Home » Pinterest has apparently found a novel way to block conservative sites


Pinterest has apparently found a novel way to block conservative sites — 12 Comments

  1. If people attempting to access the post/image get a message saying “blocked because pornography”, and it is not, then this would seem like actionable defamation.

  2. Leftists are going to try everything they can to suppress conservative votes in 2010.

  3. You may not be interested in the gleichschaltung, but the gleichschaltung is interested in you.

    Here’s a suggestion. We amend state and federal law to give social media companies a choice: common carrier or publisher. Here’s a second suggestion: strip the federal courts of the franchise to define civil defamation out of existence. That just might persuade the Trust and Safety Council to get out of the publishing business.

  4. I think you mean in 2020.

    One thing we’ve seen in the last several years is that there’s no sort of skulduggery that partisan Democrats will not defend in fora like these. Siccing the IRS on the opposition is fine with them. So’s siccing the FBI and federal prosecutors. So’s horrid burlesques like the Kavanaugh fandango. So’s vote fraud. And confronted with the evidence, they lie and lie persistently. The post-Dukakis Democratic Party and it’s media wing is a fine example of a political movement which is, in truth, a reifaction of hostility and mendacity. The Better Angels project I’m betting will prove ineffectual if it isn’t utter humbug, because street-level Democrats are incapable of applying neutral evaluative principles to anything they say or do.

    I’m expecting they’ll pull out all the stops in 2020 and the election will be irretrievably tainted.

  5. Haven’t you noticed that whenever you see a commentator interviewing a conservative and a liberal that before you know their names or they have spoken you can tell more than 90% of the time which is which just by looking at their faces?

    The conservative has a happy mien, whereas the liberal looks angry or at least disgruntled.
    Their souls show up in their eyes.

    And if you looked at well-known liberals and conservatives as they aged over the period of a decade or two, you can see that the soul comes out and is apparent through their entire face. No amount of Botox can cure the look. It is the obverse of the Picture of Dorian Gray. True nature becomes apparent.

  6. Edward,

    That’s of a piece with the observation I read somewhere recently:

    Conservatives and libertarians use social media to post pictures of their pets and (grand)children; liberals and progressives use social media to post angry leftist political memes.

    Personally, I suspect this is partly why Facebook et al. skew their algorithms: of all the users they can figure out the political leanings of, 80% of them are leftist, so as far as they can tell they’re just serving their clientele.

  7. Conservatives and libertarians use social media to post pictures of their pets and (grand)children;

    Generally true. We have only one ordinary Republican in our circle who has much to say, and it’s comparatively light-hearted and segues into her humor posts. NB, she’s a spinster. We got a 2d Amendment missive the other day from someone whose posts are usually about family, travel, and Parrot-head stuff. For every political missive from that man, a cousin of his will post 30 from the other direction. Would qualify your remark by noting the Paulbot in our circle isn’t the worst offender, but he is an offender (and is one arrogant and opinionated SOB).

  8. The gleichschaltung – i.e. the incapacity to recognize realms other than the political – is a phenomenon you hardly see except among liberals. Nearly all corrupted associations have been corrupted by liberals. There’s hardly one exception. NPR, the ABA, the American Academy of Pediatrics &c. you name it.

  9. Nationalize Facebook — thru bankruptcy.

    Fine Facebook $1000 (or the maximum) for each privacy violation over the last few years. 87 million? 200 million? times $1000

    So $87-200 billion fine — they go bankrupt, their owners (especially Zuckerberg) loses their financial investment, the gov’t takes over.

    Spins off all prior purchases into separate companies (What’s App, Instagram, etc). Gov’t Facebook actually does put privacy first, with ads or an “at-cost” subscription model ($2/ month?), with a lot more competition.

    Break Google up thru anti-trust.

  10. Tom,
    There is also the approach of legislating the individual’s exclusive right to their personal data. I think this could be a great issue for Trump and the GOP. Right now you have to opt out, if you even can. The business plan for social media companies is selling their user’s data. People need to know they are giving that away for free. It all happened so fast most people don’t realize how much their privacy is at risk. Personal data should be on a ‘need to know’ basis with the individual deciding who can see/use it.

  11. Your vote…. probably does not matter. Media matters and Soros and Deep State and whoever offed Andrew Breitbart, took care of all that.

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