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The real collusion — 25 Comments

  1. The doxxing story is interesting as this guy sounds like a sociopath. The left is presently carrying on in the Senate Office Building. I wonder if it is still called “The Russell” building?
    The FBI DNC story will get bigger once the current furor fades. That may not happen until after the election.

  2. “…will get bigger…”

    This is, indeed only the very tip of the iceberg and should not—will not—surprise anyone who’s been following the pertinent (non-MSM, of course) blogs and twitter rolls that have been describing this scandal to end all scandals.

    (Democratic Party supporters need not worry, though, since Democrats don’t “do” scandals. All the Democrats and their supporters need to do is continue to tune out and obfuscate like they’ve been doing so successfully thus far. Oh, and attack innocents and shred reputationswhile claiming to be victims—which is, of course, all part of the tactics of obfuscation…. What am I even talking about: there are no Republican innocents…. Just ask Max Boot!)

  3. “…will get bigger…”

    This is, indeed only the very tip of the iceberg and should not—will not—surprise anyone who’s been following the pertinent (non-MSM, of course) investigative blogs and twitter rolls that have been describing this scandal-to-end-all-scandals. This political crime-to-end-all-political crimes (in the American context, at least).

    (Democratic Party supporters need not worry, though, since Democrats don’t “do” scandals, don’t commit crimes. All the Democrats and their supporters need to do is continue to tune out any relevant news and obfuscate like they’ve been doing so successfully thus far. Oh, and attack innocents and shred reputations while claiming to be victims—which is, of course, all part of the tactics of obfuscation…. What am I even talking about: there are no Republican innocents…. Just ask Max Boot!)

  4. The story I read some time ago, based partly on supposition, was that the Obama DOJ and Whitehouse were already spying on the Trump campaign before the Steele/FusionGPS dossier. The NSA was loaning out it’s database of nearly all internet comms to the FBI and their contractors. Fusion GPS had been one of those contractors in the past.

    It is known that the head of the NSA, Adm. Mike Rodgers discovered the extensive misuse of the their database and stopped nearly all FBI use. Some have conjectured that Rodgers’ visit to the Trump campaign headquarter shortly thereafter was to warn Trump about illegal NSA spying.

    Remember that team Obama/Hillary was certain that Hillary would win the election, especially if they were reading most of the Trump electronic communications. When that went the wrong way for them, they then had to come up with a smoke screen for the illegal spying, i.e. the Steele/FusionGPS dossier. Of course, an accurate timeline would expose the truth, but Dems coverups seem to work most (nearly all?) of the time.

    The FBI was in a position to know about the connection between the DNC and the dossier? Heck, Bruce and Nellie Ohr was the connection that joined the DNC/FusionGPS and the FBI at the hip.

    But Lindsey, Bret turned me into a newt! Well, then I got better.

  5. What interests me is the similarity to the Bush AWOL story in 2004 which was debunked by bloggers and commenters. I think it was a commenter called “Buckhead” who identified the fake 1972 memo as having been typed on a word processor.
    Now we see a similar phenomenon as the media is totally uninterested in investigating Blasey-Ford’s story. The building permit and the tax records came from private parties. The ex-boyfriend’s letter was probably the basis of Rachel Mitchell’s question about coaching.

    I wonder if Mitchell would be interested in the Senate? Kyle said he would serve only until after the election. I could see an enthusiastic support for her for McCain’s seat,

  6. I didn’t know that the doxxing incident occurred almost immediately after Lindsey Graham went on his epic rant. Fascinating. I hope this worm spends some serious time behind bars.

    Dems seem to be masking their duplicity less and less. Suddenly we get a Hodgkinson shooter and now a Mr. Cosko. We find out that senator DiFi had a Chinese spy on her staff for more than a decade, and now learn that she used the services of Mr. Cosko too. Are there any axe murders on her staff?

  7. I think it was a commenter called “Buckhead” who identified the fake 1972 memo as having been typed on a word processor.

    Buckhead was a Freeper from Atlanta, a lawyer, IIRC. His was a conjecture (“looks like it was produced in Microsoft Word and then run 10 generations through a copier to look old”). Charles Johnson demonstrated that the line breaks were what you’d see in the default settings in Microsoft Word and Dr. Joseph Newcomer nailed it by demonstrating the pseudo-kerning you could observe was characteristic of word processing, not typescripts. Someone your age or my age (or Buckhead’s age) was going to notice right away that it was not in the Courier font (elite or pica space) that was the norm in typescripts of the era. There were subsidiary discussions at the time, such as explorations of old product catalogues to find IBM Typewriters which could produce something in Times Roman. There were a couple of high end machines of a sort you saw only in publishing houses and the like which could produce something similar, but not with pseudo-kerning. Col. Killian’s secretary offered that she hadn’t typed them and the notation on the was characteristic of Army National Guard documents, not Air Guard documents.

    Of course, the real question at the time was if Mapes and Rather were so addled by confirmation bias they never noticed the odd fonts or whether the deception was deliberate. Mapes behavior with the document examiners she hired suggests she knew perfectly well the documents were sketchy. That they’ve spent 14 years denying and lying suggests that they were lying to begin with.

  8. How is that unhinged harpy allowed to get within stabbing distance of a US senator & some big security person not tackling her to the ground?

    I appreciate the media scrum…but one of these Rs is going to get Scalised here pretty soon if they are not careful.

    I see the 2 uniforms, but one looks like my paperboy & he isn’t even watching her he’s making sure his mug is in the camera frame. The other is trying to turn paperboy around to face the threat. Neither could stop her if she went ballistic physically. Did our taxes pay for them?

  9. The Sen. Graham remark was a reference to witch-hunts.

    To the uneducated – but certified – masses of the left the concept is meaningless. Yet another indication of how the American education system has been taken over by Marxists. It is failure by design. Professor Ayers must be very pleased.

  10. “Of all the characteristics of ordinary human nature envy is the most unfortunate; not only does the envious person wish to inflict misfortune and do so whenever he can with impunity, but he is also himself rendered unhappy by envy. Instead of deriving pleasure from what he has, he derives pain from what others have.” Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness (1930) [given he started the fabian society, talked about using gas to end lives on film, said we should justify our lives every five years – must have been heroically unhappy in envy]


    John Guilfoyle on October 4, 2018 at 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm said: How is that unhinged harpy allowed to get within stabbing distance of a US senator & some big security person not tackling her to the ground?

    even today our politicians are accessible to people. whether you think thats right or wrong, that’s how it is… stars, actors and such have more ability to restrict movement of people who want to get near them… politicians not so much, as they are servants of the people technically….

    they walk among you… right now a friend is running for congress
    he is a great guy. really is

    many of these people have offices with open doors

    the white house and president used to be much more accessible too

  11. This is how, then, when Hillary & staff got over their hangovers, they were able to cook up the “Russian collusion” fable so quickly.

  12. Trump needs to take the high road tonight and refrains from bashing ford any further to avoid affecting the upcoming confirmation vote negatively, this is coming from a person who adamantly believe ford is a sociopath.

  13. I bet Cosko’s lawyer even said this with a straight face:

    Cosko’s defense attorney, Brian Stolarz, told Fox News his client acted alone.

    “We all need to take a deep breath,” said Stolarz. “In this political climate everyone wants to jump to conclusions. We need to put the conspiracy theories aside and focus on the allegations. Jackson Cosko is innocent until proven guilty, and we intend to challenge the charges.”

  14. PS it still hasn’t made the MSM, according to first page of Google search.
    So it must not be real news yet!

  15. Just noticed the Manchester biography on your table. My favourite book ever! Thought I’d mention that. I’ve got less than 100 pages to go on the last volume, damn it.

    This new Graham is awesome. Who would have thought? Leaders showing honesty and passion is compelling.

    Corrupting public departments like the FIB is deep corruption. It may take 2000 years to unravel, but unravel it will. Most people still remember Cicero. Even though he sacrificed everything to fight public corruption.

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