Home » And about that election fraud that doesn’t exist


And about that election fraud that doesn’t exist — 11 Comments

  1. Probably 500k in CA. But no one will ever check.

    Dems registering illegals in key states right now.

  2. These numbers of illegal voters in Texas are huge, but it only takes a few illegal votes to swing an election.

    You might remember that, in 2008, Republican Senator Norm Colemen sought re-election, and won the seat after 2.9 million votes were cast, with Coleman receiving 725 more votes than Al Franken.

    Democrat lawyers then descended on Minnesota, there was a new “canvas” and Coleman’s lead shrank to just 206 votes, more litigation and wrangling ensued, and Al Franken–since resigned–was declared the winner by just 312 votes.

    Lots of Democrat hanky-panky in this election, but I noted that just one 2012 investigation alone found that, by comparing those who voted with a list of convicted felons–all ineligible to vote–it was determined that 1,099 felons voted in this Minnesota election.

    Moreover, as of the time of the 2012 article, linked below, reluctant Minnesota authorities had already convicted 177 people of voter fraud, and another 66 were awaiting trial.

    See https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/york-when-1-099-felons-vote-in-race-won-by-312-ballots.

    Then, of course, there is Florida, and Election Supervisor Brenda Snipes.

    You might also remember that in 2017, in the early days of his Administration, President Trump set up the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, chaired by VP Pence, with Kansas Secretary of State, Kris Klobach, as vice chair.

    The Commission was tasked with gathering voter rolls from each State to determine if their was voter fraud.

    Well, so many suits were filed against the Commission, so many key states–run by Democrats–refused to hand over their voter rolls–stymieing the Commission–that it was unable to do its job and, in less than a year, it folded.

    It might be noted that one little known or mentioned project of George Soros is his Secretaries of State project, aimed at getting more Democrats elected to the position of Secretary of State in States all over the country.

    It is these Secretaries who are in charge of voting laws and who interpret them, and rule on any voting controversies in their respective States.

    There was a reason many States did not want to give the Commission a look at their voter roles, and given the news out of Texas, we now know why.

  3. In 2008, Obama won Indiana by about 30,000 votes. Marion and Lake Counties had about 105% of eligible people registered to vote.

    Let’s crunch some numbers…

    The population of Marion County was about 900,000; the population of Lake County was about 500,000. If the population of both countries breaks down along the same lines as the overall US, 76% of those 1.5 million people are over eighteen. Which means 1.14 million. 35,000 is 3% .

    Which means it’s HIGHLY likely that the fraud of over registered voters swung the state.

    The fraudsters could just focus on two populous counties to do it. BO too the state by one percentage point. But that’s enough.

  4. All three of neo’s posts today are part of a piece. Nathan Phillips depraved, lying slander, publicized by the mass media. Mueller and the Deep State’s soft/hard coup against a lawfully elected President and, the growing mortal threat to the Republic of voter fraud… all these tactics are designed to turn America into a one party State in which, the winner having taken all, future electoral ‘contests’ will be pretense writ large.

    At what point do you face the overwhelming evidence that the ‘game’ is being rigged ever more deeply? That when laws are continually used to circumvent the law without consequence… the day when the electoral ‘winner’ is preordained becomes ever closer with the object to attain a “permanent majority” by whatever means are necessary.

    Once that admission is made, at what point do you face the then obvious conclusion that those who refuse to ‘play by the rules’… have by those actions forfeited their former right to participate?

    Finally, if the rule breaking side is allowed to continue to participate with essentially no consequence, what alternative to eventual surrender is there?

    In trying to preserve our Republic, we have allowed the Left’s cancer to metastasize to the point where it is now questionable whether the patient will or even can survive.

    The Left is simplifying our choices; radical surgery that wrecks the Constitution, continued procrastination that shall predictably lead to another civil war or… capitulation.

    I expect procrastination to continue… until great events overtake us.

  5. voices of the left insisting that the numbers are too small and too insignificant to matter,

    …Only would have required a few hundred incorrectly placed votes in FL in 2000 to have given us the horrors of a Gore presidency…

    that it’s all a screen for GOP racism

    As to the “racism” of the Right, it reveals far more of the racism of the Left, and more needs to be made of that very REAL and completely VALID point:

    Are Voter ID laws racist?

    The kind of phraseology used by these Berkeley liberals is itself indicative, “… these kinds of people…”, “…because I feel like they [blacks] don’t have the knowledge of how [the internet] works…”

  6. Something’s amiss. They know that 58,000 “non-U.S. citizens” have voted.

    But none have been convicted? Tried? Perhaps they just found out? How many charges have they filed. How many are they even working on?

  7. His point is, ha ha ha, you clowns. But Manju is more right than he knows. How many charges have they filed? I have heard of an isolated few. But it is past time to get serious, and not wait for what Geoffrey Britain and any other thinking citizen fears.

  8. My impression, from the few stories I have seen about such prosecutions, is that many jurisdictions around the country just do not take elections fraud that seriously.

    Unless there is some state official who is keen on pressing such prosecutions, they are just not a high law enforcement priority.

    The illegal alien in Texas who was just sentenced to 3 years in jail for stealing someone’s identity and then using that stolen identity to vote–at least once, and perhaps several times over the years–is apparently an exceptional case.

    See: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/01/illegal-alien-living-in-texas-sentenced-to-prison-for-voting-in-2016-using-fake-id/

    The only way to ensure that the vast majority of people who are ineligible to vote can’t vote is to require that every voter has to present a picture ID–in person–on the one day set aside to vote–no “motor voter” registration at the DMV, no mail in ballots, and paper ballots only, to reduce the chances of anyone being able to compromise the tallies from electronic voting machines.

    It seems to me that if there is very strict control over paper ballots, and a strong chain of custody in handling them, they are a safer, more secure way to vote.

    Of course, if you live in a place where thousands of paper ballots–that change who wins the election–are found in the trunk of someone’s car, or mysteriously just appear and mean that more than 100% of the registered voters in that jurisdiction have somehow cast ballots, well, you obviously have a major problem with corruption–see Florida.

    Here is where Soros’ “Secretary of State Project” comes into play, because it is these Secretaries of State who enforce each State’s election laws, and who rule on election controversies.

  9. Check out Pelosi and the Democrat’s first proposed bill, H.R. 1, ** that would destroy the current election system, and replace it with one that would encourage massive fraudulent voting, take control over voting away from each State, plus many other changes, which would result in giving the Democrats a permanent lock on both Congress and the Presidency.

    ** https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/01/28/conservatives-unite-against-h-r-1-ultimate-fantasy-of-the-left/

  10. Snow, for sure you got the strict and strictly-limited voting method right. !!!

    And even then, votes to be counted in situ before any of the pollwatchers, polling judges, vote-counters go home. And no nonsense about “hanging chads” either. And no bringing in boxes found in somebody’s haymow or left by mistake on some subway platform.


    And no ditching the Electoral College either, although I do think there’s room for improvement.

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