Home » If you’re going to San Francisco…be sure to brush up on your Newspeak


If you’re going to San Francisco…be sure to brush up on your Newspeak — 19 Comments

  1. Newspeak lives.

    How do sentient humans, even of the Communist mindset, ignore the ugly realities of the slide into Third World-like suffering and crime on their streets? What kind of mind ignores that by distorting language? It is to weep.

  2. At least the author of that linked San Francisco Chronicle article finds those language changes re criminals risible:

    A juvenile ‘delinquent’ will become a ‘young person with justice system involvement,’ or a ‘young person impacted by the juvenile justice system.’

    And drug addicts or substance abusers will become ‘a person with a history of substance use’.” . . .

    The language resolution makes no mention of terms for victims of crime, but using the new terminology someone whose car has been broken into could well be: ‘A person who has come in contact with a returning resident who was involved with the justice system and who is currently under supervision with a history of substance use.’

    In other words, someone whose car was broken into by a recently released offender, on parole with a drug problem.

    That clear?

  3. I have been to SF many times over the last two decades.

    The last time I was there was in 2016, and I shall NEVER go there again.

    If I go to Northern California, I shall choose a route that does not pass within 20 miles of SF.

    And since I live in LA, I have recently gotten the following immunizations
    Hep A
    and will not go to a restaurant in downtown LA.

  4. This sort of thing is why “red flag” laws are so dangerous. Gun owners who have never threatened anyone, but are NRA members, could be flagged and have their guns confiscated. This could be extended to anyone owning a gun, because such a person is potentially dangerous.

  5. Angelo Codevilla: “Antifa Gives Progressives a Tin-Pot Dictator High”


    The most clamorous example comes from Oregon, which happens to be among the first jurisdictions to adopt a “red flag law.” Such laws allow authorities to disarm and deprive of liberty any person accused of being a would-be murderer. Conservatives have tended to oppose such laws, which the Left tout as necessary to forestall mass shootings. Red flag laws make it possible to penalize people without trial or conviction. Conservatives know too well that progressives would use such unaccountable power to besmirch and otherwise hurt their political enemies.

  6. I am a lifetime member of the NRA and deeply offended by being compared to real terrorists like members of antifa.

  7. “Democratic candidates are falling all over themselves in an attempt to advocate more and more stringent curbs on gun ownership, including extreme positions such as that of Beto O’Rourke. That’s why I wrote “At this point there’s no chance the federal government will follow suit.” At this point. But after 2020, all bets are off.” neo

    Any attempt by a majority democrat Congress to nullify the 2nd amendment is a trigger wire for a civil war that will not end well for the left. That is because they have already eviscerated the rule of law and when legitimate redress of grievance is made impossible, violent redress of grievance is certain.

  8. I betcha they would be appalled if Anti-Fa was named a terrorist group. Even though Anti-Fa is an organization that engages in violence and the NRA isn’t. (I imagine if some lefty read this they would have some warped reason to say NRA does and just blanket denial that Anti-Fa does.)

    Speaking of Newspeak, Orwell’s point was that you control the language you control the argument. That’s true to a point. However, Gene Wolfe in his sci-fi novel series The Book of the New Sun had an interesting argument to that. The main characters are fighting a war against a totalitarian society where people can only talk through quotes from party approved literature. Their Mein Kampf or Communist Manifesto. Well, the characters and a prisoner are having a storytelling contest. The prisoner (translated by one of the other soldiers) manages to tell a story highly critical of his society with the language of the party approved literature. Wolfe’s point is that their is a level of thinking that’s beyond language and you can only control a person so much with newspeak.

  9. If anything, the NRA is a moderating influence, which keeps people in the open and social. That said, the right to keep and bear arms… legs, a head, and life, shall not be infringed. The Second Amendment is antithetical to the Twilight faith, established Pro-Choice quasi-religion, but not, in principle, to the liberal (i.e. divergent) ideology. The same with so-called “progressives” (i.e. monotonically oriented), who may be forgiven in this time of the great… well, developing, with fits and starts, left-wing sectarian schism.

  10. Why don’t they just vote to declare the Republican Party a terrorist organization? They can declare all Republicans persona non grata and require security checks with proof of appropriate political affiliation to allow entry.

    There’s no limit to the ridiculous extremes…

  11. The NRA focuses on firearm safety and marksmanship. The NRA-ILA focuses on lobbying for legislation that wants harsher senteneces for felons who are guilty of illegally owning a firearm. The NRA-PVT lobbies to support politicians that support the 2nd. Yeah, ‘terrorists’, This attack on the NRA is risible at best, lying nastiness in the worse.

    I will never surrender a firearm or a single cartridge to anyone. FOAD.

  12. “Why they just vote..”

    Because they don’t want a target on their back. They know, if lucid, they are out gunned. I hope they bring it on. Don’t want to shoot fellow Americans, but they have brought this upon themselves. So be it. Reap what you sow.

  13. Last night on Tucker Carlson, believe it or not, Bill DeBlasio made an appearance. After some agreement on a “robot tax,” Tucker started asking the Worst Mayor in New York History™ about his presidential positions. When they got to gun control, the WMINYH said he thought when it came time for the confiscation of “assault weapons” people would voluntarily turn them in. Tucker was incredulous. Then Tucker went after WMINYH over whether his bodyguards would give up their weapons. DeBlasio kept sputtering on about “But they’re sworn law enforcement officers” and “There’s no reason for civilians to have military weapons.” Watching DeBlasio evade answering the questions was hilarious.

    BTW, why does no one mention that the first federal control legislation, the Militia Acts of 1792, required all able-bodied white (blacks were added after the Civil War) adult men to possess a military-grade firearm and ammunition.

  14. There’s no balance in San Fran. Where there’s no significant opposing force, people continue pushing ever further in just one direction until they topple over.

    Re Beto’s idea to mandate government “buybacks” of firearms: I can foresee someone protesting the expense of paying people to hand over their weapons, since the government does not pay people for other things it confiscates. Leftists may start with proposing “buybacks,” but I suspect such an event would end up being a compulsory confiscation, without any compensation but an adjuration to “be grateful you’re not getting jail time.”

  15. **I mean, the government does not pay compensation for confiscated contraband, which guns would become under a Leftist government.

  16. Re: Richard Saunders’ comment above –

    So, if everyone would voluntarily surrender their guns, what NEED would there be for deBlasio’s “trained law enforcement officer” bodyguards to carry guns at all? Could it be because criminals would NOT voluntarily surrender their guns, and deBlasio doesn’t want to be victimized by them?

    Every single time someone makes an argument for gun “buybacks” or their out-and-proud-evil sister gun confiscation, they ignore this contradiction. And it’s dead obvious to everyone else. Not everyone is going to want to own, much less to carry, a gun – but if SOME of the good people in society DO, then we all benefit from the deterrent factor of the bad people’s not knowing who might be standing right there and prepared to stop them from doing bad things. It’s like the herd immunity effect with vaccinations: the more trained and armed good people there are, the less of a foothold the bad people can gain.

  17. So gov healthcare was when everyone had to pay for it… except the government which was immune, right?

    And now gun confiscation affects everyone… except the armed guards of the political elites?

    You American seem to fall for the same con, again, and again, and again, and think internet crazies are the problem. They aren’t the problem.

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