Home » Donald Trump and Boris Johnson


Donald Trump and Boris Johnson — 26 Comments

  1. There’s a nice short video interview of Johnson making the rounds, it’s from a few years back I think. Johnson discusses and demonstrates a handful of the finer points of rhetoric in a couple of W. Churchill’s WWII speeches. It’s clear Johnson loves to play well with language.

    Here it is: https://youtu.be/FLak2IzIv7U

  2. > Their birthdays aren’t far apart, either, although Trump is much older: Trump’s is June 14, 1946 and Johnson’s is June 19, 1064

    Given his age was Johnson put into Carbonite at some point?

  3. avi; expat; sdferr:

    Yes, don’t you know that Boris starred in the movie “Highlander”?

    Thanks, will fix.

  4. Don’t knock it. In 2 years William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, would invade England, and the rest, as they say is history.

    Besides Johnson looks good for his age.

  5. Waiting for Brexdot?

    They’ll have to write it themselves though. Ain’t anybody else on scene up to the task.

  6. Boring is not in either’s make-up. Given England is no longer a major player on the world stage, Johnson’s potential for harm is minimal.

  7. Don’t knock it. In 2 years William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, would invade England, and the rest, as they say is history

    T: “1066 and All That: A Memorable History of England, comprising all the parts you can remember, including 103 Good Things, 5 Bad Kings and 2 Genuine Dates” is the authoritative parody of English history. Not to be missed.

  8. huxley – I read the book, it’s very good, but is it reallyeven possible to parody </emEnglish history??

    That's kind of like fact-checking the B-Bee.

  9. AesopFan: You may have a point. When I started “1066 and All That” I realized I didn’t know English history well enough to reliably tell the parody from reality.

    I worried about it a little bit, but that’s all.

  10. [Trump] was a brilliant student of what he was interested in—which was business and making deals and money.

    Was he? How do we know this?

    We know from recent reporting that he went to pains to hide his grades. We know he tried to claim his father’s wealth as his own to Forbes. Then came a series of bankruptcies.

    Then he made a comeback, according to him. But how? The only bank that would lend to him was Deutsche. You have a series of low-level ventures: Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, Trump University…

    He’s like a reverse Warren Buffet. Almost everyone who has gone into business with him seems to have lost.

  11. Was he? How do we know this?

    Manju: Are you a troll? How do we know you’re not? You behave as a troll.

  12. Manju (Jiminy Cricket):

    And yet Hillary is still not the POTUS, the Meuller probe/circus was a disaster for your fine fellow fascists, and you have the Gang of Four to defend.

    You said something about President Trump? Whatever.

  13. Trump holds an economics degree from the Wharton School, a pretty elite place; Manju likely holds a gender studies or black studies degree from some trivial place. His is a warped mind that plays fast and loose with the truth.

  14. huxley:

    Of course manju is a troll.

    But I allow him to continue to post here because he’s an intermittently interesting troll who raises intermittently interesting points at times. He also tends (most of the time, anyway) to be polite.

    His patience is legendary. I haven’t figured out whether he’s paid for this and just does it through love 🙂 .

  15. huxley:

    And in this thread manju indulges in his intense interest in epistemology.

  16. Neo, I think your comment re Manju is very, very good. (I also like the remark to huxley. *g*)

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