Home » Now it’s Lynch vs. Comey


Now it’s Lynch vs. Comey — 12 Comments

  1. Among all the weasels involved in this saga Comey has to be the most weaselly. He plays both sides and he is by far the most sanctimonious of all of them.

    It would be hard to draw up a more perfect example of the career DC bureaucrat than this guy.

  2. If you read the Lynch transcript that Collins released you’ll find that Loretta speaks Bureaucratese fluently. She handles the word “investigation” like it’s a rattlesnake.

    Saint James and General Lynch – a love match made in heaven.

  3. They seem to be birds of a feather, the FBI/DOJ/Intelligence sneaks. And the Obama White House?

  4. Wouldn’t it be kinda nice if Comey has a few recordings stashed away?….

    (Or any of those other “goodly creatures”….)

  5. My money is still on Comey being the fall guy for Clapper, Brennan, Lynch & Hillary. He preens and pretends to such nobility…he’ll need the extra-long jumpsuit…but yeah…Barry’s right…wouldn’t it be funny if he had a few “memos” of conversations and recordings in his hip pocket…just in case…

  6. Wonder how the MSM is gonna spin this….

    Actually, one needn’t wonder: It’ll be “total radio silence” (i.e., ignore the story til it “goes away”)…but, hmmm, if that doesn’t work out too well, then “uber-creative obfuscation” is the name of the game; for example: “Look at what Trump made those extraordinary, selfless, patriots DO!! We’ll never be able to forgive him for THAT!”.

    Never forgetting that:

  7. “And the Obama White House?”

    To be sure, the Obama White House has a long history of subversion by misdirection, while using the knitted-brow pundits of the MSM as cover for the administration’s “scandal-less” schemes:
    – “Fast and Furious”
    – The IRS scandal
    – Obamacare
    – JCPOA –heh!! (AKA the Obama administration’s alliance with Iran)
    – Going after reporters and non-supportive media, e.g., Sharyl Attkisson, James Risen and, of course, Fox News
    – Going after supporters of Israel
    – And the grand finale—the cherry on the sundae!—UN resolution 2334
    – Lying to the media—and bragging about it with pride!

    For starters…

  8. “… I have never instructed a witness as to what to say specifically. Never have, never will,” — L. Lynch

    LeClerc hints at my quandary. In what way was Mr. Comey a witness on behalf of the DOJ? At the time he made the “matter” statement, he was a supervisor for investigators, investigating the “matter.” Not a witness. Sounds like a Clintonian dodge to me

  9. TommyJay on May 21, 2019 at 7:26 pm at 7:26 pm said:
    “… I have never instructed a witness as to what to say specifically. Never have, never will,” — L. Lynch

    LeClerc hints at my quandary. In what way was Mr. Comey a witness on behalf of the DOJ? At the time he made the “matter” statement, he was a supervisor for investigators, investigating the “matter.” Not a witness. Sounds like a Clintonian dodge to me.
    * * *
    Lynch says she said this: “I didn’t direct anyone to use specific phraseology. When the Director asked me how to best to handle that, I said: What I have been
    saying is we have received a referral and we are working on the matter,
    working on the issue, or we have all the resources we need to handle
    the matter, handle the issue. So that was the suggestion that I made
    to him. ” (transcript pg 17, also quoted by WashExam)

    Comey says he heard: “Will no one rid me of this troublesome investigation?”

    The discrepancy reminds me of the time Trump asked Comey to go easy on General Flynn, because he was a good guy; and Comey heard: “Stop this investigation if you know what’s good for you.”

    Maybe he just needs a hearing aid.

  10. Lynch is deliberately mis-leading in using the word witness.
    ” I said: What I have been
    saying is we have received a referral and we are working on the matter,
    working on the issue, or we have all the resources we need to handle
    the matter, handle the issue.”

    She called it a “matter” and an “issue”, not an “investigation”. Comey saying she told him not to call it an investigation seems solid here.

    They are both Deep State criminal bureaucrats. Both weasel-wording their “lies”. And altho Comey is the front man, Lynch’s illegal collusion with Bill Clinton, which I allege, plus her use of the Fifth Amendment already to avoid admitting some of her crimes, shows she’s also guilty.

    They’re all guilty, and they all want to say it wasn’t them. Just like a Mafia crime org — Barr should be using RICO laws on them.

    There should also be a new law that ends gov’t service benefits to those who refuse, under Fifth Amendment or “lack of memory” reasons, to testify about their gov’t decisions. There is supposed to be signed paper trails for this stuff, but top deep state criminals know how to avoid them.

    Like using a fake name when illegally communicating to an illegal non-gov’t secured server with Secret gov’t documents. (Obama is the top dog at risk…)

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