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Political violence, left and right — 55 Comments

  1. I entirely agree with the idea that it could well be a series of false flag operations; it is indeed true that almost every “racist” incident on a campus later turns out to have been fabricated, although the memory which lingers is more likely to be that of the original “offense”, not of its subsequent unmasking as a a hoax.

  2. I guess it wasn’t too soon for the NY “leaders” to blame Trump, abet between the lines of course. I admit my first thought was false flag, but I will reserve judgement until someone is caught. I certainly do not condone this at all.

  3. I also weigh in with the belief these are false-flag operations. The number of packages and targets — and the use of the USPS for all but one of the packages (that left for George Soros) — suggest a coordinated effort that was designed not to succeed. While it is possible the bombings were intended for the addresses, I am simply unable to leave go the notion that someone(s) on the left was/were worried how the electorate was viewing the hostility of progressives and Democrats and sought to share in the sense of victimization.

  4. All five packages had Debbie Wasserman Schutz’ office as the return address. The fifth package was addressed to Eric Holder but was returned to Wasserman Schultz’ office, when the Holder address turned out to be incorrect. Did the perp think that a Democrat’s return address would convince the addressees that the packages were safe? Or was the perp a former Wasserman-Schultz staffer who gained access to classified addresses through Democrat channels? Whatever, it appears that the perp was not very clever. I expect he/she/they will be apprehended rather quickly.

  5. RE: “At some point, I fear someone is going to get hurt.”
    I think that a great many people are going to get hurt.

    One side thinks that the other side is evil and must be stopped by any means necessary. The other side isn’t going to just take it. Neither side respects each other. Both sides are embracing tribalism. Real violence may be unavoidable.

    Civilization advances through successful conversation or through violence. I don’t see successful conversations in our future. This won’t end well.

  6. 100% it is false flag and I don’t need to reserve judgement.
    Given the act was carried out 2 weeks before the election and the bombs were so clumsily made with zero ability to do harm to anyone, one could conclude with conviction that it is politically motivated and the intention was not to harm anyone but to influence the election. fabricating a faux right wing attack against democrats is a blatant attempt from someone of the left to reverse the narrative that democrats are the violence mob while the right are the party of law and order and civility. The simple rule to determine who the culprits are is Whoever benefits from an attack is the culprit, Republicans have zero incentives to carry out these attacks since these attacks would only benefits the left.

  7. I’ve not heard that any of the packages were capable of exploding. There was an unconfirmed claim from someone at the Soros scene that that device was not operable, even though it did have gunpowder residue on it.

    Real bombs that are badly made and non-functional, are not uncommon. It would seem unlikely that there are a half-dozen real bombs that are all non-functional.

    It could be a right winger just trying to make a threat, or a false-flag.

  8. I too will wait for evidence, but I have to admit that I strongly suspect that this is originated either from the far left or from an apolitical nutjob.

    The reason that “racist” incidents in a modern setting virtually always turn out to be hoaxes is that only one side cares about race, much less generating publicity about racist acts. That would be the left. The left is obsessed with race, and one of their constant motivations is a belief that everyone right-of-center is just as race-obsessed as they are, except as a mirror-image to them. The left also considers politics as a form of religion, in which any act, including actual violence, is OK, as long as it is committed to further their cause. Since they project, they also assume everyone on the other side of the fence believes the same. Thus, you get people who fake racist acts, knowing that their lefty friends will immediately assume that the act was perpetrated by an evil, violent, racist right-wing person, and they justify doing it because it’s a means to the always-good end of vilifying conservatives.

    What the radical left doesn’t get is that people on the right are not just like them, with mirror-image beliefs. We believe in the rule of law; we don’t break laws and commit violence against them because it’s OK to break laws and commit violence as long as it’s against lefties.

    Anyway, to the point of sending pipe bombs to politicians and public figures, this is simply not something that is done by people who believe in the rule of law. It doesn’t occur to any sort of sane, mainstream righty to do that. It does, however, totally figure in to the lefty world view so it does look like a “racist!” hoax on steroids.

  9. The Washington Examiner didn’t consider it a false flag operation. There is no vast left-wing conspiracy.

    And now, at least five calculated attempts to terrorize two former Democratic presidents, a prominent liberal billionaire, a former head of the DNC, and a cable news channel have been intercepted in the last 24 hours.

    Now is not the time to break out your tinfoil hats. Trump’s very own Secret Service valiantly intercepted the bombs, which themselves have been reported to be fully functional. The sinister notion popping up among corners of the right-wing commentariat that the bombs are a false flag operation designed to garner public sympathy for Democrats is dangerous, deluded, and dumb.

    While the overwhelming majority of conservative commentators and GOP politicians have wholeheartedly condemned the attacks for what they are, a flailing fringe has sought to unearth a vast, left-wing conspiracy.

    “Just too coincidental that two weeks before Election Day, as the ‘blue wave’ has turned into a ripple, and the left is losing ground because of incivility and violent rhetoric, explosive devices show up in the mailboxes of Soros, Clinton, and Obama,” wrote right-wing radio personality John Cardillo on Twitter. Since deleting the tweet, he posted that at least only the security details, not the targets of the bombs themselves, would have been at risk. (Oh, really.)

    Conservative columnist Kurt Schlichter wrote of the bombs, “Now I’m really sure it’s a hoax,” after the extremely compelling evidence emerged that some liberals blame Trump’s rhetoric for the attacks. Perhaps Schlichter later realized this wasn’t terribly compelling, as he later downgraded his certainty to “Nut or hoax — pick one.”

    While it’s obviously fine to withhold judgment on the attacks until law enforcement addresses more of the public’s questions, the rush from some on the Right to use a lack of facts to justify promulgating ridiculous conspiracy theories is both fallacious and irresponsible. Lies poison the well of truth, especially when the majority of Republicans in the White House and conservatives across the country have gone to such great lengths to condemn mob violence.

    Given the way the Mueller investigation has turned out, I am not going to lightly dismiss conspiracy or false flag interpretations.

  10. It was postmarked, so the sending station can be ID’s. Wagers there are security cameras therein and the postal clerk who took the package may even remember having done so. They may able as well to identify where the components were manufactured and the vendors to which they were shipped. More security cameras. I would not be the least bit surprised if they apprehended him and did so PDQ. And then, we may have some answers.

  11. My initial inclination is false flag as well, based on the facts as we know them and the arguments delineated here. But that is just an inclination based on very, very limited information. There’s nothing “conspiratorial” about a healthy suspicion of such activities, given the current political climate and the well known (often free acknowledged) tactics of certain leftists. As pertinent details come out, if they allay my suspicions and point to an alternate explanation, I will change my inclinations accordingly.

    Of course facts matter only minimally. It’s always all about the narrative. That’s where I’m utterly grateful for Trump. To be clear: the Democrat-MSM-Activist axis would spin this to blame the GOP no matter if we had President Cruz, President Rubio or President Jeb. Unlike them, however, Trump knows how to punch back, hard and effectively. I expect he will be referencing James Hodgkinson a great deal in the coming days.

  12. Well, I will also weigh in and cast my vote for the false flag. It immediately reminded me of the campus racial incidents which many were later shown to have been perpetrated by a minority seeking to implicate the white students. If the facts show differently, then I am quite willing to eat humble pie. However, the left is desperate, and have shown they are willing to use any means necessary.

  13. “Trump’s Secret Service”?

    This violence and political terrorism really bothers and disheartens me about our politics and the larger community of the United States. People engage in these violent activities – like the shooting of Scalise – because they irrationally believe that the election of a particular political office holder is a life and death matter.

    We need to get back to a focus on what is best for most of us and the country. It would help to reduce the (perceived) importance of the Federal government and the people that run it. Put more of the decision making back at the State level – where there is more cultural similarity and agreement on issues.

    Maybe Trump, with his clear and blunt talk, and willingness to argue, and his skill at making his opponents look bad, is the guy to get us back to a more sane level of engagement.

  14. I think we will know in short order who mailed these, and then we might have some answers about why. If it was a leftist, this report will quickly disappear because the sender will have a “mental disorder.” I lean towards the false flag theory, but only evidence will tell us what this was about.

  15. clearly false flag as none of bombs exploded. return address of wasserman-schultz shows democrats behind this as now an excuse to bomb republicans. look at history of who is behind devices that clearly are meant not to go off and it is NOT terrorists.

  16. Well it couldn’t have been from Bill Ayers since ones he was involved with did go off, although one was a “work accident” that killed some of his own. Weren’t the ’70s wonderful?

    And of course you don’t rate terrorism based on the dud/non-dud stats.

  17. soros tanks the market to help democrats. not bill ayres his bombs go off! and shorts the market $$$ he hates wasserman schultz too!

  18. Weren’t Wasserman Shultz and/or the DNC hacked by the Russians during the last election?

    So, maybe it’s Russians?

  19. Wasserman Schultz had some problems with the Paki family running the IT services for the Democrat congress critters. One of those problems that the FBI never got around to investigating, cough, cough, almost like someone else’s private server. Those weren’t Russians it appears.

    What or who Soros hates? Loosing money and the USA as presently constituted.

  20. Esther: “So, maybe it’s Russians?”

    That occurred to me as well. Their objective is to sow discord. This will do it, what with so many progs blaming Trump.

    I watched De Blasio and Cuomo give speeches at the press briefing. The speeches were well crafted to sound lofty and inferred it was Trump’s fault without saying his name. Too slick, IMO. This could be their October surprise.

  21. And of course regarding bombers and terrorism, duds/non-duds and such there are examples of the Underwear bomber, the Shoe Bomber, Ted Kazinsky (sic), the Boston Marathon bombers, Timothy McVeigh, World Trade Center truck bombers, the sadly misunderstood Clock Boy from Texas, and those high school students from Columbine. Their (Columbine) bombs were duds.

  22. I also think the perp(s) will, be found rather quickly. Too many clues in plain sight. Or is that intentional? We’ll see.

  23. Andy McCarthy at NRO points out that the NY Times is not very obliquely blaming Trump for these bombs. Without evidence, like the speculation here (mine included). But this isn’t a newspaper.

  24. I would say the chances that the hoax bombs came from a republican is about as high as Kavanaugh being a serial gang rapist as claimed by the Creepy porn lawyer and his client.

  25. I expect it’s a no-flag operation to make many people suspect that it’s a “right-wing” effort.

  26. From the Washingon Examiner, as excerpted above:

    Trump’s very own Secret Service valiantly intercepted the bombs, which themselves have been reported to be fully functional.

    Reported — by whom?

    By the way. Doesn’t matter who actually did it, nor why (unless of course Right-Wing/Trump). The wounding of Gaby Giffords and murder of Judge Roll and others in Tucson a few years back are still solidly, absotively-posilutely the fault of Sarah Dems-in-the-Cross-Hairs Palin and the other low-down scum known to be Right-Wing. Similarly, ….

  27. Julie near Chicago

    are you saying threats against Trump were false flags or lies made up by Trump to claim both sides are equally violent?

    It is not like the left doesn’t believe in false flags or politicians would fabricate attacks against themselves to cast aspersions on their opponents.

    To them, attacks against Trump or republicans were all fake while attacks against democrats were all real with real republican perps.

  28. False Flag. Almost certainly.

    -All targets are prominent leftists.

    -Two weeks before a midterm.

    -Blue Wave looking more like a Blue Shart.

    -“Caravan” gambit not having the desired effect, vis a vis optics.

    -Bombs are either amateurish or deliberately inert/phony. (constructed of PVC: less shrapnel, less danger to people, wires stuffed in both ends of the pipe, etc)

    – Potential victims are never in any real danger but are showered with oodles of political capital in the aftermath.

    -Bomb techs and LEOs are releasing images of some of the bombs through the media (or worse, allowing the media to take the pictures themselves) before an investigation has barely started. (This, to my mind, is the single biggest indicator of this being a likely False Flag).

    -Some packages may not have been mailed but hand delivered. Some locations are hundreds of miles apart.

    Whenever the MSM/TPTB want you to be scared or panic or worry, to get whipped up in a rage or hate filled frenzy, to condemn people without evidence, you need to stop and think.

    And once you get to thinkin’, things start to stinkin’.

  29. IF the photo is representative…

    they were not real bombs at all
    most are fakes, and that screamed fake all over
    they WANTED whoever saw it to know what it was
    ie. akin to taking a bunch of road flares and taping them up with an alarm clock

    yeah, you can make a real thing look fake, and yet still work

    my horse bets are on a Bernie fan/s…
    but who knows? could be a student art project gone awry
    something like “you idiot, you weren’t supposed to mail the props or deliver them, they were for a stage still life art project…” – maybe thats the cover story
    [sounds better if you say it with a peter Lori accent or Bela Lugosi, not sure which given the season… ]

    as a side comment on our news
    if you notice, the tv is only running the video of the proud boys and antifa dustup, from the alley way… there is another longer video from the outside which ends up showing the incident from the street outside the alley way…

    in both cases, which way will the news blow?
    Only the shadow knows!
    (and i aint him and have nothing to do with Cranston)…

  30. Dave — Sorry if I was unclear in my parenthetical. I was trying to allow for the 10^^-2700bn chance that some identifiably right-wing nutjobs did it.

    I’m saying the left/Dems and probably the sainted SPLC are going to keep the theme going that it was the Right behind this, even if it turns out to have been Billy Ayers and his sweet wifey Barnardine Dohrn their very own selves.

  31. I am so tired of seeing liberals do the “bad guy locking himself in a room with the hotheaded good cop and punch himself to frame the good cop of police brutality” routine like in lethal weapon in October every two years

  32. As an example of the way the leftist anti-Repub, anti-right theme in general keeps on and on regardless of truth, I quote from Andy McCarthy’s piece at National Review on this:

    And speaking of “attacks,” why, in light of the context of a possible bombing spree, is the [New York] Times asserting that Secretary Clinton, President Obama, and Mr. Soros have “figured prominently in conservative political attacks”? They have not been subjected to “attacks” in the sense conveyed by this report; they have been on the receiving end of mere political criticism, not the subjects of attempted political assassinations.


    Keeping in mind Mr. McCarthy’s headline, entitled “The Pipe-Bombs Story: Another Example of Why No One Trusts the Media ,” there is this detailed report posted by NBC News, including an update 8 min. ago:


  33. Hmmm…maybe, just maybe this was all part of the Russian collusion of the 2016 election cycle, but the USPS are just now delivering the packages…(sarcasm off)

  34. From NBC News,

    The bomb intended for Brennan was wrapped in tape and was designed to be functional, officials told NBC News.
    The earlier confirmed bombs — like the explosive device that was found Monday in the mailbox of George Soros’ home in Bedford, New York — were all made with PVC pipe, which X-rays indicated likely contained shrapnel, three senior law enforcement officials with direct knowledge of the matter told NBC News. They included a low explosive or a pyrotechnic, as in fireworks, as well as timers — likely digital alarm clocks — to set off the detonators, the sources said.

    Multiple senior bomb technicians briefed on the case said the aspiring bomber had all of the components needed to set off a successful explosion.

    Well OK then, … It was designed to be functional. It had all the components needed to be set off an explosion. I mean, it could have been a real bomb. I guess they are hiring lawyers to write copy these days.

    The media says the bomb fragments fly at a velocity of 3,000 ft./sec. Yes, if it is a cast iron pipe bomb, but these aren’t. Probably more like 400 to 800 ft./sec for PVC plastic pipe.

    And the large digital clock display taped to the bomb? A package bomb has a trip wire attached to the package flap, or box flap, or internal box lid, so that the explosion is guaranteed to be up-close and personal. This is a 12 hour or 24 hour clock, and the package was shipped through conventional multi-day mail. How does that not detonate in a post office or postal truck?

    Even if it were a multi-day timer, how do you gage the time so that it doesn’t blow up in a postal truck, but does blow up before the intended target opens it? Remember, it doesn’t blow up by opening it.

  35. Tommy Jay:

    No argument with most of your comment, just that pipe bombs have often been made from threaded steel pipe, not cast iron pipe. Cast iron pipe is typically used for drain (sewer) pipe but is not threaded and is much larger diameter. It is also called ductile iron pipe. A childhood memory from the Fort Belvoir, VA US Army Corp of Engineers base library. Old (WWII) hand grenades had cast iron bodies not so with modern ordnance IIRC.

    Glad they didn’t work for whatever reason. And hope the catch the b*stards.

  36. I’m with Artfldgr. CNN posted a pic of the bomb with packaging sent to them. It was sent in a manila envelope. Despite all the excess postage, investigators say it was delivered by courier to CNN (despite the fact Brennan [notice all the names are misspelled] comments on MSNBC). Who does that? And the pipe bomb had a large, bulky timer taped to the outside of the pipe. Again, who does that? Mail bombs are supposed to explode when the intended target opens the package, and they’re far more effective when the bomber sends them in a box because then you can’t feel what’s inside. Of course, if the box is strangely balanced, as in extremely heavy at one end but empty everywhere else that’s another giveaway.

    So, let’s add it all up, Whoever sent this knows all the classic clues of a mail bomb. Back when I was training to provide intel support to counter-terrorism excessive postage is a classic giveaway. The bomber wants the bomb to get to his target but he sure as hell isn’t going to go inside the Post Office and interact with a postal worker. The stamp that cancels the postage would show from what what office the bomb was sent, and at least one worker could identify the sender. So the bomber would drop it off in a mailbox outside. Why didn’t this guy do that instead of sending it by courier? Because it was in a manila envelope, and any mail handler would immediately recognize it was suspicous when sorting the mail by hand. It never would have arrived at its destination. Misspellings are another classic sign of a mail bomb.

    And then the fact it has a timer taped to the bomb, a wire from each end cap attached to the wire. Screams “This is a hoax bomb” as it is essentially designed not to work.

    I don’t know who sent it. It could have been a crazed Democrat trying to frame Trump (Trump controls the hurricane machine, see, so his very words are violence and cause more violence). It could have been another angry Bernie bro, just not as angry as James Hodgekinson who tried to assassinate the Republicans on the baseball diamond. After all, Hillary was Obama’s hand picked successor. Hillary and DWS conspired to stack the deck against Bernie and steal the primary from him. And Donna Brazille was working as a commenter at CNN and passed their debate questions to the Hillary campaign. So that would connect all the dots, and I’d say putting DWS’s name and address on all the packages reflects a particular animus toward her.

    I can’t see how this is a crazed Trump supporter because, as terrible as this is going to sound, if it really were a crazed Trump supporter I can’t see him sending mere hoax bombs.

    But this is the angle the deranged idiots at CNN are going with. I can practically guarantee they’ll wind up with egg on they’re faces because if the FBI runs this to ground I don’t believe the perpetrator will turn out to be who they assume it will be.

  37. While we wait to see if the FBI can find the perps before the election, PowerLine commenters are mostly lined up on the “hoax” side, and provided a couple of good pictures.

    Continuing the NCP meme, which Twitter can suppress but not eliminate.

    A device more appropriate for the Banana Republic we seem to be morphing into.

    Bonus: not about the bombs, but about socialism that might actually work if they tried it.

  38. Not our own violence, but apparently the corpus delicti of the Middle Eastern crime du jour has been uncovered.

    One of the many stories that Google let me find.


    Report: Saudi Journalist Khashoggi’s Remains Found
    Khashoggi’s body was found in the garden of the Saudi consul general’s home, according to Sky News ? CNN reports say investigators found two suitcases with Khashoggi’s personal belongings

    Haaretz Oct 24, 2018 3:13 PM

    * * *
    This is just plain weird; are we into Inspector Clouseau territory now?


    Saudis reportedly scrap coverup plan because Khashoggi ‘body double’ wore the wrong shoes
    An alleged Saudi Arabian plot to cover up the killing of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi went awry after a suspected Khashoggi “body double” wore the wrong shoes, a diplomat familiar with the matter told The Washington Post, according to an article published Monday.
    The report came shortly after CNN published footage that appeared to show a man exiting the Saudi consulate in Istanbul Oct. 2 wearing a fake beard and glasses, as well as the pants, shirt and jacket that Khashoggi was seen wearing when he entered the building earlier in the day.
    “It was a flawed body double, so it never became an official part of the Saudi government’s narrative,” the diplomat told the Post.
    Tucker Higgins
    Published 1:33 PM ET Mon, 22 Oct 2018 Updated 6:03 PM ET Mon, 22 Oct 2018

    * * *
    The view from the spooks — via Vanity Fair??

    OCTOBER 24, 2018 6:03 PM
    “It seemed an especially macabre, 21st-century touch in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi: the suggestion that he had recorded his own murder on his Apple Watch, thus providing the source of the much-talked-about, still-unheard tape of Khashoggi’s death. The fact that the Apple Watch angle—reported by a pro-government Turkish newspaper—is almost certainly false doesn’t make the ploy any less interesting, though, especially to veterans of the American intelligence community. “The Turks were floating this trial balloon that Khashoggi recorded his own death to play with an alibi that would distance themselves ever so slightly,” says Ned Price, a former Central Intelligence Agency analyst and a National Security Council staffer in the Obama administration. “It certainly sounds like they have in their possession sensitive collection from a Saudi diplomatic facility on their territory. To put it bluntly, they were spying on the Saudi consulate, and doing so quite effectively. It puts the Turks in a tough situation.”

    Amid the tragedy and the bungling, however, there remain opportunities. One is for the U.S. to create some space from Saudi Arabia. Another is for improved relations with Turkey, supposedly a NATO ally, but one that lately has been drifting toward Iran and Russia. Turkish President Recep Erdo?an’s belligerence toward the Saudis over Khashoggi’s death is strategic—Erdo?an wants to play a larger role in Sunni Muslim politics—which may give the U.S. an opening. “In this part of the world it’s zero-sum—the other person’s loss is your gain,” says Michael Carpenter, a former deputy assistant defense secretary whose turf included Russia and Eurasia. “Turkey wants to smear Saudi because they are still pissed at what the Saudis did to the Qataris. We have decent intelligence sharing with the Turks in certain fields, but our relationship in general is so terrible right now, we should use every opportunity to find a little more common ground. It’s very dangerous for the United States to have a NATO ally in Moscow’s orbit.”

    Yet the fallout from Khashoggi’s murder is likely to be felt more immediately, and most acutely, in the shadows where the U.S. develops key intelligence sources. ”

    Drifting toward Iran and Russia = running the motorboat full speed, but whatever.

  39. Someone who has the intellect to cover all their tracks to evade the fbi after sending these many supposed explosive devices should be smart enough to figure out these sham with dud bombs with no intention to hurt anyone scares absolutely no one and accomplishes absolutely nothing but help the democrats in the midterm, why would they do it anyway if they are republicans?

  40. There is a home-made explosive Islamic radicals use which they call,iirc, “mother of Satan” because it is so touchy and likely to go off at the wrong time. Raw nitroglycerin is also very touchy stuff.
    By the time such compounds are reduced to a form where they can be safely handled by the moderately competent, setting them off requires an effort. Most likely, a blasting cap.
    Or, in the case of something flammable, possibly a spark. This might trigger black powder. However, black powder burns. It does not explode unless confined. See the use of pressure cookers. If you tried that with a saucepan, the lid would jump and there would be a flash and nasty smoke.
    Hence the use of a pipe.
    But how do you set the stuff off? Spark requires energy which means battery which means a circuit which completes when the package is opened. Something attached to the packaging is interrupting an otherwise complete circuit. Pull the package open and….nothing. Done wrong on purpose? Done wrong by somebody who was taking a couple or three too many steps not to set it off in his face?
    You’d think somebody who had the motivation to do this would have figured out, possibly be testing, how to do it right.
    What are we now? Zero for six?
    Does not compute.

  41. “At some point, I fear someone is going to get hurt . . . .” [Neo]

    With all due respect Neo, some people have already gotten hurt (Steve Scalise, Rand Paul, a man attacked by a leftist professor with a bicycle shackle in Berkely, etc. ). They just weren’t the right people, they were people on the right.

    The fact that a sitting congressman was brought down by rifle fire during a sporting event wasn’t nearly serious enough to cause Hillary Clinton to avoid saying that there can be no civility while Republicans are in charge. When her people (so to speak) get pretend bombs— “Oh, that’s very different. Nevermind.”

    Unfotunately, there is nothing new or particularly striking in my comment, and I recognize your rhetorical device in your statement above. Still, this is precisely the attitude that the left has engendered: “We now need to stop before “real” people get hurt,” as though Scalise, et. al., are chopped liver.

  42. “Mother of Satan” is triacetone triperoxide, which has caused “work accidents” (as the Israelis call them) or SplodeyDopes. Very dangerous stuff.

  43. T:

    Of course I’m well aware that people have already gotten hurt. The second paragraph of this post, for example, begins this way: “When a leftist tried to assassinate a bunch of Republican members of Congress on a baseball field about a year and a half ago, and came very close to succeeding, it was only covered relatively briefly considering the incident’s severity…”

    Obviously I meant going forward, more people are going to get hurt. And perhaps not just hurt, but assassinated.

  44. Neo,

    Just for the record, I realize that you know this; as I wrote, I recognize your rhetorical device here. It was an opportunity to note just how deeply the left has inculcated all of us into believing that nothing really serious has happened yet. That “someone” who might be assassinated was, except for the grace of God in a couple of inches in the placement of a shot, Steve Scalise. You note precisely this in the second paragraph; I should have been more precise in my own comment.

    In retropsect, my making this point on this site is really preaching tot the choir; we all, here, already know this.

  45. A lot of the speculation that the bombs are “false flag” centers on the apparent non-functionality of the bombs, the publicizing of pix before the investigators start work* (or even arrive??), the inanity of the packaging, the cluelessness of sending to people who have all their mail screened by SS, the timing (has to be more than one person), possibility of surveillance of the couriers (why stamp them and then hand-deliver them? suddenly realizing they will be rejected by USPS at the PO?) and the “staleness” of the targets (all selected for show, none of them are currently in government power positions), and why do they know Biden’s bomb is missing??

    However, all of the speculations that the Khashoggi affair were Turkish “fake news” seem to have evaporated, so as a famous detective said, “It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence.”

    May be a mistake, but it’s how you drive an investigation; the mistake, as Holmes continues, is letting your theories blind you to the contrary evidence.

    *releasing photos taints things, like making it hard to weed out the people who call in with false confessions, revealing clues needed to track the perps, and generally giving people grist for the speculation mill.
    If the photos were of actual dangerous bombs, then ramping up the fear factor is a motive for Dems; if they are fake, it’s a stupid own goal, because of the internet crowd-sourcing of discovery. But then, Dan Rather has never admitted his memos were forgeries.

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