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Sanctuary cities and Trump the Alinskyite — 52 Comments

  1. Trump is a political animal, this is his natural instinct, and he has no restraints (moral or ideological) in unleashing it. He is just as good in it as Alinsky was, and this means very, very good. At the level of Macciavelli, this embodyment of a politician.

  2. been saying that all along and finally the GOP including Trump and Mcconnell are catching up. GOP have been fighting the liberals the wrong ways. Don’t fight them, do a political jujitsu and expose their hypocrisy and lies by giving them what they want times a thousand. Liberals claimed moral high ground by irresponsibly making overly compassionate but impossible/insane demands knowing those reasonable republicans will turn them down and then deceitfully making the claim to the public that the GOP are turning down those demands because they are mean/racist/homophobic/sexist. Why not turn the table and make the liberals reject those impossible virtue signaling demands by giving what the democrats wants times infinitity and in ways that will hurt rich liberals.

    They want illegal immigrants, instead of deporting them send them to sanctuary cities and build containment walls around those cities, they can’t claim racism since the walls are within the country.

    They want high tax, sign an eo to impose a 100% income tax on everyone who are donors to democrats who demand high tax and registered democrats.

    They want absolute equality? Trump should sign an eo to completely ban gender segregation in sports and force people of all gender to complete together at every level.

    They want abortion, give them post birth abortion up to 10 years.

    They want social media censorship and big government? nationalize facebook and every other social media and hand them to FBI for a more competent monitoring and call everyone who opposes greedy corporations who are against hate crime prevention.

    they want medicare for all? give them medicare for all and make amazon/washington post pay for it, see if they still support it.

  3. silicon valley wants refugees? bring in 10 millions refugees every year and send them all to bay area and build a wall around it to prevent them from entering into other states and force the hypocrite liberals to be anti-immigration for once.

  4. Why did Obama put hundreds of thousands of immigrants with no skills and no desire for assimilation in red state locations, or at least with lots of “normal” residents. ie, not “progressive,” like Minnesota or Maine.

  5. Dave:

    You left out minimum wage. If $15 an hour is good, why not $30? Isn’t that better?

    Otherwise, I agree completely with your list.

  6. Trump has it right in this case. As illegal immigrants reach the end of their permitted stay in holding facilities, put them in buses, drive to the center of Palo Alto, and open the doors. Seattle would be a long bus trip, but that would be an excellent destination too.

  7. But if a city failed to make a distinction between, for example, “shoppers” and “shoplifters,” its merchants might have a few objections after a while.
    Here we go. The new DA in Dallas County in an open letter posted on the county website:
    Theft of Necessary Items
    Study after study shows that when we arrest, jail, and convict people for non-violent crimes committed out of necessity, we only prevent that person from gaining the stability necessary to lead a law-abiding life. Criminalizing poverty is counter-productive for our community’s health and safety. For that reason, this office will not prosecute theft of personal items less than $750 unless the evidence shows that the alleged theft was for economic gain.

  8. F:
    exactly, sign an EO to make the minimum wage of all sanctuary cities to be $100 per hour.

    Give all daca full citizenship but in exchange for pardoning their violation of the immigration laws they had to surrender their voting rights. They will enjoy every right and entitlement a normal citizen would except voting for the democrats, they could still vote for republicans though since the amnesty was signed by a republican president but they are obligated to, see if the democrats still want them.

  9. Christy – and here I was about to congratulate Neo on a brilliant analogy that pointed out the flaws in the Democrats position.

    Mike K makes the best point, though, and I’m not seeing it in all of the palaver over at NRO and Federalist (you laugh! Read David French’s recent tear-jerker).

    Mike K on April 13, 2019 at 3:44 pm at 3:44 pm said:
    Why did Obama put hundreds of thousands of immigrants with no skills and no desire for assimilation in red state locations, or at least with lots of “normal” residents. ie, not “progressive,” like Minnesota or Maine.

    A lot of people keep claiming that it’s illegal for the President to direct the resettlement of, um, illegal aliens, but that is exactly what Obama and all his predecessors did. I haven’t seen a statute citation yet.

  10. Dave on April 13, 2019 at 2:45 pm at 2:45 pm said:
    …GOP have been fighting the liberals the wrong ways. Don’t fight them, do a political jujitsu and expose their hypocrisy and lies by giving them what they want times a thousand.
    * * *
    If Dave will pardon my use of his comment, this suggests what Neo was saying about the transgender activitst “who are sparking a backlash among a lot of other people who would otherwise not feel much hostility towards them.”

  11. I think you’re mischaracterizing de Blasio’s statement. (And that of those mayors of the other cities mentioned.)

    What de Blasio’s really trying to say is, “Why would TRUMP want to send anyone to live in MY city?”

    (And if is, somehow, able to continue as commissar—I mean mayor—as it seems he will, he really does have a point. Yes, one might sympathize….)

  12. another suggestion, since democrats care so much about women, why doesn’t the GOP help the democrats out by drafting a law that simply outlaw men from sleeping with more than one woman at a time within a year, or outlaw all extramarital affairs, since this law doesn’t affect most of the religious conservatives and respect women, lets see how the democrats and liberals like it, lets see which party truly care about women, lets how much women respecting democrat like Bill Maher loves this new law

  13. Seattle is very big on not prosecuting many ‘low’ level felonies. It has lead to many homeless having been arrested 60-70 times in a short period of time and spending almost no time in jail. It’s the humane thing to do.

    Until they kill or rape somebody.

  14. the audacity of people like Bill Maher who treats women like sex toys to preach to evangelicals how they should be treating women is appalling. lets encourage young girls to not practice safe sex and have their reproduction organs destroyed before 25 with abortion as birth control by immortalizing abortion

    Why do liberals like Bill Maher love abortion and want the government to pay for it?

    Its because they hate condoms, love to ejaculate inside young girls in one night stands, and don’t want to pay for the abortions out of their own pocket.

  15. Why would there be homeless people in Seattle? Why didn’t Bill Gates teach them how to code and hire them at microsoft and invite them to live in his mansions, what a bigot for refusing to help those who are in need?

    These f**king tech people are so selective in their hiring process but want America to just accept everyone who wants to come regardless of credentials, why doesn’t Google hire everyone who wants to work there?

  16. The Dems think that because they have most of the media in their pocket, they can be infinitely flexible in their narratives and all of the pivots required to capitalize on the news of the day. They perhaps fail to realize that eventually the logic of their many positions crumbles into nonsense. (Alternatively, they may realize that many people simply can’t follow any kind of logical thinking.)

    Here is an interesting story about when Obama attempted to dump illegals into a small “red” town in southern CA called Murietta.

  17. This is more along the lines of “Trump” than “sanctuary cities” but I thought it was an interesting observation along the lines of countering the hypocritical guilt-tripping of the Dems and some Republicans toward Trump’s supporters.


    Today’s Question On CONLAWPROF: Where Would You Put Trump?

    Professor ZZZ asks: “Trump is not Stalin but in the history of national (federal) political figures in this country, I’m wondering … where [would] you put Trump? … Having a POTUS so publicly awful along those lines lowers the horrible bar so dramatically that we will pay for years to come. Not being Stalin but being Roy Cohn is a hell of a legacy.”

    Tillman responded:

    Professor ZZZ asks: “[W]here [would] you put Trump?”

    No new, major land war(s) in Asia—so Trump is ahead of LBJ.

    No missile crisis risking an exchange of nuclear weapons with a superpower—so Trump is ahead of JFK.

    No wars of national conquest—so Trump is ahead of Polk (Texas) and McKinley (Philippines, Cuba).

    No move to war after foreign power made full, reasonable efforts to amicably settle reasons for dispute—so Trump is ahead of Madison (War of 1812). Under Madison, we burned down the capital of British North America (York/Toronto), and they returned the favor in Washington. So Trump beats Madison.

    No wars against native American tribes—so Trump is ahead of [fill in the blank—many such presidents could be listed here].

    No wars based on poor intelligence or to prop up foreign absolute monarchies—so Trump is ahead of both Bush I and Bush II.

    Trump has not interned 100,000s of US citizens based on race—so Trump is ahead of FDR.

    Trump has not allowed a U.S. state or territory to go into civil war and then allow its government to be hijacked by the brigands who engineered the civil war—so Trump is ahead of Buchanan (Bleeding Kansas).

    I still don’t know why President Clinton blew up an aspirin factory or why Secretary Clinton permitted NATO forces and materiel to blow up Libya—so Trump probably comes out ahead of both of them too.

    Trump is ahead of Woodrow Wilson: World War I, and! his resegregation of the federal civil service. I grant you that being ahead of Wilson is not saying much…but then, the nation survived Wilson, and no one today thinks of Wilson as having lowered the bar vis-a-vis future presidents. Professor ZZZ seems to be worried about this. He wrote: “Having a POTUS so publicly awful along those lines lowers the horrible bar so dramatically that we will pay for years to come.” Really?—Will we pay for it in years to come, or is this just a shabby slippery slope-type argument?

    I cannot say I see much sense in Professor ZZZ’s references to Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn’s permanent claim to fame is his association with McCarthy and aggressive anticommunism. Trump, by contrast, has been criticized for being too close to Putin. It is not exactly the same; actually, the two are not alike at all.

    If words and pretty speeches are the measure of a president, then Trump comes up short. The question is whether that is the correct standard for measuring presidents in a dangerous world.

  18. modern liberalism is utter nonsense because they basically want segregation, one set of special treatments for liberals (hiding behind minorities and using them as their cover and reasons for special treatments) and another set for conservatives. You can call for the death of a republican president without repercussion but insulting a democrat president and you are dead meat. When a liberal say bad things he would all be forgiven but saying anything remotely bad as a conservative regardless of intention means you are black listed and denied of employment and respect for life. when Trump hating Johnny Depp accused of hitting his wife obviously she was lying but no when a conservative is accused of anything no matter how ridiculous the claim is the woman must be believed.

  19. Okay, I’m now officially in with the “Trump plays Go while his opponents play Checkers” crowd. You really need to RTWT to get in the flow.


    Every now and then, real life events can make you laugh out loud in a way honest script-writers know they never could.

    The only thing you really need to appreciate this particular situation is the sequence of events. Although the practical connection between events is slightly indirect, it’s there.

    Here’s the sequence of events. On Monday 8 April, a U.S. district court judge in California ruled against the Trump policy of having asylum claimants wait in Mexico while their cases are processed. This policy was negotiated with Mexico, and Mexico has been cooperating with it.

    But the judge ordered that the policy couldn’t continue, and the administration had until Friday, 12 April, to appeal for a stay; otherwise, the admission of thousands of pending asylum claimants into the U.S. would have to begin.

    On Thursday, 11 April, the Washington Post reported on a proposal being discussed within the administration to bus detained migrants to sanctuary cities, once they can no longer be held in detention facilities (i.e., after the 20-day limit imposed by the courts has expired).

    The concept of migrants in any category being bused to sanctuary cities had thus been floated. (Keep in mind as well that what happens right now is that migrants are being released into cities on or near the border like El Paso, Tucson, and San Diego. It’s not actually unfair to suggest that their release be spread around to other cities.)

    An awful ruckus ensued, with leading Democrats and open-borders advocates calling this a “threat,” a form of “political retribution,” Trump “throwing a tantrum,” and so forth.

    (Obama, if you recall, was flying them around the country in chartered jetliners back in 2014, and then paying the Catholic Church to bus them on to additional destinations, some of which included sanctuary cities. The Washington Post just wan’t making a big deal of that.)

    So the timing of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling on Friday afternoon was exquisite. At 10:54 AM (Pacific), AP reported that the Trump administration showed up in court to request a stay of the original judge’s order, which would require asylum seekers to be admitted to the U.S. starting Friday.

    The headline gives away the answer.

  20. The couple of times I have had real life conversations with Trump haters about what is so historically awful about him have basically come down to tone and that kind of thing. When not given time to form a response and then lightly challenged they really have a hard time coming up with specifics.

    It really is pathetic to here some people this deranged.

    Remember how Trump was going to send Rachel Maddow to some camp for being a lesbian? There are a whole bunch of examples of these kind of comments. And they suffer no consequences for their ridiculous hysterics.

    The logic is really as simple as he’s awful because he’s awful.

  21. Wandering about the UNM neighborhood of Albuquerque, I am so sick of seeing the “No Human Is Illegal” signs and bumper stickers.

  22. I made some Sanctuary comments at the end of the earlier Barr topic. Worth reading IMO but I won’t repeat them here.

    I defended Sanctuary as it began, but times have changed. I ended on this brilliant quote from Eric Hoffer, which I think should be carved in stone:

    Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.

  23. Got an answer to one of my questions, sort of.
    And some good observations. Feel free to scroll down and skip them all.


    David Begley said…
    I kept hearing the conclusion by the MSM that Trump’s idea was illegal. But I never saw any citation to the law until I read a story in USA Today. It cited the Hatch Act. It claimed it was Trump using the government to punish his political enemies and promote his campaign. That’s the best the Fake News could come up with!

    One only needs to slightly look beneath the surface to see what frauds and shills these people are.

    4/13/19, 10:30 AM

    [it’s hard to not validate assumptions about things the Dems have actually said]

    EDH said…
    The most revealing sentence of the piece.

    Whatever Trump thinks he wants, the problem for journalists is in finding a way to talk about it that doesn’t validate the President’s assumptions.

    Tucker Carlson has a nice piece dissecting the issue.

    Trump calls Democrats’ bluff on illegal immigrants

    4/13/19, 10:50 AM

    [this might be a legal hook for the left, but it deprives them of their virtue signalling cloak]
    cronus titan said…

    By the way, how fast we forget: Obama was fond of relocating illegal immigrants to red and purple states. 26 states successfully sued the federal government in 2015 to end the practice. Funny, the Democrat media complex thought the strategy of relocating illegal aliens to red states was awesome, not cynical.

    4/13/19, 11:04 AM

    [Sow. Reap.]

    Unknown said…
    The rhetoric of this issue is fascinating. I live in the Bay Area and watched the local news broadcast the soundbites of the local mayors. It was all “throat clearing” and tut-tuting and very difficult to paraphrase because it was nonsense. The point seemed to be they were morally superior to Trump. Also covered by the local news in the same broadcasts: the usual issue of a multiply deported immigrant back in San Jose where this time he broke into a woman’s home and murdered her and the local weasel politicians trying to explain how this has nothing to do with San Jose’s sanctuary policy.

    4/13/19, 11:32 AM

    PJ said…
    I don’t know about Ms. Gessen personally, but there are lots of proponents of sanctuary cities who, because of either sincerely held religious beliefs or genuine commitment to political ideology, are not in on the hypocrisy of their political leaders. Those people are the most effective proponents of the sanctuary movement precisely because they truly believe in it, and they will react to Trump’s initiative just as Gessen suggests. The disillusionment of that class of true believers when the hypocrisy of their leadership is exposed is undoubtedly among Trump’s objectives.

    4/13/19, 12:16 PM

  24. I always have a hard time deciphering how many of these people truly believe this stuff and how many just say what they have to say. I think the old guard Democrats like Schumer, Pelosi and Feinstein don’t believe the open borders and Green New Deal stuff for one minute but don’t have the guts to stand up and say it.

    I also think there are a good amount of low information leftists (mostly young) that can be swayed with logic (how are we going to pay for this?) but there is a group that are true believers no changing.

    20% of the left?

  25. I don’t know how it is an punishment when Trump is giving people what they wanted and begging to receive all along, unless they think that receiving illegal immigrants is bad, which is a direct contradiction of what they have been claiming that illegal immigrants were great for society both culturally and economically and essence for prosperity.

    When liberals made the claim that illegal immigrants are gold then don’t complain about Trump giving you what you claimed to be gold and call that a punishment.

  26. Whatever Trump thinks he wants, the problem for journalists is in finding a way to talk about it that doesn’t validate the President’s assumptions. –quote from Althouse commenter, EDH

    AesopFan: Currently I’m rereading “The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again)” and came across this choice bit:

    …but almost every journalist never wants to know what you really think — they just want the answers that fit the questions that fit the story they want to write.

    Most conservatives consider Warhol a weirdo-scamster who somehow managed to trick the world into worshiping his art. There’s truth to that … so far as it goes.

    But not just anyone could pull it off. Beneath that bland, opaque, unattractive exterior was a deeply wounded person with an absolutely first-rate mind, who bootstrapped himself out of an immigrant working-class family in Pittsburgh to the heights of the snobby Manhattan art elite.

  27. There’s a Trumpian moral to the Andy Warhol story.

    Warhol did subvert the cool kids, then the elites, who excluded him. And he did it thoroughly with their own weapons. So thoroughly Warhol IMO brought down the temple of modern art. Decades later we are seeing the aftermath of his destruction.

    Of course it wasn’t just Warhol, but I would argue Warhol was the tipping point.

    Trump may well be in the process of subverting the Democrats to destruction with their Alinskyite weapons. We’ll see.

  28. Trump proposing to send all the illegals to Sanctuary cities, counties and states is brilliant. But words are cheap. Do it Mr. President. Shove them down their throats and choke them on it.

  29. “…but almost every journalist never wants to know what you really think — they just want the answers that fit the questions that fit the story they want to write.”

    I have seen similar observations from pundits on the Right, mostly likely the Power Line Bloggers and VDH but I don’t remember for sure, and I think there were others as well.
    Basically, if they call you (a conservative) for an interview or “reaction” they will fish around with questions to try and get the quote they want. If you don’t give them one, whatever you do say will never see print (or air-time).

    And one cannot emphasize enough: never talk to a reporter (or the FBI) without taping your conversation. See: Roger Scruton’s recent treatment in Britain.
    Of course, conservatives ought to know better by now!

  30. AesopFan: Well, Andy published that remark in 1975. A pity conservatives didn’t read him back then!

    In many respects — leaving aside the bizarre social circus he fostered, i.e. The Factory — he was a sensible, even conservative fellow. I can’t resist another Andy quote:

    “But to become a famous artist you had to do something that was ‘different.’ And if it was ‘different,’ then it means you took a risk because the critics could have said it was bad instead of good.”

    “In the first place,” I said, ” they usually did say it was bad. And in the second place, if you say artists take ‘risks,’ it’s insulting to the men who landed at D-Day…”

    –“The Philosophy of Andy Warhol,” p. 179

  31. The donald is a complex person. He is simultaneously infuriating and incredibly brilliant. He is a fighter, a bull in the china shop, but never since Reagan in my life, has a president attempted to implement his campaign agenda as djt has. He is a good substitute for my 2016 favorite Cruz. I still want to see Cruz in the Oval Office, or chief justice of the SCOTUS.

  32. but never since Reagan in my life, has a president attempted to implement his campaign agenda as djt has.

    parker: Obama gave it a shot.

    I mean, short of reversing “the rise of the oceans” and that sort of thing.

  33. Christy 4:10PM:

    “unless the evidence shows that the alleged theft was for economic gain.”

    Doesn’t theft by definition produce an economic gain, at least until you are caught?

  34. I concur with parker, wholeheartedly.

    I find the reaction of the Progressives to the idea of illegals being sent to sanctuary cities to be very delicious!

  35. So 2 1/2 years in Trump has yet to deliver on his number one promise, or for that matter his number two. You ain’t got no wall, Mexico ain’t paying for it, and Obamacare is still the law of the land. North Korea is playing him for a fool to boot.

    The lazy heir to a fortune gets into his office at 10 or 11, plays unprecedented amounts of golf, and has thus squandered the precious time when he had control of all three branches. Now its too late for a legislative compromise that would be to your advantage. He has lost the House.

    In contrast, by this time in Obama’s Presidency, he had gotten Obamacare thru with a filibuster proof majority and had implemented a Keynesian Stimulus that started what will almost certainly soon become the longest economic expansion in US History.

    Trump inherited this expansion when it was close to full-employment, proceeded to go deficit spending which predictably juiced up growth and the debt, and took full credit for a the former but not the latter, while simultaneous lying about a turnaround.

    You guys soaked up this propaganda so he tried to do the same thing on his #1promise. He tried to pretend the wall was already built or, depending on the day, was being built and that Mexico had already paid for it.

    But part of his base wasn’t buying this. There is no Trump Wall, anymore than there is a Trump turnaround, or denuclearization of Korea.

    You ain’t got nothing. Just someone claiming credit for things he didn’t do. Just like he did in business.

  36. Hey Manju, do you want me to sit with you when you get debriefed? Cause it is gonna be painful.

  37. Let’s think about the practical mechanics of all these people moving in. What is the vacancy rate, what is the median cost of rent, where do they stay, how do they support themselves? All very interesting questions that too often are ignored.

    We all know what it would take if one of us decided to move to a new city, for whatever reason. So how does any of this work for someone with no papers, no education, no savings, no English, no skills, no possessions, and so on? Common sense tells you this will all be a very big problem.

  38. Pingback:Eye See You - American Digest

  39. Trump brought the complete liberal media complex down and we are only seeing the beginning of its impact.

  40. The President should start doing it – sending busloads to be released in far-from-the-border sanctuary cities.
    And remind his critiques that Obama did it, too — and so they are mostly being partisan hacks. Plus, where should they be kept?

    Manju, thanks for coming by and giving one of the more thoughtful critiques of Trump. Not yet success on the Wall, but fighting for it — Rep (against the Wall) Ryan was Speaker for first 2 years, so it’s no surprise the House didn’t fund it.

    McCain chose to stop Trump’s repeal of Obamacare, which had some very unpopular features that have been repealed. There was no “Rep consensus” Health Plan alternative, more a Rep / Heritage / AEI missing intellectual leader. Trump’s desire to be popular with voters mean a much higher priced & benefit plan than most elite Reps would ever support — but likely one that allows Reps to get elected and re-elected, unlike most low-cost (more responsible) plans.

    Obama’s expansion, funding such white elephants as Solyndra, was technically an expansion as you say, but the weakest since good records were kept after WW II. Obama claimed there was no “magic wand” to bring back jobs, especially mfg. jobs, to America. Trump’s tax cuts, and regulation cuts, and cuts in unfair trade deals (with Mexico, Canada, EU; China still in progress) has resulted in “magic wand” results of higher growth and especially higher mfg.

    N. K. is talking, far more progress than Clinton, Bush43, or Obama — after Clinton allowed them to get a nuke.

    Real conservatives mostly want the gov’t to leave them alone — “getting nothing” is therefore a big conservative win, unlike Chick-fil-a being banned in another airport. The PC-Klan is not interested in leaving Christians or conservatives alone, but Trump is at least not on the PC side, and in many cases is fighting it.

    He’s using Alinsky type rules, and it’s looking fairly successful.

    He should put more illegals on busses and send them to sanctuary cities. They claim to have the resources to take care of them, and it’s better to send them where they are “wanted” than to keep them in cages, like Obama did, near the border.

  41. We have a alleged Klansman as the governor of Virginia now and he is a democrat. His deputy is a alleged rapist and the Attorney General is a racist, all democrats and still haven’t stepped down yet. Democrats are willing protect a Klans hood wearing democrat, a rapist and a racist only because they don’t want to yield the seat to a republican.

    No wonder the democrats love Avenatti and wanted him to be the president, stealing from minorities, the disadvantaged and those whom they vowed to help is the democrat motto and Avenatti is the epitome of all of those things democrat represent. If Avenatti was black like Waters, Sharpton and Jesse Jackson he would have never been indicted.

  42. Under Obama refugees were resettled in American cities without any public discussion I can find.

    If your city was slated for 200 Syrian refugees, it was a done deal. Some communities weren’t keen but as far as I can tell they could do nothing.

    If a city is waving the Sanctuary flag and going on about how immigrants make a city and its economy stronger, I don’t see how they can kick about getting more immigrants. Unless of course they are hypocrites.

  43. Yammer debriefing Manju in some imaginary after life, if that isn’t hell for both, well, be careful what you wish for boys.

  44. om,

    In a perfect world, Manju would be strapped to a dentist chair while Artfldgr alternates between lectures on all Manju doesn’t know and reading Vogon poetry. All while “I’m Henery the Eigth I Am” is played on an endless loop.

    A man can dream.

  45. I’m pretty sure that members of Congress are getting bombarded by messages from their ordinary constituents, who are pretty likely, many of them, demanding that they do something to halt the invasion of illegal aliens pouring across our Southern border, and to reform and tighten our Immigration system, it’s laws, and procedures.

    I know I’ve certainly been sending such demands.

    Yet, members of Congress are just sitting there—to judge by the lack of any legislation up for a vote—doing absolutely nothing to remedy these major problems.

    Various commentators have said that they thought that these Congress critter’s major donors want open borders, and have thus given them orders to sit on their hands.

    But another commenter the other day gave his opinion that one other force, telling them to not do anything, might be drug cartel money.

    According to one estimate I read yesterday, the drug cartels make an estimated $600 billion dollars per year from drug trafficking, and an additional $100 billion dollars a year from trafficking in people.

    Even if these enormous amounts were ten times lower—say, respectively $60 and $10 billion a year—it would seem pretty likely to me that Cartel leaders would take some of those enormous profits, and use the money to pay off selected members of Congress, so as to insure that no legislation that would seriously diminish their profits, or even shut down their enormously profitable smuggling operations, would be passed by Congress.

    Do I think some members of Congress would take such—probably well concealed—bribes?

    What are major campaign contributions, and other incentives that large corporations financial and other moneyed interests might offer–like future employment–but bribes?

    So, the answer is, you betchya.

  46. I would not be at all surprised to learn that drug cartels are funding Congress through “dark money” like that being spent by this guy.

    Lukas Mikelionis of FOX News has more on this:

    Ex-Clinton official leads ‘dark money’ effort to boot Kavanaugh from teaching gig

    A top aide to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign — now leading a liberal “dark money” group — is backing a student effort at George Mason University to get Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh fired from teaching a summer course over misconduct allegations.

    What else are they funding ?

  47. Snow & Mike – that could be an even bigger story than the Spygate conspiracy, and possibly connected to it.

    Implications: (1) Clinton was one of the recipients of the under-the-table largesse (see how much the Left does to down-play the known and over-the-table “contributions”);
    (2) Trump was not.

  48. Fractal Rabbit on April 15, 2019 at 8:23 am at 8:23 am said:

    You haven’t seen me debrief people after they rotate on the Wheel.

  49. Great post. I agree that POTUS deploys Alinsky tactics effortlessly. DJT is also a disciple of The Art of War, Sun Tzu’s treatise. I believe this explains his successes.

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