to win one of those. Booker’s the only one I can think of with a record in college athletics.

  6. “…a love of sports…”

    Well yes, I believe it’s called “Trumpsticking” (which has been known to be extremely popular with Oxonians and Cantabrigians—that is, when they’re not sloshed).

    Moreover, after considerable deliberation on the matter by the nabobs of the Internatonal Olympic Committee, this new and much heralded event—even PETA avidly approves—will be rolled out this summer in Tokyo to replace lawn bowling, which, much to the chagrin of the IOC, has been wracked by doping scandals and, more egregiously, outrageous costumery—so it has been claimed at least by righteously indignant traditionalists. (Besides, Carlos—“the Gecko”—Ghosn is reputed to have been a lawn bowler enthusiast, which pretty much decided the matter for the Japanese “on the spot” as it were.)

  7. Re: The Smithsonian.

    One example of how they try to twist the truth occurred many years ago, when there was a lot of controversy about the aircraft the Enola Gay, and our dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in which, somehow, the Smithsonian exhibit on this subject (which one assumed would be competently done, accurate, and thorough) failed to mention the basic fact that the Japanese had staged a sneak attack against Pearl Harbor resulting, in consequence, in our Declaration of War against Japan.

    The implication, for someone who did not know any history, could well be that our dropping of these weapons was actually without any substantial justification, and was perhaps, as well, primarily because of our supposedly inherent “racism.”

    Walking through and looking at their exhibits back a couple of decades ago, I noticed that a lot of their explanatory placards on supposedly “controversial” subjects had a decidedly leftist tilt.

  8. Parents should be very wary of enrolling their children in public schools which carry these toxic curricula.

  9. P.P.S.–Where does the Smithsonian get the people who decide on, research, mount, and “curate” their exhibits?

    From Leftist dominated Academia.

  10. Sounds like education standards needs to be on the agenda for Trump’s second term.

  11. The Smithsonian Institution.

    This is the same organization that attempted to rewrite history and “prove” that Langley’s 70,000 dollar un-fliable pile of spring catapulted junk beat the Wright brothers into the air with a manned flight.

    They kept up their charade for some 30 years, even going so far as to have Glenn Curtiss try and rewrite the record by “flying” a modified “aerodrome” in 1914, eleven years after the Wright’s initial achievement, nine or so years after the Wrights had already demonstrated flights of an hour, and six years after Orville’s triumph in France.

    Yeah, the Smithsonian … a name you can implicitly trust.

  12. Clinton had experience with sports, but not the sports that would count for a Rhodes Scholar.

  13. A great read.

    Clear, unflourished, almost Hemingway-esque English prose.

    *The True History of the American Revolution*, by Sydney George Fisher.

    An antidote to the New York Times’ lies.

  14. P.P.S.–Where does the Smithsonian get the people who decide on, research, mount, and “curate” their exhibits? From Leftist dominated Academia.

    The people who’ve been complaining to the Sulzbergers are academic historians who’ve likely never voted Republican in their lives.

  15. Todays students have been thoroughly brainwashed by the schools. I saw a survey where something like 25% of the students have a favorable opinion of communism. Evidently they are unaware of the communist death toll in the 20th century.

  16. If slavery was so essential to the colonies breaking away from England, why is there no record of any of the founding fathers, even those who owned slaves, saying so?

  17. Thanks to decades of tax-exemptions & tax supported loans, most colleges have become anti-Rep, anti-Christian indoctrination centers. Students are taught falsehoods as truth, while being taught that truth, itself, is relative, and thus a matter of opinion.

    The polarization in America will continue to increase and get worse until colleges have some 20-30% of their professors AND administrators as Republicans or pro-life Christians.

    These falsehoods about slavery might have the effect of more Republicans talking honestly against the Democratic Party Jim Crow racist laws, which are much more recent and relevant than early slavery. The prior Dem Jim Crow racism against blacks has changed — now it’s affirmative action racism against whites and, at Harvard at least, also against Asian.

    The right cure against racism, which is a form of tribalism, is individualism. Treat every human as a unique person. And judge them on their character.

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