Home » I don’t think that Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony…


I don’t think that Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony… — 20 Comments

  1. Teflon Don! [I say this as a 2016 reluctant Trump supporter who has now gone full-scale MAGA.]

  2. Cohen was the guy Trump used to deal with people like John Cody, a union boss in NYC. Here is a very biased and inaccurate version fo the story that has the names right.

    By the end of the decade, Verina Hixon had lost her Trump apartments and much of the money she’d put into them. But Verina still managed to keep up a certain lifestyle. She bought a co-op on East 64th Street just two doors down from Ivana Trump’s post-divorce digs, and the two of them became friends. After 13 years, Verina once again ran out of ready cash, started litigating, fell behind in her maintenance, and was evicted. But by then she’d bought the respectably palatial apartment in Switzerland where she now lives, and she still makes the gossip columns occasionally.

    Cody, for his part, went back to jail on charges of attempted murder. Eventually afflicted with Alzheimer’s, he was released from prison in 1993 and died in 2001.</i

    Those are the two facts in that tale. She was Cody’s girlfriend and she got evicted when Cody could no longer do favors for Trump. Those are the people Trump used Cohen to deal with.

  3. I think Cohen and the Democrats had planned to tell the lie Buzzfeed reported in January, but Mueller warned Cohen in no uncertain terms that doing so would land his ass in prison for a decade or more.

  4. Some people just look shifty, and Cohen really, really looks (and talks) shifty.

  5. Surely they can find someone who is NOT a convicted liar to do the job. Surely such a rare animal exists. It is now being reported that Mueller threatened to jail Cohen’s wife for 30 years unless he flipped because she co-signed some fishy loan papers.

  6. Only a fool would give Cohen credence. Only a Charlatan would pretend to.

    It is a really sad day when the U.S. Congress brings in a man who was convicted of lying–to Congress–to publicly trash the President. When I say that I am not referring to the ethics of Congress, because I credit them with none. I refer to their belief that a significant portion of the American people would buy that offal; and my fear that they may be right.

  7. To quote Mark Twain, “There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.”

  8. In the long run, Cohen harmed the left’s meme. Trump is a tarnished man, but he soldiers on and pushes an agenda I can support. I don’t need a gentleman president, I want a president that loves America and understands her virtues and uniqueness in the course of human history.

  9. Mike K on March 1, 2019 at 3:31 pm at 3:31 pm said:
    Cohen was the guy Trump used to deal with people like John Cody, a union boss in NYC. Here is a very biased and inaccurate version fo the story that has the names right.
    * * *
    That was a bizarre story – it didn’t mention Cohen at all; the headline was almost the reverse of the substance; and it was published on Nov 1 2016.
    What was the point of it, at that late date?

  10. “…a disappointment to Trump’s opponents”?
    Don’t be silly.
    Like The Knights Templar, The Curse of Oak Island, and Any “Fallout” game,
    he’s provided list of sub-plot bread and circuses for the more “invested” hoi polloi to chase down a rabbit hole!
    Now, an astonishing number of folks can continue to distract from their puppet masters left hand, justify their reason for existing, and embezzle Treasury pay checks, for ANOTHER 3 years!

  11. “Surely they can find someone who is NOT a convicted liar to do the job. Surely such a rare animal exists.”

    I would argue that they cannot find such a person simply because all of what they accuse Trump of is not true.

  12. “I would argue that they cannot find such a person simply because all of what they accuse Trump of is not true.”


  13. That was a bizarre story – it didn’t mention Cohen at all; the headline was almost the reverse of the substance; and it was published on Nov 1 2016.
    What was the point of it, at that late date?

    Just standard Trump hate but it had the few facts about Cody and the girlfriend who got evicted after he was sent to prison. My point in linking to it was why Trump had a slime ball like Cohen to deal with the slime balls in NYC. Chicago is as corrupt but nobody like Trump has come out of Chicago.

  14. Mike – thanks for the clarification.
    One of the earliest things that attracted me to The Donald was his admitting in public that he paid off Democrat (or Republican, if any) politicians — including the Clintons — because that’s what you had to do to stay in business.
    Everybody knew that was true, but nobody wanted to say it.
    That kind of honesty weighs more heavily in his favor than the hyperbole of his bragging does against him.
    And, so far, claims that he (might) be lying about more substantive things are IMO still less weighty (if true) than Obama’s verifiable lying about his policies and actions (abetted by the media and Democrat leadership).

  15. AesopFan,

    Sometimes I think of Trump as the Rodney Dangerfield character in the 80s movie ‘Back To School’. The scene of his first day in an Econ class is an absolute classic. I think of the professor as representing the NeverTrumpers out there. Imagine that scene is on YouTube it’s a classic. The Sam Kinison scene is awesome also. Profane but awesome.

  16. AesopFan,

    Just went down a YouTube hole watching Rodney clips. Amazing stuff of him on Carson. Good lord he’d probably be arrested for some of that stuff today. And that was network TV.

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