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That long-awaited declassification — 36 Comments

  1. I’ll wait until I see it. And there are some people, especially some people in Congress and the media, who will never accept the truth because they love the narrative too much, and hate losing so much.

  2. I think that the first problem here is that there may not be a lot of people–who are not politics junkies–who are going to take the time to plow through what is likely to be a lot of pages of information.

    Information, moreover, whose significance may be hard to understand, unless you are familiar with a lot of the details of the elements of the coup, the law, legal terminology, and government paperwork.

    The second problem, it has always seemed to me, has been one of timing.

    I can see how Trump would not have wanted to declassify and release these documents before the Mueller Report was issued because, if he did that, he could pretty plausibly be accused of trying to “interfere with the investigation” and/or “obstruction of justice.”

    Now that the Report has been issued, this no longer a problem.

    So, now the problem is, when would declassifying and releasing all of these documents have the most impact, and how long would it take for that impact to manifest itself?

    Thus, should Trump declassify and release these documents right now? Further along, during the Presidential debates? Closer to the election, or even a day or two before the voting?

  3. One would like to say “like a house of cards”…or “like a row of dominoes”.

    But one should be prepared for disappointment….

    (Still, one can hope….)

    At the very least, the Dems can prepare by studying the Voldemart episodes in the “Harry Porter” series. (No, actually, they don’t have to. For them it all comes so naturally.)

  4. The ‘declassified’ story is just slightly more likely version of the ‘they are all going to jail’ claims for me. I’ll believe it when I see it.

    In personal matters I find myself far less cynical than I used to be but in things like this it would be hard to be more cynical than I.

  5. Cont’d–Then, of course, there will be the MSM and other Leftist partisans, either ignoring the documents entirely–“look, a squirrel,” and “how about starlet X’s kinky new affair with those three midgets–poor, love struck “undocumented immigrants with disabilities” who were cruelly apprehended at our border by ICE, when all they wanted to do was to consumate their love with X”–and/or yelling, at the top of their lungs, that these declassified documents are either unimportant, or don’t really mean what they say on their face.

    Hard to find the truth among the blizzard of sheet.

  6. However, it does clear up, for me at least, Trump’s cool throughout this merde storm.

    True, Trump has slashed and burned his way through Twitter, but that’s not the same as weaponizing the Executive Branch against the Democrats.

    No, Trump was patient because he knew the Mueller investigation didn’t have anything on him and he knew he would have the last laugh when he got to play these declassification cards.

    Trump is more of a strategist then I realized.

  7. So many on the Right now sound just like those on the Left did during the “investigation”. Right – we’re going to get them now. Left – we’re going to get them now. No difference at all.

  8. Barry Meislin: We used to have a convenience Voldemart around the corner, but the kids stopped going there after the Harry Potter books came out and the store went out of business.

  9. Hmmm, sounds like just another victim of Amazon (but maybe it just rotated a bit, re-dimensioned, or went “underground”?)

    Whatever, a shame. Amazon no doubt will get its come-uppance (there must be a spell out there, somewhere)….

  10. It may well in fact be true that the GOP, or some of it, is getting a bit giddy in anticipation of the coming vindication (perhaps even redemption?)…

    …but they would do well to remember just who—and what—they’re up against; that they’ve already been judged; and that the verdict for half the country is “Don’t mess our heads up with no facts! We already know that Trump’s GUILTY, along with his deplorable supporters”….

  11. “Republican Congressman and House Oversight Committee Member Mark Meadows [stated that] there will be more information showing that President Trump was set up by senior officials with the FBI and DOJ.”

    As in the above, I see increasing instances of an inability to express oneself even minimally, in a grammatically correct manner. It’s becoming endemic, was “Idiocracy” prophetic?


    “So many on the Right now sound just like those on the Left did during the “investigation”. Right – we’re going to get them now. Left – we’re going to get them now. No difference at all.”

    There’s a great deal of difference. Not in the refrain but in the justification for it.

    The Left’s refrain was motivated by the hateful howls of the mob, manipulated by those who, through false witness, lust for power.

    The right’s outrage is motivated by witnessing a mendacious, seditious and treasonous offense against the rule of law that forms the foundation of liberty itself.

    The difference is between righteous indignation VS scheming lies that seek power through knowingly false accusations of criminality.

  12. Jeff Carlson, Epoch Times: UK Intel Agencies Frame Spygate Involvement Ahead of Trump’s Declassification


    *** Luke Harding, a journalist for The Guardian, had previously reported on the early involvement of UK Intelligence, noting that Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) was engaged in collecting information and transmitting it to the United States beginning in late 2015:

    “In late 2015, the British eavesdropping agency GCHQ was carrying out standard ‘collection’ against Moscow targets. These were known Kremlin operatives already on the grid. Nothing unusual here—except that the Russians were talking to people associated with Trump. The precise nature of these exchanges has not been made public, but according to sources in the US and the UK, they formed a suspicious pattern. They continued through the first half of 2016. The intelligence was handed to the US as part of a routine sharing of information.” ***

    *** “That summer, GCHQ’s then head, Robert Hannigan, flew to the US to personally brief CIA chief John Brennan. The matter was deemed so important that it was handled at ‘director level,’ face-to-face between the two agency chiefs.”

    The meeting was especially unusual, given the fact that Hannigan’s U.S. counterpart was then-National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers, not Brennan. Hannigan would suddenly resign as head of the GCHQ on Jan. 23, 2017, just days following Trump’s inauguration. The Guardian later reported on speculation that Hannigan’s resignation was directly related to UK intelligence sharing:

    “His sudden resignation—he informed staff just hours before making this decision public—prompted speculation that it might be related to British concerns over shared intelligence with the US in the wake of Donald Trump becoming president.”

    Brennan appears to have used the foreign intelligence to launch an interagency investigation of the Trump campaign. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper personally confirmed foreign intelligence involvement during congressional testimony:

    Sen. Dianne Feinstein: “Over the spring of 2016, multiple European allies passed on additional information to the United States about contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians. Is this accurate?”

    Mr. Clapper: “Yes, it is, and it’s also quite sensitive. The specifics are quite sensitive.” ***

  13. The Left’s refrain was motivated by the hateful howls of the mob, manipulated by those who, through false witness, lust for power.

    I remember Trum supporters howling and telling me that they “can’t get tired of winning”. Winning in politics usually means a lust for power and megalomania develops due to corruption of power.

  14. There are way too many people who would not believe even the most shocking of evidence about the actions of the Russiagate players, or would justify it and regard it as having been necessary and proper to get the evil Trump.

    I don’t think at this juncture that the political class or street-level Democrats have any serious procedural principles at all. What’s kosher is what gets Democrats what they want. What isn’t is what thwarts them. They’re fairly confident weapons will not be turned against them. The Democrats objecting to misconduct by agencies have one thing in common: they are over 70.

  15. The right’s outrage is motivated by witnessing a mendacious, seditious and treasonous offense against the rule of law that forms the foundation of liberty itself.

    I saw none of that outrage back in 2007 when I was talking about traitors in the State Department, the highest US government levels, and the US military.

    People were more outraged at my own comments than at anything their traitorous countrymen and women were doing in their name.

  16. To most people who don’t follow politics that closely, what they now know is that the Mueller report cleared Trump. And that’s enough for them, and they really don’t care about the details. So methinks the strategy should be to declassify all of this info in stages, so that each individual dropping takes hold and has an effect on those who don’t follow politics closely. If all at once, the details will overwhelm and get lost.

  17. ymarsakar,

    “Winning in politics usually means a lust for power and megalomania develops due to corruption of power.”

    Certainly that’s not uncommon among politicians but legally, they only act as the representatives of whom politics properly serves; the people. In its broader aspects, politics is simply negotiated settlement in place of force. Liberty assumes that we as a people share the same destination; liberty, justice and prosperity.

    Where a people may rightfully disagree is on how to get to our shared destination with time proving the resultant degree of efficacy in achieving our shared goals. When deceit is employed to achieve a destination wherein tyranny resides, then we may rightfully characterize it as inimical to liberty.

    “I saw none of that outrage back in 2007 when I was talking about traitors in the State Department, the highest US government levels, and the US military.

    People were more outraged at my own comments than at anything their traitorous countrymen and women were doing in their name.”

    Perhaps I err but I can’t recall you ever offering any proof of your assertions. Or do you imagine that we should swallow whole whatever you assert to be so?

  18. I do not remember exactly where but Trump has stated that he is holding on to information and will not disclose it until it will benefit him the most. The context of what I was reading made it seem that it would be very close to the election.

  19. Oh, please. There is obviously an on going, never ending, attempt to take down the Donald. Geesh, I have to keep defending djt. Yes he is crass and impulsive, but he stickes to his càmpaign promises, which I agree with. What more does one ask for?

  20. Above all else, after election the honesty of a politician is measured by how faithfully they pursue their campaign promises and how faithfully they honor their oath of office. By these measures, I find no fault in Trump.

  21. I do not remember exactly where but Trump has stated that he is holding on to information and will not disclose it until it will benefit him the most.

    Lightning: I recall that too but not the source.

    I’ve come to the view that Trump’s boisterous, smash-mouth style is a real part of his personality, but it’s also a distraction for his deeper moves.

    Don’t watch where the magician is pointing!

  22. Lately I’ve been watching a lot of old Larry Bird/Celtics basketball videos. One of the (many) joys of watching Bird is his fakes.

    Bird could fake the jock off a pro so bad, the guy would trip himself and fall to the floor. Then boom! Bird hits another jump-shot. Swish!

    Though it might surprise some, given his quiet Hoosier demeanor off-court, Bird was one of the worst trash-talkers on-court. He wasn’t nasty or stupid about it, but he could really get under the skin of his opponents.

    Some of it was his legendary confidence. Sometimes he would tell the other team what his next play would be and damn, if he wouldn’t do it … exactly. Other times Bird would taunt the opposing coach to find a player who could guard him.

    Trump and Bird weren’t twins separated at birth or anything, but I find the comparison interesting.

  23. Huxley,
    Trump is a Gemini, after all.
    Does anyone else find it interesting that Trump is to be hosted by the Queen on his visit to Britain next month? After last year’s snub? Britain’s intelligence agencies are involved in Spygate up to their necks. That Aussie diplomat, too. I think the Queen is being asked to do her part to avert an international scandal that could permanently damage the ‘special relationship’.

  24. Yeah…classified docs show a coup against Trump…but Christopher Wry is too stupid to know this and Jeff Sessions is a secret LGBLT socialist warrior whose boyfriend must Bill Barr because even he ain’t got no criminal investigation going.

    Jesus H. Christ.

  25. I think the Queen is being asked to do her part to avert an international scandal that could permanently damage the ‘special relationship’.

    Molly Brown: I do find that interesting. I’ll keep my eyes peeled.

  26. To the extent that the famed special relationship still existed British intelligence agencies wouldn’t abuse American politics, now would they? Ergo, fuck all that.

  27. Manju:

    You and Yammer need to coordinate your rants and special knowledge from the worlds of “not reality”. “Trolls unite and cast off your brains.”

  28. 2 years of collusion howling for the blood against a, ok not-innocent but certainly a man not guilty of Russian collusion, led by criminal deep state bureaucrats.
    Those were years of dishonest, knowingly untrue accusations.

    All folk who care about rule of law should be wanting the guilty to be indicted and tried — and maybe even some of those involved who, after a trial, will be called not-guilty.

    Funny how Trump was willing to let go of all this after the election, deciding not to go after Hillary — which I claimed and claim remains his biggest post-election mistake; tho it, too, might turn out to have been the optimal strategic decision, since the Dems really did not find any other crimes in the 2 year witch hunt.

    Cheating on his (lovely!) wife with a porn star or playboy bunny is no longer really considered a crime, tho it remains a part of his non-role model character. Like Bill Clinton, Johnson, and the terrible JFK (who is so deified).

  29. Perhaps I err but I can’t recall you ever offering any proof of your assertions. Or do you imagine that we should swallow whole whatever you assert to be so?

    This is an argument equivalent to saying you had no reason to perceive the truth as truth without somebody leading you to water and making you drink.

    Unfortunately, my job in life is not to lead camels to water and force them to drink. That’s somebody else’s responsibility and problem.

    If anybody offered “proof of assertion” when it comes to national treason, they would in a few days, end up like JFK, Breitbart, or any number of Clinton’s associates. That is the difference between a fantasy you call a conspiracy theory, and an actual conspiracy of mafia criminal organizations. The timing of a whistleblower or those who use such sources, is always touchy. Even Snowden had to jump outside the United States.

    Americans have become so lazy that they need somebody to offer proof of treason before they take it seriously? That is in itself an admission on your part, of some serious problems in internal American culture and mental thought.

  30. Or do you imagine that we should swallow whole whatever you assert to be so?

    Given that Leftists and Republicans believe in Cronkite, the US government, Never a Straight Answer, and fake news main sewer media propaganda reports on space and the moon landing… I imagine that I can claim the equivalent benefit of the doubt as all these Authorities in America that are believed on far less cause and track record of truth.

    The test was one of faith and belief. Would you believe an assertion without somebody slamming the proof in your face? Anyone could do so, with the evidence and the money in the bank. That is why it is a test.

    It is why the Israelites often times refused to believe their own prophets. THey failed their own test. Some strange person from outside their social circle telling them Doom is on the way and that they need to repent (change) their laws and policies and factions Or Else, sounds more like a threat than something they need to take seriously. The fact that reality turned out almost exactly as promised is perhaps a little too strange for most people to accept as fair or reasonable. It makes no sense.

  31. I do not remember exactly where but Trump has stated that he is holding on to information and will not disclose it until it will benefit him the most.

    Do you see, GB, that Trum is doing the same thing that you said I did? Making assertions but witholding the evidence or data for some agenda or reason that is unknown.

    Trying to convince the world by exposing all your assets and cards going on and on about a “global conspiracy” is a nice movie plot. In reality, if there was a mafia secret combination, few if any of us would still be alive if we were dumb enough just to give up our trump cards.

  32. Molly: Trum is a Leo Ascendant. ALthough he does have Gemini components. Well, many people have partial constellations. I like to think of it as RPG characters who have different skills and sources for attribute bonuses.


    The funny thing about Western astrology is that it uses the seasons and sky as it appeared in around 500 BC. That’s.. not really astronomy any more. It’s more like a Tarot card reading. Which is why millionaires don’t use astrology but billionaires do. They just don’t use the newspaper month by month horoscope.

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