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The second Democratic debate — 40 Comments

  1. First of all, she lied about her experience in Berkeley schools.

    Berkeley schools were integrated before she was born.

    She is a nasty woman but the big money was behind her at the beginning. She did not do well and attention shifted to Biden. Her attack last night, while based on lies, maybe enough to weaken his lead. The likely beneficiary will be Warren. The Democrat “base” is crazy.

  2. Harris is trying her darn hardest to make herself look like some product of “I-survived-racism-back-in-the-day” type of hero. Parents, of Indian and Jamaican descent, are professors. Grew up in relatively liberal areas (Oakland, Montreal). Not sure which has more street cred due to their skin color (that’s how Harris wants to role), Obama or Harris.

  3. “…product…”

    Heh, her father’s reportedly really ticked off at her because she makes it sound as though he didn’t succeed due to his own efforts and abilities, nor raise his daughter to succeed nor offer her everything he was able to offer her.

    She has no shame.

  4. Harris is trying her darn hardest to make herself look like some product of “I-survived-racism-back-in-the-day” type of hero.

    It worked for Obama, didn’t it? Early on there was doubt among blacks that he was “genuine” but as soon as he looked like a winner, they fell into line.

  5. She may have won the debate — if you can call these things debates — but I’d be curious if she has won over the primary voters?

  6. Plus, Harris insulted her Jamaican family by implying that they were all marijuana smokers. Her father called her out on that publicly.

    We just won’t know what Democrats want until they actually have some primaries. I don’t have confidence in polls at all.

  7. Harris is trying her darn hardest to make herself look like some product of “I-survived-racism-back-in-the-day” type of hero.

    That’s been percolating for 35 years. In 1982, she went to the trouble and expense to enroll at Howard University. Howard is a private research institution, but it doesn’t have much cachet. It appeals to the niche who want to attend an HBCU, Presumably, she could have attended a Canadian university at less cost and with less inconvenience, or perhaps reacquired in-state status in California. The disreputable Mr. Sailer has suggested that mulattish types like Eric Holder and Barack Obama have been drawn to black nationalism out of status anxiety, noting, for example, that Barack Obama sat in Jeremiah Wright’s congregation for 20 years while Oprah Winfrey attended for a short time and decamped elsewhere. Another example is Marilyn Mosby, the cafe-au-lait colored loon who is state’s attorney in Baltimore, actually grew up in Boston. She couldn’t be bothered with UMass Amherst or UMass Lowell. She migrated to Alabama to attend the Tuskeegee Institute.

  8. I thought Kamala’s attack on Biden was too filled with hyperbole and lies to be taken seriously. Biden didn’t praise Senators Eastland and Talmadge. He merely pointed out that he disagreed with them about many things but could work with them. That is apparently not allowed in today’s Democrat scheme. Also, the MSM are all calling Eastland and Talmadge Republicans today. Wrong ! They were both Dems. I thought Biden did a decent job of defending himself and was surprised to see how many pundits and journalists (I use the term loosely) thought Harris had scored big. How, I ask? Do lies and hyperbole trump the truth? I guess so.

    Bernie was downright scary as he made himself “PERFECTLY CLEAR.” What he made clear was that he knows nothing about economics or human nature. Like all demagogues he is assured that he knows so much, but so much of what he believes is very, very wrong.

    I laugh at those (all of them last night) who want to give health care to illegals. They obviously don’t know the law. Through the magic of EMTALA we are providing health care to illegals now. The illegals know it. ERs are where they get their health care. In fact, through EMTALA we have universal health care now. It is just about the most inefficient way of delivering health care, and has screwed up our medical cost system beyond repair. But no one mentions it or even suspects it might be THE major problem in our health care system. Sigh.

  9. Early on there was doubt among blacks that he was “genuine” but as soon as he looked like a winner, they fell into line.

    He was raised in Honolulu’s haolie society, and his real loyalties run to professional-managerial class social sets built around Chicago’s non-profit sector and especially to mulattish old-money patricians in Valerie Jarrett’s circle. But he was black enough, a Democrat, and he married Mooch. The points add up. Bill diBlasio has a black wife, but he’s not black enough nor comfortable in his own skin. Herman Cain and Ben Carson are black in a straightforward way and married to black women, but they lose most of their Pokemon points from being Republicans.

  10. The Democrat “base” is crazy- I’m sorry, I think you misspelled “evil.”

  11. I was at the University of California Berkeley in the 60s… 65-71… and I can say with certainty that the Berkeley High School she references was utterly and completely intergrated right down to the active Black Panther cells. Busing myass.

  12. Who is the ‘they’?

    No clue why people’s fantasy line-up of presidential candidates includes Michelle Obama. I haven’t seen any indication she’s interested in much other than her daughters, recreational travel, and decorative arts. Not quite Barbara Bush, but perhaps Caroline Kennedy (who was told by Gov. Patterson in New York that she had to pay her dues if she wanted a US Senate seat). Pat Buchanan’s assessment from a distance ca. 2010 was that she was ‘not a happy camper’ and that her husband might leave office after one term because the whole ecology irritated her so.

  13. I heard a brief cut of a back-and-forth between Harris and Biden on my way home and, as J.J. said all the pundits were talking about how Biden totally blew the exchange. I, too, picked up on J.J.’s observation that Biden was describing the old fashioned idea of actually working with people you don’t like to get a desired outcome. He was also insisting that those were local decisions. That used to have a lot of cachet in this country. Harris responded with an emotional argument (or. more accurately, outburst). I thought Biden won the intellectual half of the exchange but lost the emotional side badly—-and apparently that’s the winning side nowadays. On the other hand, MY observations probably do no more than emphasize my slow cultural fade.

  14. But wasn’t Marianne Williamson a wonderful, wacky tonic to the proceedings. I’ve read she was the most-googled candidate after the debate.

    Mr. President, if you’re listening, I want you to hear me please: You have harnessed fear for political purposes, and only love can cast that out. So I, sir, I have a feeling you know what you’re doing. I’m going to harness love for political purposes. I will meet you on that field, and sir, love will win.

    Preach it, sister!

  15. I don’t get it.
    5th grade was MANDATORY!
    School was integrated…boys AND girls! Quick and slow, rich and poor. Children of EVERY color, every religion, every politic, in the district.
    School was 8 miles away at the end of a 10 mile route.
    I had to endure forced busing as well
    “Where’s the beef”?

  16. Berkeley has only one high school, and it was fully integrated during the 1960s and earlier. However, the elementary schools were not. Berkeley began busing elementary school students in 1968. I was a 5th grader in Berkeley at the time, and I was bused to a school that had previously been 95% black. As a white girl, I experienced verbal and, to a lesser degree, physical abuse from black students. It was a pretty bad three years that I spent in that environment. Personally, I feel my rights were violated. I do not think that children should be treated as public resources and parcelled out for the supposed benefit of others. BUT Harris is truthful in saying that Berkeley began busing K-6 graders in 1968, as a way of desegregating its elementary schools. She may be fudging just a bit on how necessary that was for her own success, given that her mother was a research scientist.

    Here’s a link from the school district:

  17. My daughters went to elementary school in the ’70’s. Kindergarten class for my oldest was mostly 95% white, nice size class. Lots of cooperation and learning. In the first grade, the class was packed with at least 50% black students bussed in from the projects. Pandemonium ensued. Luckily, my daughter has amazing powers of concentration and did fine due to her teacher realizing that she could already read at the 3rd grade level and giving her a specialized curriculum. Most of the teachers at that school were mostly middle-aged women who had been teaching since the 50’s and knew what education was supposed to provide. I volunteered to help students in the school with reading, and body management, and was amazed, in my sheltered way, at the difference in students’ readiness for school and socialization. I’m happy to say that in spite of everything, both of my daughters’ best friends were black girls whose parents made sure they absorbed the education they were provided. I must give credit to the teachers who still knew the curriculum that should be taught to elementary students. In later years, the teachers were not the same.

  18. Points to Susanamantha for spelling “bussed” the correct way (IOW, the way I learned to do it, back in the heady days of good education).
    However, we old fogeys (fogies?) are in the minority, for an odd reason.


    Oddly, the singular “fogy” has no “e,” so I would opt for “fogies” as a parallel with “body/bodies” (not bodeys !!).
    No wonder kids can’t read; our pluralization system is not very systematic. Mouse/mice but house/houses; there is a trend underway toward mouses, which is much more rational, and one I would support if it didn’t mess up my favorite nursery rhymes.


  19. “Like most Americans, I didn’t watch it.
    But I have read about it (like most Americans?)” – Ne

    If the commentary on past debates is precedent enough, the few (by no means most) Americans who read about the current ones will only know what the press presents, and what they believe happened will have little congruence with what actually did occur, what with pundit bias plus the partisan spins going different directions. A selection of Dem complaints about … Dems.




    The Democrats don’t seemed to have learned that cutting down your opponents to make points is a despoiling move for the general election, which could drive voters to the Republicans (MAGA!) despite who eventually gets the Dem nomination.
    In 2016, the GOP field were so busy chopping at each other, they didn’t realize that The Donald was taking the lead until too late. IIRC, he didn’t suffer much damage from the barbs of the Right; it wasn’t until the general that the MSM started pushing damaging stories, but they didn’t weigh him down as much as Hillary’s baggage did her.

  20. Molly Brown: Thanks. As an ex-surfer that bothered me, though “haolie” is a better clue to the pronunciation.

    Natives Hawaiians often refer to whites as haoles. It’s not a terrible term, but it’s not nice either. Relations between Hawaiians and whites is fraught. It is ironic that Obama fit into Hawaii as a haole, not a person of color.

  21. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1144582555968114688.html
    Doc Zero

    The terrible photo DNC Media pushed for the past few days turned out to be not a “refugee” but an “economic migrant” who got himself and his daughter killed, before his wife’s eyes, because he decided to bypass the legal U.S. immigration system after his mother warned him not to.
    The man and his wife both had jobs and a home with his mother. They made very little money and understandably wanted a better life. There is no moral, ethical, or practical universe in which the people of the United States are required to provide it.

    If Democrats think the American people ARE somehow responsible for the entire population of El Salvador, then the solution they should propose is to remove its failed government and pampered ruling class and give us the POWER commensurate with that RESPONSIBILITY.
    There can be no responsibility without power. No one can ethically be held responsible for conditions they did not create and have no power to change – not individually and not as a nation. But Democrats think Americans should be penalized to help the ruling class of El Salvador.

    What would happen if America put together comprehensive plans of action that would actually improve the lives of economic migrants like the man who got his little daughter killed while trying to violate the U.S. border? Not just money but detailed reforms?
    Why, we would be arrogantly informed by the rulers of those countries that we have no right to tell the wise and noble Men of the People who run El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras how to manage their affairs! We are required to silently accept everyone who flees their rule.

    Nobody wants to invade Central America and “fix” it, of course, but neither should we allow ourselves to be invaded BY it. Our sovereignty is not subordinate to theirs. Our rights are not nullified by their needs. We are not responsible for people who ignore our laws.
    Sovereignty is what this is really all about: the intersection of power and responsibility. Every single Democrat candidate for president just told you American sovereignty matters much less than the sovereignty of foreign nations. Ours must be sacrificed to preserve theirs. /end

  22. Huxley–Well, it appears we have our first candidate who is in touch with God or something.

    I knew people who, back in the day, thought that Williamson was absolutely everything, and her books an infallible guide to how to live your life.

    But, for someone who is supposedly just smack dab in the center of “The Light,” spooky, hollow cheeked Williamson appeared to me to not be very healthy.

  23. BTW–Ask yourself, were these the attitudes, were these the words of American Patriots, of people rooted in and who passionately loved America, loved our Founders and their philosophy and ideas, our Constitution, our History and Heritage—and all of our citizens—or were they, in many ways, just the opposite?

  24. Natives Hawaiians often refer to whites as haoles.

    During the years I had to be familiar with the place, it was standard vernacular, and not pejorative. I heard whites use it referring to themselves.

  25. BTW–Ask yourself, were these the attitudes, were these the words of American Patriots, of people rooted in and who passionately loved America, loved our Founders and their philosophy and ideas, our Constitution, our History and Heritage—and all of our citizens—or were they, in many ways, just the opposite?

    Again, the loyalties of the professional-managerial element in this country do not extend to ordinary Americans, by and large. The degree to which they do is correlated with vintage, non-metropolitan residence, and distance from the corridors running from Boston to Washington and San Diego to Seattle. You have the same problem in Europe. The result is what the disreputable Mr. Sailer calls ‘leapfrogging loyalties’. A man trudging across the Rio Grande contrary to law is the object of interest and sympathy. A 7th generation American living in a suburb of Kansas City and working as a building custodian is an object of indifference at best.

  26. Huxley–Well, it appears we have our first candidate who is in touch with God or something.

    I knew people who, back in the day, thought that Williamson was absolutely everything, and her books an infallible guide to how to live your life.

    Snow on Pine: I studied “A Course In Miracles” back then, so Williamson, whose career as a New Age teacher started with the “Course,” was a natural for me, Though when I read her, I found her too vague to be useful.

    I still find the “Course” interesting. It’s a long work broken into three books, channeled by a Jewish atheist supposedly from Jesus Christ. It’s not the usual spiritualistic mish-mash found in channeled writing, difficult to describe. However it was written, it is a systematic exposition of a very counter-intuitive view of the world and God.

    The “Course” became popular and eventually there was a copyright dispute over who controlled the “Course” as a published work. One argument was that Jesus was the author, so none of the groups could claim control. The court eventually threw the “Course” into the public domain.

  27. You think that the current flood of illegal aliens pouring over our borders–more than a hundred thousand of them caught per month–is bad?

    Actually, that figure only reflects the illegals we catch.

    According to Border Control estimates, for each illegal they catch, three or four other illegals make it across the border undetected, and disappear into our country.

    Of course, with our current “catch and release” policy, even those we “catch,” get their “court date papers”–the Border Patrol calls them their “run papers”–have to be released after a few days and, then, they too disappear into our population, the vast majority of them, 90%, never to show up for their “court date.”

    Wait until the word gets out that the Democrats want to give all illegal aliens free health care.

    You know, when each and every one of those Democrat candidates raised their hands to affirm that they would give free health care to illegal aliens, what they were really telling you was, that they had every intention of selling actual American citizens out.

    Selling us all out in favor of a new up and coming voting block, the estimated thirty million, overwhelmingly Hispanic, illegal aliens already here in this country–and with Democrat, and with Republican help as well, many more to come.

    They no longer need you, you have been discarded and, moreover, it is you chumps who are going to be made to pay for those illegal’s health care, and for every other benefit the Democrats can possibly manage to give to them.

  28. P.S. Meanwhile, while all of these taxpayer funds are going to be diverted from benefiting U.S. citizens and are, instead, going to be used for the benefit of illegal aliens, these Democrat candidates also plan to take your private healthcare plan away from you and another hundred and thirty or so million taxpayers, and to replace it with a government run, “single payer plan.”

    Plain and simple, this is Socialized medicine in thin disguise, and we all know just how peachy keen such government “healthcare” is–see the VA.

  29. Well, that does it! That makes not one, not two, but THREE people in America who know the rule for adding a suffix that begins with a vowel to a verb that ends with a short vowel followed by a single consonant.

    For instance, bus -> bussed; bus -> bussing

    Susanamantha and Aesop, I think the Great Frog put you on earth so I wouldn’t feel so lonely. Bless you! 😀 😀

    Interestingly enough, the writer of the piece to which Neo links thinks the word is “bused.” (It is true that some of the online dictionaries give this as an alternative spelling. But dictionaries are “supposed” not to be prescriptive but only descriptive.) However, in Mizz Harris’s Tweet she actually gets it right: “bussed.” So I guess there are actually four of us who know the rule.

    Farther down, educationrealist feels it necessary to include the editorial “[sic]” to indicate what she thinks is Harris’s misspelling of the word “bussed.” And I have to say that her very title is a clunker: “More than Gotcha: Kamala’s Busing Blunder.” My tiny remaining brain cell tends to stick an “a” before “busing,” which would give us “K’s (a)busing blunder.”


    Another example that gets my goat: “combat” -> “combatting,” not “combating-rhymes-with-mating.”

    Aesop, when I were a young’un the word was spelled “fogey,” whence the plural would properly be “fogeys.” (Remember when skyscrapers having seven floors above-ground were said to have “seven storeys”? Personally, I still think a “story” is a tale or a report, whether written or spoken. Nothing to do with the height of buildings in Kansas City. But the world has moved on, leaving those of of us who are old fogeys to spell each other that way. 😀 )

  30. Julie – looks like we & Susanamantha grew up reading books at a time when correcting grammar and spelling were actually part of the editing process.

    I was amused at the explanation that “bussing” was discarded for “busing” because people who were being bussed to school would think they were being kissed, because, slang should always displace correct English usage.
    Guess there are some people who have never heard of “context.”
    And don’t get me started on the subversion of the perfectly lovely word “gay” to its current meaning.

  31. “Gay.

    Aesop, I think you and I could do a whole opera made up of rants about that horrible hijacking of such a beautiful — and useful — word. And in my wanderings in Cyberland, I’ve run across perhaps as many as ten. Maybe.

    Actually, I refuse to use the word as a synonym for “homosexual.” Thank the
    Great Frog I don’t live in Canada, where the use of pronouns is a matter for the attention of the legal system.

    I can’t imagine anybody except a few* word-nerds even know the word “buss.”

    *For some value of “few.” :>))

    I just deleted what would probably about 1/3 of a complete rant about people (nearly everybody) who think the verb “to shrink” is conjugated as

    shrink, shrunk, shrunk.

    Why is this so hard? It differs how from “drink, drank, drunk”? Same as for “sink, sank, sunk.” And more. [ Ending with “think, thank, thunk.” LOL ]

    But eventually I got curious: How long has this been going on? I investigated my books. Yikes! Here it is in — 1950 — 1934 — Holy moley, even as early as 1886, IIRC!


    I remember reading a remark that Helen Hayes made back in the ’50s or ’60s. She lamented that there seemed to be no good copy-editors anymore, going by what got printed.

  32. Since i am reading a course in miracles, i can verify its authenticity on my own authority, according to the holy spirit and the sons of god. Plus some recent socratic daemon channelings that have yeshua stating that the course was inspired. Yeshua is not the author. But much of him was in the teachings. Strangely enough, they say the same thing about the book of mormon and joseph smith.

    The book is vague because it has been veiled. Half of it i already checked off as obvious in my life. Much of it i had finished doing.

    The human channel is still human. They signed a blood dna compact to be the channel for this work. Perhaps it was to help the jews or the atheists. I dont know the exact details. There are many sages walking around like stealthed special forces. They tell me what i need to know when i need it. Need to know is a kingdom of god precept.

    Course in miracles is taken as scripture and a religion. Of course, what else did we expect from mortals? Humans create religions out of idols. We know this. This is a problem like breathing underwater is a problem. If you do, you suffocate. If you do not, you suffocate, lol. Ok…

    But eventually those of the right lineage and spiritual perception makes good use of the tool after descending to the earth. Think of it as airdropped supply caches to sf hiding in enemy territory. It is coded against tampering.

  33. To put it into modern lexiconic imagery, a course in miracles was channeled and written by humans, same as the bible. Humans were not the authors. It is a red pill designed to help humans hypnotize themselves into seeing the matrix illusion.

    Those in the matrix see it as delusion. That is accurate. Ego is divine, and the divine is seen as ego. Those outside the matrix, see the people in the matrix as enemies or opponents.

    “The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.” ~ Morpheus

  34. https://youtu.be/VA7l1dXQRJ0

    The view cooks women who refuse to be on their knees to leftist gods. I would think given big corp targeting of conservatives and ama alliance with o care, people would wake up to their real allies and enemies. Humans are of course still hitting snooze.

    M w is a conspiracist! Just like donald with jfk. Of course, this means she can win.

    Not that i watch zombies debating but the comments here motivated me to do some hilarious homework.

  35. Though when I read her, I found her too vague to be useful.

    To huxley, i often tell yeshua he is being vague on purpose in his teachings such as in that book. I get a msg forwarded to me to check the reactions to my internet talk.

  36. Ymar, I took counsel with the Great Frog, then went into a deep trance. Hovering about the fringes of my sight there five women, nattering on about some sort of — I dunno, I couldn’t quite make it out.

    But then, from beyond the Firmament, your spirit channelled itself into my ken. l was amazed, and I laughed happily.

    Ymar, J’accuse! I think I got your message: You gots a sensayuma! LOL

    Meanwhile, plizz to excuse. I gots to go order my copy of the book, along with the worksheets & whatnot. Toodle-oo! :>))

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