Home » The contradictions in leftist identity politics


The contradictions in leftist identity politics — 13 Comments

  1. The whole system of dividing people up by “race” collapses under its own weight, and Warren has show the utter ludicrousness of the whole concept.

    One one-thousandth of your genetic make-up assigns you to a “race”, but the presence or absence of an etire chromosome (the Y chromosome) is completely irrelevant when determining your sex.

    The logical contradiction hits you in the face with the force of a false gang-rape accusation. I think a lot of people will start to realize this, but I expect nothing will change on the left.

  2. Race is part of our biological identity, no matter what some say about “skin deep.” Black males have a higher risk of prostate cancer. Blacks of both sexes have a higher risk of high blood pressure. I have had a theory, unsupported by evidence, that western hemisphere blacks with a history of slavery in ancestors, may have a greater risk because salt conservation was an evolutionary factor in surviving the Middle Passage. The only way this could be studied is with blood pressure studies in black Africans. There is almost no evidence.

    There has been one lawsuit complaining that Hawaiians were not warned about side effects on the basis or race.

    Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and Sanofi were accused in a lawsuit by Hawaii of failing to disclose that the blood-thinning drug Plavix has little effect on 30 percent of the population and puts patients at risk for gastrointestinal bleeding.

    From 38 percent to 79 percent of Pacific-Islanders and 40 percent to 50 percent of East Asians may respond poorly to Plavix because of a genetic predisposition to inadequately metabolize the drug, Hawaii Attorney General David Louie said in an e-mailed statement. The companies failed to disclose the information to protect their profit from Plavix prescriptions, he said in a complaint today in state court in Honolulu.

    Political correctness is preventing a lot of research. How about kids raised in same sex marriages? And so on.

  3. On a tangential but related issue Pamela Paresky discusses tribalism and moral pollution in a recent review of Lukianoff’s and Haidt’s book The Coddling of the American Mind. She discusses characteristic leftist “argumentation” and eventually (see the subheading “Taboo and Moral Pollution”) discusses the need and use of moral prohibitions and taboos.

    She concentrates on concepts and does not write an anti-progressive screed, but the parallels to the Progressivise movement are are very clear and relate to Neo’s points with regard to Warren above.

    It’s a little lengthy but IMO a good read.

    The Link:


  4. Diversity or color judgments a.k.a. “identity politics” including racism, sexism, ageism, etc.

    Sex is binary: male and female, dictated through genotype. Gender is binary: masculine and feminine, a spectrum of physical and mental (e.g. sexual orientation) attributes established through phenotype. The transgender spectrum encompasses individuals who exhibit a significant divergence between their sex and gender, including: homosexuals, bisexuals, neo-males/females, transvestites, etc.

    Race refers to a combination of biological, jurisdictional, and character alignments.

  5. MikeK:

    Your comment went into the spam folder for mysterious reasons. The spam folder has been a little overactive lately, also for mysterious reasons.

    I took it out of spam and it now appears here. Thanks for letting me know.

  6. ‘Gender is binary: masculine and feminine, a spectrum of physical and mental (e.g. sexual orientation) attributes established through phenotype.”
    When I was living in Germany I learned from my German teacher that gender is masculine, feminine and neuter. Even worse, some of those nouns were transgender and would switch genders on you when you weren’t expecting it. I asked my German teacher how to avoid this gender confusion and she said to ignore it, it even confuses the Germans.

  7. “Sex is binary: male and female, dictated through genotype. Gender is binary: masculine and feminine. . . .” [n.n. @ 2:41 pm]

    I offer that you’re painting with too broad a brush. Gender is a linguistic construction and it is not binary; at the very least it is tertiary. Many non-English languages use different genders for different nouns; the noun “moon” is usually feminine (Die Mond, La lune) while the noun “land” is usually masculine (Das Land, le pays). While it is formalized in non-English languages, even in English we have three genders (masculine “he”, feminine “she”, and neuter “it”). Futhermore, again even in English, we colloquially refer to certain nouns by gender-specific pronouns (e.g., ships and sometimes automobiles = “she”).

    The mistake that’s made, IMO, is that the linguistic construction “gender” (a fabrication) is substituted for the sexual distinction “male/female” (a reality).

  8. Even in the biological sense, although physical sexual differentiation is basically binary it is not 100% binary. For example, in the animal kingdom, hermaphrodism exists not just as a rare individual anomaly but as the default position in some species (granted, not a lot of species, but a fair number):

    Many taxonomic groups of animals (mostly invertebrates) do not have separate sexes. In these groups, hermaphroditism is a normal condition, enabling a form of sexual reproduction in which either partner can act as the “female” or “male”. For example, the great majority of tunicates, pulmonate snails, opisthobranch snails and slugs are hermaphrodites. Hermaphroditism is also found in some fish species and to a lesser degree in other vertebrates. Most plants are also hermaphrodites…

    A rough estimate of the number of hermaphroditic animal species is 65,000. Since the estimated total number of animal species is 8.6 million, the percentage of animal species that are hermaphroditic is about 0.7%. Arthropods are the phylum with the largest number of species. Most hermaphroditic species exhibit some degree of self-fertilization. The distribution of self-fertilization rates among animals is similar to that of plants, suggesting that similar processes are operating to direct the evolution of selfing in animals and plants.

    In humans, hermaphrodism (and intersex births, a more popular term these days and one that includes more categories than classic hermaphrodism but does NOT include people who identify as transgender but don’t have physical syndromes and anomalies) is more of an individual event that is relatively rare:

    Hermaphrodite is used in older literature to describe any person whose physical characteristics do not neatly fit male or female classifications, but some people advocate to replace the term with intersex. Intersex describes a wide variety of combinations of what are considered male and female biology. Intersex biology may include, for example, ambiguous-looking external genitalia, karyotypes that include mixed XX and XY chromosome pairs (46XX/46XY, 46XX/47XXY or 45X/XY mosaic)…

    Some people who are intersex, such as some of those with androgen insensitivity syndrome, outwardly appear completely female or male, frequently without realizing they are intersex. Other kinds of intersex conditions are identified immediately at birth because those with the condition have a sexual organ larger than a clitoris and smaller than a penis.

    Some humans were historically termed true hermaphrodites if their gonadal tissue contained both testicular and ovarian tissue, or pseudohermaphrodites if their external appearance (phenotype) differed from sex expected from internal gonads. This language has fallen out of favor due to misconceptions and pejorative connotations associated with the terms, and also a shift to nomenclature based on genetics.

    Intersex is in some caused by unusual sex hormones; the unusual hormones may be caused by an atypical set of sex chromosomes. One possible pathophysiologic explanation of intersex in humans is a parthenogenetic division of a haploid ovum into two haploid ova. Upon fertilization of the two ova by two sperm cells (one carrying an X and the other carrying a Y chromosome), the two fertilized ova are then fused together resulting in a person having dual genitalial, gonadal (ovotestes) and genetic sex. Another common cause of being intersex is the crossing over of the SRY from the Y chromosome to the X chromosome during meiosis. The SRY is then activated in only certain areas, causing development of testes in some areas by beginning a series of events starting with the upregulation of SOX9, and in other areas not being active (causing the growth of ovarian tissues). Thus, testicular and ovarian tissues will both be present in the same individual.[

    If you want to know about prevalence, see this. The gist of it is that true prevalence figures are hard to come by, but in terms of percentages of the human population these events are rare, but nevertheless because the human population is so large they affect pretty large numbers of people.

  9. Some people who are intersex, such as some of those with androgen insensitivity syndrome, outwardly appear completely female or male, frequently without realizing they are intersex.

    One such is a major Hollywood actress well known for appearing at rallies and giving far left speeches. I like her acting in several films. She is an example of what is now called “Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome,” and used to be called “Testicular Feminization Syndrome.”

  10. This is a bait-and-switch operation. She’s trying to use evidence of (unspecified, undifferentiated, negligible) native American ancestry as vindication of her claim of membership or blood relation to one or more particular tribes.

    That’s like me saying “oh, I’m related to the British royal family” and then showing my 77% English DNA result as the “proof”.

    Also, it’s darkly amusing to watch Indian advocates I’ve known for years turn on a dime and abandon their long-standing position that the tribes get to decide who’s a member and who isn’t. Suddenly, it’s “well, they only had to set those rules because the white government forced them to.” Sure, whatever you say.

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