Home » More on the war against Trump: know-nothing Comey


More on the war against Trump: know-nothing Comey — 23 Comments

  1. Comey may not directly experience appropriate consequences but one way or another… consequences for everyone are going to manifest.

  2. From what I read 250 questions were asked of Comey, and he answered “I don’t remember” 71 times, “I don’t know” 166 times, and “I don’t recall” 8 times, for a total of 245 non-answers.

    Yet, based on past history, it’s pretty clear that Comey will suffer no adverse consequences for, in essence, giving the Committee, and us citizens, the finger.

    See http://www.theamericanmirror.com/transcript-comey-didnt-know-answer-245-times/

  3. The thing that caught my eye was that the questioners seemed to know a lot more about the answers than Comey professed to. If I were Comey, I would not have come out of that session feeling very good. In other words, the questions were asked in such a manner, it seemed to me that all they really wanted was for Comey to be put on the record under oath, for him to have answered honestly was not their goal, it seemed to me.

  4. I kind of think those who ask question are supposed to know the correct answers before they ask the question in a legal procedure. I sure hope Comey is a real tall guy who is trying to bail out a leaking ship with too many holes.

  5. I kind of think those who ask question are supposed to know the correct answers before they ask the question in a legal procedure.

    OldTexan: That’s the conventional legal wisdom.

    Considering Comey wrote a book on the issues in question, not to mention his CYA memo to self after he met with Trump, Comey’s claims to recall almost nothing under oath are quite suspicious for those paying attention.

  6. I think everyone is relying on information fatigue – just get it over with!

    Comey says he doesn’t remember things, but turn the tables. Would the FBI let you day that you don’t remember things, No, they would not.

    At this point in time, I do not trust anyone and I am adjusting my life & activities to deal with the outcome.I live in the middle of America so it will be easier to deal with whatever happens. I am prepared for a bit of time, depending on who I decide to help. Other people on the coasts, I don’t think they will survive any major disruption of supplies.

    Look at their reaction to natural disasters. It is sad.

  7. Shoot- the edit feature was not active –

    “would the FBI let you SAY”, not day…fingers,what can I say?

  8. FBI agents – Hey we want to begin an investigation on aides to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee with less than 5 months to go to the election.

    Comey – Whatever.

    FBI agents – Do you want to know why or see any of our evidence?

    Comey – No, that’s okay. You guys got it. Trump isn’t going to win anyway so you’re all good. Just get me the paperwork to sign and you can go.

    FBI agents – Cool. Yeah we’ll do whatever we can to make sure.

    It seems like this was the real conversation from what I can glean from Comey’s testimony. Disengaged and uninvolved is really incompetence or trying to disguise what he really did.

  9. Colorful, yet not diverse. They are bronze-cast monkey figurines.

    Hear no evil. Privacy.
    See no evil. Censorship.
    Speak no evil. #HateLovesAbortion.

    “A wicked progression.”

  10. Some people just need a blanket party. That’s what can happen when you are too clever. I’ve got a sock filled with shaved soap just waiting.

  11. I want to append an additional portion of the post Neo quoted, because I was thinking exactly the same thing:
    “Don’t you feel relieved to know that FBI directors take such care with your civil liberties? Unbelievable. That Comey can talk about his “conscience” while so casually admitting such unprofessional indifference shows he doesn’t have one. It was dulled by years of breathtaking bureaucratic arrogance, summed up by a FISA “verification” process where the chief verifier doesn’t even know the most elementary facts of the case. “

    Snow, huxley, and eeyore cover the rest of the territory, but I wonder what 5 questions did Comey answer, and how did he remember enough to write a book at all?

    PS — too bad Trump didn’t just fire him by citing “he doesn’t know what his agency is doing” — but, of course, he did know and approved of all of it.

  12. More double-standards at work, this time on the “lawyers for me but not for thee” aspect of Comey’s interview.


    by Byron York
    | December 11, 2018 10:36 PM
    “Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who arranged the bureau’s interview with then-national security adviser Michael Flynn at the White House on Jan. 24, 2017 — the interview that ultimately led to Flynn’s guilty plea on one count of making false statements — suggested Flynn not have a lawyer present at the session, according to newly-filed court documents. In addition, FBI officials, along with the two agents who interviewed Flynn, decided specifically not to warn him that there would be penalties for making false statements because the agents wanted to ensure that Flynn was “relaxed” during the session.

    According to the 302, before the interview, McCabe and other FBI officials “decided the agents would not warn Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed, and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport.”

    The agents had, of course, seen transcripts of Flynn’s wiretapped conversations with Russian then-ambassador Sergey Kislyak. “Before the interview, FBI officials had also decided that if ‘Flynn said he did not remember something they knew he said, they would use the exact words Flynn used … to try to refresh his recollection. If Flynn still would not confirm what he said … they would not confront him or talk him through it,'” the Flynn memo says, citing the FBI 302.

    In one striking detail, footnotes in the Flynn memo say the 302 report cited was dated Aug. 22, 2017 — nearly seven months after the Flynn interview. It is not clear why the report would be written so long after the interview itself.”

    Do YOU remember the exact wording of any conversation you had more than a hour after it’s over?
    I don’t.
    But the agents apparently did, 7 months later (this delay is totally news to me, and totally outrageous. Why, indeed, the delay?

    Flynn not only should not go to jail at all, he ought to be able to sue the FBI for unjust harassment and entrapment.
    (Except the taxpayers have to pay both sides — it ought to come out of Comey’s book deal and likewise Brennan, Clapper, et al., all the way up and down the line. And put Hillary in jail.)

  13. We can lie; but you can’t. And if you do lie, then we will make sure that you and your family and your friends suffer for it as much as we can and for as long as we can.

    We can attack you; but you can’t fight back or defend yourself. And if you do dare to fight back or defend yourself, then you are, in fact, attacking us; and such naked and unprovoked aggression will be splayed on the front pages of all global media corporations and international organizations, where you will be smeared, excoriated, attacked and threatened. And justifiedly so.

    We can steal elections; and there’s nothing you can do about it. But if you do try to do something about it, then you are baldly and illegally attempting to steal elections.

    We can say anything about you—slander you, defame you, accuse you, shame you, call for your destruction; but if you stand up for yourself then you are a bald-faced boor and shameless liar who has exceeded all bounds of decency.

    We can do anything we want and say anything want; and there’s not a thing you can do about it. And if you believe there is something you can do about it, then you are an enemy of the state and all things good.

    We reserve the right to deploy the 2-minute hate (or rather, the 24/7 hate) because you have no moral right to exist. Claiming (or pleading) that you do have a right to exist is a severe provocation to all sense of morality and ethics and hence deserves only ridicule and excoriation. And ultimately destruction.

    For the good of society. For the benefit of the country. For the health of the state. And what use are “laws” or “legalisms” or “The Constitution” when it comes to the good of society? Especially when such “laws” or “legalisms” or “Constitution” serve to defend the indefensible? Defend what ought to be banned? Defend what needs to disappear? Defend what must be destroyed?

    We decide.

    Don’t forget. We believed Hillary was a shoo-in and so didn’t do everything we could have done to ensure her victory.

    Don’t forget. We will not allow this to happen again. No more Mr/Ms Nice Guy.

    Don’t forget. We are the future. The arc of history is ours. We represent progress, while you are backward trogs, barbarians, savages.

    You have been warned. (And you really ought to thank us…since scum like you don’t even deserve a warning.)
    Welcome to “Palestinian rules”.
    Welcome to the “Democratic party”.

  14. So much weaponizing of government since Obama, and yet I don’t recall anyone going to jail. So much assassination chic and virtue signalling from the pious scolds and moral superiors in the media. Now Comey smirks and pokes us in the eye yet again with his play acting, knowing that nothing will happen to him. Soon, the Demsheviks wiil retake control of the house and leverage Mueller’s report to launch and impeachment.

    How much more will we stand for?

    This comes to mind …

    “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

  15. If not now, when? There are >200 million guns in the USA. The Yellow Jackets in France show us the way. But in our case, the military will join with us.
    The present parody of Joostice only seems infinite. It is not. The chickens will roost.

  16. None of them will be indicted; not Comey, not Strzok, not Lisa Page, not the Clintons. All of the lefties involved in this unbelievable conspiracy to undermine and destroy our duly elected president will remain free as birds. Lefties are, after all, immune from indictment. The irony is that the only one who may very well be indicted is the target of their conspiracy: Donald Trump.

  17. My grandmother had an incense burner of the Three Wise Monkeys. Wonder what every happened to it.

  18. Mike, OC is graying out the text because they don’t like my ad blocker (so, post ads that don’t trigger it, whydoncha?).
    Headlines on the sidebar pretty much sum up the state of the union, not just in California.

    They didn’t even steal them, which might have been understandable.
    Just destruction for the sake of destruction.
    We won’t hear who did it unless they can be roped into the alt-right somehow (one of those white Hispanics maybe).

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