Home » AOC, Pelosi, Obama, and the race card


AOC, Pelosi, Obama, and the race card — 31 Comments

  1. You’re right, Neo, that in her adult life she’s heard this line so often she thinks it’s okay.

    What is darkly amusing is that Ocasio-Cortez is not a “woman of color” by any definitions that used to hold. Puerto Ricans are overwhelmingly of Spanish ancestry. The unfortunate indigenous tribes mostly died of European diseases, and very few Africans were imported to the island because it was not suitable for plantations, unlike Hispaniola or Jamaica. Tlaib is also not “of color,” being an Arab-American, not particularly dark-skinned, like Linda Sarsour, who also claims to be “of color.”

  2. You had better pray that AOC self-destructs soon. In 6 years she will be old enough to run for president, and she has persuasive power (Scott Adams rates her high in that regard).

    No matter what happens, she will be a force of the dark side to recon with for the rest of the 21st century.

    We are now a country in which demonstrators will deface our flag and replace it with the flag of another country. Thank you MSM and “educational” establishment.

  3. “They also know or believe they know that the ultra-progressive wing is unlikely to win many votes for Democrats in 2020, and they see that wing as a threat.” neo

    The ultra-progressive wing may be unlikely to win many votes for Democrats in 2020 but how about in the democrat primaries?

    As we’ve all observed, the democrat party is moving ever more leftward in its radicalism. Arguably, it’s the base as well as the leadership that is becoming ever more radicalized. If that in fact is so, then the Pelosi wing of the democrat party are politically, “dead men walking”…

    The question then becomes how long till they’re ousted from dominance of the party?

    Ironically, if the dem’s extreme radicalism results in Trump’s reelection, I think it certain that the radicals will insist that result to be the failure of the Pelosi wing to act effectively against Trump and the dems will go off the cliff into blatant treason.

    In fact it’s already begun; “Anti-ICE Protesters Deface American Flag, Raise Mexican Flag over Colorado Processing Center”

  4. We live in euphemistic times.

    Diversity (i.e. color judgment), including racism, breeds adversity.

  5. MAGA is “old hat” (ar ar)

    The best hat to wear now is


    M ake
    O ccasio-Cortez
    B artend
    A gain…



  6. Political considerations aside, is there any doubt that all or nearly all of the congressional democrats support, at least in principle, that Congresswoman actions?

  7. A quote in a Wash. Post article from the guy who recruited AOC to run for office — “AOC’s Chief of Change: Saikat Chakrabarti isn’t just running her office. He’s guiding a movement.”

    “The whole theory of change for the current Democratic Party is that to win this country we need to tack to the hypothetical middle. What I think that means is, you don’t take unnecessary risks, which translates to: You don’t really do anything. Whereas we’ve got a completely different theory of change, which is: You do the biggest, most badass thing you possibly can — and that’s going to excite people, and then they’re going to go vote. Because the reality is, our problem isn’t that more people are voting Republican than Democrat — our problem is most people who would vote Democrat aren’t voting.”

  8. I wonder if Mr. Clay will revisit his statements regarding “race card” as indication of weak factual arguments the next time a member of his caucus pulls it out of his sleeve. Or, saints preserve us, he tosses onto the felt.

  9. I don’t think AOC and her cabal care that much now about appealing to the general populace. The first step for them is the takeover of the Democratic party. In this they follow the established strategy of the Jacobins and Bolsheviks before them. The goal is not to seduce or talk us into anything: the goal is to impose their will on us all whether we like it or not.

  10. Ann:

    Don’t want to brag (oh, maybe a little), but I was way ahead of the curve and the WaPo on that. Please see this post from February 2019.

  11. miklos:

    I believe you are correct: AOC and company don’t care about that. Their war is primarily for control of the Democratic Party (as the link I put in my comment above this one to Ann discusses).

    But Pelosi and the other fellow Democrats AOC is waging war on care. They care, because they want to control the legislature (and the presidency) in 2020.

  12. You do the biggest, most badass thing you possibly can — and that’s going to excite people, and then they’re going to go vote. Because the reality is, our problem isn’t that more people are voting Republican than Democrat — our problem is most people who would vote Democrat aren’t voting.

    –Saikat Chakrabarti (via Ann)

    It depends on the most badass thing. You can get out ahead of your skis, as the saying goes.

    McGovern and his movement captured the Democratic nomination in 1972 but sailed off the edge of the earth for non-base voters. McGovern suffered one of the worst electoral wipeouts in our history. He lost every state except Massachusetts.

    Arguably the problem was McGovern — a decent, patriotic American, not a revolutionary with no scruples.

    I have trouble believing the majority of Americans want what the Democrats are offering these days, however much Americans may dislike the Donald.

  13. Kate,
    Great point on the WOC comment. I am waiting for people to stop calling Kamala black. Kamala is like her mom, Asian Indian.
    In the end, the term racist has no weight anymore. My child goes to high school at a very culturally diverse school Down Under and they make jokes about the term. In this part of the world it is not a forced diversity, it just is. Although there are discussions of race, it is not as mean, insulting and constant. People get along and still laugh.
    Neo, I still vote in the USA, but you are what I read, because you make the most sense.

  14. JHC…point of personal privilege please…Where in Oz are you?

    ‘Cos us expats always need more friends. 😉

  15. I would also argue that Pelosi, no stranger to internecine warfare, cares immensely about the lost legislatures & statehouses across the US under 0. How many thousand lost seats in 50 states? So when the 4 horse-butts of the apocalypse raise hell they damage the brand nationally and risk some of those blue state blues spreading.

  16. I think shikat is off his rockers. Never say never, but there have been communists and socialist’s before him who have failed badly. Do these people look at what is happening in Europe lately between the yellow vests and elections?
    I understand what he is talking about regarding the devide in San Francisco, but when you have millions in your pockets and you are a large part of the problem, no one trusts you. And when your goal is not to provide ‘right now’ for the have nots, you are clueless. He has had a lucky, privilege existence and lives in a bubble.

  17. There will be a backlash.

    I shudder to think what form it might take.

    On the other hand, maybe sanity (all things being relative) will be able to endure, at least in the U.S., where one might hope that a sense of proportion, decency and fair play will, along with good-natured determination, carry the day…. Well, one can hope.

  18. Saikat Chakrabarti, AOC’s chief of staff, has made the news lately and not in a good way, but a very useful way.

  19. “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal,” [Chakrabarti] said, “is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.”

  20. “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti continued. “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

  21. My point was that Chakrabarti a hard-left ideologue and he just blew the climate change movement’s cover that they are only trying to fix an environmental crisis and save humanity.

    Conservatives have long viewed climate change as a trojan horse for the whole left-wing agenda. Chakrabarti just admitted this is so.

    Chakrabarti is the “brains,” if you will, behind AOC. He is a dangerous fool behind another dangerous fool. Keep an eye on him.

  22. Ah…the other land Down Under…;-) A lovely spot to call home if the earthquakes don’t get you. Long way from regional NSW.

    My condolences on the Cricket…

  23. I think the ladies the Democratic Party, trying to make bigger noises to trump administration especially when it comes to illegal immigrants.

    Let see the face from this show and you understand the fake feels and the looks of those bunch……..


  24. AOC is the millennial left personified: a shrieking brat with a superficial (at best) understanding of economics and history, no original ideas, no intriguing arguments and no eloquence in speaking. What she has is an Id sensibility and an inexhaustible drive to spew all of her immature, supercilious tirades throughout social media.

    Alas, for most progressive millennials, this is more than enough.

    The President played this little incident well. Very well.

  25. Race fatigue has set in across the land. Race obsession is viewed as a malignant pestilence. SJWs and David Duke inspire the same exact revulsion because they are all of a kind.

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