Home » Funny stuff: the Times and the Trump tax stroy


Funny stuff: the <i>Times</i> and the Trump tax stroy — 8 Comments

  1. Yeah, uh, sure, kevino (work with me here since we’re in the realm of risible stuff), stroy . . . it’s just the NYT forgot to include the “des” portion of their Trump crushing article.

    Yeah, that’s it. Just slipped their notice.

  2. The whole story is collapsing as people have been pointing out that all this was not only widely known at the time, but Trump even wrote a book about his fall and rise — “The Art of the Comeback” but announced his losses — and subsequent recovery — on the Apprentice. It’s hilarious!

  3. Or Neo’s.

    It was funny to read the headlines, following this ridiculous Times story, about how Trump had talked about his financial problems of that era on an Apprentice episode. Big scoop, NYT!

  4. Ha! My favorite line in that is “snipe hunt”! I haven’t heard that since I was in boy scouts and the older boys sent the younger scouts on a “snipe hunt”!

    Yea, from now on I am going to refer to what the Democrats and the Press are doing by looking for a “gotcha” on Trump as a snipe hunt.

    Or, maybe, they could go ask the Russians if they have a “bacon stretcher”?

  5. NYT doesn’t care that some people already know about the rise and fall of The Donald. They know that a considerable number have NOT, and will have exactly the reactions Neo suggested.
    Look at all the stories that have been debunked, sometimes more than once, which the Times and WaPo et al. continue to recycle, knowing there will be some readers who haven’t heard the rebuttals; others who have, and rejected the arguments against their story; and others who know they are rehashing “old news” and don’t care.
    You will remember, of course, that any time the Right brings up a story about the Left that happened sometime in the past (like, anything before yesterday), which are generally true accounts, the MSM dismisses it as “old news” and not worth talking about, because they can’t rebut it and don’t want it impinging on their supporters’ consciousness.

  6. OMG! Trump took chances! Sometimes he lost!

    I’m sure the IRS combed through his returns and got every last penny they could.

    There’s not there there, but that has never stopped the NYT.

  7. NYT owns many small town papers, which print NYT stories (and I mean stories) routinely. Those papers really don’t need much actual staff in this digital era.
    So the NYT is not only talking to libs like my brother, who reads the NYT like the Bible daily in Washington state; it is also talking to the Deplorables in Flyover Country.
    USA Today does the same, owns my local paper, which is fishwrap; even laid off its liberal op-ed people some years ago.
    So between their local pseudo-newspaper and the major TV networks, those people have no resource other than on-line.

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