Home » Charges against Jussie Smollett dropped


Charges against Jussie Smollett dropped — 18 Comments

  1. the horror of being an oppressed black in the US

    being let go when guilty…

    having crimes ignored cause too many cause them

    having innocents put in jail to even it out

    removing hard entrance tests cause dey must be a conspiracy to prevent them from attending schools that love chinese so much they game them out of them.

    and more..

    nice… no wonder communists have them in their back pocket..

  2. I’m from Chicago and live near it. Not that I was/am a soothsayer, but I saw this coming long ago. Emmanuel…….its funny, everybody involved in this was one of his people. From the perpetrator to the DA’s office and some additional help from Team Oblahblah. And he’s mad. Thats so rich.

  3. Social justice: Not the same as actual justice.
    Black privilege only applies if you’re a wealthy black person. It’s kinda like white privilege that way.
    Connect the dots.
    Privilege is as privilege does and it looks like this silly, petty, greedy little man took the privilege. His mommy got him out of prison the same way the Varsity Blues mommies got their kids into colleges. $$$. Money talks, Jussie walks.
    I don’t see a lot of people going along with this. It’s going to stick to him forever.
    I bet he thinks he’s gonna come out of this a beacon of justice but he’s not. His career will tank.
    Also, there’s still the possibility that the federales could get him for mail fraud.

  4. In a week, the voters of Chicago will be choosing between two leftist black women, one lesbian and the other not, to replace the truly terrible Rahm, who has, for perhaps the first time ever, actually made some sensible remarks.

  5. I was surprised to hear Rahm being sensible, until I remembered he’s not running again.

    I did think that sixteen felony counts sounded like overkill, but walking free and only forfeiting his $10k bail isn’t justice.

  6. Maybe the prosecutor and Chicago pols figure the Post Office will get Smollett for sending himself terrorist threats via the mail, so why should they take the PR hit for prosecuting Smollett.

    Sure, it’s chicken manure but whatever gets the Chicago Deep State through the night.

    It’s interesting Rahm Emanuel stands with the Chicago Police in denouncing the Smollett deal, but I suspect that goes back at least to the Laquan McDonald scandal. McDonald was killed by the police and the video suppressed so it wouldn’t hurt Emanuel’s up-coming 2015 election and the reputation of the Chicago Police.

    Who knows what sort of backroom deals exist between Emanuel and the CPD. Of course, that doesn’t mean they are wrong to object to Smollett’s slap on the wrist.

  7. Reminds me of when Trum boasted in 2015 that HRC would be in jail if someone like the caricature of Rahu Trum was President.

  8. Sucha biga surprise-a! Not!
    Most were expecting that he walks.
    I did, but was hoping for real justice.

  9. Now we know why Smollett walked into that judicial hearing a few weeks(?) ago with a smirk and a swagger, he knew that the fix was in and that, he was going to be allowed to walk.

    And apparently, prosecutors have no fear of an electoral backlash from the voters…

    It apparently escapes nearly all on the left that “after a long train of abuses”, the consequence of a terrible retribution is building…

    Mean spirited children, playing with fire…

  10. “blindsided by the decision itself, with the officials only learning Smollett wouldn’t face charges for allegedly faking a hate crime at the same time the public found out.

    “Where is the accountability in the system? You cannot have – because of a person’s position – one set of rules applies to them and another set of rules apply to everyone else,” Emanuel said.”

    “Emanuel, speaking alongside Johnson at Navy Pier Tuesday afternoon, called the decision a “whitewash of justice.” The mayor essentially accused prosecutors of giving Smollett special treatment because of his status as a celebrity.”

    “State Attorney Kim Foxx, recused herself from the probe after it surfaced that she had been in touch with Smollett’s family.”
    * * *
    Does this mean we can quit “having a conversation about race,” since apparently famous black people now have the same privileges as famous white people?

  11. “Does this mean we can quit “having a conversation about race,” since apparently famous black people now have the same privileges as famous white people?”

    Ok…I laughed out loud at that one.
    Except I reckon famous black people “who attend to the narrative” have more privilege. Famous black Bill Cosby…not so much.

  12. Reminds me of when Trum boasted in 2015 that HRC would be in jail if someone like the caricature of Rahu Trum was President.

    there is still time tongzhi, there is still time…
    and, there is always his second term…
    which more and more is looking to be a shoe in given his opposition is validating his not being dishonest… in fact, being dishonest with his front view and so many disliking him, would never be wise, as he was never part of any ‘in’ elite crowd, which is why you don’t like him… they didn’t make you like him like some of the other horrids… quite the opposite actually…

    but his games with their desire to get em, and get em good, had them waste all this time on a nothing… pfffft… air… and the obstruction? well, since the investigation went on, and nothing was found in terms of the investigation, what did he not obstruct? all they have is obstruction of innocence

    right now, they are years in, have no platform other than not him (or Ginsberg is a dyin), a incredible long line of entries with no chance, etc… they wasted all their energy/money/creds/etc in blind opposition and trying to make a ‘nothing’ worse cause they expected something and wanted it blown out of proportion.

    so wrong, but so happy at being wrong is you

  13. I’ve been looking to see what folks on the left have to say about this. So far I’ve found only these tweets by David Axelrod (https://twitter.com/davidaxelrod):

    –This is a total head-scratcher. After all that has transpired interesting to hear the prosecutor’s rationale for kicking a case that seemed very clear.

    –Will they now bring assault charges against the two brothers who admitted to staging the attack for money at Smollett’s behest. Or charges for lying to the police? Someone wasn’t being truthful here and the City of Chicago paid the price.

    –State’s Atty statement: “After reviewing all of the facts & circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett’s volunteer service in the community & agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition & appropriate resolution.” Huh?

    –Unless some better explanation surfaces, here’s the lesson of this weird turn in the Smollett case: You can contrive a hate crime, make it a national news, get caught and-if you are a well-connected celebrity-get off for $10K and have your record expunged and files sealed.

    –No. Sorry, folks. The brief statement offered by the prosecutor didn’t dispute the basic facts in the original charge. That’s why he was compelled to sacrifice his bond. They simply said that in light of his voluntary work in the community, this was a just resolution.

    –Hate crimes are loathsome. Faking them is insidious and shouldn’t be excused. Despite Smollett’s denials, nothing the prosecutor said in dismissing the case supports that. If prosecutors have evidence that contradicts the indictment THEY brought, they should share it today

    –“The fact that (Smollett) feels that we have exonerated him, we have not. I can’t make it any clearer than that.” So says the lead prosecutor in Smollett case. So why allow Smollett to get off for $10K and have his records expunged and case files sealed?

    –Smollett repaid the city $10k, ostensibly as an offset for the investigation his phony charges ignited that cost the City of Chicago in the millions. It really is outrageous.

    Outrageous, indeed.

  14. Rich Taylor on March 26, 2019 at 3:38 pm at 3:38 pm said:
    I’m from Chicago and live near it. Not that I was/am a soothsayer, but I saw this coming long ago. Emmanuel…….its funny, everybody involved in this was one of his people. From the perpetrator to the DA’s office and some additional help from Team Oblahblah. And he’s mad. Thats so rich.

    Classic political trick. All my speeches are for this bill. All of my supporters and lobbyists and bribers are getting people to vote against this bill.

    See, it works. Americans buy it.

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