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The Louisiana governor primary — 31 Comments

  1. This is indeed good news. Politico says: “Edwards, a conservative, anti-abortion Democrat.” Yeah right. Like Manchin of West Virginia, these red state Dems specialize in meaningless votes as conservatives but they are there for the left when they need them.

  2. Yeah right. Like Manchin of West Virginia, these red state Dems specialize in meaningless votes as conservatives but they are there for the left when they need them.

    Per the American Conservative Union, there were three Democrats in the Senate – Nelson of Florida, Manchin of West Virginia, and Donnelly of Indiana – that often dissented from the line of the Democratic caucus in the Senate. The American Conservative Union calculates that Democratic senators vote the right way 5-10% of the time; for these three Senators, it has been north of 25%. Nelson and Donnelly were voted out of office last November.

    Also, it’s Louisiana. Half the Democratic electorate is black, and not interested in SWPL causes like indulging homosexuals and subsidizing abortions.

  3. Yet another thing our brilliant NeverTrump betters failed to consider. Trump is building a lot of goodwill with GOP partisans and those folks are going to have less and less tolerance for self-righteous lecturing and betrayal.


  4. Lots of 2020 close elections will, with Trump help (and a million $$ in anti-PC ads?) probably be 51% or 52% Rep victories.

    Assuming to real recession / nor an “October surprise” that hurts Trump & Reps.

    The Dems will be trying to get some recession, and the Dem media will slant the economic news to be negative, but it’s not clear to anybody what the economy will be like. Or, maybe it’s is clear, to many — but they don’t agree, so the wise who know they don’t know also know that to those for whom it’s clear, their self-knowledge is deficient.

    Nobody who failed to clearly predict the timing and depths of the House construction bust in 2006 plus the Financial recession in 2008 should be trusted to know that they’re right. They might be, but almost equally, like the weather, ‘next year mostly like this year’ is the no-brainer guestimate.

    (Edit was gone, now it’s back.)

  5. Looking at the poll data, had the undecided vote apportioned itself among the candidates according to their declared support, this Edwards fellow would have received an outright majority. It appears that the undecided voters broke for the Republican pair by a margin in excess of 4-1. If Edwards can pick off 10% of the trailing candidates’ votes, he could win the runoff. The electorate is so polarized these days that that’s a challenge.

  6. What is not stated is that Rispone ran a VERY vigorous pro-Trump campaign. What is also not stated is that he “threw” about $11 mill personal funds into the campaign, likely loans that will be repaid if he wins, or declared unrecoverable for income tax purposes should he fall to Edwards.

    John Bel Edwards, like his NC shadow, John Edwards (remember him?), is a plaintiff lawyer. Cockroaches both, but wealthy ones!

    Personally, I hate it when two GOPers run against one Dem. Stupid and prideful.

  7. Louisiana is a political swamp. The corruption is so endemic, they hardly bother to hide it. Trump needs to be careful not to associate himself too closely with any individuals there.

  8. Edwards ain’t gonna win, despite all the dirty tricks he will pull. He was previously elected only because GOPers turned their backs on the politically solid David Vitter because Vitter’s name was in a D.C. madam’s contact book; turned off a lot of Repub. females, according to my friends there.

    Edwards cannot mobilize the LA blacks sufficiently. They are a sorry lot at best, and are concentrated in the “chocolate” city of New Orleans.

  9. He was previously elected only because GOPers turned their backs on the politically solid David Vitter because Vitter’s name was in a D.C. madam’s contact book; turned off a lot of Repub. females, according to my friends there.

    I find it interesting that Louisiana voters have been so unforgiving about that given the rancid behavior voters-in-general will countenance.

  10. Agree with Art Deco. Especially seeing as how Louisiana (or at least New Orleans) seems to have a rather laissez-faire attitude towards sex.

  11. Actually. Louisiana is not a sole “swamp” of corruption. Not compared to places like New York, Boston and Chicago, all in Yankeeland and all anti-Trump when I last looked. Louisiana was very pro-Trump in 2016!

    Many of the grossly corrupt in Louisiana have gone to prison (see Ray Nagin, former mayor of New Orleans and coiner of the “chocolate city” tag).
    In NYC, Boston and Chicago, to name just three, the corrupt generally go unscathed and move on to higher office.

    That Louisiana is a swamp of corruption is a distracting slander, since all political arenas in the USA are subject to their own corruptions.

  12. I can’t think of the name Edwards in that state without being reminded of Edwin Edwards, also there in Louisiana, and his “Vote for the Crook” campaign (meaning himself). How soon we forget.

    Also, “Chocolate City” originally meant Washington DC, coming from George Clinton of Funkadelic back in the late 1970s.

  13. miklos:
    Edwin’s opponent was the “former” American Nazi Party member David Duke.

    Edwards was brilliant in his corruption. While not in office because of term limits, he’d often go to Vegas, score a $500,000 win every damn time, and come home. All clean, above-board, IRS withholding, etc.
    Once back in office for his 2nd two-term stay as gov., casinos became legal. The state is full of them.

  14. Politico says: “Edwards, a conservative, anti-abortion Democrat.” Yeah right.

    His record would say he really is anti-abortion — this past May, he signed into law a bill banning abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. And that may have cost him some votes:

    Progressive Democrats in Louisiana, particularly women, are furious at Gov. John Bel Edwards for signing an extreme anti-abortion bill, a development that could cause problems for the governor as he runs for re-election this fall.


  15. Ann-
    From the story you cite, ““He is one of many elected pro-life Democrats in Louisiana, which is why this bill passed with an overwhelming bipartisan majority,” Richard Carbo, Edwards’ campaign manager, said”
    With an overwhelming majority a veto would have been over-ridden. Better to please the large majority than to cave in to a few wretched Progs.

  16. “Repub. females,” might well be the one group of voters who do NOT accept sleazy cheatin’ by their own side. It’s far more likely that men accept cheaters, and Dem women accept Dem cheaters.

    Who are the “furious” Dems gonna vote for instead? Some Rep? Some Green?
    Not vote?

    I’d guess far more Rep women do NOT vote for a cheatin’ Rep, than furious Progs fail to vote for the Dem.

    On the cheatin’ side, since WW II:
    Reps: Trump, (Bush 43 when younger), (Reagan on his first wife), Ike.
    Dems: B. Clinton (with perjury), LBJ, JFK; every other Kennedy (all?)

    plus Martin Luther King (FBI has some 40 women, rumors from biographer, due for release 2026?).

    Many men, probably most in their hearts, have more admiration for a successful womanizer than anger at the cheatin’ man. It might even be that men are more angry at women who accept seduction by the married men than angry at the cheaters, especially if they’re getting less sex than they want in their own relationship.

    Sexual monogamy for life, vs serial monogamy, vs open relations, was decided by the very successful Christian capitalist societies. I claim strong cultural requirements for sexual monogamy for life are optimal for a healthy, sustainable civilization, primarily because that is optimal for multi-generational family support.

    Other sexual norms are sub-optimal for the raising of children, thus for sustainable society as compared to monogamy. Sub-optimal for society, but many individuals think, or at least feel, cheatin’ is optimal for their own happiness, especially on the night of the act.

    Good religions have “moralized” what is socially optimal.

  17. “Repub. females,” might well be the one group of voters who do NOT accept sleazy cheatin’ by their own side. It’s far more likely that men accept cheaters, and Dem women accept Dem cheaters.

    I suspect women-in-general on both sides accept ‘cheaters’ if they have certain properties. I’m recalling the wag who offered three rules a man must follow to avoid sexual harassment allegations in office settings: “be handsome. be attractive. don’t be unattractive:” Although I think it’s far more likely to be true among Democrats than among Republicans, high school never ends for some people. Vitter’s beta, like most of us.

    My rough sense of the matter is that women are bothered by affairs and bothered by prostitution, but these hit their viscera in different ways.

    My wager would be that men are more blase because they’re less likely to have intensely personal reactions to public figures. Also, men’s understanding of what is injurious conduct in human relations differs from women’s, with the men’s understanding given no public discussion and deemed invalid by the professional guilds concerned with family relations if it is acknowledged at all. Men commonly do not conceive of their problems as anything but idiosyncratic features of their own lives, and often respond to other men’s problems with indifference or contempt.

  18. Sexual monogamy for life is best for any society in general.

    Brigham Young would disagree.

    Also Abraham, David, Sarah, etc etc.

  19. Uh…Vitter’s whore scandal came out in 2007. He was re-elected to the U.S. Senate AFTER the scandal broke.

    I’m not saying it had not impact but it’s pretty clearly not the case that anyone, including Republican females, really found it to be completely disqualifying.


  20. They needed to pay more on the election fixing.

    Om, when are you gonna get saved by Yeshua bin Yosef, aka the Christ?

    I think we need to study A Course on Miracles, together. Don’t worry, after you die, you’ll still need it.

  21. You too can study “A Course in Miracles”!

    Here’s the first lesson:

    Now look slowly around you, and practice applying this idea very specifically to whatever you see:

    * This table does not mean anything.
    * This chair does not mean anything.
    * This hand does not mean anything.
    * This foot does not mean anything.
    * This pen does not mean anything.

    Then look farther away from your immediate area, and apply the idea to a wider range:

    * That door does not mean anything.
    * That body does not mean anything.
    * That lamp does not mean anything.
    * That sign does not mean anything.
    * That shadow does not mean anything.

    Notice that these statements are not arranged in any order, and make no allowance for differences in the kinds of things to which they are applied.

    * That is the purpose of the exercise.
    * The statement should merely be applied to anything you see.
    * As you practice the idea for the day, use it totally indiscriminately.
    * Do not attempt to apply it to everything you see, for these exercises should not become ritualistic.
    * Only be sure that nothing you see is specifically excluded.
    * One thing is like another as far as the application of the idea is concerned.

    Each of the first three lessons should not be done more than twice a day each, preferably morning and evening. Nor should they be attempted for more than a minute or so, unless that entails a sense of hurry. A comfortable sense of leisure is essential.


    I still think the Course is heavy stuff. I have no idea how a Jewish atheist psychology professor could channel this stuff on her own. If it’s a hoax, it’s a very elaborate and weird one. I don’t get the motivation.

  22. Meanwhile back in RealityLand and apropos the topic at hand:

    Dems Decimated in Louisiana: GOP Gains Senate Supermajority, Dem Governor Now on the Ropes

    In Louisiana’s Saturday election, Republicans had a lot to cheer about. Among statewide office-holders, the incumbent GOP Lieutenant Governor (68 percent), Attorney General (66 percent), Treasurer (60 percent, and Agricultural Commissioner (58 percent) were all re-elected without the need for a run-off, under the state’s ‘jungle primary’-style system. It also appears that the solid Republican majorities in both state legislative chambers will remain intact — with the GOP expanding its Senate advantage into super-majority territory by picking up a pair of Democratic seats…


    I haven’t lived in Lousiana since 1977, so I don’t have my finger on that state’s pulse. I’m awaiting a return phone call from a friend there.

  23. Yammer has many wives in his mind, and all are happy? Must be a Miracle. Mohamud (sic) had many wives too, but Yammer didn’t cite him. Why not?

  24. I still think the Course is heavy stuff. I have no idea how a Jewish atheist psychology professor could channel this stuff on her own. If it’s a hoax, it’s a very elaborate and weird one. I don’t get the motivation.

    It’s pretty easy, to me. Some of the concepts are indeed… Jewish psychological based, but all channels have their filters preset. This one is no different.

    Channeling is its own thing. IT is related to other psychic abilities such as remote viewing, seen here.


    The motivaton is simple. Yeshua got tired of his teachings being twisted by atheists or so called christians, so he got himself a mouth piece and did it again. This is why scripture is “closed” in canon by the Roman canons and the Roman churches. Plus the Greek churches. If they had “open canon”, then they would be like the Latter Day Saints, and all kinds of “weird stuff” might creep in. This would upset the apple card and disrupt their hobbies, like you know, the children.

    The theoretical part of the book is far harsher and requires far higher psychology IQ than the practical exercises. But it is the practical exercises that matter.

    There are many ways to achieve semi divine and demi divine status on Earth as a mortal. I have my own set of cultivation methods. The atheists have theirs (trans humanism). And everybody, including even the Hindus and Daoists, have theirs.

    Meanwhile back in RealityLand

    Back in Illusion Land ; )

    om on October 15, 2019 at 12:22 am said:

    I am gonna keep yammering on about A Course in Miracles. You can thank me later. They may have some things on multiples wives, although judging by humanity’s standards, you all can’t even handle one wife hahaha.

    I need to upvote Om’s comments and send him more positive energy. He is dying without it.

    This is the new strategy. We’ll kill em with love!

    Imagine a Trum in your face, always on twitter, talking about love, except he is now Ymar.

  25. Hold on Om, I am preparing A Course on Miracles exercise just for you, so that you can reach Salvation with Yeshua. It’s on the way. Pray for it.

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