Home » And the Mississippi run-off election for senator goes to…


And the Mississippi run-off election for senator goes to… — 14 Comments

  1. bye bye kamala
    bye bye to the press
    hello sweet duress
    the dems are gonna cry….

    Angelo Codevilla – …..a “cold civil war.”
    The primary objective of any people who find themselves in the throes of a revolution is to find ways of diverting its logic from its worst conclusions. Prior to the 2016 election I explained how America had already “stepped over the threshold of a revolution,” that it was “difficult to imagine how we might step back, and futile to speculate how it might end.”
    Having begun, this revolution would follow its own logic.

    It has unfolded faster than foreseen. Its sentiments’ spiraling volume and intensity have eliminated any possibility of “stepping back.” The Democratic Party and the millions it represents having refused to accept 2016’s results; having used their positions of power in government and society to prevent the winners from exercising the powers earned by election; declaring in vehement words and violent deeds the illegitimacy, morbidity, even criminality, of persons and ideas contrary to themselves; bet that this “resistance” would so energize their constituencies, and so depress their opponents’, that subsequent elections would prove 2016 to have been an anomaly and further confirm their primacy in America.

    “men too often take upon themselves in the prosecution of their revenge to set the example of doing away with those general laws to which all alike can look for salvation in adversity, instead of allowing them to subsist against the day of danger when their aid may be required.” Thucydides

    “words had to change their ordinary meaning and to take that which was now given them.” Thucydides

    “Reckless audacity came to be considered the courage of a loyal ally; prudent hesitation, specious cowardice; moderation was held to be a cloak for unmanliness; ability to see all sides of a question, inaptness to act on any. Frantic violence became the attribute of manliness; cautious plotting, a justifiable means of self-defense. The advocate of extreme measures was always trustworthy; his opponent a man to be suspected … even blood became a weaker tie than party …. The fair proposals of an adversary were met with jealous precautions by the stronger of the two, and not with a generous confidence … when opportunity offered, he who first ventured to seize it and to take his enemy off his guard, thought this perfidious vengeance sweeter than an open one…success by treachery won him the palm of superior intelligence.”

    Thucydides – Corcyra’s revolution in 427 BC, the fifth year of the Peloponnesian War

    Our Revolution – Angelo Codevilla

    The 2008 financial crisis sparked an incipient revolution. Previously, Americans dissatisfied with their Progressive rulers had imagined that voting for Republicans might counter them. But then, as three-fourths of Americans opposed bailing out big banks with nearly a trillion dollars, the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates joined; most Republican legislators joined all Democrats; The Wall Street Journal joined The New York Times, and National Review joined The Nation; in telling Americans that doing this was essential, and that their disapproval counted for nothing.

    It may be over by the time you realize your in it given desire to avoid, distract and more until now, we have no way to stop it at all… but yet, this conversation started 10 years ago or more..

    sadly… now you will find the changers that go the other way, because THAT is what happens when the other way wins… which is why you cant tell a good german from a nazi in 1942….

    nothing could have prevented it just as i said 10 years to neo and she said i was quite negative… no, emotional i was not, negative or positive, depends on which side your on that day, and whether you switch…

    but regardless of those actions, the condition will remain

    Wont be long till ovens are fashiable again, how would one even start to stop what has gone on for so long barely opposed?

    Now, we are no longer one people. In our time, the most widespread of differences between rulers and ruled is also the deepest: The ruled go to church and synagogue. The rulers are militantly irreligious and contemptuous of those who are not. Progressives since Herbert Croly’s and Woodrow Wilson’s generation have nursed a superiority complex. They distrust elections because they think that power should be in expert hands—their own. They believe that the U.S Constitution gave too much freedom to ordinary Americans and not enough power to themselves, and that America’s history is one of wrongs.

    The books they read pretend to argue scientifically that the rest of Americans are racist, sexist, maybe fascists, but above all stupid. [warned you to read what they were reading!!!!!!!!!!]

    For them, Americans are harmful to themselves and to the world, and have no right to self-rule. That is why our revolution started from a point more advanced in its logic than many others.

    yes, sociopaths blame the victim for being weak enough to be their victim…

  2. Artfldgr on November 28, 2018 at 11:38 am at 11:38 am said:
    bye bye kamala
    bye bye to the press
    hello sweet duress
    the dems are gonna cry….
    * * *

  3. MikeK on November 28, 2018 at 12:04 pm at 12:04 pm said:
    Codevilla is a treasure. I had the pleasure of meeting him several years ago when I still lived in California. I would also recommend this Tucker Carlson speech. He points out that the Republicans were lying to their voters for years before Trump came along.
    * * *
    It would appear from Trump’s election that Carlson’s conclusion was widely shared in 2016. However, it also appears that some of the GOP continue their lying nonetheless.
    In re Thucydides — human nature hasn’t changed much over the millenia, and will not in the future either. I suspect our Constitution’s authors were well aware of his observations.

  4. AeosopFan:

    Did those dead white males know a thing or two? Are Greeks “white?” Thucydides is certainly dead (but not forgotten). Not to worry, we have a “living, breathing, constitution” now (and forever more). /s

  5. Poor Senator Allen. The media carried hundreds of macaca stories. Even with the media being Pravda for the democrats, Webb didn’t win by much.

  6. Southerners are pretty darn tired of “racist” allegations everywhere. Plus, this kind of thing detracts from actual, sure-‘nough racist behavior where it still crops up.

  7. “Her victory brings the GOP Senate total to 53.”

    That’s good, but my big fear is that Sen. Mitt Romney will replace John McCain as the big GOP schmuck in the senate. Will 53 be enough? I say prepare yourself for some major disappointments.

  8. AesopFan, I thought those nooses might be leftist-planted, and that appears to be the case.

    TommyJay, the good news is there’s only one of Romney vs. three that were (McCain, Flake, Corker).

  9. “… as three-fourths of Americans opposed bailing out big banks with nearly a trillion dollars, the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates joined; — in telling Americans that doing this was essential, …” — Codevilla

    A goodly portion of the banking crisis was very real, but an even bigger portion was a good old fashioned banking panic fueled by a securities trading market run amok. The gov. made a killing on net. Cost to the taxpayer: -$350B roughly. Yet the myth lives on, and has captured the zeitgeist.

    And if the bailout didn’t happen? Maxine Waters was just itching to nationalize the big banks. I saw the video of Waters, at the time, where she got 3/4 of the word “nationalize” out of he mouth before catching herself and replacing the word with something like “rescue.” A real Venezuela style nationalizing horror-show could have happened.

    The much more important issue is why and how the credit crisis was created, but if people don’t understand the previous paragraph, then the deeper understanding is hopeless.

  10. Ach! No edit! Two paragraphs previously.
    Bring back the preview. Sorry, I know this all a big pain to you Neo.

  11. Seabury and Codevilla wrote “War; Ends and Means”. It explains war and military affairs–including political and moral issues–to those who have no clue, which was most of their students. That being the reason for the book.
    Each chapter is complete in itself and can be read for a complete handling of a given issue.
    It is brutal in the sense that some of the conventional wisdom–from the libs, mostly–is dealt with most pdq with no fudging.

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