Home » Sandmann suits go forward


Sandmann suits go forward — 19 Comments

  1. I once heard a radio interview with Howard Hunt wherein he was asked about some grossly false claim about him and he said he’d been involved in one defamation suit in the past about something absurd said about him and nothing could induce him to get involved in another one. The Sandmann’s may regret this no matter what the verdicts are.

    The Sandmann matter did smoke out several parties guilty of a mix of a complete absence of due diligence, gross prejudice, and out-and-out fraud.

    (The people you now know don’t have your back would be the Kentucky Catholic bishops and their chanceries and the editorial staff of National Review).

  2. That’s a narrow issue on the surface, but it’s an issue Sandmann’s lawyers could drive a truck through because they get discovery of the entire news process that led up to the reporting — and who knows what they might find that would allow for trying to reinstate the other claims.

    When I read that the WaPo case was only reopened on the narrow basis of Sandmann blocking Phillips, I figured the case would be nibbled away to nothing [Spoiler Alert!] like the Big Fish at the end of “The Old Man and the Sea.”

    However, I am not a lawyer. So I’m encouraged by Jacobson’s remark about trucks and discovery,

    It seems a number of big cases — this one, impeachment, the Michael Mann defamation — are hanging fire on potential discovery implications. Leftists can dish it out. We’ll see how well they can take it.

  3. The BIG case has already been whittled down, probably too much (but I wouldn’t bet on that). I was saddened, and even 60% surprised, that the whole case had been thrown out.

    If it goes forward on defamation about Sandman blocking, when he clearly was just standing there, the suit going into discovery is likely to unblock a lot of anti-news emails the Dem news folk won’t want to make public. Tho at this point, it seems Dem rage-hate against Trump and Reps is so strong there is no news that will make such hate-filled Dems reduce their support for Dem newsfolk who defame innocents.

    This is a big case — can the Dem media defame non-public figures, and support demonization of the innocent? I hope, for the sake of America, that the media loses.

    Old Man and a Big Fish?
    Here’s a video of sharks eating a Big Fish at the bottom of the sea. When I first saw this a few days ago, I thought of Hemmingway and the “lovely skeleton” tied to the back of the Old Man’s boat.

    This is a really big Grouper fish, who is also hungry.

  4. The critical issue in all these matters is to stay away from DC juries. They will not convict a Democrat or award anything to a Republican or anyone seen as Republican related. Greg Craig got a not guilty on the same issue that sent Manafort to solitary. The cases are filed in Kentucky, I think, and I hope they stay there.

  5. What activist dems and the media is willfully blind too is that every instance of justice denied is another ‘stick’ added to the “camel’s back”. When the camel’s back breaks… i.e. the rule of law is seen to be permanently eviscerated, then “politics by other means” will be unavoidable.

    “So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire, by people you don’t even know that fire is hot.” George Orwell

  6. The Covington case is a hill that must be fought on (regardless of the ultimate outcome).

    The MSM must get their comeuppance.

  7. Geoffrey Britain,

    I agree with you. Further, my prediction: Our Cold Civil War goes Hot* within 10-15 years. Possibly sooner, if the Impeachment effort, against all odds, succeeds.

    This war won’t be anything like the first Civil War. It will resemble the war in the Balkans. The Deep State cancer has likely metastasized beyond the ability to remove it. And the effort to remove it might be a wound too big to ever recover from.

    *I mean Hot beyond the relatively minor- when viewed alongside other civil wars- Antifa skirmishes. I view the Antifa skirmishes like I view the Soviet/USA clandestine kidnappings and assassinations of the Cold War.

  8. Good points from LI commenters:
    rabid wombat | November 22, 2019 at 9:46 pm
    Do I hear settlements ringing, or will the networks go full Oberlin?

    Subotai Bahadur | November 22, 2019 at 10:43 pm
    Oberlin. The propaganda organs of state power could not afford the reputational loss at this critical time in the coup and they hope to outwait or harass Sandmann so he gives up.

    Pasadena Phil | November 23, 2019 at 8:09 am
    Unlike the Oberlin case, Sandmann is not critically ill nor old. Even if this takes ten years, he will still be a young man. I’m expecting his case to become stronger and stronger. Lin Wood is one hell of a lawyer.
    * * *
    Never go Full Oberlin.

  9. Art Deco on November 23, 2019 at 2:17 pm said:

    (The people you now know don’t have your back would be…the editorial staff of National Review).
    * * *
    Ah, but we already knew that!

  10. Geoffrey Britain on November 23, 2019 at 5:38 pm said:
    What activist dems and the media is willfully blind too is that every instance of justice denied is another ‘stick’ added to the “camel’s back”. When the camel’s back breaks… i.e. the rule of law is seen to be permanently eviscerated, then “politics by other means” will be unavoidable.

    “So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire, by people you don’t even know that fire is hot.” George Orwell
    * * *
    Tipping points came up in a couple of threads this week-end, as in, “when do the straws finally break the camel’s back?”

    Here’s a description of one of the straws, which is representative of a lot of comments from conservatives. When will they finally get tired of always being the ones to keep their mouths shut — because the other side gets mean when they are crossed — and strike back anyway?

    Esther on November 23, 2019 at 11:02 pm said:
    …at a restaurant during the primaries for the 2016 election I mentioned to a few Hillary supporting women that I would’ve divorced a man that did to me what Bill did.
    Whoa, did they ever get angry. They actually yelled at me …I was incredulous.
    So, I try to keep my mouth shut, but it’s wearing.

    A comment I made at the Netanyahu post mentions the media’s defamation of Sandman as one of the Left’s straws being loaded onto the camel (aka American people), along with some other stories that indicate the public is increasingly reacting badly to the growing burden on its back, and may be approaching a tipping point where they fight back.

    (my conclusion:)
    “Whether we are at the tipping / breaking point NOW is unknowable; if the situation does tip / break, then we are.”

  11. Charles made an observation on another Neo post that explains what is driving the media to do things like defaming Sandman (& the other students), or pushing the Russian collusion / Ukraine QPQ despite the lack of evidence, and many other instances.
    They don’t ever expect to be held accountable for their lying, and they know the lies will take root so deeply that the truth cannot displace them.

    charles on November 23, 2019 at 11:56 pm said:
    And, perhaps, it is for voters, like these two in the restaurant, that the Democrats continue with their insane actions.

    You can’t fool all the people all the time; but, you just have to fool enough to get elected.
    * * *

    Or, at greater length:
    The problem with lawsuits (or even criminal trials) is that, even if there is a judgment that the victim was maliciously defamed (or whatever the case is about), it comes so long after the event that the lies of the media are too strongly internalized to be uprooted.
    Too many cases in point: Ferguson, Oberlin, etc.

    AesopFan on November 24, 2019 at 1:33 am said:
    Neo’s story vividly illustrates the validity of the proverb “A lie gets halfway around the world while the truth is putting its pants on” (and its variants).

    The internalized “truth” of the two speakers (which in reality is the proverb’s lie) blanketed the world, thanks to the Democrat’s media arm, before the real truth (the facts from the Mueller report) became known, long after the first version was cemented in their minds (the delay was deliberate, of course — akin to hiding the pants that the truth was trying to put on).
    * * *

  12. sorry to put this here, but we dont have a general discussion board or a sink to throw this in… but something humoursly interesting just fully raised its head and made me giggle..

    Billionaires fund left-wing ‘resisters’ and schemers……….

    it wasn’t so much the article, which went on about a specific thing, ending the electoral college and securing a monopoly/single party position for the democrats..

    It occurred to me what would happen IF they succeeded..
    not what would happen to us, the regular folk
    but what would actually happen to the people funding this
    what would be their return on the effort?

    what would the dissonance be between these few billionaires (as most are not part of any of this kind of crazy on either side), and the actual outcomes vs what is their reward for all this?

    Do they believe they will have a seat at the table? Soros does… Probably Steyer does too… but WHY would they think that? in no time in history, has such happened to such people for such actions… even if they were somehow connected to the powers that be on the other side of things and the new world from it, how would that translate to anything good for themselves (ie. their self interest).

    This is not a game of endings but a game of perpetual travel, in which one believes one will never reach the end and so, can continue to collect the flowers on the path to the cliffs for as long as one wants, and never blindly walk over the edge!

    IF anything would reveal the edge to them, it would and should be the bidding war between various left politicians seeking office and their intents to start taking the money from the people who donated to get them in power to take money!

    hoisted by ones on petard just does not do justice to this, nor does sawing the crotch of the branch one is sitting on… hanging oneself with the socialist fervor and the capitalist rope comes close

    If the Dominoes fall, why would they retain anything?

    what magical power do they consider (not money) would insulate them or allow them to side step things and so, continue… The US falls and you can be sure europe starts falling the day after.. UK very short time after that… then what? what are they invested in that would exist as an investment and not be nationalized away from them in the interest of the people and the insatiable hunger of the state?

    their hoards hidden away (not all, but these definitely do), and gone..
    their friends who courted them, suddenly wont be friends but j’accusers

    yes, each revolution negated the nobility, but there are more nobility in france now than before… their numbers are near what it was in the 1780s…

    but that is ONLY true in the nobility of countries that changed their political organization, not their fundamental monetary organization… where the latter happens and as with the west and USA at the front, there is nothing to save up, hide away, or use to preserve their beings even hidden.

    what good are diamonds in a world in which there is no diamond trade?
    gold? silver? they become worthless with rationing, unless there is an outside that values them and can act on them as for soviets currently…

    but this is a lynch pin game… remove that, and they all convert..
    favors dont work, no ability to grant them
    wealth doesnt work, its taken
    being owed for the outcome is easily negated and goes
    on and on it goes.
    what good is living on an island when ones boat gets blown out of the water when one tries to go shopping and stock up in the nearest nearby or far state?

    while i will accept that one could live well for a while..
    unless one has a hankering for the taste of a MRE, the fresh stuff will go fast
    unless ones island has a farm that can produce the things, one must go shopping
    unless the state one shops in permits such capitalist economy, the shops are closed

    why would a new state want the duplicitous stupidity of that group to be part of things? nice jeffery epstein had a compound in the desert, but it would not last longer than food or water did… same with steyer… soros? would soros be happy as a minor functionary in a small place where the current system that arizes would put him to neuter his actions?

    even more interesting.. why have such large populations?
    why be grateful to traitors of their own people?
    how distasteful to the new regime would be their desire for reward for ingratiation?

    if this aint worth the popcorn for the helpless and hopeless to watch
    what would be… IF they knew what happened to the people of various countries as in the baltics, would they side with a regime that once entered, would put them at the bottom under the maids and ‘help’?

    just a infinite goof piece of classical humor from the gods..

    we now return to the thread in progress..
    we do hope you enjoyed the slight diversion on the route66 of the internet
    we hope you got your kicks on route 66 as much as i did..

    pass the butter..

    The MSM must get their comeuppance.
    thats another group even more short sighted

    what does a newspaper writer or author write once everything across the globe changes?

    what the owners of the planet tell them to
    but why would they need conduits any more?

    they wont need them any more than a finished building needs scaffolding.

    what is nobility without history to remember?

  13. A similar case might be the media / government case against Richard Jewell and the Olympic bomb. Apparently there is a movie coming out about that event.

  14. I agree with you. Further, my prediction: Our Cold Civil War goes Hot* within 10-15 years.

    My sources say otherwise.

  15. A comment I made at the Netanyahu post mentions the media’s defamation of Sandman as one of the Left’s straws being loaded onto the camel (aka American people), along with some other stories that indicate the public is increasingly reacting badly to the growing burden on its back, and may be approaching a tipping point where they fight back.

    Satan wins when you guys fight back. Look up the Nephite vs Lamanite histories in that book.

  16. The Deep State cancer has likely metastasized beyond the ability to remove it. And the effort to remove it might be a wound too big to ever recover from.

    Oh I wouldn’t agree with that or say/manifest that.

    Our Divine Fleets are perfectly capable of wiping out the Deep State. However, it would also wipe out much of humanity so, as well as the North American continent so…..

    Trum isn’t even releasing the JFK files or trying to put Clinton in jail, because they lack the firepower to clean out all the Deep State doomsday threats that the yare issuing in return for 50 years of immunity to prosecution. The Alliance and Trum would prefer not to give them those 50 years. But they know that the DS can pull a lot of “doomsday” scenarios up if Trum really pushes it. So the Alliance and Q Anon are “stuck”. Until 2021.

    It is not necessary to fight the DS, due to the Solar Flash and Pole Shift.

    A similar case might be the media / government case against Richard Jewell and the Olympic bomb. Apparently there is a movie coming out about that event.

    The Feds are always helping us because they Love us, right. Ruby Ridge, Waco 1, Waco 2. They just love us so much that they want what is best for us, by sending us bullets.

    Isn’t that right, totalitarian Germany and American patriots. How many bullets do the DHS have by now, was it 2-5 billion or 1 trillion?

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