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Antifa and anti-masking laws — 35 Comments

  1. conservative journalist Andy Ngo told CNN

    They can’t report on this without lying about him.

    It’s become completely circular now. Antifa gives fascists what they deserve. Conservatives are fascists, obviously. Antifa attacked Ngo so Ngo must therefore be a conservative and (a fortiori) a fascist.

  2. The city of Portland allows (celebrates?) naked bike riding. Obviously, Portland doesn’t want to mask anything.

  3. Sure as shootin’ these ANTIFA and associated thugs are going to end up killing someone, as ANTIFA’s professed ideology and supposed mission gives them–in their heads–the permission to act out their violent fantasies and, as you can see, their actions are becoming more and more serious, and violent.

    Thing is, the commentary then goes on to say that, if and when this happens, the Mayor and/or police are going to have “blood on their hands.”

    This, of course assumes that the officials involved have some honor and a sense of shame.

    The problem with this prophecy is that–given the evidence of what has occurred to this point–neither the Mayor nor the police are likely going to really, truly give a damn about such a death, except how to escape blame for it.

  4. What truly surprises me is the information that regular citizens have been attacked (without provocation) and not a single person has sued. Are there no ambulance chasers in Portland? Not a single attorney to sue a deep pocketed city for civil rights violations? What’s up with that?

  5. Antifa is just a stalking horse. It is meant to lure you all into the streets so you can ambushed.

    Or just Brownshirted terrorized. Fascism always lands in Europe, eh! It’s been in the USA for awhile.

    Federal Reserve Act put together a private corporate entity, of profit, with State power.

    It’s been too late for American freedom for some time now. Want to take back your power? Even if you take to the streets, it means less than nothing.

  6. Not a single attorney to sue a deep pocketed city for civil rights violations? What’s up with that?

    Have you tried suing MS13, the mafias, and the IRS yet?

    You see, Americans think the “rule of law” applies somehow here. It does not to secret combinations and the rulers of the nation. The ruler is not the President nor your elected figure heads and puppets like Roberts.

  7. Such laws cannot be overly broad or they will constitute an infringement on free speech and/or assembly rights and would be likely to be struck down.

    And who determines that in effect? The Deep State? The IRS? Another Lois Lerner?

    You see, it doesn’t matter what “laws” people create, when the Deep State interprets the law however they wish, and lawyers get the profit from either side winning.

    The whole setup reminds me of Alphabet and Facebook. They create these problems, which create the Reichstag reaction to the problem, which creates the fascist power over take.

  8. Not a single attorney to sue a deep pocketed city for civil rights violations?

    Lightning: Good point and at least one attorney is on the case. It’s taken a while, too long really, for conservatives to start fighting back with teeth. But it’s happening.

    Goodnight everyone except Antifa criminals who I plan to sue into oblivion and then sow salt into their yoga studios and avocado toast stands until nothing grows there, not even the glimmer of a violent criminal conspiracy aided by the effete impotence of a cowed city government

    “Andy Ngo’s Lawyer Just Threatened to Sue Antifa Thugs ‘Into Oblivion'”

  9. Though I doubt Antifa are much into yoga studios and avocado stands, though some of their fans are.

    Antifa is this century’s version of the Weather Underground (who weren’t into New Age hippie stuff except drugs) only Antifa is not nearly as smart or effective.

    Antifa is a symptom. The Weathermen were strategists.

  10. Virginia has an anti mask law but you didn’t see the police enforcing the law during the Charlottesville riots. Virginia also has a monuments law that prohibits the removal of monuments. We also have a democrat governor and attorney general who only enforce laws they like. They call it prosecutorial discretion.

  11. “And of course, if passed, they must be enforced to have any teeth, and the penalties must be strong enough to act as some sort of deterrent. If the city of Portland is unwilling to stop Antifa demonstrators from beating someone up, I can’t see that authorities will be willing to arrest those same people for merely wearing masks.” – Neo

    Well, some police, some time, some where, did enforce mask laws…




    Bhatt joined protesters dressed completely in black, some with their faces covered by masks — a tactic known as “black bloc” that aims to unify demonstrators’ efforts and hide their identities.
    And with them, Bhatt got arrested.

    He was rounded up with more than 200 other people and charged with a felony for inciting a riot. He has said he didn’t engage in any violence and has pleaded not guilty. A federal indictment charges individuals in the group with starting fires, property destruction and physical violence that erupted on the streets as the 45th President of the United States took his oath of office.
    Many of those arrested identified themselves as part of the Antifa movement. Its name derives from “anti-fascist,” and it has come to represent what experts who track these organizations call the “hard left” — an ideology that runs afield of the Democratic Party platform and supports oppressed populations as it protests the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites.
    Antifa activists, who operate without any centralized leadership, told CNN that their goal is peace and inclusivity.

    You can’t make this stuff up.

    Activists don black bloc, Crow said, as a means to an end.
    “People put on the masks so that we can all become anonymous, right? And then, therefore, we are able to move more freely and do what we need to do, whether it is illegal or not,” he said.
    And that means avoiding police, whom many Antifa members see as an enemy, as well as skirting the scrutiny Antifa activists often get from alt-right trolls on the Internet. Black bloc, one member told us, also unites the movement.
    “Even though it only takes one person to break a window, it doesn’t matter because the bloc moves together,” said a 26-year-old named Maura, who wouldn’t give her last name.

    Because breaking windows is so peaceful and inclusive.

    “We cover our face because the Nazis will try to find out who we are. And that is a very bad thing because they harass people,” he said. “We’re trying to stop them from organizing. … When they organize, they kill people, they hurt people, they fight people. And we’re the ones who are fighting back.”
    It’s a position taken by many Antifa activists: “This is self-defense.”
    Antifa activists often don’t hesitate to destroy property, which many see as the incarnation of unfair wealth distribution.
    “Violence against windows — there’s no such thing as violence against windows,” a masked Antifa member in Union Square told CNN. “Windows don’t have — they’re not persons. And even when they are persons, the people we fight back against, they are evil. They are the living embodiment, they are the second coming of Hitler.”

    It’s not like they have been hiding what they are, even if they do hide who they are.
    So: how many of the perfectly ordinary conservatives, and journalists (not the Proud Boys or White Nationalists), that Antifa consider to be “Nazis” have actually (a) instigated violence; (b) punched back?
    According to the media about Ngo (and Covington Cath, remember) is that “because you exist you are committing violence.”

    Antifa members also sometimes launch attacks against people who aren’t physically attacking them. The movement, Crow said, sees alt-right hate speech as violent, and for that, its activists have opted to meet violence with violence.

    The post was from 2017, why the update? Antifa were the counterprotestors, weren’t they? So nice that CNN believes them so implicitly.

    “Updated 9:46 AM ET, Fri May 3, 2019”
    Editor’s note: This story has been updated to clarify that counterprotesters say they are not to blame for violence at the Charlottesville protest. The story’s headline has also been updated.

  12. This is also a good report, by Jim Geraghty, which excerpts an older post by Kevin Williamson back when Klantifa (I like it!) started up in Portland:

    “The Oregonian chose the headline, “Portland mayor, police come under fire after right-wing writer attacked at protest” — a classic of the “conservatives pounce” genre. But the story they’re reporting is “gang of masked assailants beat man in park as police watch.” Or perhaps that sort of thing is starting to happen so often in Portland that it no longer qualifies as news.“

  13. We’re all Andy Ngo now — which will last about as long as the support for Charlie Hebdo, and for the same reasons: The Klantifa, like the Jihadis, really are out to kill you.

    If You Don’t Stand Up for Andy Ngo, You Could Be Next


    Last week, James Fields got life in prison for the 2017 murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville. As far as I’m concerned, he got off light. Considering he committed his crime in a death-penalty state, he should consider himself lucky that he gets to live out the rest of his life on the taxpayer’s dime. I would’ve sentenced him to the needle, but I guess that’s because I’m a fascist.

    I don’t know a lot about Heyer’s political views, but I know she didn’t deserve to be hurt or killed for them. Most Americans would agree, or at least I hope so. But a lot of the same people who were rightly outraged by Heyer’s murder are now celebrating another act of political violence.

  14. As some other commenter said, you can be sure that, if someone who is being attacked by these leftist thugs pulls a gun–even if legally carried–and defends him or herself by brandishing, much less discharging it or–heaven forbid–actually wounding or killing one of his attackers, no matter what that person did in defending himself from attack, the law will come down on him like a ton of bricks, and he will end up with his life ruined, with massive legal bills, and/or in jail.

  15. P.S.–That’s why, if you carry and–and given your location or situation–think that you have a pretty good chance of having to draw your gun sometime, you might want to check out the apparently modestly priced insurance, offered by the NRA, to cover your legal defense and costs in a shooting situation.

  16. Snow on Pine:

    I’ll see if I can find the YouTube link to the Portland resident/journalist/videographer who defended himself with a pistol, no discharge, and was arrested. He was well known to the Portland Klantifa and their fellow travelers/enablers it appears.

    Klantifa has to control the narrative for their propaganda to work. It doesn’t do when one of their foot soldiers is knocked out cold when attacking someone with a collapsible baton, as happened before the 2018 election in Portland. Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys were involved in that incident. Must not have independent record of the Klantifa antics. Not good for recruitment …

  17. Couple of unoriginal thoughts.
    Why do cities such as Portland even have a police department? Many cities, such as LA, coined the motto, “To Serve and Protect”. What a sorry joke.

    Fox-on-line has pictures of three of the despicable group. They are not imposing physical specimens; and that is charitable. Either they have more robust thugs to do the take downs, so they can do the kicking; or else they only gang up on individuals that they manage to isolate. I suspect that an ordinary group of “Good Old Boys” would wreak havoc with that mob. Then, we know how that would end.

  18. The Klan’s violence didn’t end until people stopped making excuses for it and said it was flat wrong and it must end

    We are a long way from that with the left’s violence and Islamic violence.

  19. How do you think these little wimps would do against the Hong Kong Police?

  20. Huxley:

    But aren’t these Antifa working towards progress and for the good (no I don’t think you think that). 🙂

  21. Maybe it is time for the FBI to do to Antifa what it did to the Klan: infiltrate it. But I don’t have a lot of confidence in the FBI these days to do it right.

  22. From Instapundit:

    Antifa ‘milkshake’ recepie

    « MEANWHILE, BACK IN IRAQ: Reuters reports: Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi issued a decre…
    ROBERT GOLDBERG: Vaper Madness. E-cigarettes, while not a cure for nicotine dependence, can help … »
    July 2, 2019


    Authorities also posted an image of an alleged Antifa “milkshake recipe.” The recipe calls for soy milk, Quickrete cement mix, and “other chemical additives to cause long term injury and burns.”

    “We hope the biggie officers and proud boys enjoyed the shake back!” the “recipe” said.

    Ngo was so-called “milkshaked,” kicked, punched, and robbed during the attack.

    “Prior to the event, information was circulating that some participants planned to throw milkshakes on others. As the event progressed, officers learned from some participants that a substance similar to quick drying concrete was being added to some of the ‘milkshakes,’” the press release said.

    “A Lieutenant in the field observed some of the material and noted the texture and smell was consistent with concrete,” the post continued. “The Portland Police Bureau sent a tweet out to bring attention to this potential hazard and to encourage victims to contact us. The act of throwing any substance on another person without that person’s consent constitutes the crime of harassment (ORS 166.065).”

    The image of the “milkshake recipe” was then anonymous sent via email to the bureau.

  23. om—found what I believe is the mentioned 2016 video, of a man, Michael Strickland, 37, taking pictures of a large crowd—looks like many hundreds of people, could be a thousand—of “Black Lives Matters” protestors yelling “Black Lives Matter” and walking down what appears to be a main street in Portland, and many of them are masked.

    According to his WIKI bio, Strickland contributed blog posts to a website called “Progressives Today,” and he had a Youtube website called “LaughingatLiberals” with 20,000 subscribers.

    He was photographing with what appeared to be a “homebrew” setup—a camera inside what appeared to be a large plastic water container with a window cut out of the front of it.

    The video runs 12 plus minutes—only looked at the first couple, were he draws his gun when a group of “protestors” from the front of the crowd start to crowd around him, he pulls a Glock and aims it generally at them and, then, after they back off a little, he holsters his gun, and keeps taking pictures, as someone in the background says’ “just leave,” but members of the crowd keep moving in on him as he walks backward.

    No cops seen around during the actual protest (but with one undercover cop supposedly in the crowd).

    So, then, a dozen or so cops arrived in force—armored up the wazoo, long guns, batons—and arrested Strickland who had, by that time, moved a block or so away from the main crowd.

    Comment left on the video said he was later charged and convicted of 10 counts of unlawful use of a weapon, ten counts of menacing, and one count of second degree disorderly conduct.

    According to WIKI Strickland was ultimately sentenced to 40 days in jail, 240 hours of community service, banned from taking video of people or events for at least 2017, and is also banned from owning guns, etc.

    The WIKI article noted that his Glock was loaded with “one in the pipe,” that it had “an extremely large magazine” (and in parentheses after that statement said 120 rounds in multiple magazines) and then further down in the article said that he had five loaded clips on him.

    I do think that the five loaded clips thing was way too many.

    The Wiki article also mentioned that the was a member of ooh, “Portland State University for Trump,” and had been taking photos for Progressives Today during Portland State University’s “Whiteness History Month,” in April 2016 (as if that were some crime) and their were mentions that the had been accused of threatening and mocking some people, etc.

    A pre-sentencing memo claimed that he suffered from “Autistic tendencies or Aspergers.”

    Not, it seems to me, the best case for use of a weapon to defend yourself.

    The ironic thing is that some of the coverage of this incident was credited to, of all people, “Andy Ngo.

  24. So thats how Portland rolls. Keeping the streets safe and secure for progressive expression since 2016 and longer. Go and Ngo zones it appears.

  25. “Why do cities such as Portland even have a police department?”

    To keep a battered bourgeoisie from getting out of line during public hearings as city council rezones their properties and increases their taxes.

  26. ” “The act of throwing any substance on another person without that person’s consent constitutes the crime of harassment (ORS 166.065). “

    Not an assault and battery?

    Some people, progressives by and large, really do have a much laxer sense of personal boundaries.

    Of course, in their particular cases, they may know something about their own specific value and dignity – or lack thereof – which is not quite so immediately apparent to a normal human. Though sometimes, a quick glance at them and a moment of observing their behavior reveals enough to make a rough judgment.

    Can there really be social amity with a set of people on the one hand whose psyches so crave attention that personal violations and molestation are just considered another more or less workaday form of it, and those on the other, who refuse to accept these assaults as the price of a theoretically worthwhile association?

  27. Perhaps these ANTIFA thugs are importing the delightful Middle Eastern habit of throwing caustic substances/acid in people’s faces, which is now “the new normal” in Londonistan.

  28. BTW–Look what we may have to look forward to, if these attacks–particularly these attacks with caustic substances–aren’t stopped, and hard.

    According to reports, the current rate of acid attacks in the UK is 15 per week, with the majority of them taking place in London.

    I ran across one article, discussing these attacks, but have decided not to link to that particular article, because it showed the results of such acid attacks, which were just too gruesome for public viewing, truly the stuff of horror movies and nightmares.

  29. Snow on Pine on July 3, 2019 at 5:16 pm said:
    BTW–Look what we may have to look forward to, if these attacks–particularly these attacks with caustic substances–aren’t stopped, and hard.
    * * *

    In another post, Neo linked her article from 2016 about Robespierre and the French Revolution. It seems very appropriate to this situation.


    Very early in the uprising that became known as the French Revolution, massacres had been perpetrated by the mob itself. During the Reign of Terror, revolutionary leaders Robespierre and many of the other Jacobins rationalized their use of government as an instrument of terror to prevent more terror by the mob:

    I’m not entirely sure which faction will eventually be playing the part of “government” — no one on either side seems to be preventing the terrorist attacks at the moment — but Antifa certainly qualifies as the mob.

  30. Conservatives’ views on Antifa appear to be changing to the more pragmatic, calling them communists & terrorists, rather than just “Antifa” or anarchists.

    Yesterday on his Periscope blog, Scott Adams (of Dilbert & “How to Win Bigly” fame) called for the death penalty for any Antifa member who strikes anyone in the head…

    I won’t be surprised if America’s military gets involved soon.

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