Home » Now that Salvini’s gone, the EU wastes no time…


Now that Salvini’s gone, the EU wastes no time… — 8 Comments

  1. These EU leaders are dead set on destroying their countries. All their thought is bent on that one goal.

    There are only two outcomes.

    If the native Europeans do nothing, Europe is over.

    If the native Europeans resist BAMN, Europe could recover… but it would be a bloody affair.

    There is no good path, and people need to stop looking for one.

  2. You need to understand how much more fractured European countries are politically. It’s not their systems that are the problem.

    Italy is deeply divided between North and South. Between conservative Catholics and liberals. It still has sizable pockets of actual Fascism and real Marxism. There is massive corruption,both economically and politically, with crime reaching deep into government.

    It is effectively ungovernable, which is why its governments last about two years on average — and have done for seventy years.

    The system has no part in it. If they went to the US system they’d be exactly the same. There would be ten parties in Congress and they’d always being having to work with coalitions.

  3. The German government is the same. Even if the Greens are not in the coalition, any disagreements between coalition members means that they pay far too much attention to Green ideas like closing nuclear power plants. Of course, the media only reports the dangers of nuclear power, GMOs, and all the poor kids drowning in the Mediteranean. The latest climate change thing is to require all houses to get rid of oil heating by 2030, among other garbage. When they form coalitions, each party insists on their most extreme issues and a minister position so they can enforce them or at least block other ideas. German did OK when there were only 3 parties, with the FDP switching back and forth between the 2 major parties. When Joschka Fischer got the Greens into parliament, it opened the way for even more parties, which now include the AfD and the Linke (neocommies). Why vote if you don’t know where your vote will try to take the country.

  4. I take some consolation in the fact that Western Europe is more suicidal than the USA, at least for now.

  5. “The more I learn about European politics, the more ours looks good in comparison. Relatively speaking, that is.” – Neo

    “American democracy is the worst political system in the world, except for all the others.”

    Or as Churchill said it, “Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”
    – 11 November 1947


  6. I can’t help but wonder: in their fevered imaginations, exactly what sort of future do the “EU leaders” think they’re bringing Europe?

  7. Italy should send ALL of its migrants to France & Germany, until the EU’s new dictates on migrant spreading have been officially dictated. By the euroDicts, those euroCrats who long to be dictators.

    The EuroFunds, slush money for bureaucrats to buy off opposition with gov’t paid for benefits, can keep the EU going for quite a few more years. But the anti-immigrant parties will become stronger and stronger, following Hungary’s Orban and the nationalists in Poland. Slovakia remains anti-immigrant & anti-Muslim. I doubt that the Czechs, who successfully did post-WW II ethnic cleansing of those Sudeten German, will be keen to accept hundreds of thousands of migrants.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if “# of migrants” allowed becomes a referendum issue for various countries that allow referendums.

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