Home » Puberty blockers and the gender transition of children


Puberty blockers and the gender transition of children — 61 Comments

  1. Doing this to a child is child abuse, pure and simple. “My son put on a red cape and said, ‘I’m Superman!’, so I threw him off a roof.” Somehow I don’t think that would pass in any court.

  2. —slow your physical growth and affect your height

    I would expect the results to be similar to “Turner’s Syndrome” in which a child has XO genotype. In the absence of a Y chromosome, the default phenotype is female but with a number of other genetic anomalies, including short stature.

    A list of anomalies. I don’t know if the effects of puberty blockers will resemble this condition but nobody knows what the effects will be.

    My understanding is that the mother is a pediatrician. Pediatricians, especially in recent times, lean left politically. She is also unlikely to accept any objections as she is certain that she knows more than anyone else.

    Several lawyers have commented on the use of jury trials in these cases. Child custody cases , which is what this is, are not normally heard by juries.

  3. The judge in the case has since granted joint medical decision making in the matter:

    Judge Kim Cooks in the 255th Family District Court ruled today that seven-year-old James Younger and his twin brother would remain under a joint managing conservatorship under their parents, Jeff Younger and Anne Georgulas.

    Cooks also gave the two parents joint decision making over all medical, dental, and psychiatric care for the twin boys, indicating that both the father and mother need to consent to the use of puberty blockers or other aspects of a “medical transition.”


  4. It seems weird that puberty “blockers are being used in post pubertal boys.

    Between 2004 and 2016, the annual number of implants placed for a transgender-related diagnosis increased from 0 to 63. The average age for placement was 14 years. Compared to natal females, natal males were more likely to receive implants (57 vs. 46) and more likely to have implants placed at an older age (62% of natal males vs. 50% of natal females were ?;13 years; p<0.04).

    I see no evidence of use in younger males.

  5. Mike K:

    If 14 is the average age, obviously some are younger. It really depends on the age the child begins puberty. And I would assume that older data would involve older males, because younger and younger children are now transitioning. That study was from 2004-2016, practically ancient history in this particular field.

    And apparently the blockers are used in slightly-older children in the manner and for the purpose described in the quote in the post I wrote, “In slightly later stages of puberty, the treatment could be used to stop menstruation or erections or to prevent further development of undesired secondary sex characteristics.”

  6. Ann:

    And has issued a gag order on the father as well.

    However, the judge was overruling the jury there, and I was referring here to the jury part. Their decision was quite extreme. The actions of the governor and the DA still stand, as far as I know, and there will be an investigation of the case.

    Also, it sounds as though the social transition of the child will continue apace; the joint decisions are only about the medical transition, and the social transition can easily lead almost inevitably to the medical transition.

  7. Heavy.com often provides a reasonable run-down on controversial news items:

    “Anne Georgulas: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know”

    My takeaway is that the marriage/divorce was a real mess and that’s what’s really going on here with the kid stuck in the middle. I kinda hate both parents.

  8. I reject the concept of transgenderism. With very few exceptions a person has either XY or XX chromosomes. That can not be changed. I pity those who genuinely experience gender dysphoria, they need counseling not chemicals or mutilation.

    The whole transgender movement looks like a cult to me. It has become a fad from my perspective. And it is dangerous.

  9. In the UK — “Transgender treatment: Puberty blockers study under investigation”:

    The Health Research Authority – which ensures medical studies are ethical and transparent – is now investigating claims brought to them by the BBC’s Newsnight programme about the early findings from the study – and the information that is understood to have been shared with patients and parents about the possible effects of puberty blocking drugs.

    When a child in the UK is questioning their gender, they can be referred to the Gender Identity Development Service (Gids) at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in London and Leeds.

    One treatment on offer is puberty blockers. They work on the brain to stop the eventual release of oestrogen or testosterone – the sex hormones that increase during puberty. This prevents the development of sex characteristics such as periods, breasts or voice-breaking.

    Before 2011, Gids would give puberty blockers to children only once they had turned 16.

    But as gender clinics around the world began providing blockers to those who had just begun puberty, reports grew of UK children going overseas to buy the drugs.

    And in 2011, a medical study was approved through which younger children could access these drugs.

  10. As someone remarked on Twitter: “Pulp Free on Twitter: "It’s the new Munchausen syndrome by proxy. It’s rampant because social media gives these “moms” viral attention and rabid SJW protection. History will view this like we view 17th century Castratos.… ”

    I may have underestimated the accelerationist resolve of middle-class white women. They skipped pets entirely and went straight to destroying the genitals of their own children first. Fuckers are on a time table, apparently.”

    Not entirely accurate but sorta catches the tone of reaction against this wave of fiddling about in their children’s’ underwear by a lot of prog parents.

  11. Any ‘gender-reasssignment’ procedure is an abuse of medical knowledge and properly banned. As for the mother and her crew of mental-health quack accomplices, lamp-posts have more than one use.

  12. I pity those who genuinely experience gender dysphoria, they need counseling not chemicals or mutilation.

    I bet most of them would improve dramatically if consistently told to get over themselves.

  13. This little guy is trying to please his parents. With his dad, he’s a normal little boy. Mommy prefers him as a girl and so that’s what he does when he’s at her house. Even without the drugs, this pressure to be what he isn’t is causing psychological damage.

  14. Like many old coots, I am completely unable to grasp the reason for the celebrity of this dysfunction. How did we manage to survive all these years without it being an issue except for the very small number of people who actually suffer from ggggender dddysphoria? The multiple letters aren’t typos. They indicate the odd and irrational thinking that has overtaken Western Civilization. It makes me wonder if things aren’t coming apart. Can such a society actually continue to be successful? Should it continue to be successful?

    I often remark to my wife that life is entirely too easy these days. Any society that has too much time on its hands manages to get into the weeds about all kinds of perverse things that were never an issue when people had to work, plan, and be ever mindful that the necessities of life weren’t a given. Now, too many do-gooders with time on their hands are looking for problems where none existed before. Bah, humbug! 🙁

  15. When he was four my younger brother wanted to wear my sister’s dresses. One day he did and went outside to play with the other kids. He lasted about five minutes before he ran back inside the house crying.

    He never did that again, but something was up that didn’t get resolved. He looked straight — surfed, played the guitar, never acted gay or trans in the least — but in his late teens seemed to have sex mostly with guys. He didn’t make it to 20, so we never figured out where he would have landed sexually.

    There is something to transgenderism, but drugs and surgery are flat insane for children and teens. And this poor kid’s sexuality has become an agenda issue for his parents and society to fight over.

    As Kate said, “This little guy is trying to please his parents.”

    Best of luck, kid. You’re gonna need all you can get.

  16. huxley:

    I’m sorry about your brother. You’ve written about your family before, so it’s not a surprise, but still sad.

    Who knows what, if anything, might have helped?

    And yes, there’s definitely “something” to transgenderism. For some people, surgery really does help. But for others it does not. Years ago doctors were far more careful about performing surgery and certainly would never treat someone who was not fully adult. That has really changed.

  17. J.J.,
    I’m with you. From all these college kids with triggers and Greta Thunberg followers to LGBT*** activists. Give them all a hoe and let them grown their own potatoes to eat over the winter (after they have gotten rid of all the electricity to run their microwaves and refrigerators). And don’t forget to take away their smart phones.

  18. There may be “something to transgenderism” but whatever it may be it is not the reason for this continuing attack on sports, life, entertainment, culture and politics that this particular subject is now a trans-circus of demented and malicious politicos spinning up the country in a “discussion” far beyond the numbers and merits in this sexual abnormality. This is Kraft-Ebbing stuff pulling in an entire nation. This is not about the dear old long suffering for-the children plaints. This is about “The worse, the better.”

  19. As has been said, this is just straight up child abuse, the adults involved sentencing this child to a life-time of medical and psychological problems.

    All are at fault here–the child’s Pediatrician supposed “mother,” all of the psychologists, medical doctors, and other “professionals” and “experts” involved in this case, plus the courts–they’ve all participated in this horrific injustice, and the attempted permanent mutilation of this male child.

    Moreover, according to reports, this child is not actually the biological child of the mother here, since the child was conceived using in vitro fertilization of a donated egg. *

    This is massive crazy thinking at work here.

    The idea of being transgender is “in the air “but, I’m betting that the percentage of people who are actually Transgender and not just people who have been infected with the “transgenderism” meme, or who have been persuaded that they’re transgender is a minute, minute number of people–far too few to justify driving national policy.

    * See https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/mom-trying-to-transition-7-year-old-admits-hes-not-her-biological-son-she-used-egg-donor

  20. Could be in the future that these kids will act out in other society activities in a very non appropriate way. It could be a very unpleasant activity.

  21. Science Fiction great Robert Heinlein foresaw something like our current moment in time/situation and dubbed it the “crazy years,” and he couldn’t have been more right.

  22. Two sexes: male and female. Two sex-correlated genders (i.e. physical and mental attributes): masculine and feminine, respectively. And a transgender spectrum including individuals with attributes that are significantly outside the normal distribution of each. It seems that transgenderism can also be processed through indoctrination, as well as medical and surgical corruption to simulate a faux reality. Adolescent, and especially prepubescent, children may be especially vulnerable to the former, and unwitting victims of the latter.

  23. There may be “something to transgenderism” but whatever it may be it is not the reason for this continuing attack on sports, life, entertainment, culture and politics… — Gerard vanderleun

    “The Federalist” had a spot-on article a few years ago about gay marriage which I believe pertains:

    From the days of our youth, my generation hungered for a cause that would make us as righteous as the saints who marched on Selma. We have found that cause. We have sunk our teeth into that righteousness and, at this point, we couldn’t care less if it’s real. The Lord of Social Justice has finally answered our prayers. And Lord help the bigot who comes between us and our cause.


    And once gay marriage was achieved, the Selma itch for righteousness returned in the guise of transgenderism.

  24. The boy’s mother is a pediatrician. What’s to stop her from feeding the boy the drugs she thinks he should have? Would there be anyway to know if she was doing so? or if she might have been doing so already??

  25. Re your “I kinda hate both parents”. I just read the Heavy.com pieces on both parents, so put me down as a “me,too” on that.

    Ann: At the risk of being personal again, after my parents divorced I was caught in a tug-of-war between them and it hurt.

    Since then, I say: You don’t fight your ex using children. You never force a child to pick sides. Never. That goes for society too.

    I can’t tell from what I’ve read where James/Luna might be gender-wise or whether that question even has an answer for one so young. But I do know the parents and society have heartlessly put this kid into an intolerable bind and he will be lucky to escape without too much damage.

    Seven years-old. Jesus.

  26. Back in my day, if a mom hoped for a daughter but it turned up a son.. she got over it.

    This is buyer’s remorse, a response to the commodification of children. She, as a consumer, did not get the result to which she feels *entitled*.

    After considerable expense on some stranger’s egg and the medical expertise to hatch it into a child, she had a boy… and on some level she said to herself “This isn’t what I paid for”.

  27. re: buyer’s remorse

    The Heavy fast facts say that the couple “requested male children” when they got IVF. The mother also already had two daughters. It seems unlikely that she’s making him transition because she wants a girl.

    Still, it is really disturbing that some witnesses claim this child wants to be a girl and some claim that he acts like a boy when not around his mother. Someone’s lying here and is going to end up causing a child psychological harm to push an ideological agenda.

    (a story I published in 1985)

    Kimberly sat like a woman, walked like a woman, had buttocks and breasts and legs like a woman. She didn’t have to go to the electrolysis parlor because she never grew any facial hair to be removed. The estrogens had shrunk her penis, redistributed body fat – and in so doing had given her a good shape and lovely legs. The legs especially pleased her because you see a lot of drag queens with bad legs, legs in which the muscles stand out like cords. Women’s legs have subcutaneous fat which accounts for their smooth shape. In high heels, the difference is strikingly apparent.
    The delicacy of her facial structure made it seem hard to imagine her, even without the makeup, as a boy and not a girl. She had been dressing strictly as a female for the last three years. Pierced ears, shaved armpits and legs, boobjob, hormone shots and long brown hair. No one ever questioned her right to use the ladies’ room.
    The only thing she didn’t have was a vagina, and she was fascinated with them. She wanted to understand them and how they worked. When she had a lot of money, she paid a woman named Janet de Sade to do an S&M number on her. She smoked Algerian hashish to get in the mood. She groveled at Janet de Sade’s feet, which were shod in shiny shiny black patent spiked heel boots.
    It made Jean-Luc sad when he contemplated the fact that Kimberly was not real. She would not last. Nothing does. Nothing does, but…
    Jean-Luc knew Janet de Sade too. She wanted to star in a documentary about all the twisted things people paid her to do. Maybe he’d do it, but it felt like selling out. It was so cheap.
    He admired people who sought to change who they were, who did not accept being born as a peasant, or as an awkward boy, as an Edward, Edwin, Edgar, Ed or Eddie… how he hated that name! Much better, even if partly as a joke, to reinvent oneself as Jean-Luc.
    But everything was a joke, he told Kimberly, who was lying incompletely dressed posed on a pillow like Olympia for Manet.
    Astronomy was a joke. Astrology was a joke. Biology was a joke. The Roman Empire was a joke. Cancer. The War in Vietnam. The Renaissance. Enlightenment. Industrial Revolution.
    “Was that on TV?”
    “Yes, Kim. That was on TV.”
    “But they said ‘The Revolution will not be televised.’ Was that a joke?”
    “That was a joke. The Revolution was televised. It just didn’t get very good ratings.”

  29. Yada, yada… it is rather simple, this is child abuse. Chemical injections and future surgical mutilations all because a twisted woman keeps telling a young boy he is a girl. Madness, kill the witch, but off camera. Bury the body deep, Marianas Trench will do.

  30. A lot of the commenters here – all rational beings as far as I can tell – are expressing puzzlement that this whole ‘transgender issue’ has blown up so big.
    C’est simple. I think it was David Horowitz who said; ‘The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.’

  31. J.J.,

    Whether or not this boy, or his parents, or all three have a medical issue(s), I agree with you; we in the West are victims of our own success. Too much free time to naval gaze.

    During a recent family vacation to the World War I museum in Kansas City (highly recommended), I caught up with my wife and one of our sons at the exit point of a particularly sobering exhibit. They were both shaking their heads, trying to comprehend the struggle. I smiled and said, “And at the same time twice as many people died from the Spanish flu.”

    We live in an age of miracles. Life for us in the West is wonderful on most every level, but far too many lack a sense of purpose in their lives. Purpose is as essential as oxygen, food and water to people.

  32. I don’t know how it originated, but for as long as I can remember I have naturally avoided quick fixes. Even things as innocuous as hair dye or platform shoes. I don’t judge folks who choose unnatural methods to alter their appearance, but my guess is, in most cases it won’t make one happier.

    Cosmetic surgery is a miracle and physicians do wonderful work to improve the lives of folks with deformities; either inherited, or from an unfortunate accident, but it’s wise for all of us to hesitate before making any modification through non-natural means. It is a similar attitude that leads to most drug and alcohol addiction; people seeking quick and easy remedies to mask problems or shortcomings they are unwilling to address.

    If one of my children had expressed displeasure with his or her gender I would have never proposed any medical solutions. Fine, play the games, sports you are interested in, read the books you like, but don’t curse the body you have.

    So far none of my kids (all over the age of 18 now) don’t have tattoos, but I’m not 100% sure that will last. I’ve stressed 2 things with them; avoid any permanent alterations to your body before you are 30, and, you are fortunate to have healthy skin. If you are planning to deface it, let me first take you to a hospital burn ward so you can understand what a gift you have been given.

  33. … and not to appear overly judgy, I don’t care if people dye their hair, or wear Spanx or take diet pills, or testasterone supplements… To each his or her own. I actually am impressed with the art and science of clothing and tailoring specifically, and think it’s wonderful how designers have developed styles and methods to enhance or conceal the human form.

    I just think one will be better served to try to uncover why one is truly dissatisfied, or suffering, and trying to work to improve the real issue at hand, rather than masking it.

  34. “…none of my kids … don’t have tattoos…”

    Maybe their father should get a tattoo that reads, “In English a double negative = a positive!” Sorry for my grammatical lapse.

  35. Plastic surgery does help many unfortunate people correct disfigurement and injury.

    But such surgeons also do less commendable things–things like boob jobs, nose jobs, butt lifts, etc.

    But beyond this, though, as part of our current “crazy time,” we also have MDs, psychiatrists/psychologists, and plastic surgeons who are justifying, and helping people who want to look other than human–they want to look like a lion, a reptile, an alien of some kind–realize their fantasies, and I also find this to be a gross violation of the Hippocratic oath.

    Look around the Internet, and you can find examples.

    You do not have to help someone who is crazy physically manifest their craziness.

  36. Latest studies show….
    Hey, I know, let’s look at the outcome of centuries old “research” surrounding
    castration of
    1. Young castratos.
    2. Older eunuchs.
    The “drug delivery/denial system administration” is known as external gonads, AKA testicles.
    ALSO SEE: “Galileo’s Middle Finger”-Alice Dreger

  37. Rufus T. Firefly: “We live in an age of miracles. Life for us in the West is wonderful on most every level, but far too many lack a sense of purpose in their lives. Purpose is as essential as oxygen, food and water to people.”


  38. Yes to Selma envy – yes to the issue being the revolution.
    “Talking about the revolution.
    Well, you know
    We all want to change the wor . r. r. ld”.

    But why so big now, so fast? Because the pro-victim / anti-oppression despots now control all of academy, media, and the deep state, tho not yet all politics; and many of the most public companies, most of the tech companies.

    Virtue signaling is, if you will, a performative behavior by which a person signals to his (or her) moral tribe(s) and others where he stands on various moral issues so that he can be accurately placed (by himself and others) in the tribe and then in the social standing hierarchy within that tribe. It’s easy to scoff at virtue signaling or dismiss it as the performative behavior that it is, but this is a grave mistake. Virtue signaling is one of the most important human behaviors because of our immense sensitivity to our psychosocial standing (which we are far more aware of, in general, than most even realize), which is also what makes it risible when it goes overboard.

    We need to both laugh at virtue signaling but also take it seriously. “Social Justice” is an alt-religion, which satisfies most of the needs of most folks. It is a good fit for the God-sized space in everybody’s heart. It’s more dangerous than any rational non-believers could imagine.

    How did it get so strong? Education.
    The main part of this heterodox academy piece is about the Left taking over ed, from the side.
    They also developed curricula and entrenched themselves in ed schools – allowing them to shape primary, middle and high school teaching instead of merely higher ed — thereby molding future generations of college students and scholars before they even set foot on a university (see Lyell Asher’s “How Ed Schools Became a Menace” for more on this point).

    While it’s not too late to pull out of our culture crash dive, the fact that most folks don’t believe we’re diving towards a crash means we’re not pulling out. Many feel there is some huge problems coming, but don’t agree on anti-Truth leftists as the cause of the huge problem.

    Climate change alarmism provides an alt-catastrophe – we’re flying too fast and will run out of gas, then crash. And those who deny we’re about to run out of gas, or fuel, or world absorbtion, those who deny that CO2 crisis crash are the problem.

    Climate change alarmism takes up “crisis shelf space” in the news and in our minds, so the insidious ed crisis and “virtue signaling” problem never seems nearly as alarming.

    Sort of how Trump-news takes up so much news, most folks didn’t even know Ukraine had had an election in 2019, nor that it’s well known as corrupt and ruled by competing oligarchs (pro-EU or pro-Russia).

    Education owned by the Left is the biggest civilization problem we now have.

  39. Tom Grey–I agree, but even if there were to be a “Reconquista” of our Educational Establishment, it would take the equivalent of house to house fighting, urban warfare, and the results of an overall victory–of a return to traditional ideas, curricula, teachers and methods–would take a long time to generate significant change, and make a difference in the world-views and attitudes of a sufficient percentage of the newly educated/graduated population to make for a change in our current trajectory.

    Give the pace of change in our current society, and how entrenched the Left is in our Educational Establishment, and in others like the MSM, it may well be too late to stop our current downward cultural, social, and political dive, down into ignorance, division, violence, and decadence

  40. Education owned by the Left is the biggest civilization problem we now have.

    Tom Grey: It’s a tough call but leftie education is definitely in the top three and arguably #1 because now that religion has lost its influence, education is the only real institutional firebreak we have to hold back wacko extremism.

    Instead education has become an amplifier of extremism, as long as it is of the left.

    It’s partly an “unintended consequence” of Higher Ed bowing down to radicals in the 60s/70s, paying the DaneGeld by establishing “Studies” departments, then rewarding the “Studies” grads with campus positions to police universities for ThoughtCrime.

  41. Tom Grey–I agree, but even if there were to be a “Reconquista” of our Educational Establishment, it would take the equivalent of house to house fighting, urban warfare…

    Snow on Pine: Aptly put! You, sir, have a way with words.

  42. Molly Brown nailed it.
    This is just another front in the larger battle.
    A diverting skirmish in the Civil War.
    One of many attacks on our culture’s underpinnings to bring it all down.

    We thought “Leave gays alone”.
    Now they are normalized.
    Next, “Well, let them marry.”
    Now, that’s normalized.
    That’s some slippery slop we’re sliding down.

  43. Tom Grey,

    (from Campus Reform, https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=10005 )

    A math education professor at the University of Illinois argued in a newly published book that algebraic and geometry skills perpetuate “unearned privilege” among whites.

    Rochelle Gutierrez, a professor at the University of Illinois, made the claim in a new anthology for math teachers, arguing that teachers must be aware of the “politics that mathematics brings” in society.

    “On many levels, mathematics itself operates as Whiteness.”

    Gutierrez also worries that algebra and geometry perpetuate privilege, fretting that “curricula emphasizing terms like Pythagorean theorem and pi perpetuate a perception that mathematics was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans.”

    Math also helps actively perpetuate white privilege too, since the way our economy places a premium on math skills gives math a form of “unearned privilege” for math professors, who are disproportionately white.

    “Are we really that smart just because we do mathematics?” she asks.

    Where does one start?! I minored in Classics at the University of Illinois. Hopefully one of her colleagues in that department will show Professor Gutierrez the scholarship on Pythagoras’ ties to Egypt and Alexandria, and then take her to a map and point out they lie on the Continent of Africa.

  44. Groucho — er — Rufus,

    Some people will say anything to get themselves published. *bleep*

  45. The mother is obviously severely mentally ill and should lose any custody rights she has.

  46. Snow on Pine on October 27, 2019 at 11:07 am said:

    The only organization (official) that obeys the Hippocrates Oath is the Hippocratic institute: in my experience.


    People can make fun of Ymar all they want, including the Doctor Classes here but.. that Ph.D or M.D. after that long list of names hahaha, that’s a little bit harder. Sorta like with “Global warming” deniers. Well, they can’t be a minority when too many crop up, way too many to be executed via public social media Scaffolding.

    education is the only real institutional firebreak we have to hold back wacko extremism.

    I am fine with torching it all down. What are they gonna do, be crazier than Ymar or FEcore guys? Make me have to use acronyms and self censor myself to get my comments to show up?

    Been there, had that done to me already.

    Snow on Pine on October 27, 2019 at 3:00 pm said:
    Tom Grey–I agree, but even if there were to be a “Reconquista” of our Educational Establishment, it would take the equivalent of house to house fighting, urban warfare, and the results of an overall victory–of a return to traditional ideas, curricula, teachers and methods–would take a long time to generate significant change, and make a difference in the world-views and attitudes of a sufficient percentage of the newly educated/graduated population to make for a change in our current trajectory.

    Or… use the Ymar strategy of burn it all down and kill it first. Then let the gods worry about the rest.

  47. I don’t know how to say it, so I’ll just say it. Holy mother of God. The hell of it all is he kid thinks he’s a girl because his mother told him he was a girl. And he,

    Holy mother of god. What an abuse of trust. I never ONCE . Never.

  48. I gather it together.

    I like how Don Stratton finishes his book. After Pearl Harbor I showed back up with a destroyer and a few hundred of my closest friends.

    Seriously, f*** you,

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