Home » The Babylon Bee is not kind to Hillary


The Babylon Bee is not kind to Hillary — 20 Comments

  1. I saw an interview a long time ago, and I don’t recall who or even how reliable it was, where someone said that in retirement Lyndon Johnson had a conference room set up and held faux cabinet meetings and daily briefings.

  2. From the Atlantic, a former speechwriter recounts LBJ’s retirement.

    He was still very much “Mr. President” to the retinue serving him in retirement, including three round-the-clock Secret Service protectors, a Chinese butler named Wong, brought to Texas from the White House, two secretaries, a dozen former White House staffers, who worked at the library but could be tapped for other duties when the occasion demanded, as well as a dozen or so ranch hands who were kept scrambling. A phone call would dispatch an Air Force helicopter to carry him forty miles from his ranch into Austin, where a landing pad had been built on the library roof.

    Each Friday morning, a White House jet landed at the LBJ ranch, depositing foreign policy briefing papers prepared especially for Johnson by Henry Kissinger’s staff. On two occasions Kissinger himself arrived at Johnson’s door for personal briefings on the peace talks; twice he sent his deputy, General Alexander Haig.

    No mention of “cabinet” meetings.

  3. You know we’ve reached peak insanity when the Babylon Bee agrees with the Rolling Stone.


    Everyone Is a Russian Asset
    America laughed at Hillary Clinton’s remarks about Tulsi Gabbard, but her ideas fit perfectly in the intellectual mainstream

    Hillary Clinton is nuts. She’s also not far from the Democratic Party mainstream, which has been pushing the same line for years.

    Everyone is foreign scum these days. Democrats spent three years trying to prove Donald Trump is a Russian pawn. Mitch McConnell is “Moscow Mitch.” Third party candidates are a Russian plot. The Bernie Sanders movement is not just a wasteland of racist and misogynist “Bros,” but — according to intelligence agencies and mainstream pundits alike — the beneficiary of an ambitious Russian plot to “stoke the divide” within the Democratic Party. The Joe Rogan independents attracted to the mild antiwar message of Tulsi Gabbard are likewise traitors and dupes for the Kremlin.

    If you’re keeping score, that’s pretty much the whole spectrum of American political thought, excepting MSNBC Democrats. What a coincidence!

  4. When is Snopes going to tell us that this is Fake News? Inquiring minds want to know. 🙂

  5. I agree. The headlines are often brilliant, but the text doesn’t always keep up. Still, I’m happy to subscribe.

  6. “…unresolved problems…”

    To be honest, most of the MSM is, tragically, pure parody—actually beyond parody—and should be on the couch.

    “The Bee”? It’s great, consistently so. (“The Onion” used to reign supreme, but has of late, it seems, become carmelized, though it still brings the occasional tear to ones eye.)

    As for me, I eagerly await a Bee-ish article (psychological “issues” and all) on how the US should be more like Sweden…


  7. I think that “please don’t hurt us” Bee note was soon after Epstein “committed suicide”.
    Recently I saw a headline about the death of one of the investigators into that suicide, but nothing else.

    The Bee is probably doing more than most blogs or conservative writers in helping to slow the spread of PC madness and badness. Ridicule is about the most powerful weapon the “pen” can wield. I wish there was more of it, and better; and more directed at the PC BS folk.

  8. So, I clicked and went directly to the apparently humorous article on Hillary, but the first thing I noticed, was the “Visit Dubai!” banner ad. That was when I clicked out and back to here.

    F**k Dubai.

  9. “The Bee”? It’s great, consistently so. (“The Onion” used to reign supreme, but has of late, it seems, become carmelized, though it still brings the occasional tear to ones eye.)”

    The problem with the Bee, as I see it, is not the ingenious parodies of news articles that they come up with, but with consistent execution.

    Aside from the occasional effect spoiling lapses into obvious snark or sarcasm, certain failures of idiom and style – most especially as relates to the favored descriptive formulas employed in journalism – jar like big bumps in an otherwise scenic road.

    Everyone here is obviously a big and longtime consumer of news. And we all know what the traditional idioms, vocabulary, formulas, and stylistic rules of journalism, at least looked and sounded like.

    That said, the Bee’s writers seem to produce much less in the way of grating vocabulary-limited teenager like parodies, than when I first was directed there.

    And yes, their stuff is really funny almost all of the time. I guess I’m carping because when I see something so largely good, I hate to see its intended effect spoiled by an avoidable blunder.

  10. Babylon Bee has been great.

    RE: Why should Babylon Bee be kind to Hillary?
    Because people who make trouble for the Clintons have a tendency to die — suddenly.

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