Home » The UN court, the US, and Iran


The UN court, the US, and Iran — 21 Comments

  1. For the media, everything is a blow to Trump and Trump is a blow to everything. Because Trump blows the status quos of hungry ho’s and greedy bros and international foes, steps on nevertrumptoes, reaches unprecedented lows, perpetrates grievous woes, and so it goes as the economy grows and grows.

  2. The UN needs to find a new place to call home.
    We’ve got a vacant block of land in Benghazi. Let’s move ’em there.

  3. I’m pretty tired of these un-elected by us “International” organizations of one sort or the other handing down their “decisions” and diktats, and using the U.S. as a whipping boy.

    Pretty tired, as well, of the useless collection of mostly Muslim states, tin horn dictators, failed states, and international welfare queens that make up a large portion of the members of the UN, and which never get tired of holding out their hands while they simultaneously jeer at the U.S.

    The talk factory that is the UN is both way too expensive and way too ineffective; a self-important collection of tens of thousands of way too highly paid bureaucrats, functionaries, not to mention their “peacekeepers,” whose arrival and operations–from the record–only add to whatever calamity they are supposed to be helping.

    I know the conventional wisdom is to “keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer.”

    But, the UN is way too close, and it’s time for it to hit the road, pick up stakes, and settle somewhere else, somewhere more “international” say, Sweden, Germany, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Mongolia, or the Socialist paradise of Venezuela.

  4. Why would anyone care what the UN says, or consider this a “blow”?

    they are the coordinating body people look to to know what to do without actual orders all the provers want… kind of silly not to know that from the days of Huxleys brtother and his writings on taking over the world with the league, which had to go as league was communism, and so it went to a new name…

    but its communism central
    the internationals office

    you just saw the left get their orders
    and you dont get that… never did…
    but then again, you ever met anyone higher than prole

    those wars like bush started and so on…
    they were NOT American wars
    they were wars with amercians and by blue hats.

    its purpose was to get veto power over any american actions before they happend… their biggest screw up was korea

    however, the Security Council did act against Soviet interests. After communist North Korea attacked South Korea in June 1950, the Security Council granted President Truman authority to send American troops to defend South Korea. This happened due to a fluke of history. The Soviet Union was boycotting the Security Council because the permanent seat held by China was then occupied by the anti-communist government on Taiwan rather than the communist mainland government. As a result, the Soviet Union failed to exercise its veto. Although about 15 U.N. member nations participated with the United States in the Korean War (1950-1953), American troops did most of the fighting.

    but thats not all

    In 1945, the United States assumed that the United Nations would share its interests and that U.N. members would follow the American lead. This assumption was shaken by the Cold War. But the United States still managed to win important votes in the General Assembly. For example, for years the General Assembly voted to keep communist mainland China out of the United Nations. This changed, however, in 1971. Despite U.S. efforts, the majority of U.N. members voted to replace anti-communist Taiwan with communist China in both the General Assembly and the Security Council.

    so, they could do anything, and we could do nothing
    they then let spies in, stole money, started wars we got credit for, and more

    but hey
    dont learn that league means communist
    from the list of communist fronts (you argued against this point by the way)

    Communist League
    Labor Youth League
    League for Common Sense
    League of American Writers
    American League Against War and Fascism
    American League for Peace and Democracy
    American Polish League
    Armenian Progressive League of America
    Bulgarian American People’s League of the United States of America
    Citizens Protective League
    Photo League
    Queensborough Tenants League
    Revolutionary Workers League
    Florida Press and Educational League
    Oklahoma League for Political Education
    Virginia League for People’s Education
    Virginia League for People’s Education
    Young Communist League
    All-America Anti-Imperialist League
    American League Against War and Fascism
    American League for Peace and Democracy
    Armenian Progressive League of America
    Communist League of America (Opposition)
    Communist League of Struggle
    Independent Communist Labor League of America
    Independent Labor League of America
    Florida Press and Educational League
    Independent Voters League, Pittsburgh
    Labor Youth League
    League for Mutual Aid

    the above are all communist fronts with the word league in their name
    this is only matched by the term peoples..

    a PEOPLES history of america by Zinn (want his communist card number?)

    Alabama Peoples Educational Association
    Carpatho-Russian Peoples Society
    Congress of the Mexican and Spanish-American Peoples of the United States

    two other words that were big were Defense, and Democracy
    though you could throw in international too…

    here is a list from 1948 alone… (can you imagine how many there are now, with how much money and how many people who have few generations involvement?)

    1948 Attorney General’s list

    Abraham Lincoln Brigade
    Abraham Lincoln School, Chicago, Illinois
    Action Committee to Free Spain Now
    Alabama People’s Educational Association
    American Association for Reconstruction in Yugoslavia Inc.
    American Branch of the Federation of Greek Maritime Unions
    American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    American Committee for Spanish Freedom
    American Committee for the Settlement of Jews in Birbidjan, Inc.
    American Committee for Yugoslav Relief Inc.
    American Committee to Survey Labor Conditions in Europe
    American Committee for a Democratic Greece
    American Council on Soviet Relations
    American Jewish Labor Council
    American League Against War and Fascism
    American League for Peace and Democracy
    American Peace Crusade
    American Peace Mobilization
    American Poles for Peace
    American Polish Labor Council
    American Polish League
    American Rescue Ship Mission
    American Russian Institute
    American Russian Institute, Philadelphia
    American Russian Institute of San Francisco
    American Russian Institute of Southern California, Los Angeles
    American Slav Congress
    American Women for Peace
    American Youth Congress
    American Youth for Democracy
    Armenian Progressive League of America
    Benjamin Davis Freedom Committee
    Boston School for Marxist Studies
    Bridges-Robertson-Schmidt Defense Committee
    Bulgarian American People’s League of the United States of America
    California Emergency Defense Committee
    California Labor School Inc., San Francisco
    Carpatho-Russian People’s Society
    Cervantes Fraternal Society
    China Welfare Appeal Inc.
    Chopin Cultural Center
    Citizens Committee for Harry Bridges
    Citizens Committee of the Upper West Side, New York City
    Citizens Committee to free Earl Browder
    Citizens Emergency Defense Committee
    Citizens Protective League
    Civil Liberties Sponsoring Committee of Pittsburgh
    Civil Rights Congress
    Comite Coordinador Pro Republica Española
    Comite Pro Derechos Civiles
    Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy
    Committee for Constitutional and Political Freedom
    Committee for Peace and Brotherhood Festival in Philadelphia
    Committee for the Defense of the Pittsburgh Six
    Committee for the Negro in the Arts
    Committee for the Protection of the Bill of Rights
    Committee for World Youth Friendship and Cultural Exchange
    Committee to Abolish Discrimination in Maryland
    Committee to Defend the Rights and Freedom of Pittsburgh’s Political Prisoners
    Committee to Uphold the Bill of Rights Commonwealth College, Mena, Arkansas
    Communist Party, USA, its subdivisions, subsidiaries and affiliates
    Communist Political Association, its subdivisions, subsidiaries and affiliates including:
    Alabama People’s Educational Association
    Florida Press and Educational League
    Oklahoma League for Political Education
    People’s Educational and Press Association of Texas
    Virginia League for People’s Education
    Congress against Discrimination
    Congress of American Revolutionary Writers
    Congress of American Women Congress of the Unemployed
    Connecticut Committee to Aid Victims of the Smith Act
    Connecticut Ste Youth Conference
    Council for Jobs, Relief and Housing
    Council for Pan-American Democracy
    Council of Greek American
    Council on African Affairs
    Daily Worker Press Club
    Dennis Defense Committee
    Detroit Youth Assembly
    East Bay Peace Committee
    Emergency Committee to Save Spanish Refugees
    Everybody’s Committee to Outlaw War
    Families of the Baltimore Smith Act Victim
    Families of the Smith Act Victims
    Finnish-American Mutual Aid Society
    Frederick Douglass Educational Center
    Freedom Stage, Inc.
    Friends of the Soviet Union
    George Washington Carver School, New York City
    Harlem Trade Union Council
    Hawaii Civil Liberties Committee
    Hellenic-American Brotherhood
    Hollywood Writers Mobilization for Democracy
    Hungarian-American Council for Democracy
    Hungarian Brotherhood
    Idaho Pension Union
    Independent Party, Seattle
    Industrial Workers of the World
    International Labor Defense
    International Workers Order, its subdivisions, subsidiaries and affiliates
    Jewish Culture Society
    Jewish People’s Committee
    Jewish People’s Fraternal Order
    Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee
    Joseph Weydemeyer School of Social Science, St. Louis
    Labour Council for Negro Rights
    Labor Research Association
    Labor Youth League
    League for Common Sense
    League of American Writers
    Macedonian-American People’s League
    Maritime Labor Committee to Defend Al Lannon
    Massachusetts Committee for the Bill of Rights
    Massachusetts Minute Women for Peace
    Maurice Braverman Defense Committee
    Michigan Civil Rights Federation
    Michigan Council for Peace
    Michigan School of Social Science
    National Association of Mexican Americans
    National Committee for Freedom of the Press
    National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners
    National Committee to Win Amnesty for Smith Act Victims
    National Committee to Win the Peace
    National Conference on American Policy in China and the Far East
    National Council for American-Soviet Friendship
    National Federation for Constitutional Liberties
    National Labor Conference for Peace
    National Negro Congress
    National Negro Labor Council
    Nature Friends of America
    Negro Labor Victory Committee
    New Committee for Publications
    North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy
    North American Spanish Aid Committee
    North Philadelphia Forum
    Ohio School of Social Sciences
    Oklahoma Committee to Defend Political Prisoners
    Pacific Northwest Labor School, Seattle
    Palo Alto Peace Club
    Peace Information Center
    Peace Movement of Ethiopia
    People’s Drama, Inc.
    People’s Educational Association (Los Angeles Educational Center)
    People’s Institute of Applied Religion
    People’s Programs, Seattle
    People’s Radio Foundation, Inc.
    Philadelphia Labor Committee for Negro Rights
    Philadelphia School of Social Science and Art
    Photo League
    Pittsburgh Art Club
    Political Prisoners’ Welfare Committee
    Polonia Society of the IWO
    Proletarian Party of America
    Protestant War Veterans of the USA
    Provisional Committee of Citizens for Peace, Southwest Area Provisional Committee on Latin American Affairs
    Quad City Committee for Peace
    Queensborough Tenants League
    Revolutionary Workers League
    Romanian-American Fraternal Society
    Russian American Society, Inc.
    Samuel Adams School, Boston
    Santa Barbara Peace Forum
    Schappes Defense Committee
    Schneiderman-Darcy Defense Committee
    School of Jewish Studies
    Seattle Labor School
    Serbian-American Fraternal Society
    Serbian Vidovidan Council
    Slavic Council of Southern California
    Slovak Workers Society
    Slovenian-American National Council
    Socialist Workers Party including:
    American Committee for European Workers’ Relief
    Southern Negro Youth Congress
    Syracuse Women for Peace
    Tom Paine School of Westchester, New York
    Trade Union Committee for Peace
    Trade Unionists for Peace
    Tri-State Negro Trade Union Council
    Ukrainian-American Fraternal Union
    Union of New York Veterans
    United American Spanish Aid Committee
    United Committee of Jewish Societies and Landsmannschaft
    United Committee of South Slavic American
    United Defense Council of Southern California
    United Harlem Tenants and Consumers Organization
    United May Day Committee
    United Negro and Allied Veterans of America
    United World Federalists
    Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
    Virginia League for People’s Education
    Voice of Freedom Committee
    Walt Whitman School of Social Science, Newark, New Jersey
    Washington Bookshop Association
    Washington Committee for Democratic Action
    Washington Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights
    Washington Commonwealth Federation
    Washington Pension Union
    Wisconsin Conference on Social Legislation
    Workers Alliance Yiddisher Kultur Farband
    Young Communist League
    Yugoslav-American Cooperative Home, Inc.
    Yugoslav Seamen’s Club, Inc.

    here is huacs list

    Abolish Peonage Committee
    Abraham Lincoln Brigade
    Abraham Lincoln School, Chicago
    Action Committee to Free Spain Now
    Adolph Larson-Ruby Hynes Defense Committee
    Alabama Peoples Educational Association
    Albanian-American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    Alex Bittelman Defense Committee
    All-America Anti-Imperialist League
    All-California Conference for Defense of Civil Rights and Aid to Labor’s Prisoners
    Allied Labor News Service
    Almanac Singers
    Ambijan Committee for Emergency Aid to the Soviet Union
    American Association for Reconstruction in Yugoslavia, Inc.
    American Branch of the Federation of Greek Maritime Unions
    American Committee for a Free Yugoslavia
    American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom
    American Committee for European Workers’ Relief
    American Committee for Friendship with the Soviet Union
    American Committee to Survey Trade Union Conditions in Europe
    American Continental Congress for Peace
    American Council for a Democratic Greece
    American Council on Soviet Relations
    American Croatian Congress
    American Federation of Labor Trade Union Committee for Unemployment Insurance and Relief
    American Friends of Spanish Democracy
    American Friends of the Chinese People
    American Friends of the Mexican People
    American Fund for Public Service
    American Jewish Labor Council
    American Labor Alliance
    American Labor Party
    American League Against War and Fascism
    American League for Peace and Democracy
    American Negro Labor Congress
    American Peace Appeal
    American Peace Crusade
    American Peace Mobilization
    American People’s Congress and Exposition for Peace (Chicago: June 29-July 1, 1951)
    American People’s Fund
    American People’s Meeting
    American People’s Mobilization
    American-Polish Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    American Polish Labor Council
    American Relief Ship for Spain
    American Rescue Ship Mission
    American-Rumanian Film Corp.
    American-Russian Fraternal Society
    American-Russian Institute, New York
    American Russian Institute, Philadelphia
    American Russian Institute of San Francisco
    American Russian Institute of Southern California, Los Angeles
    American-Russian Trading Corp. (Amtorg)
    American Serbian Committee for Relief of War Orphans in Yugoslavia
    American Slav Congress
    American Society for Cultural Relations with Russia
    American Society for Technical Aid to Spanish Democracy
    American-Soviet Science Society
    American Sponsoring Committee for Representation at the Second World Peace Congress
    American Student Union
    American Students Repudiate Aggression in Russia
    American Technical Aid Society
    American Veterans for Peace
    American Women for Peace
    American Workers Party (1933-1934)
    American Writers Congress
    American Youth Congress
    American Youth for a Free World
    American Youth for Democracy
    American Youth Peace Crusade
    American-Yugoslav Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    Armenian Progressive League of America
    Artists’ Front to Win the War
    Association of Interns and Medical Students
    Baltimore County Committee for Peace
    Baltimore Youth for Peace
    Bay Area Committee to Save the Rosenbergs
    Bay Area Rosenberg-Sobell Committee
    Bay Cities Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    Book Union
    Boston Committee to Secure Clemency for the Rosenbergs
    Boston School for Marxist Studies
    Bridges-Robertson-Schmidt Defense Committee
    Briehl’s Farm, near Wallkill, NY
    Bronx Victory Labor Committee
    Brookwood Labor College
    Bulgarian-American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    California Emergency Defense Committee
    California Labor School, San Francisco and Los Angeles
    Cambridge Youth Council
    Camp Arcadia
    Camp Beacon
    Camp Kinderland, Hopewell Junction, NY
    Camp Lakeland, Hopewell Junction, NY
    Camp Timberline, Jewett, NY
    Camp Unity, Wingdale, NY
    Camp Woodland, Phoenicia, NY
    Carpatho-Russian Peoples Society
    Central Council of American Women of Croatian Descent
    Cervantes Fraternal Society
    Charles Doyle Defense Committee
    Charles Rowoldt Defense Committee
    Chicago Committee to Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case
    Chicago Greek Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    Chicago Jewish Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    Chicago Labor Defense Committee
    Chicago Sobell Committee
    China Aid Council
    Citizens Committee for Constitutional Liberties
    Citizens’ Committee for Harry Bridges
    Citizens’ Committee of the Upper West Side, New York City
    Citizens’ Committee to Free Earl Browder
    Citizens Committee to Preserve American Freedoms
    Civil Rights Congress
    Civil Rights Congress Bail Funds
    Civil Rights Division of Mobilization for Democracy
    Clatsop County Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, Oregon
    Cleveland Committee to Secure Clemency for the Rosenbergs
    Colorado Committee to Protect Civil Liberties
    Colorado Peace Council
    Columbus Peace Association
    Comite Coordinator por Republica Española
    Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy
    Committee for Citizenship Rights
    Committee for Civil Rights for Communists
    Committee for Concerned Peace Efforts
    Committee for Defense of Greek-Americans
    Committee for Defense of Martin Karasek, Bettendorf, IA
    Committee for Defense of Morning Freiheit Writers
    Committee for Defense of Public Education
    Committee for International Student Cooperation
    Committee for Peace Through World Cooperation
    Committee for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact
    Conference for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact
    Committee for the Defense of Eulalia Figueiredo, New Bedford, MA
    Committee for the Freedom of Martin Young
    Committee for the Freedom of Sam Milgrom
    Committee for United States Participation in the American Continental Congress for Peace
    Committee in Defense of Henry Podolski, Detroit
    Committee of Philadelphia Women for Peace
    Committee of Professional Groups for Browder and Ford
    Committee on Election Rights
    Committee to Aid the Fighting South
    Committee to Defend America by Keeping Out of War
    Committee to Defend Angelo Herndon
    Committee to Defend Chungsoon and Choon Cha Kwak
    Committee to Defend Hazel Wolf
    Committee to Defend Lincoln Veterans
    Committee to Defend Mike Daniels
    Committee to Defend Toma Babin
    Committee to End Sedition Laws
    Committee to Protect Joseph Mankin’s Citizenship
    Committee to Repeal the Walter-McCarran Law and Stop Deportation of Sam and Fanny Mankewitz
    Committee to Repeal the Walter-McCarran Law and to Protect the Foreign Born, Philadelphia
    Committee to Save the Life of John Juhn
    Commonwealth College, Mena, AR
    Communist Information Bureau
    Communist Labor Party of America
    Communist League of America (Opposition)
    Communist League of Struggle
    Communist Party of America (1919-1923)
    Communist Party of the United States of America
    Communist Party, USA (Majority Group)
    Communist Party, USA (Opposition)
    Independent Communist Labor League of America
    Independent Labor League of America
    Communist Political Association (1944-1945)
    Community Unitarian Fellowship
    Conference for Legislation in the National Interest
    Conference for Progressive Labor Action
    Conference on Constitutional Liberties in America
    Conference on Pan-American Democracy
    Congress of the Mexican and Spanish-American Peoples of the United States, (Albuquerque: March 24–26, 1939)
    Congress of Revolutionary Writers
    Congress of American-Soviet Friendship
    Congress of American Women
    Connecticut State Youth Conference
    Connecticut Volunteers for Civil Rights
    Consumers’ National Federation
    Coordinating Committee to Lift the Embargo (Spanish)
    Council for Pan-American Democracy
    Council of United States Veterans
    Council of Young Southerners
    Council on African Affairs
    Croatian Benevolent Fraternity
    Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace
    Czechoslovak Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    Daily Worker Press Club
    Daniels DEfense Committee, North Carolina
    Delegates’ National Assembly for Peace (Washington, DC: April 1, 1952)
    Dennis Defense Committee
    Denver Peace Council
    Descendants of the American Revolution
    Detroit Bill of Rights Defense Committee
    Detroit Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    Detroit Committee to Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case
    Detroit Youth Assembly
    Dora Coleman Defense Committee
    Down River Citizens Committee, Detroit
    Downtown Club, Los Angeles
    East Bay Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    East Bay Peace Committee, Oakland
    East Harlem Women for Peace
    East Los Angeles Defense Committee
    East Meadow and Westbury Rosenberg Committee
    East Side Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, Los Angeles
    Eisler Defense Fund
    Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
    Emergency Committee of the Arts and Professions to Secure Clemency for the Rosenbergs
    Emergency Conference to Aid the Spanish Republic
    Emergency Conference to Save Spanish Refugees
    Emergency Peace Mobilization
    Emergency Trade Union Conference to Aid Spanish Democracy
    Emory Collier Defense Committee
    Estonian Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    Films for Democracy
    Finnish American Freedom Committee
    Finnish-American Mutual Aid Society
    Florida Press and Educational League
    Frances Vivian Defense Committee
    Frank Ibanez Defense Committee
    Frank Spector Defense Committee
    Freedom of the Press Committee Against Deportation
    Friends and Neighbors of David Hyun
    Friends of Chinese Democracy
    Friends of Diamond Kimm
    Friends of Soviet Russia
    Friends of the Soviet Union
    Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
    Friends of the Campus
    Frontier Bookstore, Seattle
    Frontier Films
    Fund for Social Analysis
    George Washington Carver School, New York City
    Georgia Peace Council
    Gosman-Fabian Defense Committee
    Great Neck Rosenberg Committee
    Greater New York Committee for Employment
    Greater New York Emergency Conference on Inalienable Rights
    Greek-American Committee for Defense of Peter Harisiades
    Greek-American Committee for National Unity
    Greek-American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, Detroit
    Greek-American Council
    Greek-American Defense Committee, Detroit
    Gus Polites Defense Committee
    Harbor Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, Los Angeles
    Harlem Youth Congress
    Harry Bridges Defense Committee
    Harry Bridges Victory Committee
    Hawaii Civil Liberties Committee
    Hellenic-American Brotherhood
    Hempstead Rosenberg Committee
    Henry Steinberg Defense Committee
    Hollywood Writers Mobilization for Defense
    Housewives Protest Committee, Pittsburgh
    Hungarian-American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    Hungarian-American Council for Democracy
    Hungarian-American Defense Committee
    Hungarian Brotherhood
    Ida Gottesman Defense Committee
    Illinois Chapter of the American Peace Crusade
    Illinois People’s Conference for Legislative Action
    Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions
    Independent Progressive Party
    Independent Voters League, Pittsburgh
    Institute of Marxist Studies
    Institute of Pacific Relations
    Intercontinent News Service
    International Association of Democratic Lawyers
    International Book Store, Inc., San Francisco
    International Committee of Intellectuals in Defense of Peace
    International Juridicial Association
    International Labor Defense
    International Music Bureau
    Irving Peace Theater
    irwin Franklin Defense Committee
    Italian-American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, Detroit
    Italian Anti-Fascist Committee
    James Keller Defense Committee
    Japanese American Committee for Democracy
    Jefferson School Bookshop
    Jefferson School of Social Science
    Jewish People’s Committee
    Jewish People’s Fraternal Order
    John Reed Clubs of the United States
    John Santo Defense Committee
    Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee
    Joint Committee for Trade Union Rights
    Joint Defense Committee
    Joseph Weydemeyer School of Social Science, St. Louis
    King-Ramsey-Conner Defense Committee
    Korean-American Deportees Defense Committee
    Labor Research Association
    Labor Youth League
    Larry Davis Defense Committee
    Latvian Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
    Laurenti Defense Committee, Akron
    Lawyers Committee on American Relations with Spain
    Lawyers Committee to Keep the United States Out of War
    League for Mutual Aid

    now, how many do you think world wide are going to coordinate on what you just heard… the above is not even opposed… in fact, the above cant even be talked about

    above is an tip of an iceberg
    no one would do a thing after mcarthysms..
    so, these and more for all these years, especially feminists
    are unopposed…

  5. artfldgr – thanks for the lists, if only for the jaw-dropping length of them.
    How can there be that many people with nothing to do but go to meetings and stir up trouble?!? Also, seriously, how many are still in action, after 60-70 years, or do they just re-form with new names?

    Anyway, I read the two stories Neo linked, and have to point out that the Treaty of Amity was with the Shah of Iran, who is not, IIRC, the current leader of the country, and has not been for some time.
    (That’s a sarc there).
    The ones in charge aren’t showing us a lot of amity these days.

    So, Pompeo buried a treaty that’s been dead for 40 years, just in time for Halloween.
    I hope he used the proper form for vampires and zombies.



  6. I have no faith in the accuracy of political polls for specific policy questions, but I can’t help but see this improvement as a result of the Democrats attack on Judge Kavanaugh and the in-your-face rebuffs to the UN and its inane attempts to virtue-bully the US.


    “Thursday, October 04, 2018

    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

    The latest figures include 37% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 40% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -3.”

  7. ..also the virtue-bullies in our own Federal Courts.
    It has been 20 years since the emergencies happened for Nicaraugua and 17 for Salvadore.
    How long are we supposed to consider “long enough” for countries to repair their own “emergency conditions” and bring their citizens home?

    I do have a great deal of sympathy for kids born and raised here, and no problem with an adjustment for non-citizen now-adults who want to stay, but the others need to go home with their parents, even if they were born here, because families should not be separated.

    If they had not had all these “automatic” extensions, but each country been evaluated in a timely manner, many of them would not have been born and raised here in the first place.


    “Temporary protected status was initially intended to extend only until beneficiaries’ home countries recovered from the various natural disasters that initially warranted humanitarian protections. Past administrations, however, have renewed the visas automatically on an annual basis rather than allowing them to expire.

    Nicaraguans received temporary protected status in 1998, Salvadorans became beneficiaries in 2001, Haitians received protections following the massive earthquake there in 2011, and the Sudanese entered in 2013.

    The Department of Justice issued a forceful statement in response to the ruling, accusing Chen of usurping the authority of the executive branch.”

  8. https://www.axios.com/2018-midterm-elections-brett-kavanaugh-republicans-0cd3ce73-960f-418d-8cdd-5cb11db2b06a.html

    “Top Republicans tell Axios that they’re seeing a surprising and widespread surge in GOP voter enthusiasm, powered largely by support for Brett Kavanaugh and his Supreme Court nomination.

    What they’re saying: “The Kavanaugh debate has dropped a political grenade into the middle of an electorate that had been largely locked in Democrats’ favor for the past six months,” said Josh Holmes, a former top aide to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

    Show less
    Pointing to Montana, Indiana, West Virginia, Missouri and Tennessee, Holmes added: “[P]rivate polling shows the enthusiasm shift is … unmistakable in the red states that will determine control of the Senate.”
    In North Dakota, one of the top races, a Fox News poll yesterday showed Republican challenger Kevin Cramer leading Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D) by 12 points (53%-41%) — up from four points last month.

    “ND now appears out of reach entirely for Democrats,” Holmes said.”

    So since she is going to lose her election anyway,

    “Heitkamp, one of the most vulnerable Democratic senators up for reelection this cycle, is trailing her Republican challenger, Representative Kevin Cramer, by a substantial margin, according to recent polls. Her decision to oppose Kavanaugh has the potential to broaden that divide, as a recent poll by Public Opinion Strategies found that 56 percent of North Dakota voters support the nominee’s confirmation.

    Senator Joe Manchin (D., W.V.) — now the lone Democrat who remains undecided on Kavanaugh’s confirmation — faces a political dynamic similar to the one confronted by Heitkamp: A majority of West Virginia voters (58 percent) support Kavanaugh’s confirmation, according to another Public Opinion Strategies poll.”

  9. I think a good summation was posted today (@11:00) by blogger CBD over at Ace of Spades:

    242 years ago we told the British Empire to bugger off. They were the greatest naval power in the world, and had armies all over the globe. Why did we send that message? because the people of this fledgling country did not like being told what to do by unelected rulers three thousand miles away.

    So I have a message for the International Court of justice (Hah!) and the United Nations; Bugger Off.

    Also above @ 3:28 AesopFan asks: “How can there be that many people with nothing to do but go to meetings and stir up trouble?!?”

    Ironically enough that is the hallmark of the unique success of western civiliztion + capitalism + free markets (relatively free, anyway). We no longer live in a world where you must hunt and gather food today so you can eat tomorrow. and too many people accept this simply as the way things are as though this is the way that they’ve always been. They pay no mind to Robert Heinlein:

    Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

    This is known as “bad luck.

  10. The way to get the UN out of the USA is for us to cut off all financial contributions. Then cut off utilities, a few days without electricity and water will send them elsewhere.

  11. Quite some data about last years in the UN.


    Right now, Asia is just uninterested. China knows that they will make the rules in a few decades and the UN will become obsolete and irrelevant. From their point of view, the less western organizations remaining relevant in that new age to come (when China finally rules the world), the better.

    Africa is useless as usual. The Western World is filled with self-pity and only cares about kneeling down and begging for pardon. So the UN was free to take by Muslim countries.

    And they did.

  12. I’m with Parker.
    Cut off the sustenance & suggest they find new digs elsewhere.
    You’d hear the howls from Venus I am sure.

  13. I’m a bit puzzled about something. This 1955 treaty with Iran, or the Shah, or whatever… since it would have been part of the ‘pre-Islamic’ jurisprudence of the country, wouldn’t the Islamic revolutionary government after 1979 have disavowed all of that material, or at least a large chunk of it?

  14. “Those judges at The Hague; always making with the jokes.”

    Elevating the sarcasm to snark.

    But Neo, haven’t you learned from justice Stephen Breyer that we need to genuflect to international law?? From Wikipedia,

    “In 2015, Breyer released a third book, The Court and the World: American Law and the New Global Realities, examining the interplay between U.S. and international law and how the realities of a globalized world need to be considered in U.S. cases.”

    I haven’t read any of it, but I did see Breyer discuss this briefly in an interview. Just removing another brick from our foundation, as well as constraining democracy.

  15. Philip on October 4, 2018 at 7:29 pm at 7:29 pm said:
    I’m a bit puzzled about something. This 1955 treaty with Iran, or the Shah, or whatever… since it would have been part of the ‘pre-Islamic’ jurisprudence of the country, wouldn’t the Islamic revolutionary government after 1979 have disavowed all of that material, or at least a large chunk of it?
    * * *
    The Iranians, having some of the same psychological quirks as Senate Democrats, bring out certain treaty articles from time to time if they see an advantage to them.
    Until now, the US has obligingly rolled over and allowed themselves to be used as a Persian carpet.
    The State Department delenda est —
    even under new management; they can supervise the sowing of the salt.

  16. Take a look at the treaty, which includes in its title:Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights. No friendship, minimal to no economic relations, and no diplomatic relations for nearly 40 years.
    The Mullahs have been violating the treaty for decades.

    Article I :There shall be firm and enduring peace and sincere friendship between the United States of America and Iran .

    Yeah, right. Occupying the US embassy with “students” is a strong indication of that “friendship.”

    Article IV:
    Each High Contracting Party shall at all times accord fair and equitable treatment to nationals and companies of the other High Contracting Party, and to their property and enterprises; shall refrain from applying unreasonable or discriminatory measures that would impair their legally acquired rights and interests; and shall assure that their lawful contractual rights are afforded effective means of enforcement, in conformity with the applicable laws.

    The Embassy occupation, the truck bomb in Lebanon, and various IEDs set off in Iraq to kill US soldiers would hardly constitute “fair and equitable treatment .”

  17. Back in 79 Carter __________. Then was the time to nuke qom. That opens eyes and clenches sphincters.Everything from that point forward unleashed islamic terrorism. It was born from that moment of weakness.

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