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The definitive Covington video — 14 Comments

  1. Ask for YUGE amounts and donate it to the March for Life.
    Bankrupt the lot of ’em.

  2. Sue all of them who don’t issue complete and very public apologies. These apologies should be issued this week, giving them time to review the fifteen-minute video.

    I also think that some relaxation of the Sullivan rule is called for. “News” sources feel free to slander and libel public figures pretty much without limits.

  3. IADNAL (I am definitely not a lawyer) but I wonder what the strategy is regarding suing Stanard/Phillips himself? The Cincinnati Enquirer lists ( link to list) the 54 proposed targets and his name is not on the list. He almost certainly does not have deep pockets but he was the instigator and perpetrator of the most vicious slander. If I were on a jury, I would wonder why leave him out?

    Could the other people/companies that are being sued say they were not responsible because they were relying on the statements of a “distinguished tribal elder?” Or could they say they relied on the doctored video that Stanard/Phillips put out. What responsibility do they have to verify the video?

    Could the companies escape by issuing apologies and retractions now. I noticed the mealy mouthed scum Bishop Foys of the Convington diocese issued a non-apology statement saying that he was bullied and brow-beaten into issuing his rash statement condemning the boys. He said the diocese is still investigating but he sympathizes with the boys and especially Sandmann.

  4. I doubt any attempt to hold members of the political elites/msm libel will bear fruit. But making them spends millions on attorney fees is a good place to start. They have deep pockets and behind the curtain manipulators with even deeper pockets, but making them cough up millions of their trillions is a good thing.

  5. I wonder if any of the smaller players, like Kathy Griffin, are negotiating private agreements with the attorneys. I wouldn’t be surprised if she comes out with a very public apology in the next week or so.

  6. If there is any justice every person on that list will end up begging for food by freeway off-ramps. Learn to code? I bet none of them have sufficient IQ, that’s why they went to J-school.

  7. If there is any justice every person on that list will end up begging for food by freeway off-ramps. Learn to code? I bet none of them have sufficient IQ, that’s why they went to J-school.

    FOAF: We-ell, there are plenty of dim bulbs slinging Java code and Visual Basic. And more power to them. They are making an honest living.

    There are plenty of J-school-types smart enough to code, but I say they lack the humility and discipline.

    Coding is like playing the piano. There’s not much mystery to it. You just keep at it, even though you’re horrible at it for such a long, long time. Then, if you manage to become competent, you know how much better the really good ones are.

  8. I don’t think anyone has a “right” to not be offended. But, in this case, the abuse did become so extreme and had such real world impacts that I think that this is exactly the type of case for which the legal concept of “Libel” was intended.

    So, I hope he proceeds and sues every single reporter, newspaper, commentator, television station, organization and public individual who condemned him, individually and collectively. This case needs to be aired-out in public. The people responsible for this ignominy need to be forced to do some serious soul-searching.

  9. Aesop,

    “Refudiate” !! This is the first I’ve heard of it. Good for Mrs. Palin, good for the Oxford American Dictionary (will wonders never — applause for them and for whomever wrote up the explanation, pointing out the value of the new portmanteau word), and good for you for providing the info and the link. Thanks!

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