Home » Another day, another racial hatred hoax


Another day, another racial hatred hoax — 34 Comments

  1. I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s been a long time, so I’m going to say it again:

    The “Fake Hate Crimes” database (www.fakehatecrimes.org) documents how common this kind of lie has become. I think it’s worth a bookmark.

  2. The coverage I read in a couple of places didn’t mention Pence’s wife at all, so I wasn’t aware of that angle.

    But, these stories did reproduce the text of the apology, apparently offered by the grandparents, apologizing, asking for forgiveness, and saying that
    they were ready to accept whatever consequences might be coming.

    I don’t think that easy forgiveness is the answer here.

    This is one of a seeming myriad of fake hate crimes that have popped up all over the country in the last few years, mostly perpetrated by blacks, and the only way to stop them is to make the punishment for creating and falsely reporting such phony hate crimes to the police so harsh that the penalties will put an end to them.

    In this case, the girl should be permanently expelled from the school, and not just skate, but get formally arrested, and perhaps do some time in juvy.

    Next, the parents of the three accused white students should sue the ass off of the girl’s parents or grandparents.

    Moreover, depending of what actions were taken and statements made by the school regarding the three accused white boys, their parents should perhaps also sue the school as well and–depending on how this story was reported–perhaps consider suing the news outlets that reported this story to boot.

    Only by making the cost of perpetrating and amplifying these types of hoax so high will they be stopped.

  3. The question at hand is whether the Sulzberger-Baquet regime at the times is fatuous or fraudulent. Who would run a story about a chickensh*t dispute between ‘tweens occurring 200 miles away (which turns out to have been a fictional chickensh*t dispute between ‘tweens, big f@#$ing surprise)? The same outfit that once ran 30+ stories on the membership policies of a golf club in a 3d tier city in Georgia.

    The left has lost any sense of the absurd (something we all could have gleaned of the public remarks of people who took Christine Blasey Fraud seriously).

  4. There are liberal precedents for diversity or color judgments, but it seems that the NYT style guide advises forming close associations. That said, the facts will be sequestered, then recycled at a politically congruent time, and redistributed as a political myth. Hopefully, someone is taking notes to short-circuit this insidious progression.

  5. From another report, on the withdrawal of the allegations:

    Her mother Cynthia, 53, said that her daughter was “in real pain but she wants justice.” It was said that it had taken the girl two days to report the incident and had initially told her mother that the missing parts of her hair were the result of playing “beauty salon” with another friend.

    “We continued to press her on it because it just didn’t sound like something she would do,” Cynthia Allen said. “Then she started breaking down crying, trembling, and shaking before telling us what happened.”

    So..probability that the missing dreadlocks were, in fact, the result of playing beauty salon, and the girl was intimidated into telling her parents what they wanted to hear? 100%

    Echoes of Tawana Bradley & the Day School Demons.
    You have to be taught to hate.

    “…a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on. In fact, most people never even hear the correction. The MSM knows that full well, so they have learned the value of publishing the lies, Big and Small and In-Between.” – Neo

    Which is why Steve Hayward can write a post like this:

    As a commenter there remarked: “And it’s only Monday.”

  6. Snow on Pine on September 30, 2019 at 9:43 pm said:

    The coverage I read in a couple of places didn’t mention Pence’s wife at all, so I wasn’t aware of that angle.

    But, these stories did reproduce the text of the apology, apparently offered by the grandparents, apologizing, asking for forgiveness, and saying that they were ready to accept whatever consequences might be coming.

    I don’t think that easy forgiveness is the answer here.

    This is one of a seeming myriad of fake hate crimes that have popped up all over the country in the last few years, mostly perpetrated by blacks, and the only way to stop them is to make the punishment for creating and falsely reporting such phony hate crimes to the police so harsh that the penalties will put an end to them.

    Only by making the cost of perpetrating and amplifying these types of hoax so high will they be stopped.

    “Whatever was going on with this sixth-grade girl that caused her to fabricate this story, the real culprits are a press that publicizes incidents that have no business being in the newspapers, chasing after sensationalism and political gain for the left.” – Neo

    I generally agree with Snow on a lot of things, as I do with the general gist of his comment here, but would respectfully dissent in part from his recommendations.

    “In this case, the girl should be permanently expelled from the school, and not just skate, but get formally arrested, and perhaps do some time in juvy.”

    Based on the information that the girl was possibly bullied by her parents into making the complaint, I would cut her some slack — certainly suspension for lying, and some kind of (what we used to call pastoral) counseling, which may actually be obtainable at this school, as opposed to most of the victimology-promoting educators.

    “Next, the parents of the three accused white students should sue the ass off of the girl’s parents or grandparents.”

    Here, the gracious extension of forgiveness is the Christian thing to do, and the grandparents (not the parents?) of the girl have humbly extended the first olive branch.
    Espousing both mercy and forgiveness should be a priority of all the families of an institute named Immanuel Christian School.

    “Moreover, depending of what actions were taken and statements made by the school regarding the three accused white boys, their parents should perhaps also sue the school as well and–depending on how this story was reported–perhaps consider suing the news outlets that reported this story to boot.”

    Grind their faces into the dirt, and sow it with salt.
    Their behavior is exactly the same as in Covington Catholic case and the Oberlin College case, and for the same reasons by each party: cowardice (in piling on before investigating) and partisan blood-lust.

    “He Who is Compassionate to the Cruel, Will Ultimately Become Cruel to the Compassionate”

    And to anyone who excuses the school and the press — the “easy forgiveness” crowd that never repents after obtaining that boon:
    “Justice first and mercy second. The trouble with some of your crowd is that it would have mercy first.” – Robert Frost

  7. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/no-one-should-be-surprised-that-the-press-sought-to-tie-karen-pence-to-school-hate-crime-hoax

    Here is a spoiler: The reporters who tried to slime Pence with Allen’s allegation will not think about how they “can do better next time.” There will not be an end to this sort of sloppy and irresponsible reporting. The dirty not-so-secret is that a significant number of reporters see themselves more as being in the business of “resisting” the Trump White House than keeping the public informed.

    There is a reason why this Allen episode feels so familiar. We have been down this road many, many times since Trump was inaugurated in 2017.

    This keeps happening. Newsrooms keep embracing dubious allegations of harmful, bigoted behavior because too many reporters are not operating as reporters. They are operating instead as political activists. They’ve already drawn their conclusions about the Trump White House. Their goal now is to find supporting evidence, and things such as Allen’s since-recanted story are the perfect match.

    Paul Krugman Tweeted: Starting to look like two possible outcomes: Trump and a number of others end up in jail, or thousands of journalists end up in prison camps.

    * * *
    I’m thinking, I’m thinking…

  8. I’ll go with Krug’s second option. Put thousands of them in prison camps, see if any other country will take them, and keep them turning big rocks into small rocks in the meantime. Oh, one more thing. Put Krug in there with them, and keep him there until the last presstitute is either deported or dead.

    The lefties want scorched earth. I hope Trump gives it to them.

  9. This went national for two reasons: because Karen Pence teaches there, and because progressive media assume that a conservative Christian school is naturally racist. The presence of this young girl with dreadlocks in the school argues against the second assumption. Karen Pence was savaged in the press for teaching there, because they require Christian moral and ethical standards of their staff (i.e., traditional sexual ethics).

  10. It has been remarked that the Bezos Birdcage Liner offered three columns of reporting on this on the front page of the Metro section. Just a couple of weeks ago, a white man was beaten to death by a pair of black teens at the Frederick Fair and it merited six sentences in Bezos. As always, reporters and editors reveal themselves to be intellectual and moral frauds.

  11. It’s one of the weirder phenomena of these weird times that we now hear so routinely about outrageous hate crimes that, one after another, in the fullness of time, always turn out to be hoaxes. Why now?

    It occurs to me that our country must be full of people who hate their political opponents so much that they are desperate to seize on excuses to justify their hatred. It has to be uncomfortable to live in such a state of hatred with no obvious factual basis — and believing in some obvious absurdity like Jussie Smollet’s tale — or this one — has to ease the discomfort by making it seem that the hatred is justified.

    Why else would it have seemed relevant to anybody that Mike Pence’s wife teaches part time at this school, when there was no suggestion that she had anything to do with the incident? ONLY because that somebody was desperate beyond all limits of rationality for an excuse to direct hate in the general direction of Trump.

    And I’ll bet that most of the people who fall for these hoaxes never find out that they turned out to be hoaxes. The original hoax will be on page 1, while the ultimate explanation will be buried on page 13 of the B section by the media, who want to go right on whipping up people’s hatred and making everybody comfortable being haters, so that they can keep on manipulating them with the next hoax, next week.

  12. The sad part about the large numbers of fake hate crime reports is that there are still occasionally actual ugly incidents in which people are assaulted or worse because of their race. With so many hoaxes, the actual cases get lost. Some of the more credible instances have been cases with white victims, as Art Deco points out.

  13. Shanah Tovah

    Welcome to 1934…
    where Jewish white males are a set inside the greater set of western white males
    the punishment MUST happen, because under racism rules, the lover of the evil deserves the same end as their evil…

    if your a ni**er lover you get the same fate in the old days by Dems
    why would they be any other way with their FIXED set of rules we refuse to apply and desperately try to find other answers.

    NY post has an article that wealty women who displaced men, are upset that there are no wealthy men to ahve families with and so on… for some inane reason, womens logic circuits been gummed up by how to live better advice, liberation advice and all these logical reasons they should mold their lives away from what has allowed mankind to survive for 100k or so years..

    the ladies who cant figure out that if you kick the men out and do that..
    they have no place, no money, and you dont get children or any of those things that women actually want… a retired life raising kids and having a home at her husbands expnze.. (cause when they DO get this, they quit… you can hear the hubbies complain that they were making a quarter mill a year, bought based on that, then she quit and he cant do it)

    men without mney are not worth loving
    thats BIOLOGY

    men not worth loving, dont love much themselves
    they have inner angers and issues

    the black children were the first to get the treatment that the others now get
    they got rid of their husbands for the BBD of a govt check

    they did not REAR their children, they raised them..
    ie. you raise corn, you rear children…

    the women are teaching everyone of this ilk that its ok to lie and do this for the cause… how many examples of women stepping forward with false evidence that X is wrong, and so on.. and eveyone stick up and love them for it? how many of X ilk commits a crime, and instead of their own people hating them for making their lives worse, they are heroes

    celebrate criminality and racism
    and you get a civil war
    because you created it by pushing down one side
    and uplifting the other side telling them they are great and they were cheated and that now they have the power they can fix it

    1935 – hold down the economics of Jews, and point out to the others that Jews took their property, stole their money, and oppressed the population by cheating and taking more than they deserve with their PRIVILEGE.. so those that were party members and not Jewish were allowed to oppress them back.. the oppressors were not allowed defense… and the more one side acted out and no re probation or any issues and social pluses for doing it

    they eventually loaded them into ovens..

    2019 – hold down the economics of white males, and point out to the others that white males took their property, stole their money, and oppressed the population by cheating and taking more than they deserve with their PRIVILEGE.. so those that were party favored and not white males were allowed to oppress them back.. the oppressors were not allowed defense… and the more one side acted out and no re probation or any issues and social pluses for doing it

    What the f*ck is different?

  14. It occurs to me that our country must be full of people who hate their political opponents so much that they are desperate to seize on excuses to justify their hatred.

    Yes, and they’re employed as reporters and editors. Scandals which don’t serve the political objects of the media just go away. (See the triumvirate of Virginia state officials whose transgressions were simply forgotten after a week or two).

  15. Forgot who first said it but, “Fake hate crimes are what you get when the demand for them exceeds the supply”, provides a good explanation for why they happen so frequently.

  16. People know a lot about things AFTER they exist… they dont know much about Lenin in 1870s… and they dont know much about Hitler in the 1910s… and they dont know, because they actually think propaganda is facts (willi munzenberg?)…

    they dont know that this process is the process they used in Germany

    they dont WANT to know either… as i said a long time ago, as long as you refuse to believe, then you can pretend you dont have to do anything, and so, by the time its irrefutable, your a party member because there is nothing to do but pray you survive… what could have been EASY to stop with belief, became impossible to stop, by refusing to believe (sociopaths not only would do that, but would be HAPPY doing it)

    The Nazis frequently used propaganda to disguise their political aims and deceive the German and international public. They depicted Germany as the victim of Allied and Jewish aggression to hide their true ideological goals and to justify war and violence against innocent civilians.

    Combined with terror to intimidate those who did not comply, a new state propaganda apparatus headed by Joseph Goebbels manipulated and deceived the German population and the outside world. Propagandists preached an appealing message of national unity and a utopian future that resonated with millions of Germans. They also waged campaigns that facilitated the persecution of Jews and others excluded from the Nazi vision of the “National Community.”

    the democrat party has been manipulating and deceiving their population and the world as they preach an appealing message of unity through economic pay back… warren wants unity and commiseration out of hating the rich… (Who are the foundation of any society, that everything else is on top… take them away, and your nation has no ability to stand!)

    they are now waging campaigns against the target, which if was exactly the same, would make it easy for even a retarded person and a harvard graduate to tell… so,obfuscation, unless you have swastickas, and mack jackets and all that… its just not actually going to happen

    but i guess you havent figured out what will happen to you when the dominant population is foreign races all ginned up for two generations that X group did this to them, and robbed their children…

    all they have to do is vote to change it, then they can get rid of them!!!
    all they need to do that, is a majority that can change it, and the will to attack and destroy any protest against it as evil..

    To present the invasion as a morally justifiable, defensive action, the German press played up “Polish atrocities,” referring to real or alleged discrimination and physical violence directed against ethnic Germans living in Poland. The press deplored Polish “warmongering” and “chauvinism,” and also attacked the British for encouraging war by promising to defend Poland in the event of German invasion.

    The Nazi regime even staged a border incident designed to make it appear that Poland initiated hostilities.

    To prevent the exceptions to the constitution, justification, and so forth… the Democrat press played up white attrocities (they committed) and generalized them to all jews, i mean all white males… they alleged one sided discrimination that if you accept, will make them evil and the other side innocent of all they haev done that was horrible cause it was the fault of the jews, i mean white males…

    the democratic press deplored white males masculinity, oppression and chauvinism, how they all are born hating people of color, and how their women even say the same about them!!! they also attack anyone who would stand up for this group with any kind of explanation or factual line of history.

    To make sure this sticks, the regime even staged border incidents.. staged hate hoaxes… gave license that the people who chose their sides wont be punished as it was the others sided fault for their behavior… they get license.

    the big hate hoax of the century was the Reichstag fire…

    of which we now belive the propaganda story… just as we believe the propaganda story of the pope helping nazis… (that was a german play).

    During the Weimar period, Münzenberg earned the reputation of a brilliant propagandist. His first major success was an effort to raise money and food for the victims of the Russian famine of 1921. Münzenberg was reputed to have raised millions of dollars for aid to the Soviet Union during the famine through his famous organization Internationale Arbeiter-Hilfe (IAH; “Workers International Relief”), based in Berlin. In 1924 he launched Arbeiter-Illustrierte-Zeitung, which became the most widely read socialist pictorial newspaper in Germany. In addition, Münzenberg worked closely with the Comintern and the Soviet secret police (known as the Cheka in 1917–22 and as the OGPU in 1922–34) to advance the Communist cause internationally

    Goebbels was actually in the middle.. the student of Willi

    it was communist munzenberg that set the stage and funded things
    but the weakness AS IN INDONESIA caused a faction to take the prize from them

    To broaden the Comintern’s influence, Münzenberg created numerous front organizations, which he termed “Innocents’ Clubs”

    These front groups, such the Friends of Soviet Russia, the World League Against Imperialism, and Workers International Relief, were superficially devoted to an undeniably benign cause such as famine relief, anti-imperialism, or peace, but Münzenberg created them to enlist the support of liberals and moderate socialists in defending the Bolshevik revolution

    As he told a fellow Comintern member, “These people have the belief they are actually doing this themselves. This belief must be preserved at any price.”

    Do feminists think that they are actually following leaders
    or do all of them stand up and say they are doing it themselves?
    do they know who gives them orders? who gives them “ideas”?

    do they know that women were selected for the qualities that we were taught they dont have, but they do (otherwise, they would marry those poor men and love them the way the poor men marry them). Do they even know that you can read how they are targeted and selected and used…

    but why would they believe that, they are making a utopia of liberation
    Auswitz – Work will set you free (of life)
    Bukenwald – You get what you deserve

    The front organizations, in turn, helped fund the acquisition of the Münzenberg Trust, a collection of small newspapers, publishing houses, movie houses, and theatres in locations around the world.
    Münzenberg, referred to by some as the “Red Millionaire”, used the businesses to pay for a limousine and an elegantly furnished apartment for himself

    the source of the term – “Limousine Liberal”
    [but remember, Lenin said liberalism is an infantile disorder… so much for their heroes respecting them, eh? but believe IS reality, isn’t it?]

    After directing the Comintern’s handling of the Sacco and Vanzetti case in 1925, Münzenberg took charge of the League against Imperialism, created in Brussels in 1927

    IF you believe X, then you live in willi munzenbers and the lefts false world
    if you believe Y, you know the real history…

    note that anyone arguing facts about the reichstag, are arguing a false reality!!
    a false reality is not a principal of proof is it? so all the proofs and arguments to the left that knows the truth, are febrile, facile and idiotic as the events they are using never happened…

    Following the meeting, Münzenberg formed the permanent World Committee Against War and Fascism, based in Berlin.[9] The Executive Committee of the Communist International was uncomfortable with Münzenberg’s views and replaced him with Bulgarian Communist leader Georgi Dimitrov. Early the next year, Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany. The World Committee had to move its headquarters to Paris and Münzenberg resumed the leadership.

    guess who got who elected with all that?

    history is repeating…
    will the NEXT election put in the new leader that will with the help of the left
    change everything before the counter-revolutoin can prevent it?

    tune in…
    and see the horror movie you may be in

  17. The Pence angle drove a lot of it as summed up by Big Fur Hat:

    “The leftist outlets that I read gratuitously and shamelessly added the tidbit that Second Lady Karen Pence teaches at the Immanuel Christian School in Springfield, Virginia, where the alleged incident took place.

    NBC – Boys Pin Down Black Classmate, Cut Her Dreadlocks at Virginia School, She Says

    The incident occurred at the evangelical Christian school where Vice President Mike Pence’s wife, Karen Pence, teaches part-time

    CBS – A black middle school student from Virginia is accusing three white boys of pinning her down and cutting off her dreadlocks. The incident took place at Immanuel Christian School – where Vice President Mike Pence’s wife, Karen Pence, is a teacher.

    ABC- Officials at Immanuel Christian School, where the vice president’s wife, Karen Pence, teaches art part time, told ABC News on Thursday that they’re working with police “to conduct a thorough investigation.”

    WaPo- Tuition for middle school students is $11,500. Vice President Pence’s wife, Karen Pence, teaches art part-time at the school to students in grades one through five.

    Raw Story- The racist attack took place Monday at Immanuel Christian School, a private K-12 academy where Vice President Mike Pence’s wife teaches…

    The Daily Beast – The Monday afternoon alleged racist attack at the private Immanuel Christian School—an already controversial school where Karen Pence, the second lady of the United States, teaches art class part-time—has “destroyed” the Allen family

    CNN- Vice President Mike Pence’s wife, Karen Pence, teaches art part-time at the school. It garnered national attention earlier this year when it was revealed that the school has a policy banning gay students and parents.”

  18. NOT HOAXES – and its against not just Caucasians but Asians too..

    And of course, this push down pop up process, causes the opposite to happen more often too!!!!

    [and also why if this gets discussed the numbers they use are the 1 on 1 numbers and no one will allow the group attacks on 1 stats!!! which are even worse, and remain hidden unless you look at them]

    and the idea that even if a woman commits a crime, they protect her identity
    they protect the identity of the assailant
    and now, dont show victims trying to hide the OBVIOUS…

    if you protest or comment on this, your a NAZI
    [AS Famed feminist said: The oppressed have a RIGHT to class hatred against their oppressors]

    Group of teens brutally attack men in front of DC hotel

    Group Of Teens Fracture Man’s Jaw During Attack In Old City, Philadelphia Police Say // Police say a group of males and females, between the ages of 15 to 18, attacked the 32-year-old man and attempted to take his backpack.

    This one (below) is revealing… for the kind of gratuitous extra violence and anger in the acts on helpless people, who have very little chance of doing ANYTHING!

    the ambush that left the victim with a deep head wound requiring 35 stitches and 16 staples. The badly outnumbered Kenneth Wong, 35, also suffered a broken nose in Friday’s caught-on-video attack. In fact, it’s unfortunate the law doesn’t say parents should also be arrested because of their kid’s actions …. My face is disfigured enough that facial recognition doesn’t recognize (me).”

    Fourth teen surrenders in caught-on-video bloody Brooklyn beat down, but his mom insists suspects are ‘not bad kids’

    Downtown attack caught on video one of three that led to teens’ arrests, records show
    [watch how the hyena’s wander around the corner as the predators stalk and line up their innocent prey…. but is he innocent? or is he an oppressor? Would it have been reported if it didnt go viral?]
    those same three boys and two other boys were charged in a second attack
    Smith, of the 1700 block of E. Belvedere Avenue, is charged with robbery, conspiracy to commit robbery, second-degree assault, theft and possession of brass knuckles with the intent to cause injury in the third incident.

    And this by no means is just black on white..
    you can find just as many videos of mass attacks on lone black men or boys

    but who wants to talk about the result of ‘games’ played politically, socially, and even by people in their community earning money and respect making their lives worse as Booker T Washington pointed out:

    “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
    ? Booker T. Washington

    All i had to do is search youtube over a few minutes to find the above
    and even more..

    Man is always brutal in a brutal world in which limits are self imposed mentally
    it is not the question of whether that brutality exists or not, its more to the question of whether its rare or not, or whether its frequency has made it acceptable by an invalid process that establishes “normal”. – Artfldgr

  19. Where’s the Reverend Al Sharpton? The Allen’s obviously need some spiritual guidance.

  20. Artfldgr:

    By the way, it’s even worse than that. The reason I say that is because the German people didn’t vote Hitler in, even with all the propaganda. What did happen was that he and the Nazis got enough votes to get their foot in the door, and then Hitler became Chancellor through a series of backroom deals in which leaders of other parties thought they could control him. He said what they wanted to hear, and then once he came to power he destroyed the other parties and got the remainder of the Reichstag to destroy itself. I realize you are aware of this history, but I’m putting it here for others. The point is that a party who will lie like that, and do it successfully, doesn’t even need a majority to vote for it. It just needs enough people to get it far enough that it can do the rest by manipulation, lies, and strong-arm tactics.

  21. Liberals and the news media (redundant) are liars. They are both corrupt to the core and shockingly incompetent. Their hatred has driven them insane and rendered them stupid.

    I’m sure some will chastise me for painting with such a broad brush. But name me someone in power in either politics or media who isn’t neck deep in the lies and slanders. Name me someone on the Left who is standing up for truth.

  22. “…it can do the rest by manipulation, lies, and strong-arm tactics.’

    And—the icing on the cake—by calling Trump and his supporters “Nazis”…with an international echo chamber constantly reinforcing the message.

  23. So the three accused kids here are just, what, the “collateral damage” of a hit piece on Pence’s wife?

    What about the possibility that these kids, being tagged as the perpetrators of a “hate crime”–though that claim is now proved bogus–will find that that initial tag will mark and surround them, like a foul odor–as they move thorough the next few years of their lives or, perhaps, longer?

    Besides any damage in the court of public opinion, what about any psychological damage that might have occurred to each one of these kids as a result of this whole process?

    Do they, can they completely trust the people around them–at the school and elsewhere–ever again?

    What about that?

    Is everyone who read about the initial claim of the hate crime going to have read the retraction of same, and treat these kids appropriately?

    The spotlight has been focused on these three apparently innocent kinds, and all those who participated in deliberately picking them out from obscurity, and “lighting them up,” ought to pay a price.

  24. I don’t think locking her up will do anything but make her feel like a victim. Maybe she should be sent with a school counsellor to volunteer in a cancer treatment center for kids where she can see what it’s like for real kids who have lost their hair from chemo. She is only 12 so she should be made to see the real world and stop thinking about herself. She should then be made to write an essay on her experience.

  25. I noted in the coverage of this that the girl’s grandparents are her legal guardians. That signals to me that she probably has a troubled background.

  26. I agree that the three falsely accused boys are now at enormous risk. Were their names ever revealed in the media? I hope not. It’s bad enough that the accuser’s name is out there — after all, she’s only 12, and this may stick to her for a long time. But she and her family at least had some control over this. The boys had none.

  27. Mrs Whatsit on October 1, 2019 at 8:03 am said:

    It occurs to me that our country must be full of people who hate their political opponents so much that they are desperate to seize on excuses to justify their hatred. It has to be uncomfortable to live in such a state of hatred with no obvious factual basis — and believing in some obvious absurdity like Jussie Smollet’s tale — or this one — has to ease the discomfort by making it seem that the hatred is justified.
    * * *
    I picked up a link at Gerard’s blog while reading the Hysteria post to a very good essay of his (which I highly recommend, especially with reference to the discussion on California), but my focus here is on a comment late in the thread:

    Two Wolves

    One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

    He said, “My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all.

    One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

    The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

    The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?”

    The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

  28. Doug Purdie on October 1, 2019 at 9:57 am said:
    Forgot who first said it but, “Fake hate crimes are what you get when the demand for them exceeds the supply”, provides a good explanation for why they happen so frequently.
    * * *
    It’s hard to track down the original version of any good proverb, because it goes through a great number of permutations, but here are a couple of posts that used some variant, and which also included a good amount of useful information.

  29. Doug Purdie on October 1, 2019 at 9:57 am said:
    Forgot who first said it but, “Fake hate crimes are what you get when the demand for them exceeds the supply”, provides a good explanation for why they happen so frequently.

    * * *
    It’s hard to track down the original version of any good proverb, because it goes through a great number of permutations, but here are a couple of posts that used some variant, and which also included a good amount of useful information.

    All of these were triggered by the Jussey Smollett hoax, so their use of the meme is probably not original, but Google always defaults to the most recent hits, I think (once it’s filtered out anything that serves only conservative purposes; however, I suspect there are a very limited number of leftist posts using this meme, even to contradict it — which they can’t, so they ignore it).


    Wilfred Reilly is the author of Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War. spiked caught up with him to find out more about hate crimes in the USA.

    One thing that’s not usually noted in the media is that the number of police departments reporting hate crimes to the FBI increased by over 1,000 between 2016 and 2017. So if every one of those new departments reported a single hate crime, that would count for the entire ‘surge’.

    The second thing you have to look at is who the victims of hate crime are. The stereotypical view of a hate crime is a person of colour being attacked by a bigot or a neo-Nazi. If you look at the recent hate-crime data, that’s not really what you see.

    If 100 of the additional cases are white guys, another 250 are Jews and another 25 are Protestants, I don’t know if you can attribute that to Trump.

    I think there are three possible motivations for hate crime hoaxes: two of which rest with the hoaxer and one with society beyond.

    These groups have a vested interest in promoting the idea that the race war never ended. In fact, affirmative action, minority set-asides and funding for NGOs are all dependent on the existence of an ongoing ethnic conflict.

    The problem with this argument is that there is not a great deal of ethnic conflict in the USA. Eighty-five per cent of white murder victims are murdered by whites, while 94 per cent of black people are killed by other black people. We desegregated in 1964, we had the Civil Rights Act in 1965, and affirmative action in favour of minorities began in 1967. The problem is often that the demand for bigots exceeds the supply.

    February 27, 2019 Op/Ed by Gorrell

    In Econ 101, students (with the notable exception of New York’s “It-Girl” politician, who clearly slept through that class at Boston University on her way to a cum laude B.A. in economics and international relations), learn the fundamental relationship between supply and demand. The downward-sloping demand curve and the upward sloping supply curve – and the price mechanism that connects them – define the free-market for goods and services. As we have seen recently in the news, they also underlie the market for hate.
    Ceteris paribus – “all things being equal,” an economist’s second favorite phrase after “on the other hand” – when demand outstrips supply, the market reacts by raising prices and/or increasing supply until equilibrium is achieved. Unmet demand for a product at market price also opens opportunities for illegal alternatives. …That’s where we are in the market for hate in America.
    The demand for hate crimes has outstripped the supply.

    From fake #MeToo claims to real crimes with fake motives but real damage, the market for hate grows because demand is high and growing (on the Left, only it seems) and the price is too low. Some fakers are eventually outed and charged with the crimes they committed. But the punishments have been too mild for these vile crimes that tear at the fabric of our nation.
    Forcing people to pay the price is the key to reducing demand. It’s time to make examples of the peddlers of fake hate. Significant minimum sentences – five years? ten years? – and fines exceeding the cost of wasted police resources might deter all but the most determined hate-counterfeiters. Perhaps it’s time to call this what it is: a form of domestic terrorism.

    This one shows how the meme has become so common-place that readers are the ones using it, although it is the earliest of the three to be published.

    Lying is hardly uncommon in our species, and false claims of victimhood, like other lies, become more common when they provide some advantage to the liar and when they’re likely to be believed. That hate crime hoaxes seem strange or the motives unclear might simply be due to a lack of familiarity with them and with their social context. If you want to understand them better, here are three things to know.

    First of all, hate crime hoaxes aren’t new or unusual. In our book The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars, we discuss a number of cases of people falsely reporting or even staging hate crimes.

    But if you’ve missed the few mainstream stories, and if you don’t follow conservative media, you may not have a sense of how often stories of hate crimes turn out to be false or a sense of what the false cases tend to look like.

    Even fairly incompetent hoaxes might therefore succeed, which brings us to our second point: Hate crime hoaxes aren’t hard to pull off.

    Real hate crimes happen, of course. We’re not arguing that all or even most alleged hate crimes are hoaxes. But the ones dominating the headlines in recent years have often been false or misleading, possibly because fake cases are better designed to push the buttons of drama and partisanship. Real hate crimes don’t necessarily have offenders who conveniently announce themselves to be members of your political outgroup, or display a stylized iconography of evil, like nooses and swastikas. The hoaxes, by contrast, often read like political-struggle fan fiction, with the hoaxers making themselves Mary Sues and their adversaries stock villains.

    That the hoaxes act as simple morality tales illustrating an outgroup’s evil, or that they flatter the hoaxers, are part of what makes them attractive to the hoaxer’s audience. Whether hoaxers have personal motives—such as seeking fame, sympathy, or support—or political motives—such as mobilizing allies to fight a common enemy or injustice—they succeed among those sharing their moral and political commitments, not despite their sloppiness but because of it. Political polarization means that hoaxes that tap into one side’s fears and biases are likely to be believed.

    Long term cultural trends matter, too, and the third thing to know is that hate crime hoaxes thrive in a culture of victimhood.

    Victimhood culture, which is in its most extreme form among campus activists, is different from both honor and dignity cultures. Its morality revolves around a narrative of oppression and victimhood, with victimhood acting as new kind of moral status, much like honor was a kind of moral status in many traditional societies.

    In a victimhood culture, even when hate crime hoaxes are exposed, they are excused as an attempt to raise awareness of a real problem or as the understandable reaction of someone suffering from so much unrecognized oppression.

    Victimhood culture gives rise to hate crime hoaxes, then, because it makes them easier to pull off for the same reasons it makes them more lucrative.

    Womba Son of Witless
    February 25, 2019
    The demand for white racists has far exceeded the supply. Therefore, just create some phony ones: There’s no accountability!

  30. I found one earlier instance in the comments to an Oct 24th, 2017 post about the
    Eastern Michigan University “racist grafitti” Hoax.

    “The demand for racists and white supremacists far exceeds the supply.”

  31. The doxxing, outing, and cancelling activists are all perpetrating hate crimes, and they aren’t even hoaxes.
    The B-Bee is fast becoming real news instead of parody.




    I have included this last one because, as Reilly says in the Spiked! interview, “College kids that engage in these hoaxes very frequently say that they did it to call attention to a real problem.”


    “While Trump may not be factually Hitler, he is morally Hitler, so we’re gonna go with ‘Unproven,'” said one Snopes writer. “The important thing for a fact-checker is not the facts, but the truth.”

  32. It appears that these three innocent kids names have not been published. All well and good.

    But, as we all know–or should know–there are paper records and, then, there is the “grapevine.”

    And it is the grapevine–the word (or even the look) that is passed from person to person (its contents usually never written down) that will determine how these kids are viewed and treated by others in the future.

    And teachers, school administrators, and the parents of kids at the school in question each have, I’m sure, their own grapevines, and rumors can be deadly.

    Once the idea of these kids having done something “bad”–true or not–is injected into a grapevine, it would be very hard, I’d imagine, to eradicate it.

    (I am reminded of military promotion boards which, as I have heard, are usually composed of several people, but one person in each one of these promotion boards is a hold over from the last promotion board.

    I have heard it said that, while the board is supposed to decide on promotions based solely on the file on each candidate, the printed records they review, in realty, they also rely on whatever the holdover tells them about this or that candidate.

    In this way, people who you might think were eligible for promotion and had good paper records can be passed over–time after time–because the “word on them,” passed from holdover to holdover–is that they’ve done something, made some mistake, run afoul of some superior officer, one of “the powers that be,” and although this is not reflected in the records, the holdover makes sure that the board is aware of it, which means that that person “fingered by the grapevine” should be passed over for promotion.)

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