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Remember Carter Page? — 9 Comments

  1. Page was in the news this week when he lost his claim for damages against the DNC.

    “It goes beyond any damages or any financial aspects,” Page told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Monday night. “There have been so many lies as you are alluding to, and you look at the damage it did to our democratic systems and institutions of government back in 2016. I’m just trying to get some justice in terms of getting some disclosure.”

    Elias represented Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, and hired Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on Trump. Fusion GPS is the same firm that commissioned former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele who authored the so-called “Trump dossier” that contained scandalous and unverified claims about President Trump’s ties to Russia and was used by the FBI to help obtain the authority to spy on Page.”

    The judge denied his damages claim. Maybe after Trump declassifies the evidence.

  2. John Guilfoyle:

    No, don’t think this is going to be anything but a blip on her radar screen. Malignant nodules that are completely local can be removed without issue and without spread.

  3. I’ve seen Carter Page, now, a couple of times on TV and, if he is a spy, he is a master at appearing to be the most laid back, innocuous, and perhaps a little naive and spacey spy in existence.

    P.S. Reading today, I’ve come across the oft repeated, seemingly obligatory comment about how the lower level rank and file (and presumably those higher up in the food chain, as well)–presumably in every branch and agency of our government–must be disgusted by and furious with the higher level minions of the Deep State/Mueller & Co. and all of their unethical, deceitful, and illegal actions.

    The problem, though, is that as the evidence of just those unethical, deceitful, and illegal actions has piled up into a mountain of such, I have not seen any reports of the concrete results of such a revolt and repudiation by anyone in the rank and file, or, in fact, in any position in our government.

    Yes, speculations that such a revolt is happening–somewhere–under the surface, but no evidence.

    Not in the DOJ, not in the FBI, not at State, not in our Intelligence community; not anywhere, that I can see.

    No mass or or even any highly publicized resignations, no angry manifestos on the Internet, no street demonstrations or picketing, no graffiti, or angry posters put up in the dead of night; nothing.

    Could it be that the vast majority–virtually all–of the rank and file, and higher ups as well (whose political contributions, according to reports, go 90-95% or more to Democrats) are just fine with what is happening or, at least, are not willing to make a big fuss or sacrifice their advancement prospects or careers over the actions that the Deep State and Mueller & Co. have taken; their attempted soft coup against President Trump?

    From the evidence so far, or the lack thereof, the answer has to be a pretty resounding Yes.

    It appears that those commenters–on the outside looking in—are apparently gravely mistaken in their estimation of the ideology and attitudes of the government bureaucracy.

  4. I’m going to stay with my previous prediction…she won’t last the next session. It’s not “will the cancer kill her?” but “which straw breaks the camel’s back?”
    The accumulation of age & infirmity & now surgery on top of the falls…I know the truly determined can hang on for a long time…and the Ds don’t want to lose her spot…but contrary to popular belief RBG really is human.

  5. < Malignant nodules that are completely local can be removed without issue and without spread. The singular is true. Multiple is not. She had cancer of the pancreas in 2009. This is a long interval but not impossible.

    I was a friend of Cathy Seipp and saw that she had recurrence very early. I have also operated on thousands of cases of cancer, including pancreatic.

  6. It may be that Justice Ginsburg will survive this cancer occurrence as she has others. She is 85, and this is, I think, the third time around on cancer, plus the falls and her obvious physical fragility — although her mind is sharp and her will is strong.

    The left has had no problem with destroying the innocent, like Carter Page, in its quest to invalidate the election it lost.

  7. 1500 years of Müller types committing one genocide after another be it Jews, Herero , Old Prussians , Constantinople Greeks, Jews , Gypsies, Czechs, Celst,Kashubians, Namaqua , Boxers, Jews , Tanganyikans, Latvians, Jews ,Russians, Poles. Samoans,Jews, Sorbs , again Jews,it must be in the Müller DNA.
    Pity that we didnt allow the Russians to do to all Of Müllerland what they did to OstMüllerland and mittelMüllerland. especially when you consider Müllerism began in a beer hall in westMüllerland.

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