Home » Actor/host Mario Lopez driven to apologize for remarks that are completely reasonable…


Actor/host Mario Lopez driven to apologize for remarks that are completely reasonable… — 18 Comments

  1. This would be more interesting if I knew who Mario Lopez and Candice Evan’s were. How many people are there who, like me, just don’t watch television, other than streaming movies and series?

  2. RoyNathanson

    Candace Owens is a young conservative african american (aka not a POC) see Dennis Prager’s web site or her videos. She is quite well known, but a conservative so not a POC. I don’t know who Candace Evans is either.

  3. I could certainly treat a transgender individual with courtesy if I were to meet one. However, Lopez’s point about small children is correct. No one should undergo hormone therapy or surgery for “transgender” feelings until at least the age of eighteen. Doing this to children is child abuse.

  4. Just as an experiment, in California, for just one year, I think that children under five should make all the decisions, about everything, for everybody — not just about trivial things like their sexuality. Anybody who objects loses his job.

  5. I can’t believe this stuff is playing to most Americans, not even most Democrats. It’s a measure of the power our SJW Red Guards have accumulated that most people are afraid to disagree.

    I’ve been intrigued by that quote neo and others have put up to the effect enforcing absurd claims was about power, rather than belief, in the old USSR, but never quite persuaded. However, I’m getting closer.

    I’ve read something similar about religions and cults, that it’s effective that the beliefs be far out as a means bonding a group.

  6. Cornflour:

    Actually, California might end up in better shape if it followed your suggestion. 🙂

  7. Yeah, definitely not a profile in courage.

    His correct reply would have been something like, “Oh, so you’re mad about what I said? Well, that’s because you’re insane and nobody wants to listen to you any more. I not only believe what I said, but let me take this opportunity to double down on it: Intentionally confusing a child about what sex they are is child abuse, and the persons who encourage thirteen year old girls to chop their own breasts off are, at best, fools who think they’re doing the right thing but who, being grown-ups, are morally culpable for the fact they don’t know better. At worst, they’re a sadistic superstitious cult who’re knowingly damaging children to avoid thinking about the self-contradictions in their own dogmas.”

    If he had said that,
    and if the next 2-3 celebrities they tried to attack did likewise,
    it would be all over for them.

    There would be a preference cascade,
    like there was with the fall of Nicolae Ceau?escu,
    and then we wouldn’t have to listen to the shrieking of these lunatics any longer.

    But because yet another celebrity was a craven coward, the country and the culture remain unredeemed. It is like C.S. Lewis said in The Abolition of Man (I paraphrase): We culturally undermine the masculine virtues of boldness and magnanimity, and are shocked to find ourselves living among gutless slobs. We make “men without chests” and are surprised to find traitors and cowards and Vichy collaborators in our midst. We castrate the souls of the next generation, and “bid the geldings be fruitful.”

    But, begging Lewis’ pardon, I suspect there are a few good men out there, even among celebrities, who won’t bend the neck or bow the knee or offer incense to the SJWs’ castrati gods. Somebody out there’s got to have some balls.

    All it would take is three — four, at most — to start the slide of pebbles that turns into an avalanche.

    Please God, may the Left choose to pick on the wrong targets, just a few times in a row.

    May the fall backwards into the pit they have dug for the righteous and the innocent, and their schemes fall upon their own heads, and their teeth break in their mouths.

  8. Errata: In the last sentence, the first “the” should have been “they.”

    And obviously “Ceau?escu” refers to Ceausescu, except that I tried to do that Romanian character that looks like an s with a little tail dangling from it, and it didn’t work. (How I wish it were possible to edit these things after posting!)

  9. The progressives will not be happy until the voices of all conservatives and moderates have been silenced. Social media shaming, doxing, death threats, firing for political/religious beliefs, boycotts, and more are all tools in their crusade to silence all but approved opinions/ideas/science/solutions/policies.

    The reason they are so infuriated by Trump is that he is invulnerable (so far) to all their attempts to silence him.

  10. Here’s more SJW Red Guard wack:

    Western classical music is not about culture. It’s about whiteness. It’s a combination of European traditions which serve the specious belief that whiteness has a culture—one that is superior to all others. Its main purpose is to be a cultural anchor for the myth of white supremacy. In that regard, people of color can never truly be pioneers of Western classical music. The best we can be are exotic guests: entertainment for the white audiences and an example of how Western classical music is more elite than the cultures of people of color.


    The author describes himself:

    Nebal Maysaud is a queer Lebanese composer based in the Washington D.C. Metro Area. Since buying their first notation software in 2009, Nebal has grown to become an impactful, socially minded composer.

    The article did not do well in the comments, even from some POC commenters. Maysaud is on a mission to create non-white-supremacist music. He’s welcome to it, but I for one say he should leave Western instruments and Western musical notation out of his mission. Cultural appropriation and all that.

    For all his bluster about how poorly treated he and his non-white comrades have been treated in the classical music world, he is proud to mention his awards from that supremacist world:

    Nebal Maysaud has composed for several ensembles and won numerous awards, including the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra, The Lawrence University Wind Ensemble, the Lawrence University Opera Department, Art Song Lab 2016, The District New Music Conference, NASA and more. Nebal was primarily taught by Asha Srinivasan, Andrew Cole, and Joanne Metcalf.

    I am so sick of hearing people like this whine.

  11. Scary how this stuff works:

    “Mario Lopez: It’s ‘dangerous’ for parents to support transgender kids,” blared an insistent headline Wednesday on Yahoo News. Not long after, a Twitter Moments headline popped up — what a coincidence! — declaring that “Mario Lopez’s comments from June on the #BelieveWomen movement and embracing gender expression in young children are receiving backlash.” Oh, wow! An online “backlash”! How very unusual! How exceedingly rare! The supposed evidence for this sweeping Twitter Moments statement, of course, was a link to the article at Yahoo News. …

    If you take the time to actually read the Yahoo story targeting Lopez, you’ll not only find that he didn’t say what the headline claimed he did — more on that later — but that the “backlash” in question consisted of five anonymous tweets. I will repeat: FIVE ANONYMOUS TWEETS. At press time, the very first tweet cited as evidence of a massive online “backlash” had — wait for it, because this is actually kind of funny — a grand total of three followers. I wish I was making this story up, but the writer at Yahoo beat me to it.

    But, hey, it’s 2019, so who cares, right? By promoting the Lopez “scandal” in its “Moments” feature, Twitter decided that this could be a good bullying opportunity — ahem, excuse me, I mean an important story. And lo and behold: It became an important story. By midday, tens of thousands of people on Twitter were passionately arguing about a controversy that did not actually exist. What a country!

    Link: https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/07/mario-lopez-was-smeared-score-one-for-the-mob/

  12. His comments were mild and sensible.

    The reaction including the apology is stupidity turned up to 11.

    Trump should tweet about this and stand up for Lopez — he literally does not care about blowback from idiots who are trying to destroy us from the inside.

  13. >and that just a short while ago would have been considered completely acceptable.

    You’re entering the Twilight Zone. It was predicted that this would happen in such a short amount of time. Oddly enough, the feeling of indignation came first then all the “science” and “studies” came a far distant second.

  14. Yeah, “My kid tried on a red cape and said he can fly, so I pushed him off the roof.” Just the same thing in very slow motion. Ze’ll thank you for it some day, I’m sure.

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