Home » One thing you can say about Bloomberg News…


One thing you can say about Bloomberg News… — 21 Comments

  1. yeah and this kind of news of the latest and greatest news for women

    Apparently this gal on Instagram named Metaphysical Meagan has discovered an ancient ritual that will prolong your life and make you healthier. That’s right. She’s found the secret to longevity: Sunbathing your butt.

    Can’t make this stuff up…

    yeah.. women going to make the world great!!!
    the more we take men out of the equation, the more nutters the place gets

    like WANTING communism.. which a majority do..
    hating themselves…
    and now that they do news, well, the important things are covered..

  2. “Didn’t the MSM pretty much stop investigating Democrats some time ago? They just don’t admit it.”

    Very true…

    But after all, the MSM is part of the “Democratic Party.”

    Or, more aptly put, the “Democratic Party” is part – and only one part – of the MSM.

  3. It is curious that Bloomberg News just comes out and says we’re going to do this. It’s like Justice Sotomayor stating some years ago, “of course we legislate from the bench.” No, no, I was just joking. Ha! ha!

    Mr. Bloomberg owns the company, he can do what he wants with it. Except of course, then it ceases to be a “news” organization. Does he care? Will we as a nation care about that? What do Mike and Sonia have to gain by this unconventional level of transparency? Sotomayor may have made a gaff, but Bloomberg certainly thought very carefully first.

  4. I like that Trump is blowing up the previous gentleman’s agreement to accept the current press as good-faith journalism in spite of all evidence to the contrary.

    Call them out and deny them credentials!

  5. Those who subscribe to Bloomberg don’t really care for the political news. It is the breaking news, especially financial news, that the reputation of this news service rests on. The other major financial news service, Reuters, has the same political orientation as Bloomberg and nobody seems to care.

  6. Yes Andy, I agree.

    Is the financial news service helping me make money? Including general news is sort of a freebee extra.

  7. I’m reminded of Helen Thomas, a well-known White House correspondent, who lost her job in 2010 for making blatant, wacko, “the Jews control everything” remarks. Even during the Obama administration, she was too much.

    I was glad to see her go.

    Wiki has a funny sentence about her:

    She is best known as the “dean of Washington D.C.” and popular for coining the phrase, “Thank you, Mr. President”.

    What sparkling originality! Such a loss.

  8. Since Wally Duranty, the press hasn’t been what it was…

    Since the movement took social control, what it reports isnt what it used to be either

    and TV news is like a talk show / fashion show / recipe service which occasionally tells the news, but only asks one party to talk as if its a one party world..

    and the wacko things they make as fads that come around… make one not even notice the outrage in political ideas… Bloomberg is doing that crazy thing? well just get in line over crazy things ranging from fish manicures, goats on your back massages, underwear outside the clothes, a quite literal long list of crazy – including taking health advice from people named Ra of earth..

    who would notice Bloomberg with the next fad blooming?
    a constant stream of stuff that only residents of Arkham would conceive.

  9. Look…all you need to know about the current media culture…
    Epstein did not kill himself & no one at ANY major MSM outlet gives a thin damn.

    And the fewer of these traitorous vultures that the President treats with any respect & dignity the better. Let them howl outside the door.

  10. They definitely took an 8 year sabbatical when Obama was president. They pretty much worshiped the ground he walked on (tingles up the leg and all that).

  11. Glad Trump’s campaign is doing this — sometimes I dream of him calling out a newsperson who is asking a question and asking that person about why that guy’s news org didn’t cover some important news.

    I think Trump should start giving “News Parties” for Republicans, and registered Republican Journalists. Of whom there are not many, but it would also highlight how the Dem media discriminates against Reps.

    The short-medium solution is to ensure that “political party discrimination” is prohibited except for registered political organizations. Then use the same anti-discrimination statistics used by women and blacks against discrimination, to prove discrimination of the FCC approved networks.

    The USA needs lawsuits to be filed and won against the elite orgs who have been discriminating against Republicans.

  12. of course not only does our intrepid “unbiased media” NOT investigate DIMs, they never bother themselves to IDENTIFY them in the rare negative stories they have to run about them….i.e., when a DIM is arrested for ….whatever
    and oddly, DIMs (persons and/or positions) are never described by our intrepid “unbiased media” as “controversial” or “extreme” or any synonym of those words
    ….as Instapundit says, “just think of journalists as DIMocRAT operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense”

  13. Not to worry: Freedom of “OUR” (heh, heh) Press is still a cornerstone of American democracy.

    (Which is why Fox News had to be denigrated and delegitimized during the Obama—such a perfectionist!—and also now…by the usual suspects.)

    Though in Bloomberg’s case, it’s “Freedom of “MY” Press”….

    (Oh and I’m sure I speak for many, many Murricans when I say how grateful I am that the MSM has so thoughtfully—and so consistently—been telling me what I should be thinking. It would be simply terrible if I had to waste all that time trying to figure it out for myself. Not even sure I could do it, actually….)

  14. Artfldgr,

    There has always been strange health fads throughout history. Look up John Harvey Kellogg and the Battle Creek Sanatorium.

    There was a movie about it a couple of decades ago called The Road to Wellville.

  15. Izvestia and Pravda during the time that “Uncle” Joe Stalin ruled the USSR provided their readers “news” that was just as fair and objective as that provided today by USA based news outlets.

    One major difference however, was that Stalin’s news outlets had no choice in what they had to write (their reporter’s lives and that of their families were on the line) whereas today in our Constitutional Republic, land of the Bill of Rights, etc.., the media had voluntarily and willingly become the propaganda arm of one (of only two) of the major political parties.

    Whilst the media has always showed biases here in the USA – even during the earliest days of our nation – there were always enough newspapers available that one could find pro and con articles about any given topic or individual.
    Today, one must resort to the internet to find news / opinions that are at variance with the democrat party propaganda outlets.

    Looks like Lincoln was very prescient;

    “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

  16. Roy Nathanson.. i am well aware of it..
    but his concepts and wackness didnt mainstream..
    it was and they were always fringe…

    todays wacko-ness is mainstream
    like gender transitioning a 5 year old..

  17. I’m late to this party and it’s late here and my mind is getting dull, but I agree with Neo.
    Isn’t the most maddening thing about the “mainstream media” their phony pose of objectivity?

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