Home » Fewer Americans think the impeachment hearings are a good idea


Fewer Americans think the impeachment hearings are a good idea — 19 Comments

  1. Fortunately, there was a moment of levity from the excellent Jim Jordan, who brought some comic relief to the dismally dull “kangaroo court” on the subject of hearsay by referring to “six people having four conversations in one sentence.”

  2. More Republicans should be mocking the proceedings and the witnesses more effectively, and especially noting how the Dems have done worse things, with no objections.

  3. “My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at ’31Flavours’ last night!! Guess it’s pretty serious.”: #ThankYouSimone

  4. I read about two different polls today. One had 71% for Impeachment and conviction and another had 71% saying the Dems had nothing. Guess it depends on who and how you ask the question.

  5. Lynn Hargrove: apparently so.

    I decided in the beginning that I was not going to follow this thing. Not a good use of my time. But of course I still see headlines, and just this morning saw one (don’t remember where, maybe CNN), maybe referring to one of the polls you saw, saying that 70% of the public supports impeachment. I wondered exactly how they were phrasing their questions. I have a feeling that the vast, vast majority are not paying attention, though if you look at, for instance, Google News (a news aggregator), at any given moment some large number of news stories are about it. And 90% of those have a definite pro-impeachment slant.

  6. Looks like Fiona Hill’s been at it again.

    While Schiff thinks he’s simply too powerful to bring down, too mighty to fail.

    No one will be able to stop his juggernaut or halt his blitzkrieg.

    And maybe he is….

    Of course he does have the MSM at his back. Which means he can lie with impunity. That he can get away with anything and everything.

    Or does it?….

    But what have we here?

  7. IIRC, the shrew queen was 94% likely to win in 2016. There is no way 70% of the population favors impeachment. However, it is true that a large majority is not paying attention to the impeachment hearings. Which is too bad because we need more people to realize there is no there there.

    The good news is the continuing strenght of the economy, the very low unemployment numbers, rising wages, and the strenght of consumer confidence. Plus Trump is not eager to get sucked into the military conflicts that proliferated after 9/11.

    This will be its the economy stupid election, not an orange man bad electtion.

  8. My representative, Elise Stefanik did me proud the other day. Glad I voted for her.

    Where I live in NYS used to be as conservative, if not more so than some of the reddest states (a local tradition of logging and paper mills and dairy farms). Its just that NYC’s votes outnumber everyone on everything.

    But our local paper is bending over backwards to help Stefanik’s opponent Tedra Cobb. Stefanik trounced her last time but money from all sorts of places is now flowing into the state to defeat Stefanik and help Cobb.

  9. Fractal,

    Same thing is happening to Joni Ernst. Lots of outside money flooding into Iowa to unseat her. She is not as conservative as me, but she is not a RINO. I’ve invested $1,000 in her 2020 campaign.

  10. Whether the impeachment process is ‘exciting’ or not is immaterial. This isn’t a reality TV show or Dancing with The Representatives. Note that in the ABC poll over the weekend 70% of Americans think President Donald Trump’s request to a foreign leader to investigate his political rival was wrong. Of those 57% think he should be impeached. The other 13% say he did something wrong but he should not be impeached.

  11. Montage,

    I beg to differ, this farce is a ‘reality’ TV soap opera. ABC is not as pure as the driven snow in Antarctica.

  12. This whole impeachment mantra about how it is wrong for the president to make a “request to a foreign leader to investigate his political rival” raises some interesting legal questions. For instance: if Joe doesn’t get the nomination, does that make looking into his influence-peddling okay? Would that be retroactive to when President Trump first asked the question? Does the exemption from being investigated for corruption apply to all political candidates? Only those running for President? Only Democrats? This whole farce has many interesting ramifications. which the Dems apparently don’t realize will come back to bite them one day.

  13. Richard Saunders,
    I have been paying attention to the details vs the news… first understand that there is a treaty that clinton created that specifically allows cooperation and asking to investigate.

    but the key here is that at no time, even now in Vindemans testimony (which he also testified can be taken in many ways and people would hear based on their preconceptions) – did trump actually ask to investigate biden or bidens son.

    What he did was sort of ask about burisima. What the press is doing, beyond the use of hearsay in this, is also allowing witnesses to draw conclusions. ie. a witness cant be asked to draw a conclusion about anothers thoughts, as there is no way for a witness to actually know what people are thinking.

    so if you ask about burisima, the news makes it out that 1) your asking about biden 2) that biden, despite not being selected, is his opposition.

    this is a large stretching and in any normal legal testimony, would not be allowed. The reason they wont let the whistlblower testify is that the use of hearsay would fall apart. why? well, there are two things that taking either pass would be bad. 1) that he is such a weak minded person that the phone call caused a breakdown which would then allow hearsay the same as hearing someone say “o my god the car struck the person”… 2) the question of why is such a weak minded person working where they are working…

    whats also going on now, is two witnesses are up and being questioned at the same time… hows that for interesting.. in what court does a witness get to sit with another witness to overlap their testimony and limit time?

    So far, under regular law, none of this would stick at all
    under the wacko rules, none of it is really sticking either but sticks with the editorial additions made by reporters which does not actually constitute evidence!!!!

    ultimately the biggest thing to take away is that these people who are not elected believe that they have the right to set policy, not the president. that ambassadors get to do what they think best, and not have to follow the leader in chief. that the president must follow prior things and cant change it, despite the constitution making it clear that he or she will set such policy, including the potential to wage war… (with later approval actually)…

    Ultimately the fun part is going to be near the end.. or after the end
    what will happen is, i predict, the donald will end up saying lets declassify everything about this… which is his power…

    in fact.. at any point, he could turn around and say for the interest of transparency and more, i will declassify everything for the public to read…

    in this case, it would be impossible for these people to claim he is blocking investigations and put them in the defensive to block investigation!!!!!

    Trump is not playing chess
    Trump is not playing three level chess
    Trump is playing GO

    what is seen now is AJI… the opponent as potential
    in acting, the opponent is Aji keshi – ruining their own potential
    and the means of doing so is Amarigatachi – overstretched shape
    This situation is because of their believe in Atari – threat to capture at next move
    Trumps waiting and waiting and not playing is Byo yomi – extra time
    we are about to enter Chuban – the middle game but are not yet in it

    the left is playing Joseki… standard moves..
    they do not see or see and cant avoid the potential of the Hamete

    Typically a hamete play has an “obvious” answer that yields a poor result. To qualify as hamete, the trap must be challenging–it needs to be something that could deceive even a dan-level amateur.

    “A move which, in the course of a joseki line, traps the opponent through a way of playing that is not correct and is tinged with an element of trickery. A trick move in the middle game or later is not called hamete.”

    During the process of establishing any joseki there develops a vast hidden store of moves that failed to be adopted as correct–strong, bullish, exquisite, vulgar. Hamete is the tactical use of such variations, in some cases requiring high-level techniques such as kikashi and korigatachi, in many others involving life-and-death situations which can result in catastrophic loss if handled incorrectly.

    If you think it’s enough to just learn the official moves of established joseki, you may, as the proverb has it, learn joseki and drop two stones. Learning hamete is a thing of unalloyed goodness–it stretches your powers of reading and sharpens your judgment and attention, while also teaching you the true meaning of joseki. It’s much like a good driver who in addition to the main streets also is familiar with the back roads.

    The reason i bring up the fact of declassification, its ippon michi
    he is letting them get so far, they are on orced sequence, non-forking road or one lane road.

    ultimately there is a lot more, but if you know GO, you may realize that unlike chess, everything can look to be in your favor, but the correct placement of one stone, can completely flip the board and put the opposition into a total losing position in which they cant escape.

    By giving the left the power of Sente, they get to go first and show all their cards
    this allows for a powerful outcome given that Sente is a local situation, and there is a global situation as well, and in the global situation, Trump holds the Trump card of declassification…

    They think that he wants to get out of this and end it
    i will guess that he thinks he will let them “hang themselves with enough rope”
    that the more they go on, the more they forget that he can open the play books

    so as they seek win through a local play
    he will seek win in a global play, that global play will not only use this local play, but will make it a negative to the people playing it and the organizations…

    once this is done the way it is, he will probably have power to act on these various areas that before would be harder to do… it would be harder to act on the CIA and other organs without this, after this, the public may not like what is revealed and so, give power for him to make vast changes that no one can stop

    could get real interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. So what interesting thing have we learned from the morning’s inquisition gang?

    We have learned that Lt. Col. Vindman told Eric Ciaramella of the July phone call thus initiating the “whistleblower” operation. We have learned that Schiff knows this, that Vindman’s lawyer knows this, that Rep. Nunes knows this, that everyone now knows this: and yet, Eric Ciaramella’s name was never mentioned.

  15. It is interesting that someone at NBC half nailed the real issue

    they said (paraphrasing), that the whole government is going in one direction in the case of policy, and the president is going another way

    this is what it boils down to

    do these people follow a duly elected president to make policy as defined by the constitution

    or do THEY define policy because they out live elected presidents and provide what they believe is continuity

    the point here is who does the president serve, does he serve the unelected bureaucrats, or do the people serve the commander in chief

    [right now they just tried to point out what people have said about vindement, and his answer is to read an alternative view that he isn’t the way others said… the senator in question is Jordan and he has the information about vindeman that vindeman doesn’t see!!!!]

  16. It is interesting that someone at NBC half nailed the real issue

    they said (paraphrasing), that the whole government is going in one direction in the case of policy, and the president is going another way

    this is what it boils down to

    do these people follow a duly elected president to make policy as defined by the constitution

    or do THEY define policy because they out live elected presidents and provide what they believe is continuity

    the point here is who does the president serve, does he serve the unelected bureaucrats, or do the people serve the commander in chief

    [right now they just tried to point out what people have said about vindement, and his answer is to read an alternative view that he isn’t the way others said… the senator in question is Jordan and he has the information about vindeman that vindeman doesn’t see!!!!]

    REP jim himes… and he is basically making the argument that your not allowed to question or ask questions about a persons service or that they were offered a position in the government of this other country…

    Ratcliffe is questioning about how the dems shifted three times on things
    and he says, he word searched in all three transcripts, and that the word bribery was not in any of the documents… its going to be a crap storm..

    they are tearing apart the office of the presidency and reducing it to serving the house and senate…

    they think this will be the coupe de grace
    we have seen the Tercio de Varas
    then came schiff with his being Tercio de Banderillas
    and they hope this will somehow be the Tercio de Muerte

    but they forget… sometimes the bull wins.

    they went from quid pro quo, to extortion, now its bribery…

  17. sdferr on November 18, 2019 at 2:32 pm said:
    “My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at ’31Flavours’ last night!! Guess it’s pretty serious.”: #ThankYouSimone
    * * *
    Thetford Norfolk ?????? Schrödinger’s cat • 2 days ago
    At 31 Flavors? The real question is did he get two scoops and Ukraine only got one. This could be horrible for us!!!

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