Home » SJWs and the Wayfair beds


SJWs and the Wayfair beds — 33 Comments

  1. If I were the owner, I would have stood up in front of the crowd and announced that anyone not back at work in 15 minutes would be fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant, er, undocumented worker. Have a nice day.

  2. As I’ve said before the best approach for these companies that become targets of these nutjobs is just to ignore them. Real people don’t care about this stuff and I would bet most of the time they never even here about it.

    In fact when the companies respond they create their own little version of the Streisand Effect.

    Just say nothing and wait for the nutters to move on to their next outrage in a day or two.

  3. The total lack of logic is what got to me. Children are sleeping on the floor! If we sell them beds, they won’t sleep on the floor any more! We can’t have that!

  4. Wayfair should replace any worker who did not report to work.

    As for the SJWs — they are insane and evil.

    Tijuana authorities investigating migrant groups trying to buy children to cross into the United States

    the democrats could solve this problem in a single day, but they called the crisis a “manufactured crisis”. And Obama/Biden built the “cages” of the “concentration camps”.

    If the democrats win the House again, or the Senate, or the Presidency this nation will cease to be great, free, and prosperous. And an electorate deserves what they elect. Consider Venezuela — the criminals were elected because they promised “free stuff”.

  5. 1. Get a useless college degree with a whole lot of debt.
    2. Get a low-paying job at Wayfair.
    3. Feel bad about your life.
    4. Turn SJW to make yourself feel important.

  6. Maybe if they knit their brows they can find justice. But II may be twisting comment threads. Knotty problems.

  7. Wayfair execs should have said–as the idea of such a walkout percolated around their offices–that they would be taking note of who participated, and that participation in such a walkout would have an effect on their evaluation of each employee who “walked out.”

    Alternatively, if possible, if they could do so and continue to carry on business, they should have just fired the whole lot of them.

  8. As with any company, Wayfair has a duty to the shareholders. So it has to sell is products to make profits, and it also has to maintain a middle ground, to not attract negative political controversy that would damage the brand. It’s also unwise to summarily dismiss employees, especially in areas where unemployment is so very low that replacements are hard to find.

    It’s too bad that our government does not have a shareholder mentality here, where it recognizes that its first duty is to the citizens of this nation. Instead, we are taking on ever greater obligations to foreign non-citizens. This is the equivalent of a corporation issuing more stock, which causes the share price to drop, and the existing shareholders all have losses.

  9. My dad’s safe space was an ocean going tug boat. Mine was the battle star.

  10. om on June 29, 2019 at 4:44 pm said:
    Maybe if they knit their brows they can find justice. But II may be twisting comment threads. Knotty problems.
    * * *
    I’m guessing you believe that the Ravelry people won’t be making Wayfair any bedspreads.

  11. Ymarsakar on June 29, 2019 at 9:43 pm said:
    * * *
    That was an interesting article, especially the description of “scientific attitude” as an antidote to false beliefs, which is correct and useless, as the author describes.
    However, he includes “climate change deniers” in with the flat-earthers (globe-deniers) without a trace of cognizance that the AGW crowd are the ones who actually exhibit the non-scientific characteristics he attributes to the flat-earth believers, and the “climate change deniers” are the ones looking at actual evidence and not finding the looming apocalypse therein.

    very day in the media we see once-unthinkable science headlines. More than seven hundred cases of measles across 22 states in the U.S., largely due to vaccine deniers. Climate change legislation stalled in the U.S. Senate—due mainly to partisan politicians who routinely confuse climate and weather—even as scientists tell us that we have only until 2030 to cut worldwide carbon emissions by half, then drop them to zero by 2050. And, in one of the most incredible developments of my lifetime, the Flat Earth movement is on the rise.

    To make matters worse, scientists (and others who care about it) have not really found an effective way of fighting back against science denial. In this “post-truth” era—with headlines like “Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds”—it is an open question how to convince people who reject evidence, not just in science, but also on a host of other factual matters.

    He also laments the “post-truth” era with a straight face, but I suspect anyone writing for Newsweek subscribes to the “truth is relative” ideology if the Left, so it is ironic to see him complaining that the “deniers” have co-opted it for themselves.

    A better way to respond is to stop talking about proof, certainty, and logic, and start talking more about scientific “values.” In my book The Scientific Attitude: Defending Science From Denial, Fraud, And Pseudosience, I defend the idea that what is most distinctive about science is not its method but its “attitude”: the idea that scientists care about evidence and are willing to change their views based on new evidence. This is what truly separates scientists from their deniers and imitators.

    The method is inseparable from the attitude.
    The sustained effort to suppress any evidence that contradicts the views of the “climate change” proponents may be the best argument for his assertion though, since the AGW alarmists are doing their best to keep people from changing their views based on evidence, by preventing them from seeing it.

    You can’t wish away the Hockey Stick and East Anglia’s conspiracy to deny publication to anything contradicting AGW, so-called before it became the unfalsifiable “climate change.”


    You can, however, Wikipedia them away, if you are willing to use Michael Mann and the EPA as character references for CRU.


  12. Yesterday the SJW’s Portland OR Antifa Blackshirts (Sturm Abteilung) swung into action attacking the independent journalist Andy Ngo during a mob march through downtown Portland. https://mobile.twitter.com/MrAndyNgo

    Shortly thereafter the twitter blue check weiche Sessel und Tastaturabteilung entered the fray in support of their little monsters on the ground.

    Shem Horne has the coverage: https://mobile.twitter.com/Shem_Infinite/status/1145123787651866625

  13. That was an interesting article

    To me, it was like watching people in a zoo, making fun of people in a zoo, while I’m watching visitors to the zoo make fun of the zoo too.

    However, he includes “climate change deniers”

    The Fruit cotton surprise.

  14. The Wayfair thing is just bewildering. If the news stories are correct, the children who will sleep on those mattresses arrived in this country unaccompanied. What is it that the SJWs think is being done wrong here? Would they rather have the government turn those children loose into the country alone and homeless? Would they rather have them sleep on the floor? I can’t understand this one at all. I’m not quite cynical enough (yet) to believe that the SJWs really do want the children to be left without shelter and beds so they can rant at the government for failing to care from them — but if not that, what?

  15. Will we ever get the final story about Wayfair? Did the management cave to the SJWs? If so, I’m done with Wayfair.

    On Monday, Wayfair management responded with an internal statement, saying that “it is standard practice to fulfill orders for all customers and we believe it is our business to sell to any customer who is acting within the laws of the countries within which we operate.” The statement added, “[T]his does not indicate support for the opinions or actions of the groups or individuals who purchase from us.”

    Unsatisfied with that response, employees called for a walkout on Tuesday morning.

    With the understanding that choosing to deny certain customers service may be in violation of the law, the walkout organizers’ demands have shifted from the ones enumerated in the petition. The request for a code of ethics remains, but organizers are asking that Wayfair, at minimum, donate the $86,000 in profit it earned from the BCFS order to RAICES, a nonprofit that provides legal services to immigrant children, families and refugees in Texas.

    We’ll see what happens, I hope.

  16. Who the hell are there “protesters” to make “demands”–are they all even WAYFAIR employees?

    And why should they get to dictate which organization these “bad” profits should be donated to?

    If I were management I’d say, fine, since you are feeling so charitable, we’ll take that $86,000 out of your paychecks, say, a little bit each week.

  17. donate the $86,000 in profit it earned from the BCFS order to RAICES, a nonprofit that provides legal services

    It sounds like a racket.

  18. n.n on June 30, 2019 at 2:39 pm said:
    donate the $86,000 in profit it earned from the BCFS order to RAICES, a nonprofit that provides legal services

    It sounds like a racket.
    * * *
    It is a racket, very similar to the ones run by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
    Also the Obama administration, which somehow managed to get hold of monies awarded in court judgements and, rather than making whole the victims (whoever they might have been), would send them to ACORN and its ilk to do “social justice organizing” — which ought to have broken all kinds of laws, and may have, for all we have been told.

  19. On the Crime and Religion thread, John Guilfoyle on June 30, 2019 at 8:10 pm linked this:

    “Godless Commies” is a riff on “an essay by Harry Stein about the continuing relevance of Eugene Lyons’s 1941 book The Red Decade because of its eerie parallels to the Stalinist tendencies of the 21st-century Left.”

    The original essay is worth reading in its entirety, and I have excerpted some relevant portions here and on the “candidates” and “Crime and religion” threads from Saturday.
    (“Intermezzo” didn’t seem to have much to do with the burden of Stein’s arguments, except insofar as Communists have penetrated the world of entertainment in general.)


    It may be that the best book that will ever be written about today’s progressive mind-set was published in 1941. That in The Red Decade author Eugene Lyons was, in fact, describing the Communist-dominated American Left of the Depression-wracked 1930s and 1940s makes his observations even more meaningful, for it is sobering to be confronted with how little has been gained by hard experience. The celebration of feelings over reason? The certainty of moral virtue? The disdain for tradition and the revising of history for ideological ends? The embrace of the latest definition of correct thought? Lyons was one of the most gifted reporters of his time, and among the bravest, and his story of the spell cast by Stalinist-tinged social-justice activism over that day’s purported best and brightest—literary titans, Hollywood celebrities, leading academics, religious leaders, media heavies—would be jaw-dropping if it weren’t so eerily familiar.

    Indeed, looking backward from a time when, according to surveys, more millennials would rather live under socialism than capitalism, it’s apparent that Lyons was documenting not just a historical moment but also a species of historical illiteracy as unchanging as it is poisonous, its utopianism able to flourish only at the expense of independent thought. On a range of issues, alternative views were defined as not merely mistaken but morally reprehensible; and among the elites who dominated the cultural sphere, deviants from approved opinion were subject to special abuse. Of course, having lived and worked in Soviet Russia, Lyons made distinctions about relative abuses of power. Under Stalinism, dissidents were liquidated, or vanished into the gulag; the American Left could only liquidate careers and disappear reputations.

    Really, RTWT.

    Leftist ideology & indoctrination is not a funny subject, of course, but this offering from a humor site is too good not to add some excerpts:

    Matthew Edwards, 41, was canceled early Friday evening after he was seen in his car singing along to “Remix to Ignition.” Mr. Edwards has not watched the R. Kelly documentary, but colleagues say he was aware of its existence and general content. He leaves behind his intersectional feminist wife Julia and two woke children.
    – – –
    Following a long battle in defense of a controversial Facebook post, Meredith Van Dorn, 20, finally succumbed to cancellation at her home on Thursday night. Ms. Van Dorn was surrounded by friends and loved ones who, upon her cancellation, insisted they always had kind of a weird feeling about her, actually. Ms. Van Dorn’s parents, Peter and Linda, would like their daughter to be remembered for her sweet smile and love of dancing, rather than her provocative feelings about Japanese toilets.
    – – –
    Simon Mulchfield, 27, was a rising journalist at The Atlantic. On Saturday he canceled himself at his parents’ Westchester home, after re-reading an essay he wrote in his freshman year of college about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Mr. Mulchfield leaves behind his uncanceled fiancé, Shayna Al-Ahmadi, who is fluent in both Hebrew and Arabic and whose undergraduate essays have been read before Congress. Ms. Al-Ahmadi remains grateful for their time together and notes that if Mr. Mulchfield had not canceled himself, she absolutely would have done so.
    – – –
    Morton Alan Cole, 58, was canceled suddenly on Wednesday morning, to the shock of all who knew him. Mr. Cole, a revered attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union, spent his weekends reading books by Roxane Gay and offering pro-bono legal counsel. The cause of Mr. Cole’s cancellation has been kept private at his family’s request.
    – – –
    Katharine Halloran was a well-liked medical school student at Columbia University with a lifelong passion for snowboarding. Ms. Halloran was canceled in a tragic accident on Thursday, after retweeting an article with a link to a different article by an author who once retweeted a known bigot. She is 24.
    – – –
    Amy Rosenzweig, 28, was canceled Friday for remarking, in a Bushwick coffee shop, that she admires Ivanka Trump’s hair. There will be no memorial service.

  20. NEO: In what universe does this make sense?

    Your deer is a lovely horse…
    Seems as if you prefer being confused than understand what you dont want to
    you want the answers you want, not the answers that are…
    thats probably more convenient than live is for anyone

  21. Clearly, the SJWs want (WANT!!!111!!!!!) the detainees to sleep on a floor (dirt or concrete), with NO beds or mattresses.

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