Home » Another interesting article by Matt Taibbi…


Another interesting article by Matt Taibbi… — 9 Comments

  1. The hate Taibbi has for Trump is apparent throughout the article.
    He is chastising the MSM for not thoroughly investigating this “con man” as he describes Trump and for not recognizing the anger of America for our ruling class.
    He is also unhappy that the MSM has not faced up to their complete missing of the story and learned from their mistake, and making possible a Trump win in 2020 due to their dwelling on the Collusion Delusion for the past 2+ years.
    He IS experiencing blowback from the insane lefties for his accurate criticism of the MSM, despite his detestation of all things Trump.

  2. Interesting article. But he STILL doesn’t get it.

    This line: “… The same way Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house ….” demonstrates his inability to separate fact from fiction.

    Governor Palin never said that. It was said by Tina Fey on SNL PRETENDING to be Govenor Palin. Taibbi is so caught up in being a bi-coastal elitist he can’t be bothered to do any research.

    He just KNOWS.

    The exact problem he assigns to others.


  3. Edward on April 1, 2019 at 9:04 pm at 9:04 pm said:
    The hate Taibbi has for Trump is apparent throughout the article.
    He is chastising the MSM for not thoroughly investigating this “con man” as he describes Trump and for not recognizing the anger of America for our ruling class.
    He is also unhappy that the MSM has not faced up to their complete missing of the story and learned from their mistake,
    * * *
    Those are actually 4 separable positions, although Taibbi (and others) often conflate them.

  4. Ok, I was YUGELY suspicious of Trump in 2016, but I voted for him. He is a bit of a con man, crude sometimes, and definitely a bull in the china shop. I have come to appreciate his boisterous demeanor. He loves America, is unafraid of stepping on the toes of the PC useful idiots, and determined to fulfill his campaign wish list. It is refreshing to have a non-politician in the Oval Office.

  5. Tabbi continues to be right about the Dem media (national news media) failing to understand how bad they were about Trump.

    He shows his thinking about Trump:
    “The subtext was always: I may be crude, but these people are phonies, pretending to be upset when they’re making money off my bullshit.

    Yes, the elites are phonies BUT — Trump’s schtick is NOT bullshit. He actually is keeping his promises. Many of the good things he promised he would do, he IS doing them. The economy is great, he is fighting for a Wall.

    I now think that if there hadn’t been the Witch Hunt, the Dems would have been more effective at stopping Trump, so it’s been a helpful distraction from many of the successes Trump has done.

    Another thing totally lacking in Tabbi is acknowledgement that Trump, almost alone of Reps, is really fighting back against the elites, against politics as usual in DC. All of us who believe DC should be fought against, have no better fighter to back.

    Finally, HR Clinton is a crook, far more than Nixon ever was. The obvious cover-up by Dem supporting deep state FBI/DOJ is sickening. Talking about “Russiagate” without mentioning the illegal Clinton server, or the numerous illegal Secret emails, or the phony baloney “investigation / letting her go”, is missing a key point. At many of the Trump rallies, a loud chant was heard:
    Lock her up.
    Lock her up.

    This was a chant in favor of justice for all, in favor of rule by law, and against the kind of special easy treatment which we recently saw again with Smollett.

    The Dem media continues to cover up real Clinton crimes, and Tabbi does so here, too. Choosing what NOT to print.

  6. As usually is the case, the belief in Utopia makes people amazingly stupid and undermines their chances for political success. I see a hope in that.

  7. For all the hate for Trump that Taibbi has, he grudgingly gives his a lot of credit as well, even if it’s often couched in insults. His analysis of the media is pretty good, too, especially the line about the MSM reporting on what they wanted to happen rather than what was actually happening.

    The MSM is losing what little credibility they have, but it’s clear that half the country is still buying the garbage they are selling. I wonder if the MSM’s shame will do anything more than cement the opinions of people like us that they truly are an “enemy of the people”.

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