Home » California’s proposed anti-Semitic curriculum to be revamped


California’s proposed anti-Semitic curriculum to be revamped — 15 Comments

  1. Again, ‘ethnic studies’ is a nonsense subject in every venue. That aside, you don’t waste manpower on frills when you haven’t mastered basics. In primary schooling, that’s literacy, numeracy, and the fundamentals of American history, geography, and civics. When the kids don’t have the timeline, the map, and the Constitution mastered, not yet time for anything else. As for secondary-level academic schooling, a serious program in social education consists of … history, geography, and civics. And history means world civilizations, occidental civilization, and American history. In that order. No time for babble about Russell Means and Cesar Chavez.

  2. I agree, Art Deco. The core curriculum has long been scrapped for garbage curricula.

    The educational establishment is now a brainwashing establishment. The Woodstock Generation became teachers, and are we surprised at the result?

    “Turn on, tune in, and drop out”

    Unfortunately, they dropped into the teaching profession.

  3. A couple points:

    They’ll probably keep the anti-American parts, but jettison the anti-Israel parts. That will satisfy the Jewish liberals, who are the only “activists” who have any clout in California.

    It doesn’t matter. Study after study shows that American students don’t remember anything that they learn, so it doesn’t matter what nonsense the teacher spouts because very few people are listening. Maybe someone will remember that Whitney Houston invented the cotton gin, but that’s about it. (Joke!)

  4. I’m going to say that:

    1, I’m beginning to think that most people don’t care, and are constitutionally incapable of caring about freedom or honor or truth. That they are content if they have sufficient amusements and orgasms and feelings of social inclusion; and are secure in the knowledge that someone else can be forced to enable it and up the tab. And that most people in this polity are descended of immigrants who never were free, never had honor, didn’t much care about truth because it did not pay, and didn’t come here seeking the kind of freedom the founders envisioned and died for. And who, are perfectly content to live as giggling gossiping herd animals who wouldn’t notice, much less recognize the goddess of personal honor if she walked up to them and slapped them in the face … so busy are they frantically diddling themselves so as to avoid looking into the void.

    I hate thinking Aristotle was right, but it often seems so.


    2, That I would like nothing better than for someone to show me that my cynicism about these soulless American peasant (in manners and values not wealth), eating and shitting machines, is unjustified. God Almighty, I would like someone to reassure me of that.

  5. Does anyone have a good reason why a parent in California would not rather choose to homeschool his children (or move to another state), than have them educated in California public schools?

    And maybe not just California, but much of the country? Maybe all?

    I mean, there’s this story.

    And then, there’s…

    And then, there’s…

    If you want something done right, you may just have to do it yourself. What’s it worth to you, to ensure your kids don’t face the world will skulls full of mush?

  6. DNW,

    In 2016, half of America voted against Hillary.

    The #WalkAway Campaign.

    The growing number of blacks walking off the democrat plantation.

    The huge number of conservative outlets on the internet.

    In Portland, antifa thugs are opposed by the Proud Boys, who are unapologetically proud of being male, declare that Western Civilization has nothing to apologize for, especially when contrasted against every other civilization and, who refuse to cower before the Left’s attempts to characterize them as racist-fascist Nazis.

    Do not mistake fooling some of the people all of the time for fooling all of the people, all of the time.

    And, those who can be fooled all of the time… by definition haven’t the intestinal fortitude to withstand the gales of change.

    The left’s increasing extremism is a perfect example of an ancient greek maxim; “those the gods would destroy, they first make mad”.

  7. Art Deco — you can’t say they’re not learning anything: California law requires the teaching of LGBTQ, etc. history in the public schools!

  8. I am happy every day that I got out of California after 60 years, l loved the ocean abut it was not worth it. My kids are planning their escape.

  9. who are the only “activists” who have any clout in California.


    Study after study shows that American students don’t remember anything that they learn,

    Study after study demonstrates that people who make categorical statements like this are properly ignored.

  10. Does anyone have a good reason why a parent in California would not rather choose to homeschool his children (or move to another state), than have them educated in California public schools?

    Charter schools are not too bad, which is why the teachers’ unions are dead set against them. The private schools that I sent my kids to are stratospherically more expensive and, my son tells me, are rife with drug problems. Lots of rich parents now in OC sending kids to private schools as a class phenomenon. Education is a secondary concern.

  11. Not just anti-Semitic, but the document says that the curriculum should (maybe “must”?) include material from the Third World Liberation Front. The name alone should give cause for worry, but just search for “third world liberation front berkeley” (as in “Berkeley in the 60s”).

  12. The revised curriculum will mandate the use of the English translation of Julius Streicher’s 1938 childrens book Der Giftpilz in all elementary schools. After all, this is California.

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