Michael Avenatti…
On Monday, a federal district court judge in California ruled to dismiss Stormy Daniels’ defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump…
Trump lawyer Charles Harder released a statement claiming that with the lawsuit’s dismissal, the president is entitled to compensation for his legal fees.
David Burge already won this, as usual:
“Stormy should have hired Lionel Hutz.” – Iowahawk tweet
Golly, poor Mr. Avenatti! He & his Stormy & his Julie & any others of his heifers better move on to greener pastures. Preferably past the lately readmitted Solar planet Pluto.
I hope Trump does file to have his legal fees reimbursed.
Trump’s legal fees should amount to about $1m, which he can then donate to Pow Wow Chow’s favourite charity. Everyone wins.
And the award was NOT based upon Rule 11 (frivolous pleading) but a Texas statute. Affirmed!
Cornhead: The case was in Fed Dist court in LA; the appeal will be to the 9th Circuit (or 9th circus, as locally known). I am unsure how a TX law will enter the fray.
The judge’s decision should be applauded for noting that even Presidents can fight back when attacked, as a First Amendment right.
Why do I have the feeling that Trump will eventually be paid off with a boatload of singles and a few fives?
So, the Democrats have to come up with someone to run against Trump in 2020.
Avenatti jumped at the chance (even though nobody asked him) and said he would do it, but he destroyed Chrisee and DiFi’s vicious pathetic attempt to block Kavanaugh. So he’s out.
Next, we have Joe Biden, who, when launching his bid for 2020, blurted out that Trump supporters are the dregs of society. His Presidential rocket blew up on the launch pad.
Moving into the vacuum, we see Hillary, former champion of the oppressed femininnies. But Hill doubled down, first saying that the Dems won’t be civil unless they win, rapidly followed by saying that Bill didn’t need to resign in Lewinskigate, because Monica was an adult. Poof!
With nobody else left on the bench, Pocahontas rode her pony into the ring, but was met by a band or irate Cherokees, and was last seen galloping west, with war whoops chasing her down.
That leaves Kamalla.
Or Michelle.
Now I am convinced. God does exist.
Was gonna vote up Doug’s “donate to Pow Wow’s charity”, but am actually thinking Trump is correct that she hasn’t really fulfilled the details of what he said on the show. See Ann Althouse on that.
When it comes to actual deal-fulfillment, the agreed to details are quite important.
Plus, no good reason to let Pocahontas choose; this would be a good time for Trump to choose a worthy Indian tribe and see what would be a big help. Or some other charity, including local Hurricane Michael clean up crews.
(Now I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be good for Melania to visit Haiti — and get a tour of the houses there the Clintons built for the many millions spent on aid. I think there are thousands of dollars worth of stuff that millions were spent on.)
Poor Stormy. I read that her husband is divorcing her because she started associating with lawyers and politicians. Is lawyers and politicians redundant?
It would be fun if the GoFundMe account the left donated to was the source of Trump’s legal fees.
Choice of law case. I live in Nebraska but I can write a contract and choose Texas if there is some rational basis for doing so. Many REITS choose to be governed by Maryland law.
Best comment on PowerLine:
“This is the first time a prostitute has paid a politician.”