Home » The whistleblower who wasn’t


The whistleblower who wasn’t — 19 Comments

  1. The internet age has encouraged the hottest takes at all times but this really is what it looks like when the Social Contract breaks down. This isn’t gas lighting or even a show trial where you phony up evidence that looks true. This is just straight up mob power and mob psychosis.

    I wonder how much people on the Left are paying attention to this. If they can do it to Donald Trump, you damn well know they’d do it to someone like Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard.


  2. There are certainly many Republicans in Congress who are of dubious intelligence and questionable probity, but no elected official in the GOP can match Schiff, Nadler, Waters, Lieu and many others on the opposing side for sheer dishonesty and the most flagrant contempt for facts, evidence, reason and logic. It must also be said that many of the NeverTrumpers at National Review are becoming more and more delusional.

  3. Sean Davis, twitter thread: https://mobile.twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1177254925518213120

    Adam Schiff was tweeting out allegations from the rumor-mongering anti-Trump leaker’s complaint while claiming that he didn’t have access to the complaint.

    The complaint was addressed to Schiff on August 12, 2019. This tweet is from August 28, 2019.

    And which media propagandist did Schiff use as a prop to hide the true source of his allegations? One of Fusion GPS’s favorite stenographers of discredited Steele-esque innuendo: Natasha Bertrand.

    The whole thing has been a Fusion GPS-style info op from the very beginning.

    Schiff and his allies even stovepiped information in the same manner as during the collusion hoax: they leak claims to compliant media, media runs with claims, then leakers point to the media reports they seeded as proof of their allegations. They started back in May.

    And surprise! The anti-Trump leaker cited as proof of corruption in his complaint the very same articles that Schiff and his allies quite obviously seeded to form the narrative they desired.

    This raises the troubling question of whether Schiff orchestrated the complaint.

    This pattern of behavior from Schiff, his “whistleblower,” and their media allies makes it all the more necessary for the anti-Trump complainant to publicly testify under oath and answer questions about his team’s interactions w/ media and Democrat lawmakers about his complaint.

    And lest anyone forget, Adam Schiff and Fusion GPS head Glenn Simpson have a long history of working together in this fashion. Recall that Schiff and Simpson, who perjured himself in congressional testimony, secretly met together in Aspen.

  4. sdferr:


    I had read bits and pieces of some of that, but putting it all together as Sean Davis did is stunning.

  5. Indeed neo, I think we can finally begin to understand the lunatic confidence Pelosi and company have been displaying the last few days. Their assurance was based on their prior establishment of the whole scheme, to say nothing of possessing the “complaint” they claimed not to have. The final nail is merely that they took the claims of the complaint as gospel truth.



  6. Not legitimately a whistleblower complaint in the legal sense, based entirely on hearsay, whistleblower not identified, the hearsay sources not identified, complaint not consistent with the phone transcript. Garbage, entirely.

  7. The hands down most lasting impact of the Obama presidency is not Obamacare or any other policy it the utter corrupting politicization of the DOJ and Intelligence sectors of the government.

    This is banana republic type stuff.

  8. “Schiff and his allies even stovepiped information in the same manner as during the collusion hoax: they leak claims to compliant media, media runs with claims, then leakers point to the media reports they seeded as proof of their allegations. They started back in May.

    And surprise! The anti-Trump leaker cited as proof of corruption in his complaint the very same articles that Schiff and his allies quite obviously seeded to form the narrative they desired.” — sdferr — Sean Davis

    This is Nancy Pelosi’s “wrap up smear.” She claims its a GOP tactic, but as Devin Nunes has said, Dems always project or attribute their tactics over to the GOP.

    The difference here is that instead of a smear like “I know you beat your wife,” it is “He is subverting the election process and The Constitution itself.”

  9. “Protect the whistleblower.” Projection. It was Donna Brazile who wondered whether she was in danger and hid out in her house with the shades down after revealing the unethical transfer of control of the DNC to Hillary’s campaign. And Brazile knows these people far better than we do.

  10. Hypothetical:

    President Hypothetical runs on a campaign promise to win war with some country. Having hard time winning war which affects his re-election possibilities. Then new president elected in country whose support would greatly help in war effort. In call President Hypothetical urges country’s new president to help with war.

    Is this improper?

  11. Griffin:

    Of course not.

    A president can conduct his own foreign policy, and that foreign policy is obviously conducted not only for the benefit of that politician but for the benefit of the country, in his opinion. The two are hardly mutually exclusive. There is no requirement that a president act AGAINST his own interests, and that every single interaction with a foreign government be pure.

    Maybe such purity would consist in implementing the policies of that president’s opponents.

    It’s an absurd idea.

    That, by the way, is why it is at least possible that Joe Biden’s pressure to fire the prosecutor was a bona fide exercise of government policy. But it is highly suspicious in that case, because it serves the financial interests of his son, who already appears to be enriching himself from connections related to his father’s position rather than any skills that son may possess.

  12. Neo,

    Yes, I agree but under the new rules apparently established the last week my President Hypothetical could be accused of pressuring a foreign government to act in a way that would benefit him.

    Just proves how ridiculous this whole thing is.

  13. Joe Biden should never have been officially involved in Ukraine as because of his son’s large business interest. The conflict of interest is obvious.

  14. Breitbart:

    Report: Federal Worker Who Made Complaint Is CIA Officer

    The partisan federal employee who issued a complaint regarding President Donald Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is a male CIA officer who was previously “detailed to work at the White House,” reports the New York Times.

    According to the Times, the officer, who has since returned to work at the CIA, appears to be an “analyst by training” and “steeped in details” of U.S. foreign policy regarding Europe. Further, he is believed to possess a “sophisticated understanding” of the politics in Ukraine.

    The Department of Justice on Wednesday confirmed the Office of Intelligence Community Inspector General found that the so-called “whistleblower” not only had second-hand information regarding the call, but also possessed a “political bias” in favor of a “political rival” of President Trump.

    “The complaint raises the prospect that the whistle-blower was not detailed to the White House either during the events in question or when he learned about them,” notes the newspaper.
    In a statement to the Times, the officer’s legal team confirmed his previous work at the CIA, but warned the newspaper against revealing their client’s identity, claiming that doing so could potentially place him in danger.

    “Any decision to report any perceived identifying information of the whistle-blower is deeply concerning and reckless, as it can place the individual in harm’s way,” said lawyer Andrew Bakaj. “The whistle-blower has a right to anonymity.”

    ” . . . a right to anonymity.”

    Were genuine whistleblowing involved one might acquiesce to such a claim. Not so much when the “whistleblowing” is bogus, a cover for a purely political hit job. Or no?

  15. I welcome the left continuing to demonstrate their utter lack of remorse, as they attempt to seize power. The longer and more extreme their actions, the more certain that the consequences are going to be biblical.

    “Some may recall the apocryphal story of the Texan accused of murder who, when asked by the judge if he had anything to say in his defense, replied, “Well, your Honor, I guess he just needed killin’…” https://www.redstate.com/diary/cmndr45/2011/05/06/he-just-needed-killin/

    I take no pleasure in it but that’s where the left’s path leads to…

  16. Wow, Fusion GPS and Schiff had this since Aug 12. What evil are these people. I’m ashamed he is from California. I knew he was unethical but the depth of his evil lies is worse that a typical criminal .

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