Home » Does the Democrat establishment want to promote or discourage Biden’s nomination?


Does the Democrat establishment want to promote or discourage Biden’s nomination? — 26 Comments

  1. Honestly, I don’t think Biden will last till the election because he seems–day by day–to be deteriorating right before our eyes.

    I don’t have any personal knowledge about how far and fast you can slide when senile dementia sets in but, it looks like that may be what is setting in here.

  2. Does the Democrat establishment want to promote or discourage Biden’s nomination? … Perhaps it’s six of one and half dozen of the other.

    Yes. My read is the party leaders are divided. They are both right.

  3. Regardless of which candidate gets the nod, the democrats are going to lose. Only Trump’s assassination can prevent that fate.

    If Biden is the nominee, his loss will weaken the ‘moderate’ democrats and strengthen the radicals who will then gain de facto control of the democrat party. If one of the more publicly extreme candidates is the nominee, I suspect that radical’s loss in 2020 will split the party because the radicals will never admit that their positions were politically too extreme.

  4. I think the Dems know that they are in trouble. Their field is weak and they have no “bench”. Now they are going to rekindle their impeachment push, maybe even getting to actually having hearings…. and that is its own mine field. But they only have impeachment to stop the Trump Train because, down inside, they see their chances of giving him the boot in 2020 as remote.

    There is some speculation about some kind of “stealth candidate” who is currently nowhere who will pop up at the convention to save the party’s bacon. I’m in no position to evaluate the possibility of that happening or who it might be.

  5. There is some speculation about some kind of “stealth candidate” who is currently nowhere who will pop up at the convention to save the party’s bacon. I’m in no position to evaluate the possibility of that happening or who it might be.

    Another Mike: Hint. First name: Michelle.

    I’m still serious about this. Can you imagine the drama if Michelle Obama descends into a tied convention, parts the Red Sea and leads the Chosen to victory over Pharoah Trump?

    That’s a movie! And that’s how Democrats think, moreso than Republicans IMO.

  6. The Democrats’ 2020 problems stem in no small part from the Obama years, when the Democrats lost around 1000 seats at the state and national levels, and exterminated almost all the Blue Dog moderates.

  7. The Democrats problems stem from the culture of that organization at the elite level and at the popular level. They have some passable executives in their line-up (Hickenlooper, Yang) and people who know the business world (Hickenlooper, Delaney). Their electorate has no interest in that. Their main candidates – Biden, Warren, Sanders, Harris, and Booty-gig – have one or another of the following winds at their back: name-recognition, (largely idle) social resentments, and identity politics (mostly what white liberals fancy is kewel). They serve up this junk because they like it.

  8. I’m still serious about this.

    That’s too bad. She has rent-free space in your head that she don’t even want.

  9. I think the Dems know that they are in trouble.

    No more in trouble than we are, maybe less. We’re competing for a small pool of swing voters, and what little motivates them is not what motivates any of us.

  10. Huxley,

    Are you positive that Mrs. Obama wants the job? I doubt that she does. Tulsi would be their best bet to make it a horse race, fortunately she doesn’t appeal to the base. But speculation is moot unless the economy tanks.

  11. I wrote about the “will Michelle run?” question here.

    This I what I wrote:

    Since about 2012, after Obama was re-elected, I’ve been hearing people say that Michelle will run for president. Lots of people. First, the idea was that she would run in 2016 to succeed Obama, and beat out Hillary. Now, it’s that she’ll run in 2020.

    I would never say it’s impossible. But I have never, never ever, felt it would happen. I can’t explain why not, except to say that it’s a strong gut feeling of mine that it’s not what she wants. I think she’s had it with public office after 8 years of being First Lady and wants to be free of such obligations. As I said, just a gut feeling of mine, but the feeling has not changed over the years.

  12. The Dems have a senile (Biden) running, another senile distinguished by his hatefulness (Bernie), and a homosexual wife backbencher (Buttigieg) plus a posse of socialists each more frothing at the mouth with righteousness than the other.
    These latter seem to think they can shame the middle class into raising, by taxing and/or borrowing, the umpteen trillions their addled plans will cost.

    The Dems are hopefully all going over the cliff.

    Besides Melania is absolutely the most beautiful, classiest First Lady ever. Makes Jackie look like a frump, and Michelle look like a toad (which she is).

  13. I think they dearly wish they had a better crop of candidates.

    they they statespeople, or they the people who vote?
    cause if you think about it, these fruitbats are the best of the lot on that side!
    or do you think they are holding better in the wings?

  14. It has been apparent (to me anyway) that the one most interested in ENSURING that Mr. Biden is NOT the prevailing Democrat nominee is Mr. Biden.

  15. I can’t explain why not, except to say that it’s a strong gut feeling of mine that it’s not what she wants.

    I recall when she had a whole TV show explaining that she is not “an angry black woman.” She is and I think she knows she would never be elected.

  16. I think she’s had it with public office after 8 years of being First Lady and wants to be free of such obligations.

    Pat Buchanan, having had some contact with Pat Nixon and Nancy Reagan, took a look at Mooch in the distance and said, ‘not a happy camper’. Buchanan offered in 2010 that BO might refrain from running for re-election because his wife wanted out of Dodge.

    One of the oddities of Michelle Obama’s life from 1991 to 2008 was the willingness of institutions to pay her handsome salaries for no one knows quite what. (Her license to practice law lapsed in 1993 and she had no training in business or public administration). OTOH, she once said the great thing about fundraisers held in people’s homes is that she got a lot of great decorating ideas. Now, why would Obama expose himself to Tony Rezko except, perhaps, that Michelle wanted a grand home, because decorative arts are what interests her?

  17. Doubt she’s all that angry. Resentful and disagreeable, perhaps. She’s a patronage baby without much in the way of real accomplishment. Then again, some people just are.

  18. Are you positive that Mrs. Obama wants the job? I doubt that she does.

    parker: Hardly. I doubt she wants the job either. Then again, I doubt most of the boys who died at Normandy wanted to go either, but it was a matter of duty over a comfortable life.

    So it depends how MO sees her commitment to the left and Obama’s legacy and how much of a difference she thinks she could make.

    Do you guys not yet get how committed leftists are, how much they will give up to further the cause?

  19. Furthermore, living in the White House, lording it over the world, and enjoying all those perks for four years ain’t exactly what I would call hardship, even if it’s annoying.

  20. That’s too bad. She has rent-free space in your head that she don’t even want.

    Art Deco: Considering how often you respond to my comments without crediting me, it’s clear I have rent-free space in your head.

    It’s OK. I don’t judge you for it.

  21. Huxley,

    She can “lord it over the world” from the comfort of her Cape Cod mansion or her Hawaii mansion or her DC mansion and still make millions. Why not be lazy?

  22. I don’t consider the Michelle Option probable. It depends on the failure of the party to solidify behind a candidate plus Barack and Michelle assessing her chances to beat Trump as worth the shot.

    Maybe Michelle lacks the grit of leftists like Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn or even her husband, to sacrifice four years of her life in opulent splendor and power to roll back Trump’s outrages that have put a serious crimp in the left’s grand march towards utopia.

    But I sure wouldn’t assume it.

  23. She can “lord it over the world” from the comfort of her Cape Cod mansion or her Hawaii mansion or her DC mansion and still make millions. Why not be lazy?

    parker: Why be ignorant of the left’s Gollum-like pursuit of the Precious? That is to say, political power.

    Do you not understand how powerful being President is? Do you not get the difference between having a nice house on Cape Cod and living in the White House with all the power that goes with it?

  24. Only moderately off-topic; it does involve Democrats and their agenda, of which Biden is only one possible implementer.


    For some reason, I thought of the concept of dog parks combined with something I recently read about “free speech zones” at colleges. These two things caused me to consider the state of our Constitution and the increasingly brazen attacks on it.

    If you look at those three situations and analogize them to human existence, there are strong parallels to the initial, raw state of our constitutional republic (our dogs running free) and the statist approach that has evolved since the late 1800s (city living and the restrictions on the dogs). The third aspect is a compromise between the two.

    But it really isn’t a compromise, is it? It’s not true freedom. Dogs are free to run inside a defined space but also must behave in a manner expected by those who control the space — and we think it is great because it is such an improvement over being shut up in the house all day or having to be controlled at the end of a tether.

    But that is dangerous relativism.

    It’s not what America is meant to be. We’re not a nation of human dog parks constructed by government. Yet that is what people are buying when they buy into progressivism.

    Progressives tell America, “Just let us control you and lock you in a confined space — but we will build you some very nice parks where you can run off your leash! Just remember, you must behave the way we want you to behave, and you must stay inside the fences or be wearing your shock collars. Those are the rules.”

    Such is the vision of the modern Democratic Party. They think America is ready to trade its freedom and liberties for some really, really nice human dog parks.

    I pray they are wrong.

  25. The Dems mostly know that, without a recession, Trump wins 2020. Maybe even wins back the House.
    This election is partly in prep for 2024, who gets the free “Frontrunner” type publicity. Altho the base believes it “needs” to get rid of Trump.

    Now I’m afraid that too many Reps will be “getting cocky” and not do enough to stop the socialist cancer that is growing.

    The biggest cause of growth of socialism is the colleges all discriminating against hiring Rep professors.

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