Home » One way to deal with Nancy Pelosi if you’re president


One way to deal with Nancy Pelosi if you’re president — 17 Comments

  1. And the Ds certainly can “Trump-cott” if they choose…but the optcs will be all in the President’s favor. Of course Justice Ginsburg will be absent…and the President can publicly wish her a long & healthy retirement.

  2. I still chuckle at his tweet at Ginsburg from 2016 — “mind is shot! Retire!”

  3. Trump’s approach has the virtue of making Pelosi deny him the House floor or knuckle under and go through with invite.

  4. Be careful folks. For the last couple years Pelosi has been a relatively rational island in rough Democratic Party & Leftism waters. She’s got a better head on her than to suddenly go all implulsive & ineffectual on Trump.

    Watch the flanks and the bushes here…

  5. I share Ted Clayton’s concerns (above). Pelosi might not be as wily as Trump, but she is a nasty infighter. Look for a letter coming back to him, perhaps only a day or two before the SOTU, saying something like “we tried to make this happen, but it’s just too dangerous.”

  6. Mike K

    How about Rupp Arena and invite Matthew Mitchell and John Calipari to sit on the dais or with their families alongside Melania & Barron.

    Bobby Knight can throw a chair to open the proceedings instead of the Sgt-at-arms announcing the President….just kidding on that one. 😉

    Oh…expat…I reckon there’s more than Hoyer wants that gavel & are willing to pry it from Pelosi’ cold dead fingers.

  7. Spk Pelosi has already responded denying the use of the House chamber, to which Pres. Trump says the White House is formulating alternative plans.

  8. I heard Trump this afternoon. He’s talking about Democrats having been “radicalized.” Says Pelosi isn’t really in charge of her own caucus any more because the radicals make it impossible.

  9. Trump is right about Pelosi, her position depends upon catering to her hard left colleagues.

    I actually worry more if Trump goes give the SOTU address in the House. It will be a very hostile venue. I’m doubtful that the dems will be able to restrain themselves and act civilly.

    But if Trump is mentally prepared for it, he’ll have some wonderful opportunities to counter punch and expose the dems as disturbingly unhinged.

  10. I thought that Mitch McConnell could invite anyone he wishes to come to the Senate and speak, but apparently I’m wrong. Some talking head claimed that a vote that passes filibuster muster is required.

  11. Just now heard a radio news report saying Pres. Trump has declared he will not give a State of the Union address until the government shutdown ends, and only afterwards. Rather like news, that.

  12. https://www.voanews.com/a/trump-intent-on-delivering-state-of-union-address-in-house-chamber/4755665.html

    U.S. President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would make an alternative speech after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told him there would be no State of the Union address in Congress next week — an action that he termed “a disgrace.”

    “She doesn’t want to hear the truth,” Trump told reporters. “She doesn’t want the American public to hear what’s going on.”

    The president said that Pelosi’s decision not to allow the address to Congress until the government shutdown ends was “a great blotch on the incredible country that we all love,” and her action would be remembered as “a very, very negative part of history.”

    He then went on to declare that the Democrats have “become a very, very dangerous party for this country.”

    Trump did not reveal where and when he would make his alternative address. ?”

  13. See the Pres.’s Twitter account in the last twenty mins or so — it confirms that radio report.

  14. DJT: “As the Shutdown was going on, Nancy Pelosi asked me to give the State of the Union Address. I agreed. She then changed her mind because of the Shutdown, suggesting a later date. This is her prerogative – I will do the Address when the Shutdown is over. I am not looking for an alternative venue for the SOTU Address because there is no venue that can compete with the history, tradition and importance of the House Chamber. I look forward to giving a “great” State of the Union Address in the near future!”

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