Home » Meanwhile, there’s trouble in our socialist heroine AOC’s camp


Meanwhile, there’s trouble in our socialist heroine AOC’s camp — 58 Comments

  1. Sounds like an IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE to me.
    The democrats have been screaming it about a minor possible campaign finances item for Trump, so it should hold for the new green AOC.

  2. I forever have said they do not let anyone win who they have nothing on, if one did win in which they didn’t, they would go nuts and go after that person, because compared to all of them, that person would live on the highroad… [even worse (for them) if by going after that person, they remove doubt in that]

  3. Edward – that would then be “sauce for the gander, sauce for the goose”

  4. The Ds have the makings of a mess in their fresher class of representatives. The toothy Alejandra, The Somalia Anti-Semite & Gutter-Mouth Tlaib. Gotta wonder if they’re starting to cull the herd.

  5. Please do not kick them out. They are so much fun. And, the Republicans need a laugh now and again. But I think Schiff and what’s his face Dem on the Finance committee should haul her in and grill her, threaten her and all her friends and staff with impeachment and jail.

    By the way, AOC is very dangerous.

  6. It couldn’t happen to a nicer person…

    Still, are Pelosi et al willing to risk offending Soros?

    Will AOC throw Chakrabarti under the bus?

  7. I have said before that this guy is the key. She was recruited by these people. She did not run her campaign. Somebody is behind him and her.

  8. “Somebody is behind him and her.”

    Could be. Although it would be highly amusing if it turned out that all the hifalutin’ SJW rhetoric was just a cover for some good old-fashioned graft and corruption.

  9. AOC is doing such a bang up job during her first trip out the gate that some decided to start turing over rocks in the path she left behind and under those rocks there appear to be a mess of squirmy maggots in a pile of stinking crap. NYC politics see the light of day.

  10. Unpossible. She’s too morally pure. She’s so morally pure she wants grandma to freeze to death during the next polar vortex when the wind turbines freeze up and the solar panels are buried under six feet of snow.

    I saw her preen about her moral superiority with Anderson Cooper when she laughed about not needing no stinking facts. You don’t need facts when you are morally superior, sillies!

    So this couldn’t have happened. She told me so.

  11. You know…about 3 or so years ago, folks were accusing Donald Trump of being a D “plant” so that HRC could bust his chops in the 2016 Election & waltz pantsuit, gin bottle & all into the Oval Office.

    If I were a smart & wealthy R, could I have planted a better D than AOC to really suck the air out of the D party room? Is there anyone suggesting SHE’S a Manchurian Candidate? Just spitballin’ here…

  12. is AOC Soros’ secret love child? either she is a false flag puppet backing by a conservative billionaire to bring down the socialist brand or she is a puppet backing by a bats**t socialist billionaire like Soros.

  13. “…transparency…”


    Caveat, caveat, caveat emptor:
    this word should ALWAYS be treated as a red flag (cf. Obama’s “most transparent administration”…and Obama acolyte Justin Trudeau’s “…transparent government is good government”)…

    …typically pronounced with an expression of frank earnestness, smug humility and all too often a controlled, knowing smile (or should that be a smirk?)…

    Moreover, when you’re confronted with “…to increase transparency…”
    ….then be super-extra cautious (actually, no: you can be practically certain they’re pulling your leg).

    Extreme Caution! Falling Rock Zone!

    (To be sure, “…transparency…”, etc., does sound a whole lot better than, “I am not a crook”…)

    As for the three “weird sisters”…perhaps some Orwellian arithmetic will help us out here: 1 + 1 + 1 = 0 ?…
    We do seem to be living in a different dimension altogether.

    But will anything serious happen to AOC (or the rest of them)? Seriously? Probably not. Maybe a reprimand. Democratic reality is, after all, the benchmark, and if she is perceived as “useful” then she will likely not be jettisoned.

    On the other hand, you can almost certainly count on the fact that the Republicans (and other deplorables) will be accused of “pouncing”!

  14. A pattern (shockingly!) emerges(?):

    AOC: They criticize me because I’m a woman (and very pretty at that!)

    Ilhan Omar: They hate me because I’m a Muslim:

    Rashida Tlaib: [Editor’s note] We’re waiting for input (ETA any moment now). She has been keeping her cards close to her chest. This perhaps because she’s been way too busy calling the President colorful names and referring to him and a fellow white legislator as out-and-out racists, all of which demands a lot of time, attention and effort (and, needless to say, love). But it shouldn’t be too long before she chimes in.
    In the meantime:

  15. Meanwhile, there’s trouble in our socialist heroine AOC’s camp

    I think Neo has reconceptualized AOC as a character in one of the subsidiary series of the old Bullwinkle show. That sounds just like something the voice-over narrator would say. Fractured Fairy Tales, Dudley Do-Right, Tennessee Tuxedo and his Tales, Mr. Peabody and Sherman, and Occasional-Cortex & Riley. As the late, great, Nelson Rockefeller used to say, “I luuuhhhv it…”

  16. FOAF,

    “Although it would be highly amusing if it turned out that all the hifalutin’ SJW rhetoric was just a cover for some good old-fashioned graft and corruption.”

    I always thought that was Standard Operating Procedure.

  17. “Sure, politics ain’t bean-bag. ‘Tis a man’s game, an’ women, childer, cripples an’ prohybitionists ‘d do well to keep out iv it.”

    – Finley Peter Dunne

  18. Art Deco is probably right (if I read correctly). With honorable mentions for Mike K. and FOAF.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex is at the front of Occupy Movement II.

    This was a long-standing ‘coffee shop’ scene in the U.S. (with a strong supporting role for Canada) … but a run-out, gone-to-seed drama in Europe. Locals glommed on to a successful ‘trick’, and started pitching tents everywhere.

    Sub-visible organizations with basically unmarketable theses and visions are always in the background … but since June of 2015, and emphatically by a year later, they now have a value as easily-funded/support modern-rabble, with which to hassle Trump & suppoters.

    AOC probably gravitated into the orbit of one of these under-the-radar operations … and as Neo points out here, they probably are not up to the limelight.

    Just as the Occupy Movement didn’t really know what to do, once the spotlight actually/finally landed on them.

  19. Ol’ AOC just came on too strong and too fast.

    She’s just too much of a loose canon, and power-mad wunnabe Beria.

    The enemies list thing was just too premature and, so, establishment Dems have dropped a dime or two on her.

  20. a loose canon,

    Loose ‘cannon’. She isn’t a piece of music or a provision of ecclesiastical law.

  21. The democrats have been screaming it about a minor possible campaign finances item for Trump, so it should hold for the new green AOC.

    It doesn’t because reasons.

  22. You’re right, it’s “Summers”. (Sorry about that….)

    (FWIW, you can check Wikipedia for some of his “greatest hits”….)

    BTW, it would be hard to argue that AOC isn’t an “undisciplined (secular) ecclesiastic”… After all, she’s “all over the place” and extremely messianic. (I mean, to—badly paraphrase Woody Allen—who needs to be totally cool about your income if the world is going to be destroyed in 12 years?)

  23. Alexandria Occasionally-Coherent takes the term “useful idiot” to a whole new level.

  24. Art Deco on March 5, 2019 at 10:39 am at 10:39 am said:
    ‘a loose canon,’
    Loose ‘cannon’. She isn’t a piece of music or a provision of ecclesiastical law.

    He’s been reading history in Spanish; and was just being culturally appropriate, with Ms Corrrrteth.

  25. ITs going to get interesting as Feminism and such go back to their communist terrorist roots…

    Ocasio-Cortez continued with another tweet that contained some false information: “I remember a time when it was ‘unacceptable’ to question the Iraq War. All of Congress was wrong, including both GOP & Dem Party, and led my generation into a disastrous + wrong war that virtually all would come to regret, except for the one member who stood up: Barbara Lee.”

    After being called out for the tweet’s inaccuracies, Ocasio-Cortez clarified that she meant the Afghanistan war…

    Rep Juan Vargas (D-CA) called her out on it and reaffirmed that Israel is an ally. So AOC went after Vargas, accusing him of holding that it is “unacceptable to even *question* US foreign policy.”


  26. I have a question. Can anyone explain to me why, up until now anyway (and especially up through sometime in the ’90s),

    We never elected a known, card-carrying, Communist agent-of-influence to Congress?

    [Of course I couldn’t possibly be talking about someone like Mizz Tlaib (or Mizz Omar). So no one need worry that that’s on my mind.]


    I do not think that such a Communist candidate could have won an election between, say, 1945 and 1995. But ICBW (I Could Be Wrong) — hard-to-believe as that seems! *g*

  27. Barry, above, quotes Donkey-Chompers:

    “They criticize me because I’m a woman (and very pretty at that!)”

    Dream on, babe. *She said, grumpily*

  28. LYNN HARGROVE on March 4, 2019 at 7:06 pm at 7:06 pm said:
    Please do not kick them out. They are so much fun. And, the Republicans need a laugh now and again.

    Yeah, that’s what some of us thought about Jimminy Carter.

    As an almost kid, I saw that snub-nosed, beardless crepe-faced whining son-of-a-bitch announce on the Tom Snyder Late Late Show, or Tomorrow Show or whatever, and laughed my ass off.

    And I’m pretty sure I was not stoned at the time.

    I continued laughing.

    Till they elected it President.

  29. She represents modern feminist educated woman
    anyone want to say otherwise?
    good… the mookette with the pudenda wins!!!

    Once you told moron women they were genius, following willi munzenbergs social script… ego would defend the rest no matter how many wheels fell off or how crazy it gets… you think steam cleaning your vagina is normal? of course.. as normal as loading jews into ovens alive… or any other crazyh thing coming down the pike as now, there are no limits..

    how do i know there arent any? well female based characters from disney to the new captain marvel to the wicket witch of the west justified in her wickedness… to even Frozen…

    Heck, there is now discussion of using female hormones to fix men

    Did you know Dr Mengele wanted to intervene in kids lives in education and medicine to fix them?

    Whats different? we aint german?

    post birth abortions (infanticide) is now legal..

    and russia just backed out of the nuclear treaty….

    and the leaders we would depend on in a conflict are like AOC!!!!!

    just think of how WWII would have turned out if AOC was the deciding vote

  30. I thought, right after she won her primary, that next time the Party would come after her. If this financial scandal doesn’t take her out, a carefully vetted Democrat primary opponent will. Pelosi is ruthless.

  31. You know, she is doing so much damage to the Democratic Party it is a shame to stop her now.

  32. I have a question. Can anyone explain to me why, up until now anyway (and especially up through sometime in the ’90s),

    We never elected a known, card-carrying, Communist agent-of-influence to Congress?

    You dont want to know that, do you? we have…

    its just not entertaining enough to actually discuss here.. trust me, been trying for over 13 years now… its not entertaining enough… its only entertaining AFTER it happens and everyone has interest and no one knows the answers..


    Here is the problem, without knowing the history of the communist party, and their orders and how they worked, you might want a card, but they said dont get one… lots of ex members pointed this out… IF you were valuable and potentially an ally in a good place, they would prevent you from getting that card and defining yourself in a way that would make it easy to get rid of you… at least in the past it would be easy, today a KKK member can still be a congress critter IF still with the Democrats

    “Card-carrying communist” is a term popularised during the Second Red Scare as a label for members of communist and far-left organisations, especially the Communist Party.

    Zinn was a card carrying communist…
    so was Obama mentor..
    and you do not want to know about Valerie Jarrets family!!!!

    McCarthy made a distinction between “card-carrying communists” and what he called “fellow travelers.” A card-carrying communist was considered a genuine member of the party, while a fellow traveler only sympathised with the ideology.

    Fellow travelers who were more useful would not get a card..
    same with OATHS… they dont like oaths…

    WHY would neo care about these organizations or the lineages and so on, no one wants to undersand things here they want entertainment…

    The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC)???
    Bernie Sanders, a self-identified socialist is in the House
    House members Ron Dellums Co-Founder
    Lane Evans Co-Founder
    Thomas Andrews Co-Founder
    Peter DeFazio Co-Founder
    Maxine Waters Co-Founder
    Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) – Helped Found
    Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
    Chris Riddiough
    Richard Trumka – Unions… which were taken over LONG ago

    not that brining up Bella Dodd was a changer (neo doesnt cover those changers!!! not Dodd, not Utley, not a lot of the ones that actually mean something!!)

    Barbara Boxer, Dick Durbin, Tom Harkin, Barbara Mikulski, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, Debbie Stabenow, Al Franken, Sherrod Brown, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray and Tammy Baldwin Nancy Pelosi, Louis Gutierrez, John Conyers, Charles Rangel, Marcy Kaptur, Peter DeFazio, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jim McDermott

    ALL OF THE ABOVE ARE SOCIALISTS… which IS the same as communism…
    The only ones that think otherwise are their victims while being fooled

    however… this goes way back.. the FBI recently released Zinns stuff.

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s 423 pages on historian and self-described “democratic socialist” Howard Zinn, released Friday morning, outline a record of investigation spanning 25 years, beginning in 1949 with his alleged involvement in communist front groups.

    so AOC is a student of Zinn… of course, as that has replaced history
    but Zinn was a student of Beard… not that anyone here remembers Beard..

    one of Zinns best friends that helps undo the history is – Noam Chomsky
    A confidential informant within the ALP had previously told FBI officials that at a picket in Washington, D.C., in 1948, Zinn divulged that he was a member of the Communist Party and regularly attended party meetings

    lots did, just as now there are communist dating parties.. .

    But by 1953, with McCarthyism and the second Red Scare in full swing, the FBI moved from surreptitious research to direct contact. – Daily Beast…

    but was it a scare? now we know it wasnt…
    in fact, the man who coined the term McCarthyism was himself an accused spy, Lattimore..

    We know a lot more today, even more that people have died, time passed and archives have been open and copied…

    however, if things stop here, then thats it… right? but there is tons of other stuff, that is ignored so that things remain ambiguous, and so, no action need be taken, considered, etc… all fun.. eh?

    However, its historians like Zinn who made sure you dont know who or what was going on…

    Does Zinn talk about the commiterm? commiform? no, he is doing victims history of the US!!! he leaves out important details that even let you think others have organs of the state!!

    Do you know that the Declaration of Independence charged King George with fomenting slave rebellions and attacks from “merciless Indian Savages”?


    James Polk started a war with Mexico as a pretext for annexing California?


    Eugene Debs was jailed for calling World War I a war of conquest and plunder?

    problem is that Zinn was Agit-Professor…
    like the professors that started the incidents in Tianeman…

    A People’s History whispered that everything I had learned in school was a sugar-coated fairy tale, if not a deliberate lie. Now I knew.

    it coordinated its attitude with other projects in other areas.

    “He wanted to instill the feeling, like a truth of nature, that seriously to criticize or challenge Soviet pol-icy was the unfailing mark of a bad, bigoted, and probably stupid person, while support was equally infallible proof of a forward-looking mind committed to all that was best for humanity and marked by an uplifting refinement of sensi-bility.” – Stephen Koch – Double Lives

    they provided the atttude, Zinn provided something that seemed concrete.
    others did too… like naomi goldstein, comunist writer, renamed herself betty friedan

    why would an author change their name to erase their prior works

    because she wrote political crap and wasnt a real writer who thought of it as art.


    Even my high school history teacher marked Columbus Day by explaining that the celebrated “discoverer” of America had plundered Hispaniola for its gold and that, in acts of barbarism that would later be classified as genocide, Columbus’s men had butchered the native Arawaks, slicing off limbs for sport and turning their scrotums into change-purses. (This last detail stuck vividly in the teenage mind.) That Mr. MacDougall was conversant with radical scholarship such as Zinn’s suggests that much had changed from the days when Zinn himself had imbibed uncritical schoolbook accounts of the American story. True, in the popular books and public ceremonies of the 1980s, you could still find a whitewashed tale of the nation’s past, as you can today; and many cities around the country shielded their charges from such heresies. But as far as historians were concerned, the sacred cows that Howard Zinn was purporting to gore had already been slaughtered many times. As Jon Wiener noted in the Journal of American History, “during the early seventies … of all the changes in the profession, the institutionalization of radical history was the most remarkable.”

    ultimately your asking a history question
    if Zinn answers.. no, no communists ever
    if others answer. well, your chock-a-block full of them
    and on the border of enough of them to suddenly turn around and do something
    – just waiting for the dominant population to die out and then what?

  33. Artfldgr – thanks for the reminder about CPUSA operations in re cards & fellow travelers, also the details about Zinn – despised his book even without knowing his “credentials.”

    PS – I actually did read Beard in a grad school class in the mid-seventies. I thought it was interesting to learn about the Founders’ economic conditions, but the intent to convert me into a socialist anti-capitalist Constitution-hater went right over my head at the time.
    That may be because the couple of lefties in our TA cohort were people I didn’t much care for, and even they disliked the outright card-carrying Commie in our midst.

    For the rest of you ignorant plebes 😉

    “His works included a radical re-evaluation of the founding fathers of the United States, who he believed were motivated more by economics than by philosophical principles. Beard’s most influential book, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States (1913), has been the subject of great controversy ever since its publication. While frequently criticized for its methodology and conclusions, it was responsible for a wide-ranging reinterpretation of American history of the founding era.”

  34. I expected to see this reposted here, so I’ll do it — with my reply.


    Snow on Pine on March 4, 2019 at 9:46 pm at 9:46 pm said:
    AOC says the we’re “all gonna die in 12 years” if we don’t drop everything, totally change our way of life, and carry out a WWII level mobilization of our entire country to combat global warming, by totally rehabbing/rebuilding every structure in the country, by giving up car and air travel in favor of high speed rail and the public transit, give up eating meat to reduce cow farts, get rid of coal and oil in favor of renewable wind and solar energy, etc,—it’s all about reducing our “carbon footprint.”

    Thus, you would think that AOC would make every effort she possibly could to reduce her “carbon footprint”.

    To take the subway or public transit and not a car, to travel by train rather than by plane.

    Yet, an article out just today reports that, despite the fact that the Number 7 subway entrance is 138 feet from her Queens campaign headquarters in New York City, AOC and her campaign have used various car services, including Uber, 1,049 times, spent almost $30,000 on car services and car and van rentals, that AOC or her staff have traveled by train only 18 times, but that, since she won the Primary, her campaign has spent over $25,000 on 66 airplane flights.

    See https://www.worldtribune.com/aoc-worked-138-feet-from-no-7-line-but-spent-large-on-ubers-airlines/
    * * *

    AesopFan on March 5, 2019 at 2:35 pm at 2:35 pm said:

    AOC is getting while the getting is good – before she is indicted (but not interviewed) for campaign finance fraud.

  35. I do not think that such a Communist candidate could have won an election between, say, 1945 and 1995. But ICBW (I Could Be Wrong) — hard-to-believe as that seems! *g*

    She isn’t a Communist.

    It’s not hard to come up with a list of members of Congress who were on the side of the enemy during the Cold War, though it’s a great deal more unusual among elected officials than it is among opinion journalists or academics. Vito Marcantonio, Glen Taylor, Robert Kastenmeier, Don Edwards, Ron Dellums, George Crockett, John Conyers, Theodore Weiss, Gus Savage, Bella Abzug, Major Owens, and Michael J. Harrington were all pro-Soviet. Bar Marcantonio and Taylor, this was done through the conduit of being a press agent for various 3d world reds. (I’m not including George McGovern, who strikes me as more of a chronic ingenue than a red-haze shill).

  36. Artfldgr makes a good point.

    “A Secret History of the World”—the real history of the world— has been posited in fiction and, in a way, there is one.

    As subsequent revelations, including data released from the Soviet archives, the Metrokhin archive, books and reminiscences of old Communist party members, spies, and agents of influence who have decided—now that they are approaching death—to reveal themselves, articles here and there, and the VENONA decryptions of secret, encrypted Soviet diplomatic traffic have shown, McCarthy was right about Communist infiltration of our government and the West.

    In fact, it appears that he was apparently low in his estimates of the number of infiltrators involved; the Communist infiltration, subversion, spying, and their ongoing influence operation was apparently deeper, more widespread, and even more significant and influential than he alleged.

    Yet, all these decades since McCarthy, we Americans have gone along, living our daily lives and singing a song, oblivious—the embodiment of the Tarot card “The Fool”—while our much more serious and committed Communist adversaries have managed to get the key to our house, have stolen our jewelry, the silverware, our golf clubs, and our favorite hat, and are about the set our house on fire on their way out the door.

    Communists who are serious about and who see everything through the lens of their ideology, and who are always and in every way trying to advance the cause of Communism, who believe that their ideology, and that their supposedly lofty goal of a “fair” and classless Utopia justifies anything and everything, are running rings around us uniformed Americans; generally unsuspicious people who reflexively tend to believe the best about everyone, and who don’t see everything through the lens of politics.

    The Communists are tireless and alert 24/7, on the lookout for anything that they can do to advance their cause, and to subvert and destroy the cause of their enemy—us and our Republic.

    We make their job so much easier because we are not informed enough, not suspicious enough, not always poised to ferret them out, and to defend our Republic and our civilization.

    Say and believe what you want to about them, our ancestors weren’t all uninformed boobs.

    I suspect that people of a couple of generations ago here in the U.S.—secure in their Americanism and patriotism—and much more aware of their roots in America and of our history, were more aware of and far better at ferreting out the Communists in our midst.

    Now, of course, those Communists—masquerading as “Socialists”—believe the their subversive campaign has progressed so far, that they have been so successful, that they can now afford to say what their real goals are, and try to sell them to us.

  37. If you watch no other video, it is critically important that you watch this one, as Soviet KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov sums it all up in 13 minutes–very clearly explains what is really going on–and confirms the deadly seriousness of all of the worrying trends that many of us have commented on here over the years.

    See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX3EZCVj2XA

  38. There’s a whole slew of fascinating and useful posts by Ion Mihai Pacepa (former three-star general in Ceausescu’s Secret Police) at PJMedia.

    He hasn’t posted there for quite a while but he has extensive personal experience (think “Karla”) and has fully embraced the West to the point where he’s trying to save it/us (assuming he hasn’t given up on that yet…).

    If you search for his name at the PJMedia site, you’ll find some amazing information.
    E.g. https://pjmedia.com/mihaipacepa/know-dems-intel-abuse-reminiscent-work-ceausescu/

    (The link above appears to be the last post he wrote for PJMedia; but there are many others.)

    Here’s his book:

  39. Just to be clear — when I offered the example of card-carrying Communists and pointed out that we didn’t (at least knowingly) elect them to Congress, I was talking about people named “Tlaib” and “Omar.”

    NOT some might-as-well-be-Communist DSA apparatchika name of AOC.

    It was an analogy, and indeed actually rhetorical insofar as I haven’t seen any reports (as opposed to allegations) that either is FORMALLY an ISIS or Iranian or even Saudi or other Islamic agent-of-influence. But it surely is no huge secret where their sympathies lie and what their agenda is. So the point is, why their districts (including many Jews) would elect them, when open Communists would not have been.

    (See Arutz Sheva, Israel National News, on Omar.

    http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ )

    Yes, I know this discussion is supposed to be about Mizz A. O-C. But I wrote the comment about Tlaib and Omar because Barry’s reference to them above brought the analogy to mind.

    . . .

    However, back to the main topic:

    Everybody knows there have been and still are Communist fellow-travellers and NON-Card-Carrying members of our august Legislature.

    Also, “everybody knows ought to know” that the Cold-War (and prior) Commies were no dummies, but rather were very good at infiltration — and at effective propaganda. (See Yuri Bezmenov – “Tomas Schuman” on YT, f’rinstance, not that his message came as any huge surprise.) So OF COURSE they knew they were better off keeping a contingent of ideological Comrades off the formal Party rolls.

    (Full Bezmenov 1983 LA lecture — 2:51. Don’t blink during the first 15 seconds — it explains that this is a four-part video, with an audio-only section and audience Q&A at the end.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBnZQNP278Y )


    As far as ComSymps in Congress, yes, there are many, and I’m not so quick to let Bernie, DonkeyFace, etc., off with what in this lax post-Modern age like to think is fairly “benign” socialism.

    Artfldgr, thanks for the quote on Zinn. I found the article at The Daily Beast, written in 2010:


    I was struck by this, from the article:

    ” Zinn and Chomsky edited the documents into the four volumes released by Senator Mike Gravel and Beacon Press starting in 1971.”

    The article ends with a link to the FBI file on Zinn. Page Not Found. Wayback Machine: “Orange indicates that the URL was not found (4xx).” Search of FBI FOIA Vault,

    https://vault.fbi.gov/ ,

    Zinn records not there.

    But they’ve got the skinny on Trotsky, Cleon Skousen, and Leonard Bernstein.

  40. Julie Near Chicago–

    A while back I noted comments from some of those doing research on Communism here in the U.S.–I believe one of them was Harvey Klehr–who tried to retrieve older–WWII and thereafter–documents from the National Archives and other government repositories, only to discover that, although the finding lists said that this or that file had in it the transcript of the interrogation of and other pertinent documents concerning someone accused of, or who had confessed to being being a Communist, when the file was retrieved for them, it was empty, and that this had happened to them a number of times.

    Now, just who would have wanted to “sanitize” these files like that, and why?

    I suspect that this is not a rare occurrence, merely one that people have just not asked for enough of these types of files, yet, to discover.

    For, after all, once you have set up one of these unlikely to be requested very often files–one among tens or hundreds of millions such files–unless there is extremely tight security and control over such files–I’m thinking of a movie I saw about some old timey, pre-computer intelligence organization, where paper files of intelligence material were very carefully and closely monitored, and each person using a file had to go to a permanently staffed and monitored, high security vault, sign them out and sign them back in again, and there were all sorts of guards in place, closely observing people and things.

    That’s not our National Archives–see the actions of former Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Burger, as he stole and subsequently destroyed embarrassing Top Secret Presidential documents from the National Archives.

  41. AesopFan–As was pointed out on Tucker Carson tonight, AOC is doing all of the things I noted above–which directly contradict what she is telling us we need to do–because she is above needing to follow her own advice.

    That advice is only for us “little people,” us “peasants,” not for such a person as the aristocrat she is, because since she has the correct intent and ideology she is, indeed, an aristocrat when compared to us–at least in her own mind.

  42. Top put it in terms of Marxist ideology, as one of the members of the “Vanguard of the Proletariat,” she is one of the “enlightened” and far-sighted people whose function is to lead, to give orders.

    As AOC has said in a recent interview, she is ” the Boss”; she tells us what to do, but she isn’t constrained by the orders she gives to us.

    She is privileged because her ideology is correct.

  43. Top put it in terms of Marxist ideology, as one of the members of the “Vanguard of the Proletariat,” she is one of the “enlightened” and far-sighted people whose function is to lead, to give orders.

    She’s actually a dingbat.

  44. ArtDeco:

    Dignbat, it’s a feature, not a bug. Goes all the way through, an essential characteristic.

  45. I’d never heard of Josh Bernstein, whoever he is, until about an hour ago, when I was perusing wattsupwiththat.com. But there’s a posting there about Mizz O-C, and in one of the comments there’s a link to this video by Mr. Bernstein:

    “FRAUDS EXPOSED: AOC found thru Casting Call! 5 Dems recruited-Political equivalent of Spice Girls!!!”


    It’s about 18 minutes long, and Mr. Bernstein says that this Justice Democrat outfit went shopping (issued “casting calls”) for political neophytes whom they could promote as Democratic candidates and who would then push their agenda.

    It’s certainly an interesting video, and it includes what are alleged to be clips of Alexandra Rojas, who’s the Executive Director of the group (and who is at least more attractive than A. O-C — although she rather resembles the latter), and also of one of the meetings. And if its claims are correct, then the whole AOC candidacy and election are not the result of even her own ambition: She answered the call (sent to 16,000 possibles, IIRC), was chosen, and thus a Starlet Was Born.

    The WUWT commenter also included a link to the Great Foot’s page on the Justice Democrats, noting that Bernie and the Young Turks in the mix:


  46. Calling Ion Mihi Pacepa, calling Mr. Pacepa.

    Who would you say is likely really behind these “Justice Democrats”?

  47. By the way, according to Mr. Bernstein, the lovely Rashida Tlaib and the illustrious Ilhan Omar were also successful applicants in the Justice Democrats’ hunt for fresh new know-nothing (Mr. B. says they liked people with no experience of politics or political office) faces to push their agenda in the halls of Congress.


    Snow, The-Great-Frog-Only knows. Of course there are the Usual Suspects….

    I need to go review David Horowitz’s archives. We know that the Kremlin sent $$ to the old CPUSA, bu who funded the New Left, who were a new edition of American Communists? Maybe I knew and I’ve forgotten?

  48. Julie near Chicago on March 6, 2019 at 2:54 am at 2:54 am said:
    “FRAUDS EXPOSED: AOC found thru Casting Call! 5 Dems recruited-Political equivalent of Spice Girls!!!”
    * * *
    But but but Donald Trump had TV shows!!! How can he be President???

    At least Republicans elected the owner, not the employees.

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