Home » Is it time…


Is it time… — 17 Comments

  1. Exactly! I e-mailed a friend this morning that Hell had frozen over, because I agreed with Cher twice in two weeks. He replied that maybe age does indeed confer wisdom. Not totally sure whether he was referring to Cher or me…

  2. Alternatively and to my personal preference someone might begin to measure Bernie for a straightjacket.

  3. And measure Hildabeast, Comey, Lynch, Brennan, Klapper, Strzok, etc, etc for orange jumpsuits.

  4. Stopped clock … Blind squirrel …

    (I do wonder if she can articulate why Sen. Sander’s position was ridiculous. Still, it’s amusing to see even die-hard Hollywood icons showing signs of sanity.)

  5. A nice fantasy, but she’s gonna continue to hate Trump and speak in obscenities. What will be very interesting is the pushback against her from the Dems, and her responses.

    I suspect she’ll do a mealy mouthed half apology, and stop talking about it; tho she might also claim that Dems need to know how unpopular it is so she’s warning them.

    I’m wondering if any Dem will be “allowed” by the PC-Klan eLynch mob to disagree with Dem leaders.

  6. Granted, she’s shooting from the hip here.

    Nonetheless, in a way she’s trying to hold back the Democrats from stampeding off the Crazy Cliff in 2020.

    It’s not going to work. But it is interesting to watch people try.

  7. Cher in a MAGA hat? Neo, get ready to write your most explosive “Changer” essay yet!!

  8. And what is shocking her is the discovery that there is no place in the Left for a nuanced middle ground position. Either you are radical or you are out.

    After reading a lot of “Just Walk Away” stories, this is a common experience.

  9. Nah, she’s not changing sides. She not only deleted the relevant tweet, but then…

    Shortly after this report hit, the “I Got You Babe” singer reversed course amid criticism and said she reacted too soon and blamed her comments on a “knee jerk reaction.”

    “You’re right & I Know Those Stats, but When Bernie [Sanders] Said Boston Bombers, Murderers, Terrible [People] Should vote, I Had Knee Jerk Reaction & 4got times I Cried when Innocent [people] were freed after 25yrs.Most [people] of color. It Shames Me 2 see (Again) How Angst, Hubris & no sleep=Disaster,” Cher tweeted to her followers.

  10. She’s an example of the cognitive dissonance and extreme angst, many liberals and progressives (who are not hardcore leftists) face.

    The Democrat party, Democrat candidates and the leftwing MSM/punditocracy/entertainment complex continue to embrace more radical, more outrageous, more absurd positions that it’s almost impossible to keep up as to what the official party line is. It may change tomorrow.

    Cher’s reaction is akin to how 90+% of the population woukd have reacted twenty years ago. It’s in line with probably 60% today. These people are known as Republicans, centrist and center right independents, and the tiny amount of centrist and center left Democrats left.

    But it is heresy to the “Orthodox” Progressive dogma. Because….reasons. Many bogus reasons (racism, and every other “ism” imaginable). But we know the real reason: the Democrats and their fellow travellers want power. Uninhibited, unrestricted power, in perpetuity. Extending the franchise to EVERYONE will tremendously assist them in this goal.

    She erred in thinking independently and expressing her thoughts candidly and honestly. But the progressive guardians on social media have reined her in. It appears she’s already issued her mea culpa

  11. She’s an example of the cognitive dissonance and extreme angst, many liberals and progressives (who are not hardcore leftists) face.

    The Democrat party, Democrat candidates and the leftwing MSM/punditocracy/entertainment complex continue to embrace more radical, more outrageous, more absurd positions that it’s almost impossible to keep up as to what the official party line is. It may change tomorrow.

    Cher’s reaction is akin to how 90+% of the population would have reacted twenty years ago. It’s in line with probably 60% today. These people are known as Republicans, centrist and center right independents, and the tiny amount of centrist and center left Democrats left.

    But it is heresy to the “Orthodox” Progressive dogma. Because….reasons. Many bogus reasons (racism, and every other “ism” imaginable). But we know the real reason: the Democrats and their fellow travellers want power. Uninhibited, unrestricted power, in perpetuity. Extending the franchise to EVERYONE will tremendously assist them in this goal.

    She erred in thinking independently and expressing her thoughts candidly and honestly. But the progressive guardians on social media have reined her in. It appears she’s already issued her mea culpa

  12. Good catch Ann.

    Is the logic such that because 1% of convicted felons behind bars might be innocent, we should let them all vote?

    Oh, I forgot. We’re now operating on a higher moral plane than mere logic. She cried after all. And the crying was almost memorable.

    I was going to chide vanderleun ever so slightly, because we need rational thinking wherever we can find it. But nooo, pinhead it is.

  13. Neo,

    Most of the comments to the L.I. piece are exactly right.

    Too bad Cher recanted.

    And I wish she had left her nose alone. Changing that was a Big Mistake aesthetically. Everyone knows the Great Frog knows best.

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