I went to the bank earlier. For some reason women like me when I am withdrawing money.
For the same reason I would like me, too. The last time I was in Reno I witnessed some middle aged guy trying to impress some twenty something. He was monopolizing a blackjack table. And putting down $18 grand on each spot. I so wanted to tell him, how honest can I be with you?
I will bet you a house he didn’t get what he thought he was paying for.
I’m only slightly kidding. I’m mostly serious when I say if I am stupid enough to get married again I should just buy a house, give it to her, and call it a day.
She was good looking but she wasn’t supermodel good looking.
I know how to keep the power turned on.
That alone should make me attractive.
Hey ladies. My dog Romeo is looking for a girl.
You know hos in South America Ja,mes Bond dum[ped a body in a a garbage can.
That was me.
Did I mention I played Rugby?
Did I mention I played dirty?
I gave blood.
Don’t believe me.
It makes it easier for me to win.
You should have seen the look on those f***ers faces when we showed u0 with destroyers after the attacked that submarine.
They thought the sub was a merchant vessel.
Boy, were they surprised.
Showing up with the destroyers was probably overkill. I think the Marine Corps attack helos were probably enough.
I helped fish out of water some Vietnamese Sailors who thought the USS Ranger was a merchant vessel. Then there was the time in the Malacca Strait.
If you can imagine it weirder (stuff) has happened. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. I would not try to tell you. Because I already know you won’t believe me.
USS Carl Vinson. The cleanest ship in the Navy. And pretty bad @$$ed. too.
Not just any old merchant vessel. They thought iif was a CHINESE merchand vessel. They told us if they thought it was a U.S. warship they wouldn’t have shot at it..
Now I’m bragging. We ”Mericuns have a reputation in Asia for not holding our fire.
As the pirates who attacked the sub, which really had no way of defending herself found out while transiting the Malacca Strait on the surface. She had no organic ability to defend herself.
She wasn’t transiting the strait with us. But that didn’t mean she didn’t have friends.. We just happened to be in the area to give those pirates a “”Holy ****” moment.
Submarines, destroters, and fighters always bow on to the threat. Aircraft carriers whatever way puts the wind over the deck.
We’re glaaaad!
And haaaaaaaaappy!
I missed you.
I went to the bank earlier. For some reason women like me when I am withdrawing money.
For the same reason I would like me, too. The last time I was in Reno I witnessed some middle aged guy trying to impress some twenty something. He was monopolizing a blackjack table. And putting down $18 grand on each spot. I so wanted to tell him, how honest can I be with you?
I will bet you a house he didn’t get what he thought he was paying for.
I’m only slightly kidding. I’m mostly serious when I say if I am stupid enough to get married again I should just buy a house, give it to her, and call it a day.
She was good looking but she wasn’t supermodel good looking.
I know how to keep the power turned on.
That alone should make me attractive.
Hey ladies. My dog Romeo is looking for a girl.
You know hos in South America Ja,mes Bond dum[ped a body in a a garbage can.
That was me.
Did I mention I played Rugby?
Did I mention I played dirty?
I gave blood.
Don’t believe me.
It makes it easier for me to win.
You should have seen the look on those f***ers faces when we showed u0 with destroyers after the attacked that submarine.
They thought the sub was a merchant vessel.
Boy, were they surprised.
Showing up with the destroyers was probably overkill. I think the Marine Corps attack helos were probably enough.
I helped fish out of water some Vietnamese Sailors who thought the USS Ranger was a merchant vessel. Then there was the time in the Malacca Strait.
If you can imagine it weirder (stuff) has happened. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. I would not try to tell you. Because I already know you won’t believe me.
USS Carl Vinson. The cleanest ship in the Navy. And pretty bad @$$ed. too.
Not just any old merchant vessel. They thought iif was a CHINESE merchand vessel. They told us if they thought it was a U.S. warship they wouldn’t have shot at it..
Now I’m bragging. We ”Mericuns have a reputation in Asia for not holding our fire.
As the pirates who attacked the sub, which really had no way of defending herself found out while transiting the Malacca Strait on the surface. She had no organic ability to defend herself.
She wasn’t transiting the strait with us. But that didn’t mean she didn’t have friends.. We just happened to be in the area to give those pirates a “”Holy ****” moment.
Submarines, destroters, and fighters always bow on to the threat. Aircraft carriers whatever way puts the wind over the deck.
You seem like nice lady.
Oh, BTW. Tarantula tastes like crab.
Spider. I’ve eaten of it. Not on purpose.
It was hidden in my straw. It bit me. I bit it back. My bite proved fatal.
OK.Its not a Tarantula.
You know hos in South America Ja,mes Bond dum[ped a body in a a garbage can. Can?
Maybe you will take it the wrong way
The USS Johnston, sunk during the Battle of Samar, has been found.
As noted in